I've always wanted one of my threads to be necromancied.

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Title wrote:
I've always wanted one of my threads to be necromancied.

GUYS! We've been doing it all wrong! I just learned that today!

This guy knows how to necro!

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Hmmm, he's good--I-I mean, such disrespect for the rest of the dead!

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Popcorn get your popcorn gonna be a long life on this one.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
Title wrote:
I've always wanted one of my threads to be necromancied.

GUYS! We've been doing it all wrong! I just learned that today!

This guy knows how to necro!

*checks URL name*

*Expects Mass Effect*

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Nope not dying we ain't having any more zombies.

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How many stories are there about resurrecting the living and everything going haywire?

I can think of Frankenstein, and Herbert West Reanimator.

Just... Don't insert the beetles. You don't want to know what that does to the goo in the veins...

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I got nothing to add.

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I'm back and --

Okay this is getting old. I'm running out of jokes.

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Ah, man, you should'a waited to use that line until Starfinder'd come out already... then I could'a linked Aretha Franklin, and everything would have been awesome.

Now it's just lame.


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You don't have to make jokes. Your posts here don't have to have substance, quality, refer to other posts, have anything to do with anything else...

...just keep posting, so it can never be necromanced.

And in that vein, I will just say this:

The TV stuff on offer here is just no fun.

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I used to be able to write 3k words in an hour. Now I'm quibbling over every word like some kind of nerd. Someone put the fear of Golem in me so I'll quit editing and write!

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No substance! I don't post substance! Look, I'll even pick a random alias. Won't even put any effort into it.

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Oh why! Why for art thou sullying thy name!


4 people marked this as a favorite.
Kobold Cleaver wrote:
I used to be able to write 3k words in an hour. Now I'm quibbling over every word like some kind of nerd. Someone put the fear of Golem in me so I'll quit editing and write!

Quibbling? That's no way to live, man. Step back from the precipice! Although "brink" is probably the better choice. And of course, to be clear, I'm using "man" not in a gendered context but in the very antiquated Anglo-Saxon sense of "human person." Yes, I know "context" is probably the wrong term for what I mean, but it's early and dark and cold and I can't stop quibbling...

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Shakespearean Drizz't wrote:

Oh why! Why for art thou sullying thy name!


The ranger's eyes, they do not like the sun;

Orc blood is far more red than his lips red;
If elves be pale, why then his skin is dun;
If drow be evil, he is good instead.

He wields two scimitars in every fight
And helps, not poisons nor stabbeth he the weak,
And he hang with dwarves--wait, that can't be right?
He's a good guy drow? What a silly freak!

He rights wrongs and is the perfect hero?
And he wanders around above the ground?
Surely it's an evil trick, time will show...
No? His cloying virtues upright still abound?

Feh. This may read all fine and well to you,
To me, he is a total Mary Sue.

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We can always plan B this thing
1. Turn it into a Martial/Caster thread.
2. Argue for weeks in circles ensuring it can't die.
3. End up getting locked there by preventing necromancy!

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I'm just going to spin around in a circle, all carefree like, singing London Bridge Is Falling Down until spring hits.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

"We must move forward, not backwards; upwards, not forward; and always twirling, twirling, twirling towards freedom!"

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I would just like to say that any players that think they could pull off a martial build, should just give up on Pathfinder forever. The game is completely rigged for spellcasters, and the gap make playing anything that isn't a spellcaster pointless and boring.


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Why don't I start up a kickstarter? If we manage to raise 100,000 gp we can hire a Red Mantis Assassin to keep this thing dead.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Faustia wrote:

I would just like to say that any players that think they could pull off a martial build, should just give up on Pathfinder forever. The game is completely rigged for spellcasters, and the gap make playing anything that isn't a spellcaster pointless and boring.


*Cracks knuckles*

Say what?

*Begins deep knee bends and limbering exercises*

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captain yesterday wrote:
I'm just going to spin around in a circle, all carefree like, singing London Bridge Is Falling Down until spring hits.

Keep doing that, and it won't be spring that hits you...

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President Kodos wrote:
"We must move forward, not backwards; upwards, not forward; and always twirling, twirling, twirling towards freedom!"

Don't blame me, I voted for Vermin Supreme.

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Kang of Rigel 7 wrote:
President Kodos wrote:
"We must move forward, not backwards; upwards, not forward; and always twirling, twirling, twirling towards freedom!"
Don't blame me, I voted for Vermin Supreme.

Me too. I really like his idea about monkey tooth fairies. That should be a thing.

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Invisible Kierkegaard wrote:
Kang of Rigel 7 wrote:
President Kodos wrote:
"We must move forward, not backwards; upwards, not forward; and always twirling, twirling, twirling towards freedom!"
Don't blame me, I voted for Vermin Supreme.
Me too. I really like his idea about monkey tooth fairies. That should be a thing.

Pshaw. What would monkeys do with quarters?

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Morbo finds monkeys to be pathetic, and adorable.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:

Ah, man, you should'a waited to use that line until Starfinder'd come out already... then I could'a linked Aretha Franklin, and everything would have been awesome.

Now it's just lame.



Secretly, I... I... I linked it to Aretha Franklin, because she's the first person that came to mind!

I-I... I... I actually prefer Gloria Gaynor's version - you know, the one you always hear everywhere. I-... I'm sorry!

(I still love you, Aretha!)

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Leeroyjenkinsbat wrote:

We can always plan B this thing

1. Turn it into a Martial/Caster thread.
2. Argue for weeks in circles ensuring it can't die.
3. End up getting locked there by preventing necromancy!

I think this was brought up earlier. It evidently didn't stick.

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{nibbles on desiccated rat corpse in the corner}

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Hey, did anyone see my pet rat?

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quickly slurps down rat tail.

What's it to ya!

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Take my rat, but save the honour of my bean-curd!

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Bean Curd doesn't abide by the laws of nature.

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Bean Curd Slaad wrote:
Bean Curd doesn't abide by the laws of nature.

Would that make you killer Tofu?

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Leeroy Jethro Bodine wrote:
Bean Curd Slaad wrote:
Bean Curd doesn't abide by the laws of nature.
Would that make you killer Tofu?

That's for you to decide, now isn't it?

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Can we revisit the sacrificing Kobold Cleaver idea?

We at least have enough to hold him down, not to mention size penalties to grappling.

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Remember kids! You can only sacrifice him once.

But, you can scapegoat him for perpetuity.

Kobold Cleaver stole TOZ'S milk!

I heard it from a friend who heard it from her cousin who strongly implied that someone said that Brad Pitt isn't an a**+$!#.

As if.

Liberty's Edge

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Bean Curd Slaad wrote:
Leeroy Jethro Bodine wrote:
Bean Curd Slaad wrote:
Bean Curd doesn't abide by the laws of nature.
Would that make you killer Tofu?
That's for you to decide, now isn't it?

My bean curd!

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Any references to Phoenixes yet?

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I can cut a deal to sell souls if needed.

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What happens if I do this?

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Yes, I like brain tricks, uhurhurhurhurhur...

*gurgles unpleasantly*

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He's a super creep!
Super Creep!
He's super creepy

Grand Lodge

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In the words of a poorly worded three days grace song:

I will not die, I will survive, I'll wait here for you!

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Let's just bait someone to start a contentious and heated argument.

Am Barbarian doesn't lift.

Grand Lodge

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Rovagug did nothing wrong!

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