What does your Paizo handle mean?

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What does your nickname here on Paizo mean? Why did you pick it? Why did you pick your avatar? Tell us a little about yourself as you reveal why you picked the picture and name that you did.

As for me, my typical nickname on the webs is mgshamster. As in, Miniature Giant Space Hamster. I've been using that nickname since I was on mIRC back in the mid 90s.

When I came to the Paizo forums, I decided I wanted something a little different, but still with the rodent theme ('cause I'm fond of rodents). I searched for an avatar with a rodent in it, and found the one I still use today. And yes, I still love the pic today as much as I did when I first saw it. And the image itself inspired my name for the Paizo forums. And there we are!

Now, what about you?

My name means something, maybe that I like peanut butter, not sure why I pick the avatars I pick any more, there have been so many.

Something about me... I like peanut butter :-)

Wildebob was a svirfneblin wizard that I played years ago - one of my first and favorite characters. Everyone always thinks My name is Bob Wilde. Nope, it's like a wildebeest, but with a bob. Will-da-bob. The avatar is a pretty good likeness of how I envisioned him.

I like dragons, and cats.

I picked this avatar because it was a cat--that's the long and short of it.

Let's see. For my main handle I use, the name is because I played d&d so long I keep forgetting that DM only applies to it instead of all tabletop rpgs. My initials are D.R. so that covers it.

I got the avatar because I wanted something kind of different for the first pbp I ran on these forums. It was just the first thing that caught my eye. Boring I know.

Something about me... I'm a big science nerd.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

It's German, it means Master of Dudes.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

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Mine means, well, duh. ;-)

Nicos was my first 3.5 character, an elf rogue in forgotten realms. For some reasons when I was looking a name for it I thought in that bad movie from steven seagal Nico, but I didn't want it to sound exactly like it so I added an s.

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I used to do RPs with my brother outside. Really, it was jut an excuse to say funny phrases, play goofy characters, and beat the shit out of each other with vaguely sword shaped objects.

One of the character I made up was Ryn Jin, a sort of bounty hunter demon slayer kinda guy who wore a cool trenchcoat and sliced things with a katana and a shotgun and turned into demons (I was 13, okay?).

Liked the name though, so it was turned into a single word and I started using it for everything, and still do (except Youtube and my PS3 handle because some Chinese guy stole it. Same guy. I checked.)

The picture is because I like Monks. Fist fighting people with weapons has always been cooler to me than fighting with weapons. I went avatar-less for a while after joining Paizo, but settled on this when I picked Sun Xiao as my second Pathfinder character.

"Austan Gavynus" (well, with a slightly different spelling, but by the time I'd gotten around to looking it up it was too late to bother) was a Minotaur paladin of Paladine in the AD&D 2nd Edition Dragonlance book, "Taladas: The Minotaurs." This was before minotaurs were everywhere as a playable race, and I used him as an NPC in the first campaign I ever DM'ed. He was teamed up with an Otholox (sat out of the War of the Lance) Copper Dragon, hence the avatar pic.

The greatest Thief/Rogue I ever played. Ran in a homebrew campaign my dad was GM for, we started in AD&D 2e and converted to 3.0 when it was released. I was a legend to beat all legends, especially because we got to go back in time and create them.

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Named after one of my Cthulhu-cultist-type villains, a flesh-eating halfling that went stark-raving bonkers, ritually slew and ate his own extensive family and required a bunch of sheriff halflings to take him down. The little sociopath didn't rest quietly, but at the time there were no "nutjob halfling ghost with a knife" icons. This shuddering lunatic fit the bill well enough. The rest is history. ;)

Sovereign Court

Ive been interested in Pan ever since Kings quest IV. It's become my online moniker. When I made a halfling bard for DDO and saw the lute being played I was quite content. I chose this avatar because it looks like my character.

New General Catalog 7293 is a stellar nebula. It's called the Cat's Eye Nebula. If that doesn't say I'm an astronomy buff, I don't know what does.

Most Forums have the ability to upload your own picture. I have a picture of that nebula on my computer. Here, however, there are all these pictures.
I just browsed for something that looked interesting.

Rennai was my first character to max level in World of Warcraft (a dwarf hunter), which was my first big foray into the larger gaming world. I had plenty of characters become new mains after her, but she was the first, so the name kind of cemented itself in my head.

