Jamus Hainard

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Organized Play Member. 95 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.


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Ruins of Azlant, halfway through book 2 we were at 10 death before we just said screw this.

Dark Archive

I see a big lack of Spike Stones.Put a layer behind them and then one on top of em and enjoy seeing them kill themselves trying to run away.

Dark Archive

I swear my group could easily have 1 event per campaign, and most of them done by the same player.

From the top of my head, I was dming Seven days to the Grave. They had gotten to the hospice and intimidated their way in, starting a fight with the guards inside. Now they distrusted the grey maiden and went straight to lethal. Then the wizard of the group,(who had recently joined the group) looked at the enemy grouping and figured one fireball should end the combat and as such throws it out. In the middle of the overcramped hospice filled with people at death's door. Considering he was an highly experienced roleplayer, I took into account he knew what he was doing and told him to shift one step toward evil. As he gave me a look of confusion I explained the scenes of the scorched armors of the guard piled on top the numerous charred corpse of the innocent he so mercilessly slew.

Another one remember clearly is was when my party reached a dangerous dinosaur infested island. They had to reach the temple at the center of it and so the party start discussing the best way to get there.The swordmaster Tengu listens for a short while then tells me he's walks toward the forest. The other members don't notice him going on without them and so he finds himself alone. I roll a random encounter and get 1 T-Rex. Because him kind, I have the T-Rex roar and let the rest of the party know whats going on. I'm giving one 1 delay to reach the battle. Believing the Tengu can last at least 1 round. Low and behold, he rolls low on initiative and I rolled high, T-Rex goes forward and bites, crits and kill him outright. So I describe to the other player that, as they come into view of the creature, they see its massive jaw clamp on the Tengu, toss him in the air and swallow him in one gulp.

Dark Archive

Seugathis... especially multiple of them crashing through the wall. *Nervously look at a certain AP*

Seriously that thing being CR6 and having a DC 20 will save or be confused and if you fail 5 in a row your permanently insane is nothing but a TPK waiting to happen.

Dark Archive

How about a campaign where you give every players blank sheets and they have to figure out in character what each of them actually are by trying out things and filling up the sheet as they go? Except you made each and everyone of them an NPC class

Dark Archive

So was there ever an official correction for the Cognizance crystal the Celadon give the party? I replaced it with a pearl of power since we don't use Psionics, but it'd be nice to know what is actually supposed to be there.

Dark Archive

Name: Bob
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Fighter 1
Adventure: The Lost Outpost
Location: Levin Farm
Catalyst: Attack of opportunity from a drunk Choker
The Gory Details:The drunk choker heard the party rummage through the house. He positioned himself ready to strike anyone getting near the window. Bob the big dumb fighter approached the open window and got hit by the choke, but wasn't grabbed. Once combat was initiated he tried to climb out the window to reach the choker who had climbed to the top of the house. one attack of opportunity with a successful grab later and bob laid unconscious held by choker hand. The choker let him go to fight the rest of investigators and poor Bob fell on his skull, broke his neck and died

Dark Archive

I'm surprised by the lack of "Ask the Aboleths".

Dark Archive

Sekket wrote:
Under the likely assumption that the temple is under alert when the PCs enter it, there are 10 cultists defending the daemon's room... There's no way they can take them all out in one round. I agree with you that the daemon should be a fearsome opponent, and a battle the PCs should try to avoid. Therefore I'll give them a better chance to keep it contained. Let's say that the cultists only try to free the daemon when they're down to 3 defenders, and that it takes a full-round action instead of a standard one.

Actually if your party triggers the alarm and you do end up with 10 cultist gatheribg up there. I'd recommend them breaking the tube at the start of the fight and have the Leukodaemon start slaughtering the cultists in an outrage. Have it waste several of its resources killing off the party's enemies before it turns its attention to them. Or maybe have it be part of the tactics if it lashes at the nearest target then maybe they'll try to maneuver cultists in his path and favor hit and run tactics.

If its still too dangerous for your party then maybe simply have it as a set piece and replace the encounter with something your party can handle

Dark Archive

Have we still havent gotten news if Blood veil can be cured normally or if you absolutely need magical healing or get the cure at the end of the book?

Dark Archive

So I'm still waiting for mine to ship. Apparently there's been some issue. For those who have it, I remember that in 3.5 they had a little system with Harrow Points and bonus depending on which card you drew at the start of the adventure. Is it still like that? Is it a new system?

Dark Archive

Brian Turner 355 wrote:
This concerns the rooftop chase with the new Anniversay edition of Curse of the Crimson Throne. When doing the the Shingles chase they get bombareded by a burst of stirges now the way to get past them is either an intimidate check or a perception check. Now i understand perception seeing to go around them but how do you intimidate sturges. Thanks for the help.

