If Another AP Got a Hardcover Makeover, Which One Would You Want?

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Now that we have Crimson Throne coming, I am fully on the Second Darkness train to be next on this wonderful list.

Silver Crusade Contributor

Expectation management


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Second Darkness... now that's an interesting overhaul.

I almost think the scope of the desired revisions would practically make it more of an entirely new AP than a "hardcover compilation."

The mechanics, the plot, the characterization...

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

For ironic reasons I'd support a SD remake. Because I want to see how they improve the s+**ty elves everybody is still complaining about. ^^

Second Darkness, hopefully with something else in the place of the 'Murder PCs in their sleep and bury them in unmarked graves' attempt.

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James Jacobs wrote:
Kthulhu wrote:
Aelryinth wrote:


They'd have to move it to Golarion to do serious justice for it, however, and that would involve some big rewrites.


I'm not understanding your reasoning here. What's wrong with Greyhawk Age of Worms?

In fact, most of what makes Age of Worms awesome would go away if it were moved out of Greyhawk, in my opinion.

But yeah. It's not one we ca go back to. It's owned by Wizards of the Coast.

I initially felt the same way, but thinking about it, I can see some benefits. Golarion has very pronounced "Ages" compared to Greyhawk, and a lot of the notable elements, like a ghoul kingdom, have parallels. Dragons being rare in Golarion arguably gives some elements even more punch in the AP. The real problem is the lack of "big names" in Golarion. There's not exactly another "Manzorian", y'know?

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I'm still gonna say Age of Worms, though.

Because what the hell, we're fantasizing anyway, and I really want one.

(failing that, I think Reign of Winter would be nice—get all that crazy setting material in one place to expand on)

Dark Archive

"Second Darkness"!

I know that in november 2015 - 6 months ago, over 1000 copies of each issue remained in the Paizo warehouse, and i doubt they are going to sell out in the next years.

I ordered all 6 parts from amazon.de for between €15 to €33 per issue because my local flagstore in germany (one of the countries biggest) couldn´t order them anywhere for me.
That is a strange thing but can´t be helped.

"Legacy of Fire"s chances as a hardcover look much better.

Part 4 is sold out.
Parts 5 & 6 had 101-249 each remaining - 6 months ago (202-498 total).
Parts 1 & 2 had 501-999 each remaining - 6 months ago (1002-1998 total).
Part 3 had over 1000 remaining - 6 months ago.

So the chance is pretty good, that in a few years half of the AP is sold out.

When RotR received its Hardcover, half of it was sold out.
When CotCT received its HC announcement, half of it was sold out.

I could also state that "Kingmaker" is completely sold out (only non-mint copies of parts 3 and very few of part 6 remain).

"Carrion Crown" has sold out parts 1, 2 & 4.
Of parts 5 & 6 fewer than 25 each remain (2-48 total).
Of part 3, 250-499 remain.

"Jade Regent" has sold out parts 1, 2 & 4.
Of part 6 fewer than 100 remain (26-99).
Of part 5 fewer than 500 remain (250-499).
Of part 3 less than 1000 remain (500-999).

Note: part #3 of almost every Adventure Path seems to sell the least.

In a few years, these APs could be compiled into HCs too.

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@ Marco Massoudi, a Second Darkness hardcover remaster would fix many of the known "flaws" that hurt its sales. Also, these numbers don't include book sold in FLGS and PDF format.

Silver Crusade Contributor

While they don't count those already "out in the wild"... in theory, sales at brick-and-mortar locations or non-Paizo websites (such as Amazon) might prompt reorders, which in turn would reduce Paizo's warehouse stock.

So those sales can still help... it's just a more circuitous process. ^_^

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

What are those "paper books" you people keep talking about? I thought we hunted down and digitized the last survivors in 2025...

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I've posted you my witty retort. You should get it in about a week.

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Let's be honest.

Paizo has created precedent for which AP will be the next crafted as a hardcover.

It will likely go chronologically. And Paizo can likely get rid of older copies of Second Darkness by putting SD on sale, possibly at a loss for each issue, just to get them out of the warehouses and taking up space. (That and I'm not sure that many people will buy an existing copy of something that has an Anniversary Edition available.)

