Giuseppe Capriati |

Desna. She is the goddes sof freedom and liberation...A perfect fit for a rebel-themed AP. But i would also be considering atheism like a form of religion, especially in Cheliax, where years of sorrow may have lead some people to disbelieve. After all, Aroden's death should be a close memory for Chelish people. Maybe not a choice for clerics and divine spellcasters, but definetely good RP idea for fighter/rogue types. I'd find interesting also: Iomedae (principally as the Inheritor of Aroden, a link to a past time where things went well for Cheliax), Shelyn (bring back beauty to the devil-scarred Cheliax), Cayden (fight for freedom!), and Milani.

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Naturally the only choice is our Dark Lord Asmodeus.
I can assure you that rumours of rebellion in Cheliax are only that, rumours. Those who are found spreading them shall be dealt with swiftly and painfully. No ragtag bunch of malcontents will be permitted to disturb the proper and ordered society which we have managed to forge from the chaos of Civil War So-called freedom fighters are little more than opportunistic brigands looking for self advancement at the cost of order and stability. Their rhetoric is a tissue of lies, truly if they are to succeed then the common people of Cheliax will know nothing but suffering and pain.
All Hail our Dark Lord!

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So far we've got:
An Iomedaean paladin
An Iomedaean Hellknight dropout, possibly going Vildeis, Ragathiel, or Olheon depending on how she channels her guilt
A Shelynite tiefling that is temporarily getting involved with Milani and feeling very conflicted about going slayer
A Caydenite martial artist
An Iomedaean priest
With a lot of overlap too, as they're all siblings. Those are the ones they primarily worship though.
And all the dedicated Iomedaeans are of the "law in device to good" variety, though the Hellknight will take some time to get there.

Garde Manger Guy |
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Gorum. With the whole Hell's Rebels thing going on, how can you not?
"What are you rebelling against Johnny?"
"What have you got?"
Now I just need to figure out how to justify why my cleric will wear only leather armor and insist on riding something vaguely resembling a metallic horse with wagon wheels instead of legs everywhere around town.
BRMC for life!

Abraham spalding |
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Ruzel -- would be my "against the grain" pick. Infernal duke of blasphemy, humor, and undeath? I don't think he could resist getting involved.
I mean you have a chance for everything to go wrong in all the right ways, and no matter how things turn out it would all be interesting to him. Corrupt the good guys from inside, get one over on another Infernal Duke, kill the entire movement with his influence, see them succeed and blasphemy against the Asmodean religion...
It's just too good to not use him.
Other than that:
Nethys would be fun.
naderi might have something for a doomed cause.
Jaidz might support a fledging movement of the untested.
Lorrs would find this easily
Olheon easily.
But again my big play would be Ruzel -- doesn't hurt my favorite character's name was Ruziel Croses either.

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Mikaze wrote:So far we've got: {. . .}Is this going to be in a PbP or online campaign journal? Because I really like the WotR campaign journal that you have been showing us the start of, although I can't get enough of it.
And thanks! That campaign journal will get updated soon, promise! And sorry for the long hiatus on that! D:

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might support a fledging movement of the untested
I just realized a couple of weeks ago who the perfect Empyreal Lord patron would be for my favorite videogame paladin and just today brought it up to the potential failed-Hellknight player. She's thinking about running with it.
Jaidz's patronage of cowards works wonderfully for otherwise decent, honorable people that are struggling to find the courage to disobey orders they know should not be followed. :)

Greylurker |

^Can we ask how he didn't end well?
let's just say he did not get the comfy chair

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Its Cayden Cailean for me because his faith always strikes me as being eager to kick Asmodeus and his faith where the sun don't shine. Of course I do have a soft spot for rough around the edges heroic warrior types.
Plus he's rather underused in comparison to the rest of the good aligned core deities.

Runelord Apologist |
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Cheliax's problem isn't 'evil', it's a lack of virtue in the leadership!
What Cheliax needs isn't freedom, it's a new order! Rulership in the hands of those whose first concern is their duty, not in those of decadent priests paying homage to Hell and vacuous politicians that line their own pockets! Asmodeus would weaken Cheliax by making it dependent on his devils, but there was once a goddess who spake that the only worthwhile rewards are those earned through work, service, and sacrifice! Cast off the shackles of the priesthood! In the new order, power will be earned through perseverance and study, not gifted by the gods or inherited from one's ancestors!
Look to the north, Kintargo! The true heritage of humanity is calling, and its symbol is the shattered star! Neo-Thassilon, ho!

Liath Samathran |

I like Iomadae because she was Cheliaxian before her ascension. I can see worshipers of her supporting a rebellion to bring the goodness that they know that exist in chelixans that Thune has smashed; and to turn the empire into well a good empire.
I'd truly love to help, but-
tearing metal
roiling holy flame
demonic shriek
-Worldwound! Sorry!

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Here is another question: Being that I am a polytheist IRL, why not be a polytheist in golarian; particularly for this AP. Why not have someone that worships both Iomadae and Caydian Calian, or all the good deties that have been mentioned here.
Mechanically you can only ever receive benefits from one god, so you end up in a situation of "I love all my gods equally, but not really." In addition the Faiths & Philosophies book presents the concept that by devoting oneself to many gods, a person is devoting themselves to none of them.
Thematically however, it makes sense, Archons, Agathions and Azata will work together to fight evil, so why not have a character that venerates all the upper planes?
There are however a few mechanical options to worship a pantheon as well, also in Faiths & Philosophies.

