Clockwork Spy

Doctor Klein's page

4 posts. Alias of captain yesterday.


SomebodysHere wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

I don't know whether I get credit any more...

NobodysHome: Oh, the ONE thing I can't possibly do for the soup is to pull apart the chicken. So after work I'll make the roux and get it simmering, but around 5:30 when the dumplings are ready to go in I'll need a chicken de-boner.
GothBard: Gotcha
NobodysHome: And I have now successfully used "boner" in a non-NSFW context.
GothBard: Congrats! LOL

EDIT: Ohhhh, noooo...

So it's not just me. Chicken deboning is weird.

Every time I've tried to spatchcock a bird, it ends up Hitchcocked.

Oh, TWO-handed chickens give me no trouble at all.

ONE-handed... not so easy...

Why do any of your chickens have hands?

For Science!!!

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Tender Tendrils wrote:
Bill, Brain Collector wrote:
That brain sure looks awfully delicious heavy, would you like me to hang on that for you?
You might not want it, you have no idea where it has been.

Oh! I'll take it!!

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Well, now it's not funny.
Doctor O, get the lobotomite a space helmet!

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Ha! Look at his foot penises writhe in agony!