Besmaran Priest

Roger Corbera's page

** Pathfinder Society GM. 138 posts (162 including aliases). 1 review. No lists. 1 wishlist. 5 Organized Play characters.


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Grand Lodge

Is there any utility of having a Patron deity? I mean, for Clerics and Paladins it's a requisite, but for other players?

Grand Lodge

ok thanks.

Grand Lodge

I'm planning to rule a game in Galt where the players need to adress to multitudes and win elections. Are there any rules about public speeches?

Grand Lodge

Apparently this adventure path has a belic flavour: a hobgoblin invasion, talk about military units, etc. Will there be some big battles with thousand of warriors, using Ultimate Campaign rules?

Grand Lodge

The subgenres idea sound interesting. Also makes the book useful for other settings than Golarion.

Will it be any playesting document available?

Grand Lodge

Perhaps I've seen too much "SPartacus", but knowing that Cheliax has lots of slaves (halflings and tieflings especialy) I hope we would have a chance to break chains and lead starving hordes to vengeance... is there any references to slavery in the books?

Grand Lodge

Sounds interesting. I always liked Ravenloft. But what does it content?

Grand Lodge

I still can't find the link to download it!

Grand Lodge 2/5

ok thanks.

Grand Lodge 2/5

hello, in 2 weeks I'm gonna direct We be goblins too. Being a scenario with pregenerated PCs, who do experience and treasure works? I suppose if players win they get the usual prizes, but what if a goblin PC dies?

Grand Lodge 2/5

How do you add a new reporter? This option doesn't appair. I don't see it anywhere

Grand Lodge 2/5

Hi, I created an event at Society, now I need to know how I could make another person able to change the event, add sessions and such.

Grand Lodge

Thanks for the answers.

Grand Lodge

Looks amazing, I will study them!

Grand Lodge

In Dragonlance, dwarven fungi liquor was the strongest spirit drink in the world.
I suppose clerical magic can provide for some.
Too much lichens and rothe is the reason many dwarfs love halfling cuisine!

Also there are always other dwarfs to eat...

Grand Lodge 2/5

Well. I played a Cavalier/Gunslinger a year ago and he used a mount, of course. But that's the only case. Horses aren't very useful in Dungeons.

Grand Lodge

Being a Lawful monk mostly means you live an orderly life, full of meditation, practice and discipline. You respect self-control. And you respect your sensei and teachers.

Grand Lodge 2/5

I'm not complaining. I'm just eager to start...

Grand Lodge 2/5

Just a curiosity.
I asked last week to become V-C for my city (Tarragona, Spain). I haven't been responded. It's that usual?

Grand Lodge

I think there isn't enoug info to be a fair preview. Any place in the book is famous?

Grand Lodge

I've been reading John Carter comics. So I get the idea to bring my players to another world. The campaign setting has excellent books for that: Distant Worlds, People of the Stars, Bestiaries, etc. Got lots of good stuff.

Other worlds raises interesting questions:
- Do cleric powers works, when your god is years-light away?
- Is gold valued for commerce, like in our world? That's a good way to disarm too-rich PCs...

- But the thing that amazed me (and not in a positive way) is that in other worlds Common is spoke! How? Travel between worlds is unusual, to say the least. There is no commerce, not cultural interchange, NOTHING. Just a wizard from time to time. So how could in the Moon speak Common?

Grand Lodge

I like it! Death to all tyrants!

Grand Lodge

Belabras wrote:
I misread the title as "frog-haunted" which actually sounds pretty creepy/cool...

Frog-Haunted gives me a good laugh! Reminds me of BPRD comic books like a Plague of Frogs. :-)

Grand Lodge

lOOKS INTERESTING. I just hopes the encounters are not just designed for high level characters.

Grand Lodge

I'm not expert in the S&S rules but yours seem good ideas. I will look them.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Don't we forget also the Empyreal Lords?

- Ragathiel wants joust vengeance. Fire and blood. It's time for justice!
- Damerrich gives fair trial to tyrans, and also a quick execution by axe. "No man of woman born can flee his fate".
- Olheon, an angel of fair aristocracy, would have lots of work... Saving the few worthy noblemen and helping change things. But not too much!

Some demented slaves, too damaged due suffering continual lashing and punishment, could be inspired by Rovagug desire to break all chains and get loose.

Many Evil/Neutral gods could be interested in the power vaccuum generated by the free city. Asmodeus casted a long shadow. It's time to see the light.

Grand Lodge

nighttree wrote:

I would buy such a product without a second thought.

Especially if it had additional options for Changelings, info on the "Hag goddesses", and such..;)

I agree. For example: how does the "call of the mother hag" works? According to Advanced Races, all Changelings feel a voice calling them to their mother when they grow.