However, a SD AE will not likely appear for at least four years.

Silver Crusade Contributor

A note (especially for those interested in hastening a potential SD hardcover): print copies are on sale, and have been for a long time. Only $10 a piece.

So if you're willing to show them just how interested you really are... there's a way. ^_^

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

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Tangent101 wrote:

Paizo has created precedent for which AP will be the next crafted as a hardcover.

It will likely go chronologically.

I think you're reading way too much into two data points.

Just because you set precedent doesn't mean you stick to it. After all, there was precedent for not using the same iconics twice in a row for some time. And then they were reused in recent APs. ;) And I did say "likely" ;)

It also assumes a third hardcover.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Vic Wertz wrote:
Tangent101 wrote:

Paizo has created precedent for which AP will be the next crafted as a hardcover.

It will likely go chronologically.

I think you're reading way too much into two data points.

But two points do determine a line.

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Remake Kingmaker as Smurfmaker??

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Lord Fyre wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:
Tangent101 wrote:

Paizo has created precedent for which AP will be the next crafted as a hardcover.

It will likely go chronologically.

I think you're reading way too much into two data points.
But two points do determine a line.

Really, all we know is that those two points create a line segment. We have no idea if anything exists beyond those two points.

Two points are not a line. They are two points. If you have a line through them, then you know what that line looks like, yes, but there is nothing at all that says there is one in the first place.

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Now that COTCT has been announced...


None of the others interest me enough. I have the 3.5 versions and am fine with them. COTCT was the only one I liked enough to really want a redo of.

Legacy of Fire!

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Orthos wrote:

Now that COTCT has been announced...


None of the others interest me enough. I have the 3.5 versions and am fine with them. COTCT was the only one I liked enough to really want a redo of.

Legacy of Fire and Second Darkness could do with a rules update(and in SD's case, some massive rewrites)... but I'm inclined to agree that I don't care for either of them enough to really get behind a hardcover retread.

As for the PF ruleset APs...

Council of Thieves might benefit from some tweaks, but I'd sooner tell people to buy Hell's Rebels.

Kingmaker is highly popular, and the kingdom rules have developed a bit since it came out, but if they give us a hardcover sandbox, I'd prefer it be something new, rather than thrashing around the Stolen Lands again.

Most of the rest are both available and up to spec, ruleswise. Instead of looking back, I hope we move forward from here on in.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

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Actually, if Paizo could regain the rights to Age of Worms, that would be awesome as a hard cover. But, I don't foresee that happening.

Liberty's Edge

captain yesterday wrote:
The only two adventure paths I don't have are Second Darkness, and Legacy of Fire. So I vote for either of those. With Legacy of Fire my preferred choice. :-)

Yeah, I enjoyed Legacy of Fire a lot more myself as well. Second Darkness actually needs some sizeable rewrites.

Kingmaker is the one I'd say, on the grounds that it could benefit from small plot tweeks (not much, just hinting the final part more), and, importantly, it's the one that is, I believe, easily the hardest for people to get.

Sovereign Court

To give a quick visualization of which AP modules are sold out and which aren't I made this chart.

The colors correspond to whether Paizo still has physical copies listed for sale. I don't know how many are in stock, so green could potentially mean as little as 1 mint and 1 non-mint.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Lord Fyre wrote:
Actually, if Paizo could regain the rights to Age of Worms, that would be awesome as a hard cover. But, I don't foresee that happening.

Someone needs to bribe Wizards to complile 3.5 APs into new hardcovers :D

Dark Archive

Nightdrifter wrote:

To give a quick visualization of which AP modules are sold out and which aren't I made this chart.

The colors correspond to whether Paizo still has physical copies listed for sale. I don't know how many are in stock, so green could potentially mean as little as 1 mint and 1 non-mint.

Let me help you with the numbers (as stated in the november 2015 paizo blog: (http://paizo.com/store/blog/v5748dyo5li9e?Where-Did-You-Go-I-Need-to-Know# 19)

Rise of the Runelords has 100-249 of #2, 25-99 of #4 and #5.