My money is on a Giant Bug Zapper or cans of mosquito repellant.

Dark Archive

Drahliana Moonrunner wrote:
I'm going to say that the only thing a vampire is going to get out of an android is a really bad taste in the mouth. But long before they take their first bite, their other senses will letting them know right off that what they're facing isn't human by a long shot.

Well their perception tells them their not human, does their knowledge says its not a good meal?

Dark Archive

So as I was discussing this Android magus I was gonna play in a game soon, the topic went to the composition of the android and that they don't have real blood.
As such it made us wonder what would happen should a vampire tries to suck his blood. I'm not really talking mechanic wise, just somewhat the flavor of the thing.

Description wrote:
Their organs mirror those of humans so well that only by examining the materials and makeup of these systems—which use sheeny oils and polymer alloys rather than blood and marrow—could one guess that their physiology is alien.

Since their blood is oil, can a vampire acquire nurishment from drinking it? Is it toxic to them? Does it do nothing at all?

Dark Archive

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I end up running two entirely different group of players, each with their own canon of what happened.

for those interested:

So on one side we have Korvosa under the rule of a powerful elven mage using his magic to better the lives of his citizen and increasing the city's prosperity. While his Brother-in-Law wanders the world searching to right wrongs while forgetting he had a kid. He was last seen in Irrisen asking about a certain Hut.
The Psion's soul fused with the Harrow deck of many thing and reappeared many times through my games as an aspect of different cards.

The Paladin and druid are now living in Thistletop, raising the goblin child they saved from the ninja during book 1.
The kitsune ninja is happily living with his wife Shallelu. They make sure the country is safe from any kind of big danger. He also took the leadership of the Sczarni in Magnimar, dropping at random to remind the local gangs who is running the show now.

The new Sovereign of Numeria is an Android investigator and evangelist of Brigh and Cassandalee. He is instating policies to spread the technology that was kept hidden and sealed away by the Tech league. The League has also been eradicated to the last member.
The Cyber Soldier has been heavily modified further, to the point that its hard to consider him more living than construct anymore. He remains at the king's side as his most trusted bodyguard. He's taken to the bottle even more after his new liver was implanted sucessfully.
The mysterious stranger Cpt. Jack is now exploring space from atop of a Desnan Space Butterfly. The Party has heard no news from him since he left.
The gnome swashbuckler still refuse to stay dead for any period of time. He is a source of constant source of facepalms for the entire party, which are often followed by the detonation of a cranial bomb, but to no effect.

The winterwitch decided to become the councilor of the new queen. As Anastasia had no real idea how things went on on Golarion.
The two halfling brothers retired and returned to their small home in Taldor.

The Osirian rogue accepted the invitation to join to the Ruby Prince's court and has been living in luxury in Sothis.
The tiefling magus, disgusted by the acts and personality of the nobles of Osirion, declined the Ruby Prince's offer and set off to wander the world.
The minkan kinetecist locked herself in the Sky Pharaoh's Flying pyramid and spent several month trying to attune herself to the pyramids engines. Once that was done, she reactivated the engines and flew it back to Minkai. Hoping to plunder its ancient technology and gain favor with the emperor.

Dark Archive

I want something akin to a Truenamer from the 3.5 era. Except you know, done well.

Dark Archive

The Decimvirate is a lie. The Pathfinder society is controlled by a single entity older and more powerful than anything previously seen that use the Decemvirate as a front. Maybe through the use of powerful Illusion magic.

Dark Archive

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I wonder if Hell's Vengeance could even happen with the state in which the world would be. Would any Iomedean in their right mind turn an army as big as the GR toward Cheliax when they got hordes of undead and demons brawling in their backyard?

Dark Archive

So the first major change I'll be making will be about fetching the pendant. Instead of a group of tiefling robbers, why not have an Inquisitor of the GR requisition the Archbarron's possessions. Leaving only the mansion and everyday furniture to the halfling slaves. They may be perusing some of the tomes he had in is office and discover some information about the inferno gate there. Maybe understand that he plans to use the Gate against them.

As such, the Pc would have to recuperate the pendant from a GR controlled building. Allowing more ways to get their hands on it than simply killing everything in their way. Allow them also to maybe destroy or falsify some information on the gate. Maybe do their own research on the subject, learn about the ritual, the devil that control the gate or some other facts.

Dark Archive

Well there is always the good ol' rod of cancellation, mage's dysjunction and that sword from Skulls and Shackle just to name a few. The ritual itself seems more like the common mortal way of doing it.