The "vx" came really sort of randomly - my then-boyfriend (now husband) used Smithvx (Smith the 25th, because rhyming) as his Xbox gamer tag. When I created my gamer tag, I just decided to add the "vx" onto mine as well because just "Rennai" was taken.

And now it's sort of stuck as my default alias whenever I'm signing up for something gaming-related. I figure, hey, it works.


The avatar - I just like wayfinders for some reason. I keep bouncing back and forth between two different wayfinder images, but I've never really been much into people as avatars, not for my main alias. Not sure why. (PbP aliases obviously have portraits.)

I also like that the ones I use aren't that common, so I'm not seeing my picture all over the place where I didn't put it. It's not special snowflake syndrome - I just like being able to easily find my posts. :P

Liberty's Edge

"Snorb" is derived from my last name, and is pretty much what my group of friends calls me in lieu of my actual name.

My name.....well 13 is my lucky number wife was born on the 13th we first met on the 13th it's been good to me so far ^_^ also Roman numerals look cool.

Havoc....I honestly don't remember but I've been using it for a while now.

Edit: My wife actually suggested using havoc I think I had a character named havoc at one point and she liked it. So there you have it everything interesting about me came from the most amazing woman on any plane material or otherwise.

Reference to one of my first Pathfinder characters, a Tengu Alchemist. In hindsight, I realize it's how someone with a stereotypical Japanese accent might pronounce "Blue Bird", but that was never the intention.

Rennaivx wrote:

Rennai was my first character to max level in World of Warcraft (a dwarf hunter), which was my first big foray into the larger gaming world. I had plenty of characters become new mains after her, but she was the first, so the name kind of cemented itself in my head.

The "vx" came really sort of randomly - my then-boyfriend (now husband) used Smithvx (Smith the 25th, because rhyming) as his Xbox gamer tag. When I created my gamer tag, I just decided to add the "vx" onto mine as well because just "Rennai" was taken.

And now it's sort of stuck as my default alias whenever I'm signing up for something gaming-related. I figure, hey, it works.


The avatar - I just like wayfinders for some reason. I keep bouncing back and forth between two different wayfinder images, but I've never really been much into people as avatars, not for my main alias. Not sure why. (PbP aliases obviously have portraits.)

I also like that the ones I use aren't that common, so I'm not seeing my picture all over the place where I didn't put it. It's not special snowflake syndrome - I just like being able to easily find my posts. :P

Rennai twenty-five also has a good rhyme to it - assuming I'm pronouncing it correctly. :)

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I didn't realise I was signing up for a message board. I've just never got around to picking an avatar - when I do for PBPs it always takes me ages to find one I like.

What it shows about me is that I don't do the twenty first century very well.

Growing up I had a plaque on the wall describing the derivation of my name, Kevin. It originated with the Gaelic name Caineach. At some point, when looking for a username, I looked over at the plaque. I have used the name ever since, only to find it in use one other time.

As for the Avatar, I can't really say.

bookrat wrote:

What does your nickname here on Paizo mean? Why did you pick it? Why did you pick your avatar? Tell us a little about yourself as you reveal why you picked the picture and name that you did.

As for me, my typical nickname on the webs is mgshamster. As in, Miniature Giant Space Hamster. I've been using that nickname since I was on mIRC back in the mid 90s.

When I came to the Paizo forums, I decided I wanted something a little different, but still with the rodent theme ('cause I'm fond of rodents). I searched for an avatar with a rodent in it, and found the one I still use today. And yes, I still love the pic today as much as I did when I first saw it. And the image itself inspired my name for the Paizo forums. And there we are!

Now, what about you?

The meaning of mine is obvious to small children.

Still had a poster try to unveil it as some sort of big reveal.

I like griffons, always have; I was reading today the Scythians and steppe people were big into griffon tattoos.

There is also another poster that claims to live under bridges.

Absolutely nothing about my spending habits, oddly.

I used to play this game called Nox online, where there was this bug in the Conjurer class that made them really good crossbowmen (if you fired your crossbow, it would lock you in place for a second or two as you reloaded. If you pressed any of the taunt / laugh / point action buttons, it would interrupt the reload animation, unlocking you in place, and you could interrupt those actions immediately by moving. So, shoot, point, move. Very deadly.)

