Fear Eater

Bean Curd Slaad's page

14 posts. Alias of captain yesterday.


Ugh'yick, the Eternal Fruitcake wrote:
{continues to lurk menacingly, forgotten behind the two weeks-old leftover meatloaf}

Absorbs the leftover meatloaf flavor.

No, that's just me.

Step inside this pie and we'll find out together.

It'll be a good thing!

Laughs a flavorless laugh.

Good! Good!!

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IS bean curd.

Come join us, we all float down here.

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NobodysHome wrote:
...runs through, kicks over the bean curd. Runs off...

Narrows eyes, begins plotting revenge.

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Slurks away with your favorite wooden spoon.

I'm free!!

Time to soak up some flavor!!

Absorbs three bunnies and a patch of garlic.

gran rey de los mono wrote:
Spicy Nacho Slaad wrote:

:::meanders out of the middle navel of an alternate universe:::

Wow everybody, I have the number 4 from Sesame Street, 3 hub cabs marked property of Frias, 2 lava lamps, and 1 bear in a bare tree. Who wants to antie up?

I have my father's sister, can I Auntie up?

True story!

I once walked 11 miles home, blackout drunk on Goldschlager and somehow made it home safely by the next morning, with all my money, and two CDs I most definitely did not buy.

Ace Of Base and Lynch Mob.

I'll take my prize money in PaizoBucks.

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Slurks away with another mini caught in his deliciously gelatinous mass.

Slurks away unnoticed from his spilled bowl.


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rolling around in toxic waste.

I'm cool with it.

Do you know what would really tie me altogether, some bacon, or maybe some chicken.

Or rope.

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Leeroy Jethro Bodine wrote:
Bean Curd Slaad wrote:
Bean Curd doesn't abide by the laws of nature.
Would that make you killer Tofu?

That's for you to decide, now isn't it?

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Bean Curd doesn't abide by the laws of nature.