Dark Archive

Wasn't that ritual to get control of it? Also there must be a certain good way of closing it.

Dark Archive

So I finally read through book 3 so I could prepare to twist in some stuff for my party's characters individual plotlines in it. And let's say that I found it's review pretty fitting.

So I looked around to see if anyone had posted some changes they made or were planning to make to this section of the AP better... and found nothing.

As such I decided to set this place up so we could share some ideas.

Now I still like the premise of the book, so I'm still planning to have the gate matter to the plot and still think the archbarron should end up betraying the party.

So first thing would be proposing to take control of the gate instead of simply closing it. Because while Thrune doesn't want wild devil around, the GR is already trying to find the gate so they can close it. So if you just want to close it, why waste the ressources? Leave the guys who you're at war with do it.

Secondly,the fetch quest itself needs to be replaced with something else. I was thinking maybe a race for reaching the gate or maybe a more defensive play as the binding ritual of the gate takes alot of time.

Dark Archive

Ended up pressing the reset button. Gormak's player had finished making his new character so I added him to the fight. With a reset and being aware of what was going to happen to them plus an extra pool of hit points they managed to turn it around

Dark Archive

Gratz wrote:
Interesting, could you elaborate what you mean by "combined encounters"? Did you put the manticore up onto the treevillage with her ranger, or what do you mean by that?

More like the courtyard fight. With Jexxi springing the door shut, starting to take sniping shots through the small cracks in the wall and the manticore getting out to fill them with spikes.

Dark Archive

So I combined the encounters at Fort Estazano, which mixed results. I'm running it for 2 different groups with wastly different experience and roleplay.
My casual group( 2 experienced player, 2 still learning the ropes and 1 complete newbie) only lost one person in that battle due to poor tactical decision.
My serious group(all veterans) ended up TPKing and I still don't understand why, except maybe that they're all squishy? I had to reset the encounter from the start where they did things differently and that time they didn't lose anybody.
So ya, be careful with this one.

Dark Archive

Well, technically I just ended TPKing everyone of them in Fort Estazano.

apparently if you spread yourself around the manticore only has one target to send a spike volley at

Dark Archive

Name: Gormak
Race/Class/Level: Orc Fighter 3
Adventure: The Hellfire Compact
Catalyst: A vengeful mother

This happened while the party decided to investigate the church after the body of one the twin disappeared. After easily cleaving through the Iomedaean Congregation members, they stepped into the chappel by storage room. The ghast was quickly destroyed, Fifth Sword Allamar having only 2 rounds to cast spells to fight of the intruder before they turned their attention to her.
Mighty Gormak and trusted his "Toothie" were at the front of it all, having previously greatly wounded the summoned celestial dog. Trying to stop the towering mass of muscle covered in oron from reaching her, she cast a Hold spell hoping to take him out of the fight. As the spell's magic paralyzed the orc, she saw he was at the mercy of her summoned creature. Remembering herself that he was the one who brought down the axe on her son's neck, she ordered the celestial dog to rip out his throat. His cleric friend beside him didn't manage to stop the near dead dog from accomplishing his deadly task and Gormak was turned into a blood-fountain.

Dark Archive

Yes exactly. Is "permanancied spells on a phantom" not the way to say it?

Dark Archive

Ya the whole works like a summon creature makes permanent spells iffy at best. And then what happens to them if they have a condition and then you take them back in our mind is clearly not even touched on anywhere.

I tried looking up to see if there was clarification on the eidolon if something like that happens, but even then its kept vague and untouched. Faq mention what happens to a synthesist who got poison or a disease, but not just a regular summoner.

Dark Archive

So I'm gonna be playing a Samsaran Spiritualist for a Hell's rebel game. While I was perusing the spell list of other psychic class to add some spells to my class list, I came upon Permanancy on the Psychic's spell list. And I started getting questions and couldn't find any straight answer anywhere.

So how does permanancied spell work on phantoms? If they change from ectoplasmic to incorporeal does it stop working? What about if its recalled to my mind? Or sent back to the astral plane?

And for that matter, how the heck does disease, petrification and poison affect something that doesn't have a body made of actual flesh? It feels like putting the outsider type to phantom was done because undead would be a) too powerful and b) inherently evil giving the class an alignment restriction.

Also, why is it that a phantom not bound to a spiritualist is immune mind-affecting but once its bound to a spiritualist it becomes vulnerable to it again?

Dark Archive

Well I remember in Mummy's mask we found a huge gold scorpion statue. My GM decided it was within my weight limit for telekinetic haul so I would basically sit on it while it was moving around. When we would find enemies it was the first thin I would fling in there face. Then I'd reach for enemy or corpses, whichever I had under the hand after my first blast.

