Deep Space FaWtL

Off-Topic Discussions

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Tree falls

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In space

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Does anyone care.

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Because starships are way cooler than a dumb old tree.

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Just making sure there's a place for the cool cats to hang out in Absalom Station.

1. No politics
2. No sports, except Blurnsball, or any other sci-fi film sport.
3. Top poster of every page is naked except a space helmet and oxygen tank (if an oxygen breathing organism that is) no need to get dark here.
4. Keep it fun. :-)

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Oh god, put some clothes on you oxygen breathing exhibitionist.

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Clothes! Where we're going, we won't be needing clothes!

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Well, maybe a towel.

And some clothes, but just a few, we have to blend in after all. :-)

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Also need some cool buttons to press. Maybe a death ray hidden in random places...

Maybe not the death ray...

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And people, we need more people.

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And women. It's always starting up on of these things if you have women.

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Maybe if I free range some Smurfs...

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You know my feelings on the matter.

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It's a part.

The Exchange

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Adm. Ackbar wrote:
You know my feelings on the matter.

And it is cold up here.

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This isn't Absalom Station! The whole point in putting it in Starfinder is so FaWtL is properly represented in the future.

Honestly, if it's not in Starfinder it might as well be shut down, there's already a present day FaWtL.


6 people marked this as a favorite.

I... I awaken.

The cryosleep has clouded my mind, but I still have my one goal, so clear, so bright, burning in my mind like a beacon...


I got a kitten!

3 people marked this as a favorite.
The Doomkitten wrote:

I... I awaken.

The cryosleep has clouded my mind, but I still have my one goal, so clear, so bright, burning in my mind like a beacon...


I got a kitten!


4 people marked this as a favorite.

Yarn balls for everyone!!

Daggummit, I want to play Spacefinder. And I want it to be awesome.

Maybe Kitty's Kitty would enjoy a big ball of wibbly-wobbly timey-whimey... stuff?

EDIT: spelling and clarity

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I'm going to assume it will as they haven't let me down yet and they're all incredibly smart and know what they're doing. :-)

That said, yes I also can't wait!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:

Maybe Kitty's Kitty would enjoy a big ball of wibbly-wobbly timey-whimey... stuff?

EDIT: spelling and clarity

starts packing Blunderbuss and pops some No-Doze

So, one of my aliases got away from me, eh.

Well, that won't last for long...

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Maybe this should just be FAWTL with Spacefinder aliases.

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Who knew it would take crashing in Off-Topic for it to take off.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Space Healer wrote:
Maybe this should just be FAWTL with Spacefinder aliases.


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I still don't know s+!+.

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Eh, it's not the SDF-1 but it'll do.

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Now who in Starfinder will hear my message of peace, love, and Boxed wine flavored Goo Tubes!

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We are the Paizomatrix.
Lower your shields and surrender your ships.
We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own.
Your culture will adapt to service us.
Resistance is futile.

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Firing main cannon!

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~tries to scream, but in space no one can hear you scream~

1 person marked this as a favorite.

~tries to breath, but no one can hear you do that in space either~

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Ha! Look at his foot penises writhe in agony!

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Well, now it's not funny.
Doctor O, get the lobotomite a space helmet!

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~wiggles my fingers and toes at you~

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Yotz! This madness must be what it's like living in Crichton's head.

{spots Sharoth, begins dreaming of his huge... hoard}

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~debates making an alias for this and decides against it~
No point in making a million aliases and that journey would begin with a single step... so I should avoid making that step.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Aranna wrote:

~debates making an alias for this and decides against it~

No point in making a million aliases and that journey would begin with a single step... so I should avoid making that step.

I guess it would not be too bad. Look at what all those aliases have done to Captain Yesterday... ~trails off and rethinks~ Never mind. Bad example.


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Hey now! I was making erotic mashed potato sculptures way before I saw that bright light in the middle of nowhere.

They just have more direction now.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Aranna wrote:

~debates making an alias for this and decides against it~

No point in making a million aliases and that journey would begin with a single step... so I should avoid making that step.

Come on, just one. You can quit anytime you want, just ask Captain Yest... Hmm...

Grand Lodge

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I can stop whenever I want. Just not right now.

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Yes! She pulled a Lyndon Johnson vs Goldwater move! Classic!

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Good! Our first catch of the day!

Flips switch to "total devastation" and begins firing wildly

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Like you know anything about fishing.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Ugh. Someone used bleach in the laundry, and now the red shirts are all tie-dye-y.

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stuffs something in the incinerator

I took care of him it boss, so it shouldn't be a problem. Unrelated, you might need to place another job ad, I'm not sure that last guy is coming back...

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