Curse of the Crimson Throne has 500-999 of #4 and #5 and 250-499 of #6.

Second Darkness has over 1000 of each part left!

Legacy of Fire has 500-999 of #1 and #2, over 1000 of #3 and 100-249 of #5 and #6.

Council of Thieves has 250-499 of #2 and 500-999 of #3 and #5.

Serpent's Skull has 25-99 of #2, 500-999 of #3,100-249 of #5 and 250-499 of #6.

Carrion Crown has 250-499 of #3, 1-24 of #5 and 1-24 of #6.

Jade Regent has 500-999 of #3, 250-499 of #5 and 25-99 of #6.

Skull and Shackles has 500-999 of #2 and 100-249 of #4,

Shattered Star has 500-999 of #1 and #2, 250-499 of #5 and 25-99 of #6.

Reign of Winter has 100-249 of #5 and 500-999 of #6.

Mummy´s Mask has 500-999 of #1, #2, #4, #5 and #6.

Iron Gods has 500-999 of #1 and #2, 250-499 of #4 and #5 and 500-999 of #6.

Giantslayer has 500-999 of #4, #5 and #6.

EVERY AP # unmentioned (which hasn´t sold out) has 1000+ left in stock!

Of course the numbers are a little lower now in some cases.

Liberty's Edge

Sissyl wrote:
Two points are not a line. They are two points. If you have a line through them, then you know what that line looks like, yes, but there is nothing at all that says there is one in the first place.

Euclid does, in Postulate One of his elements.

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prosfilaes wrote:
Sissyl wrote:
Two points are not a line. They are two points. If you have a line through them, then you know what that line looks like, yes, but there is nothing at all that says there is one in the first place.
Euclid does, in Postulate One of his elements.

Really? You're seriously arguing this? Heh.

Okay. We have two points. You can, as you say, draw a line through them. Then you can claim that whatever the two points measured you can now predict just by looking at that line.

But all you really have is two points. The claim that the line now corresponds to anything at all is merely your conjecture. You can extrapolate that line and say "Hey, in 20XX, Paizo will for certain publish another collected edition of an AP. Just look at the line!" Considering that they have specifically stated that we shouldn't read anything into the fact that they now publish that second collected edition, i.e. that the line you speak of has no relevance whatsoever, you'd be making a claim out of the blue, wouldn't you?

Heh. Kingmaker is the closest to sold out. Only non mint copies are left of 2 APs. :) the wallets have spoken.

Silver Crusade Contributor

Unfortunately, it doesn't meet the second criterion. According to Mr. Wertz*, the two criteria are (1) mostly sold out, and (2) 3.5 material. They may change their minds about one or both of these, but the most recent info is fairly clear. ^_^

*I'd link the post, but I'm on mobile. It's in one of the Crimson Throne hardcover threads.

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In the case of, Legacy of Fire and/or Second Darkness are the best candidates and most likely.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Hayato Ken wrote:
In the case of, Legacy of Fire and/or Second Darkness are the best candidates and most likely.

That is to say, they are the only candidates.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I read and have the Second Darkness. It has potential but is kind of a mess. A republish I think, would help to improve it especially since there are new lantern bearer PRCs and archetypes.

Zaister wrote:
Hayato Ken wrote:
In the case of, Legacy of Fire and/or Second Darkness are the best candidates and most likely.
That is to say, they are the only candidates.

Yeah i realized that my statement there doesn´t make much sense ;)

Can´t say which one i would prefer anyway.

Dark Archive

Elrawien Lantherion wrote:
I read and have the Second Darkness. It has potential but is kind of a mess. A republish I think, would help to improve it especially since there are new lantern bearer PRCs and archetypes.

*Gives approval.*

The biggest possible gameender is the ambush in the elf city. I can see the PCs fighting through the forest and going down amongst the drow because there is a big rock incoming but the ambush might very well snap things in half, especially if a PC does get killed.