Dark Archive

Drahliana Moonrunner wrote:
Hyamda wrote:

My bigger question is how would the major NPC see that. Especially since they should become big players in the thrune hierarchy. Would Abrogail really give any kind of authority to a simple slave?

Presumably she'd treat the character as a proxy for his master, and would assign rewards and punishments appropriately. Such a player should be advised that his character will probably get no recognition, no rewards, but most likely get most of the blame for his/her actions.

Ya but since his master would already be in the group getting his reward as a PC would she give another one? What I've been thinking about is maybe end up either freeing him for service rendered or maybe having Abrogail become his owner.

Dark Archive

So I'll be running the AP with two different group and one thing that came out in both group was that one of the player wanted to be the slave of another player. Now I know it's kinda encouraged with the Great Slip trait. Except one of the slave is not a halfling. Now the interactions the group will have with them have already been explained to them.

My bigger question is how would the major NPC see that. Especially since they should become big players in the thrune hierarchy. Would Abrogail really give any kind of authority to a simple slave?

I'd like some advice as to how I should manage those characters future.

Dark Archive

So is this a confirmation that in the upcoming years, all the of the 3.5 AP might get a Pathfinder hardcover version?

Dark Archive

I want to use music but my groups tend to tell me to take it off because thy fon't seem to find it fitting.
I've been trying to assemble a play list bu its hard to get songs that Feel evil ebough for this game.

Dark Archive

Wow, most people here seem to have had very different experience that I did with this questions. I personally advise against couple being in a game together either as GM/Player or Player/Player. Because every time I've ever shared a gaming table with a couple, it destroyed the game. Either the relationship ends, either it influences the interaction at the table with favoritism or some sort of argument arrise and one drops from the gsme is forces his/her SO from quitting too.

Dark Archive

So for a game I'm runnning, I've planned for my party to come upon a haunted battlefield from ancient times. I want them to stumble into a reenactement of the ancient war with a few squadron of ghosts clashing. I don't want to put 60 plus mobs on table. So I stumbled unto the troop subtype and loved what I say. The issue is, I couldn't find any rule on how to build a troop from the get go, like how many hd, ac, damage, etc.

Anyone could help me with that?

Dark Archive

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First party I ran learned she was evil at the start of book 3.
My current party didn't even let me finish her monologue when they first met her before the "That b+##!'s evil" >.>
Makes everything that happens until they leave in book 3 really awkward, as I'm trying to downplay the evil intention until she murders Endrin. On a bright side, it turned the rogue into a total conspiracy theorist on everything that happens in the city, with the rest of the party trying to keep her from Shouting atop the rooftop.

Dark Archive

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"You should go fetch that gem I left for you downstair, it's easy to recognize I even put your name on it"

Dark Archive

Intelligent item who's purpose is to "accidently" get it's owner killed?
A room whose only purpose was to send sacrifice to an unholy abomination or whatnot. When I used it I had this altar to Sorshen and some carvings on the wall that suggested one needed to offer a sacrifice. I had the door leading to the rest of the dungeon locked short with magic which would only open if something else was triggered in the dungeon(this case being answering a riddle they had encountered earlier but failed). So I gave them several warning about the kind of person Sorshen was and what she would normally expect as sacrifice. So after the swashbuckler courageously offered himself as sacrifice( and I had him give me his character sheet) I told them the other door was still locked and give them a round of applause for sacrificing their friend in vain.

Dark Archive

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Find a dragon who can cast Anti-Magic Field. Hopefully your wizard will NOT say the right four words to the right being at the right time for all the wrong reason.

Dark Archive

Tectorman wrote:
(That's not actually me being serious. I'm just shaking my head at how long this is going.)

You're right let's get back on topic.

An adamantine dagger can apparently be used by a pirate ship halfling cook to make french cuisine.
A scalpel for your friendly neighbourhood vivisectionist.
Sculpting Ivory into a small representation of grappled succubi.

Dark Archive

Two pages debating adamantine dagger vs wall... Has anyone on the against side ever seen what a pick is like IRL? Its a piece of sharpened metal on a stick with added weight on the back. It's thicker than a single blade because in our non-fantasy world iron and steel can snap or atleast bend at that thickness. Now let's take this ALIEN metal that is extremely dense(hp/inch), as hard or harder than diamond(hardness) and as a special property that ignores the hardness of thing(only material that does that, could be considered a special property that can split the link between mollecule or even atoms?). With all of that, maybe you don't need the added thickness to stop it from bending or breaking, the extra leverage given by the placement of the wood handle or the extra weight to add to it's impact force.