Grand Lodge

Bullets and guns are still real expensive, so I suppose most people will still be using bows and crossbows. Only important NPCs or elite troops would use firearms.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hags can be insidious villains, using disguise spell to manipulate, corrupt and mislead the PCs. Or hags can lead ogres gangs to brutal confrontation.

There are mischevious green hags, powerful annis hags, swimming sea hags, soul-stealing night hags, guts-freezing winter hags, terrorific blood hags... And their covens can be as diverse as dangerous.

For Changeling characters, a hag could be even their own mother!

Hags even have their own goddess Gyronna.

Hags have a constant presence in Golarion, where Irrisen is governed by winter witchs and evil feys.

So I think a Hags of Golarion book could be very useful and necessary. Whto do you think?

Grand Lodge

James Jacobs wrote:

As with all APs... the events CAN have significant changes but we don't assume those changes become canon just because we publish it. They only become canon in YOUR game once you play the game through.

We've done adventure paths before where...
** spoiler omitted **

...but these significant events are not assumed to have yet taken place in any other product we publish, for the most part.

We'll have more information about what DOES happen in Hell's Rebels at Paizocon. It's a tricky thing, but it WILL change at LEAST part of the geopolitical elements in your game once you play the AP.

For a moment I thought the Campaign Setting was gonna a change, just like Forgotten Realms or Dragonlance changed with the events of novels or campaigns.

Grand Lodge

I wonder if Hell's Rebel is gonna change he geopolitics of the Inner Sea forever. i know it's still too soon to tell, but ending House Thrune rulership could be a major change in the campaign setting.

Grand Lodge

If you are generous, then you can keep yourself track of the food. But they can complain if they run off rations in the middle of nowhere!

Grand Lodge

Milani is tailor-made for good-aligned rebels. Rovagug for bad-aligned ones (broke all chains!).

Also GOrum wouldn't lose the chance of a good fight.

Grand Lodge


Grand Lodge

Flumph are perfect guides for other world and curious harbringers of apocalypis. So I say, PAIZO; FLUMPH ME!

Grand Lodge

Joana wrote:
Roger Corbera wrote:
I'm not sure I like how the three firsts books are coming together in April, instead of one a month. Looks like they are trying to sell them in the same packaage for subscription members.
Pre-existing subscribers got the first book in February. Two and three might be coming in April, or it might just be two and the double-up might be in a later month; last I saw, they weren't sure.

Ok then.

Grand Lodge

I'm not sure I like how the three firsts books are coming together in April, instead of one a month. Looks like they are trying to sell them in the same packaage for subscription members.

Grand Lodge 2/5

But can I be an independent venture lieutenant, without a Captain above me? There isn't any captain in my city, and I'm not sure I've enough time to be captain.

Grand Lodge 2/5

Thanks both. Gonna look that ones you said.

Grand Lodge 2/5

Could you tell me if any scenario is more adequate for a viking-like setting? Thanks.

Grand Lodge 2/5

The Society page talks about Captains, but not Lieutenants.

Grand Lodge

Errant Mercenary wrote:
Claxon wrote:

What people want is to not have to buy the amulet of mighty fists.

Thats what everyone is after when they ask this question.

As a house rule I allow fists wraps, brass knuckles, whatever, to be used a deal your unarmed strike damage and be enchanted and provide theose bonus to your unarmed strikes. However, I also said that you cannot use a single weapon to flurry if you use this route.

The costs is maintained, which is intentional on my part. But it does open up the neck slot and exchange it for an otherwise unused slot.

Old debate I guess. Why does a 2 handed weapon fighter spend 2k to do more damage than you (or generally 3/4 bab two-weapon classes, see rogue/monk) and you instead need to pay twice or deny yourself the neck slot? This is why Amulet of Mighty fists got changed.

It's your ruling, but I don't think it would be something to follow. The part where you can enchant the other items though is golden. /Opinions and stuff

I will look into that amulet.

Grand Lodge

Well, doesn't seem logical. Knuckles should add damage to the unarmed strike.

Grand Lodge

Can a monk use brass knuckles to bonus his unirme strikes? How does it work?

Grand Lodge 2/5

Dang, I hope they adress it soon! Kingmaker is a great aventure path.

Grand Lodge 2/5

I don't see it available when I tried to create an online event.

Grand Lodge 2/5

I played Kalkamedes Night March the Saturday with some Canarian guys. Perhaps friends of yours?

Grand Lodge

Good idea!

Grand Lodge 2/5

I tinc web places together daring the Desembre event in Barcelona. Congratulations!

Grand Lodge 2/5

Some enemies fight to death, other can surrender. The XP are the same, in my opinion. also a living prisioner can give information.
Surrender generaly means unconditional surrender, so you can strip the enemy of all her goods. But sometimes it can be negotiable.
In the middle ages, noble prisioners were generaly respected and well treated, but peasant soldiers could be butchered at will. In Old Rome civil wars, enemy officers were executed, but enemy foot legionnaries joined the victor's army.

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