I always thought that was a cheap tactic, but in my youth I Just Had To Win, Damnit, so I made use of it, and named my guy after that. Eventually, the name shortened to Cheapy.

And now I make fun of people for the type of behavior that gave me my most used online handle.

The ciiirccle of liiife.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

I am Charlie Bell, and Charlie Bell means me! /gandalf

These forums are a tight enough community that I preferred, and still prefer, to use my real name so when I meet people they know who I am.

I picked this avatar back when I kept my head shaved. I sort of look like this guy except more laid back and less Cro-Magnon looking sloping forehead. I will probably get around to changing my avatar now that I have hair and a beard.

Liberty's Edge

Seven is my lucky number, oddly enough.

As for the avatar...it's changed over the years, but the one thing I keep constant is glowing eyes. This guy I like because the grin makes me feel as though he's the Kool Aid man of the Skellingtons.

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Shaun is my name. My avatar is Isabel Locke from the Skull & Shackles AP, which is the first AP that I've ever run that is continuing to this day. I like the look of the character art, so I use it.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

My handle is from a reading or discussion that JRR Tolkien did, where he stated that the dwarves of the Iron Hills referred to the Mines of Moria as Black Moria, due to its fell and dangerous reputation.

The avatar was the closest thing I could get to a Balrog at the time when I joined the forums.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

It was the user name I created for my first computer running Mac OS X.

When I was courting my wife, one of the presents I got her was a Precious Moments set called "I Love You Knight and Day". It was a play on her name -- Dayna -- and the fact that I play RPGs and like knights, was her knight in shining armour, etc.

When we created several online identities together we started using knightnday.

The icon was one that a lot of people weren't using since the last one I had became more popular.

It's a combo of my name and what I do.

Dark Archive

Like Charlie Bell said I just decided to use my name. Being new to PF and the Paizo site(this is like my third post) I just thought keep it simple. Although I did have to add the C in front because Scott Franklin was already taken by someone so I added the first initial of my first name. As for the avatar I just thought it looked cool.

Also a thanks to everyone on here from a total newbie. I have learned a lot from reading your guys suggestions and explanations on various boards. My boys and I are LOVING this game!

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It's a type of cheese, much like Elminster.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Moragan, Queen of Moreland
My current character in our Kingmaker campaign.

It means "more-of-my-rogue-characters-again", she hails from the minor House of Mor, and Moreland is literally "more land" that we could divide up into four parts...

North = Nomoreland
South = Smoreland
East = Emoreland
West = Westmoreland

I use the PF Battles figure of my avatar for when I need to dress up in game and be more Queenly and less adventuring/battle smeared dingy.

Beernorg was my favourite character I ever player. He was a half-orc knight that refused to use magical gear because and I quote "I don't need magic to do my fighting for me." Thus to honour how awesome that game and character was, I use it has my handle.

I played rogue in 3rd edition a lot, the skill monkey rogue. More often than not I was the appraiser, trap disarmer, and party face rolled into one. I picker up the monocle for the additional +2 to appraisal checks which stuck with my character and the name was born.

Shadow Lodge

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I get blamed for everything. :-(

Latin for "What is it?"

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Steve Holt!!

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

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My handle comes from a nickname given by a family member, based on shortening "Jacob" to "Jake", then turning it to "Jakey", then slang-ifying it to "Jiggy". Nothing to do with Will Smith at all, interestingly enough.

I originally didn't bother with an avatar, but noticed that sometimes I'd scroll past the posts of folks who didn't have one because they're harder to spot, so I decided I'd better get one. Kinda just picked one that I hadn't seen used a lot.

One of my earlier OD&D characters, started in the City State of the Invincible Overlord. He became quite popular and powerful. Ended as Coroner for the City State of Greyhawk, and a Archmage.

"Haladir" was my first AD&D character that lived past fifth level. He was a chaotic good elf fighter/magic-user. Honestly, he didn't have all that much of a personality (not many PCs did back in the early 1980s). I played Haladir until he was maximum level for an elf, and then I retired him.

In those days, the members of my gaming group tended to call each other by our characters' names as nicknames, both in- and out-of-game. So, my friends called me "Hal" for quite a long time-- even after I was playing a different character. (I think one of my friends back then thought my name really was "Hal" for a while...)