UnArcaneElection |

^As long as you're not a Cleric, Divine Hunter, Inquisitor, Paladin(*), or Warpriest, it seems that your options are not so limited, except that you can only fit in one Religion Trait (not because of the way religions work, but because of the way Traits work). Druids, Oracles, Rangers, and Shamans are not tied to one deity, and classes that aren't divine casters are not tied to one deity (unless you take one of the Obedience series of feats, that is).
(*)And from what I've gotten from reading elsewhere on these boards, within the boundaries of Lawful Good even Paladins aren't as restricted as Clerics with respect to choice of divine ties.

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Here is another question: Being that I am a polytheist IRL, why not be a polytheist in golarian; particularly for this AP. Why not have someone that worships both Iomadae and Caydian Calian, or all the good deties that have been mentioned here.
Hell knights are polytheists. But playing a hell knight in this ould probably not work.

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I would go with the Empyreal Lord Ondisso. Not so much about open rebellion as improving the lot of the oppressed. Climbing his stairs so far the chains snap under the strain. I wrote a character that (since it was a custom Mythic Campaign) worshiped Ondisso and liberated all of the Inner Sea's Halfling slaves by using the Chellish courts against themselves.

Myrryr |
I'm afraid I'd have to worship the Black Goat of the Wood with a Thousand Young.
My character would probably be an Oracle of the Dark Tapestry and use magic to get a functional penis (as she'd be a female catfolk of course). Her eventual goal would be taking the young sorcerer queen of Cheliax down as her goddess' personal breeding tool.
Because that's what Shub-Niggurath does. Except unlike Lamashtu, she's got tentacles and is from space instead of being part dog and from the Abyss.
Also because Shubby doesn't have nearly enough support and I want to give her the 'love' she deserves ^_^
Probably write up a custom set of boons for her for Exalted, Sentinel, Evangelist classes. Maybe some variant casting too. For the outer gods to be in several APs (RotR, CC anyway), they really don't have much support for worship...
Was sooo hoping the next AP would be focused on them, really want one where the entire AP is about stopping a Great Old One like Hastur or maybe even the Pharaoh of the Black, Nyarlathotep.

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What type of cleric would I play in a Chelish rebellion?
Abadar (Bankrolling a rebellion ain't cheap)
Asmodeus (He is kind of in charge here)
Calistra (I do what and who I want)
Desna (Let freedom ring)
Pharasma (You will all be judged in time)
Sarenrae (All people can be redeemed, one way or the other)
Zon-Kuthon (If you could only experience what I have seen, you would understand)

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Don't we forget also the Empyreal Lords?
- Ragathiel wants joust vengeance. Fire and blood. It's time for justice!
- Damerrich gives fair trial to tyrans, and also a quick execution by axe. "No man of woman born can flee his fate".
- Olheon, an angel of fair aristocracy, would have lots of work... Saving the few worthy noblemen and helping change things. But not too much!
Some demented slaves, too damaged due suffering continual lashing and punishment, could be inspired by Rovagug desire to break all chains and get loose.
Many Evil/Neutral gods could be interested in the power vaccuum generated by the free city. Asmodeus casted a long shadow. It's time to see the light.

John Lynch 106 |

I might try revisiting my Asmodian heretic that I played in Crimson Throne.
He was trying to create a branch of the faith that focused on Asmodeus as God of Lawyers and Contracts and move a bit away from Tyrany and Slavery.
You could always take the separatist archetype for the cleric and select the community domain. Although I struggle how a church of lawyers and contracts would go with being in a rebellion. My Asmodean priest often decries his party's action as "attack the very foundations of which our society is built upon" with their illegal tasks. He's always insistent that they gain legal authority to perform the tasks that the rest of the party wants to do. After all, without laws society would simply crumble and erupt into a chaotic orgy of murder and crime. Do YOU want to be responsible for making our nation the next Galt? Then again, the American revolution was filled with lawyers.
Of course my monk of Iomedae would totally get involved. Did we just break a bunch of laws and possibly hurt some innocents in our quest to overthrow the church of Asmodeus? No worries. Say a few "Hail Milani"es, take on a penance and then get back into action. After all, what good is being an Iomedean worshipper if you can't ask for forgiveness for all your sins?

Irnk, Dead-Eye's Prodigal |

I would definitely go with either Milani (with hopes she will get a Deific Obedience and Books)
Unfortunately, pretty much guaranteed not to happen. SKR has already written the article on Milani (It's in 'the Shackled Hut') before Inner Sea Gods came out.
That said, I'm right there with you, bud.

zergtitan |

Lanowar wrote:I would definitely go with either Milani (with hopes she will get a Deific Obedience and Books)Unfortunately, pretty much guaranteed not to happen. SKR has already written the article on Milani (It's in 'the Shackled Hut') before Inner Sea Gods came out.
That said, I'm right there with you, bud.
zergtitan wrote:Just popping this in if it ends up being overlooked, but with Hell's Rebels coming up you might want to somehow give Milani some Divine Obedience love beforehand. A lot of players will be asking about this around then.Chances are pretty much 100% that I thought of this many, many months ago.
Never fear.