
Jean-Luc Pickard's page

7 posts. Alias of captain yesterday.


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Living holograms!

You fools!! They're just going to put on period costumes and kill us all!!!

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I know Q, he's an a~+&!%~.

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Gorbacz wrote:
Verzen wrote:

What's Odo?

And this sounds super cool. Reminds me of Zac from League of Legends.

The above post is why the world is going to hell in a hand-basket.

I'm a Cylon.

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Tree falls

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thegreenteagamer wrote:


Morgan Freeman, Sean Connery, James Earl Jones, and Patrick Stewart are abducted from their homes by aliens and forced to participate in a four way gladatorial battle to the death, but the winner is guaranteed all narration jobs on earth until their death.

They start with no weapons whatsoever, but every five minutes a weapon is dropped fifteen feet from the participants, starting with a rock and growing more advanced if the fight manages to last longer.

Who wins? Who dies first, second, and third? Why?

puts Sean Connery's head in a burlap sack with all the others

There can only be one victor in The Hunger Games!

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I'm a Psylon.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

How is it no one had the most bad ass captain of the Enterprise?

And you people claim to be nerds!

edit: maybe its the french name, gotta love french names:-)