The name was based on several characters from Tolkein's Lord of the Rings and The Silmarillion. (e.g. Haldar, Haladin, Haladil, etc.)

I've been using variations of "haladir" as a username on various Internet sites for almost 30 years. (Starting with USENET, bulletin boards, later to e-mail accounts, blogs, etc.) I seaparte out my gaming personna from my actual identity for professional reasons.

The icon is of Ezren. When I started using it, I thought it kind of looked a bit like me IRL... although my hair isn't yet quite so gray. (Actually, I no longer wear my hair long... quite the opposite in fact.)

The Exchange

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I f*&#ing love snow. And A Song of Ice and Fire. Bam. two for one.

Randarak was the surname of a family of characters that I played when my brother was DM, many, many years ago. When I lost a character, "Oh look here's his brother!" (cousin, nephew, uncle, etc.) It was a big family. We developed a genealogy, had an ancestral weapon. Those were good times.

I've had a few different avatars since I started here, but my current one is because I like gugs. I enjoy inflicting them on my players.

Captain Yesterday is a super hero in a cartoon.

So my name says I like cartoons, maybe even to a fault, also I'm lazy about Capitalization.

I have switched avatars so much I've had to email the web team and beg for more memory, like a sad little french orphan begging for more watered down soup to go with his fortified wine :-)

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

Wait, you mean explain the joke?

Well, my initials are PH. And no one ever accused me of being fully sane.

And pH is also a measure of acidity/alkalinity. In the olden days, the ad campaign for 'Secret' anti-perspirant would refer to the product as 'pH balanced for a woman's sensitive skin', which was part of being "strong enough for a man...but made for a woman". (pH balanced has moved on from that ad campaign to now be general nonsense marketing speak).

So 'pH unbalanced' is also a subtle indication that my personal body chemistry may be a bit out of whack...which given that I'm a transwoman is, in fact, the case.

As for the avatar, I really like fey. This one was bold, colorful, and not being used by many people. I also wanted one that was mostly feminine, but had a hint of androgyny.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

Rusty Ironpants was dwarf fighter that I played a long time ago in a less than serious D&D campaign. He wore heavy armour and had bladder control issues. I will let you do the math...

Also my name is Russ and when I was a kid I used to hate being called Rusty so it is also kind of a "make it mine" thing.

For avatars, I have gone through a ton of them. Started with dwarves, but like 99% of the dwarf avatars on this site are Harsk and I could never find one I really liked. Eventually I found this cartoon warforged, and Rusty become a construct instead of a dwarf.

Silver Crusade

Do you remember Command&Conquer: Generals?

Well, that game had a special unit called Black Lotus (Schwarzer Lotus in German). It was a Chinese hacker. Because I was always interested in computers and tended to play hackers in every game I could (Shadowrun, Deus Ex...) I really liked her.
Then the Iraq war happened and one faction of C&C: Generals were the stereotypical Middle Eastern terrorists, the Global Liberation Army. With suicide bombers and all that. German media watchdogs did not like that and Generals got forbidden (as in you had to be 18 to purchase it and shops were prohibited from displaying it - meaning you had to know it existed and that you wanted it).
So C&C: Generals was rereleased as Command & Conquer: Generäle (Generäle is German for...generals. Yeah.) and they took out most stuff that could be seen as "evil" - sucide bombers became barrels with dynamite strapped to it (that could still drive a motorcycle of course!), the Global Liberation Army became the International Liberation Group, Mao's Fist became the battle master (or something like that) and every solider became a bot. Black Lotus was changed to Blackbot. And that's how I got my name.

Vanykrye (frequently shortened to Vany) is the name I gave to a character in a short story I wrote back in my early teens. That character was very much the jack-of-all-trades.

In MMOs he's been done as a mage (Asheron's Call), hunter (LOTRO), burglar (also LOTRO), and Jedi shadow (SWTOR).

He's never been made as a Pathfinder character, but in D&D/AD&D/3.x he frequently showed up as some combination of fighter/wizard/rogue. If I were to make a Vany for Pathfinder he'd likely be a Kensai Magus.

The avatar? Well, I just like dragons.

I really enjoy the electric organ.

Actual organizational skills are null.

Ai jusht lorve to follow mai muster arund lickin up afta him.

Wus an aviator?

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