Dark Archive

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Euhm.... Knowledge(Local) let's you indentify humanoid Aliens? I remember a part in Iron Gods where the Ranger(who was from the Mwangi, go figure how he got up all the way to Numeria, we never did) spotted the skeleton of a 4 arm race and got his roll to identify it as a Kashata and got to knew all of it's weak point, the fact it was an alien from space and so on and so forth. And the rest of the party just looks at one another wondering how the f*!+ does one identify ALIENS with the same skill that told us the mayor of the town worked with thugs.

Dark Archive

Still no answer on this?

Dark Archive

For us, Our GM modified the boon we got during the first book, giving us the stats boost but also binding our sould and bodies to the quest. As such whenever we died we found ourselves reincarnated the next morning. This brought on one event.
As we finished exploring the three statues of book 3, the halfling sorceror had taken upon himself to be temporarily aged up and sent down the Aeon pit. As we're wondering how we could climb down the 3000ft statue, the halfling reminded us that he was still affected by the aging curse. Cue my Witch and the Warpriest(who was the sorceror's twin younger brother) looking at one another and commenting:"Well if he gets reincarnated all the effects on him are going to end" and "And I only got 2 potions of feather fall left so...". One ridiculously easy grapple check later and you can enjoy the screams of an ancient halfling falling down 3000ft to his deat- I mean cure.
Also a bit of a running gag until the player quut on us, but whenever we'd meet something that could blind us, the Barbarian would inevitably be blibded at the end of the battle(raven,magic, undead raven, you name it)

Dark Archive

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Snowblind wrote:
Hyamda wrote:
I don't think it was mentionned but Crossbowman Fighter's anyone?

I was trying to forget that existed.


My sincerest apologies. I'd pay you drinks till you forget again but I think I'd end up broke.

Dark Archive

This threads make me laugh and cry at the same time.
Their are two kinds of people that answered on this thread, those who get it and those who don't.
By the way, all of guys who said they'd walk away from the table because you wouldn't play in a game where the GM was pulling off this BS to make ou fall, great job. You guys are the GM that you guys are so disgusted of. Since I don't remember seeing Angstspawn give a definitive what would happen. He asked US what should happen in our opinion.
Now for the debate between Quintain and the other whose name I didn't nother remembering. Quintain is not a troll, otherwise the whole thread is a troll thread, since he A) answered what he believed would happen and B) try and help define a bit more what was going on, because indeed the original premise is kinda iffy. And the other, well I think he flunked philosophy. Because instead of debatting the question at hand he kept b~*%$ing about said question making no sense within a set of strict parameters. (Make sure he doesn't watch Death Battles or I think he will die of yelling at the screen too much).
As for the subject at hand, I'd say the one who doesn't follow would fall. Now if it is to be done within a game to players I wouldn't have them fall till at least halfway down the campaign otherwise it would nullify the entire dilemma within 6 second.
Also I'd be totally up to play in that game, would be a great roleplay opportunity.

Dark Archive

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I don't think it was mentionned but Crossbowman Fighter's anyone?

Dark Archive

someweirdguy wrote:
Hyamda wrote:

Personally I had reserves when the book came out. Not seeing an item we all discussed as being necessary(basically am enhancement bonus to attack and damge of wild blast) made me believe my 13 level arther kineticst I was playing in Mummy's Mask would lose even more damage(doing on average 75 DPR with the playtest options) but saturday I finally was capable of playing her and see what was. The result? 150 DPR average, never missing a single attack and upping the damage when using telekinesis due to Mobile Blast free save or take damage each round. As for burn, I could constantly maximise Disintegration blast by spending a move actionl for 16d6+16+22(con)+20(overflow).

As for the dilemma with the archer bard my answer is creature with reach.

Ummm, I'm kind of confused how you're getting both your damage for and maximizing Disintegrating Blast as a move action without taking burn every round.

Damage - Double a simple energy blast's damage (which is what Force does) at level 13 = 14d6+Con+16 (that's with Max burn bonuses at that level)

Burn required - 2 (Force Composite Blast) + 2 (Maximize) + 4 (Disintegrating Blast) = 8

Reduction Available at 13 - 2 (Supercharge Move) + 3 (Infusion Specialist) (Note, if you spend a Full round Gathering Power beforehand, you can actually do a fully Maximized Disintegrating Blast for free)

I'm all for the Kineticist, but that's not being calculated correctly.

Oh ya, we did get some levels in before I started experimenting with disintegrate... totally forgot to mention that so my bad. Level was 15 but that wouldn't compensate for the extra 1 burn >.>.... my GM will tear me a new one if he sees this thread ...keep it on the down low please? ^^;

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