
Starship Captain Yesterday's page

83 posts. Alias of captain yesterday.


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3 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:

Come back to me when I can pilot a giant robot.

Or a vehicle that transforms into a giant robot.

Or a vehicle that can combine with other vehicles to form a giant robot.

Or a space succubus.

'Piloting', he calls it.


Adorable, really.

If you can think of a better way to navigate the harsh vaccuum of space I would like to hear it.

Space Milkmaid.

Vic Wertz wrote:
Maybe the knob on its shield control panel goes to 11?

Scotty obviously gave it all he's got.

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No aboleths in Starfinder.

Just saying.

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No, unlike your teachers, I'm pretty sure they care.

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Starfinder! Play test!! New classes!!!!!

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I didn't even realize I needed a Fireball Flame Launcher, until now.

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Soulfire weapon fusion!!

You jam it on a Solarian weapon crystal and then you add your charisma bonus in addition to your strength bonus to damage, and it's a level 1 fusion!

F$!& yes!

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Storyteller Shadow wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

Were you drafted into the star navy of the Xefrexian Alliance for a climatic battle next to a quantum nebula.

That's some pretty weird s%@~.

Not THAT weird. :-)

Damn, I was hoping I wasn't the only one.

Looks like it's up to me then!

Puts on targeting helmet, looks at a picture taped to the console of family far away, grips the controls with steely determination.

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So, uh, Empire Of Bones.

The question isn't "How do I turn it into Mars Attacks" but more "How do I NOT turn it into Mars Attacks"

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Oh how easy it is to turn every Starfinder adventure into an episode of Futurama.

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S@@# happens in space.

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Pact Worlds starts shipping next week!!

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This is space, man! Leave the hate behind! Man.

Yup, you gotta have star ships.

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Ship combat works better if you use hexes.

And star ships.

I sleep on a star ship...

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My favorite player race from Alien Archives is Wrikreechee.

So far.

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That's why we mostly play Starfinder.

Magic Missile actually does something.

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Uh yeah, you go ahead and grapple the space hippo with tentacles for a nose, I'll wait over here. In the ship.

I'll be rooting for you though! Lemme know how it works out!

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Favorite Pact World.

Favorite race.

And yes, as Tac says, what class, and theme are you rolling with first.

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Damn! Fifty three credits shy of being able to buy a Goblin Junkcycle!

Maybe I can return those medpatches...

Space Tammy has her ways.


I agree, it looks like a blast!

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So sweet!!

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2 people marked this as a favorite.

In a galaxy far, far away.

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Whoo hoo! Monday!!

Clutches towel hopefully while making puppy dog eye.

Is everything still on track to begin spawning today.

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Yay for Starfinder authorization Thursday!!

Clutching his towel and reading Vogon Poetry Or Death: Always Choose Death. our intrepid explorer looks to the skies for his next ride.

Clutches towel and sets up an AbadarCorp brand Asteroid Tent, complete with force shields and Kuthite Extreme™ security measures, sustaining himself with Slurm.

Only a month until it hits the shelves!!

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Soon my precious!

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Okay, now that it's a month until Starfinder launches I'm pretty f@%$ing excited!

Zaister wrote:

While the OP does not list any comics, Pathfinder Runescars #2 is a part of my order.

Still a slow month, but that will be offset by August...

Hell yeah it will.

Hands Zaister an extra towel.

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Finally! I get to use the flip side of my Chessex megamat! :-)

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Vidmaster7 wrote:
Anyone else notice the drastic increase in starfinder Threads? The hype is real.

Star What now?

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NobodysHome wrote:
Starship Captain Yesterday wrote:

Is it just me, or does that avatar look like someone threw arms and a body on a parking meter?

It's five bucks an hour. Only nickels.

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Will they have a little robot buddy, or are they one of the other kind of mechanic. :-)

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That's the trouble with Tribbles.

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I call Captain!

Mister Sulu, ram us into the ground!


6 people marked this as a favorite.
Dragon78 wrote:
I am still on the fence about this one.

Not me, my fence has already been converted to fuel for my hyperdrive. Also, somewhere to hang my towel momentarily.

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Enthusiastically waves towel over head.

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1 person marked this as a favorite.

I liked the Pod Racer game they had for the old N64.

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Loving Strange Aeons.

I hope The Ironfang Invasion isn't more of Giantslayer.

Ruins Of Azlant is very intriguing.

I cannot wait for Starfinder, everything I've heard or seen about it only causes my yearning to grow and fester... Or is that Strange Aeons again...

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Done and done!

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I've learned today, I don't know s!$$ about spacecraft.

gets out old timey aeroplane with gatling gun, adds plastic bubbles over seats.

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All I know is my toy Y-Wing was the beezneez.

Otherwise I invested heavily in Robotech toys.

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I liked the SDF-1, it really symbolized American craftsmanship and ingenuity.

By breaking down all the time and never working how it's supposed to.

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