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Although, I'm only interested in Second Darkness, I hope both Second Darkness and Legacy of Fire gets reprinted to bring all for initial AP to Pathfinder rules...less conversion work to do and can help clean up the APs a bit.

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I think Second Darkness has a lot of potential, but had some very rough moments. IMO both APs would look good with a remake and slight improvement, but SD would benefit more from it.

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I think Second Darkness would benefit the most from a rewrite. The transition from Children of the Void to The Armageddon Echo is very rough, and there are a lot of problems overall with Endless Night. On his AMA thread, James Jacobs has stated that he has a bunch of ideas on how to fix it, and would like to do so some day if the stars were right.

That said, Second Darkness isn't close to selling out in print, so demand seems low. I think a Second Darkness reprint would be much more of a financial risk than either Runelords or Crimson Throne.

I predict that the next one they'll reprint (if they do another one at all) will be Kingmaker.

First, it's almost entirely sold out, with used copies of some individual volumes selling for over $75 on the used book market. It costs about $225 to get your hands on all six volumes, and Paizo sees none of that money. That price-point alone really signals the demand: with the pricing algorithms in use these days, a high price signals that somebody is actually paying that price.

Second, Paizo has greatly expanded the kingdom building rules in Ultimate Campaign (and elsewhere), and a rewrite would allow use of the expanded rules, which would not have to be reprinted in the hardcover.

As for when... I'll go out on a limb and guesstimate it'll be two years from now...so 2018.

Dark Archive

I agree that there will propbably be a hardcover collection of Kingmaker somewhere in the future.

It is a great campaign and still in high demand.
The map folio is impossible to get.
Even the german translation editions have partly sold out.
Also this would allow for a pawn collection and some other related stuff.

With RotR AE out in 2012 and CotCT HC in 2016, i expect it to be 2019 to 2020.

That said, i could also see a Legacy of Fire HC as part #4 is sold out and parts #5 and #6 had less than 250 left in november 2015.
At the moment the old 3.5 AP books are offered for $5 a pop, i expect most of them to be gone in a few years.

Sadly Second Darkness is not likely to be reprinted/collected.
I have recently gotten my hands on a complete collection and parts 1-4 are great, if a little disconnected.
Parts 5 and 6 are a mess though.

Also Carrion Crown has sold roughly the same as Kingmaker, i think.

In november 2015:

Kingmaker #3 had more than 1000 non-mint left.
Kingmaker #6 had ? (very few) non-mint left.

Carrion Crown #3 had less than 500 left.
Carrion Crown #5 had less than 25 left.

Kalindlara wrote:

Unfortunately, it doesn't meet the second criterion. According to Mr. Wertz*, the two criteria are (1) mostly sold out, and (2) 3.5 material. They may change their minds about one or both of these, but the most recent info is fairly clear. ^_^

*I'd link the post, but I'm on mobile. It's in one of the Crimson Throne hardcover threads.

I was being somewhat facetious there ;) However, I would also add Rule Zero: The devs reserve the right to change their minds.

Which frankly puts this all into rampant speculation. *shrug*. We'll see what / if they decide to do.

Silver Crusade Contributor

Apparently I already linked it here - it's the second post on this page, under "expectation management".

Dark Archive

Second Darkness would be cool. It would definitely need fixes but that is what is expected and healthy for it. Paizo has learned rather a bit since the AP's first publishing so I could only be positive of it. That said, I know it maybe a long shot with it still having a lot of copies left. However, I don't think they are making much money out of it s of right now.

Maybe Paizo could dig a big hole in the desert and get rid of all the remaining Second Darkness books, ET the Videogame style?

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The only hardcover rewrite I would buy would be Second Darkness. One, to get the insanely bad version of elves out of the wild, and in the hopes of getting a decent drow.

Radiant Oath

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Benjamin Medrano wrote:
The only hardcover rewrite I would buy would be Second Darkness. One, to get the insanely bad version of elves out of the wild, and in the hopes of getting a decent drow.

While not the ONLY one I would buy, I second the motion. Only makes sense to go in order.

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I'm more interested in Legacy of Fire personally. :-)

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