Arnistolientar Popswicker

Applemont Rumplefump's page

Organized Play Member. 4 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 11 Organized Play characters.


Grand Lodge

I'm starting a Hell's Rebels campaign soon and one of my players wants to play a medium. Now Horror Adventures and Occult Realms suggest that certain areas have unique spirits with unique abilities that can be channeled instead of the standard Heirophant, Champion, etc... So I'm trying to come up with examples that I could add to the game that are unique to Kintargo and the Ravounel area.

I already started to work on some of the already deceased members of the Silver Ravens and are working on what abilities they might have. I'm hoping some of you might have some suggestions for other spirits to summon or powers they could grant. I'm doing what I can to make what is one of the more unique classes in Pathfinder more unique for my game.

Grand Lodge

My character from the Wraith of the Righteous campaign we just finished up. He was granting spells to his followers by the end of the game anyway and really should start working on organizing his cult.

Grand Lodge

Hey Mark,

Do you miss Boston PFS as much as we miss you?

Grand Lodge

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So last spring we ended up making the poor GM run an adventure backwards.

Fury of the Fiend


The adventure starts with us finding out another pathfinder team was missing. The Venture Captain in Absolom giving us the mission had the last letter to the Society written when one of the PCs playing a cleric of Pherasma said "Hey, I can use that to scry on her right now." Once he did showing her in a dark cave taken prisoner. At which point I, playing my high level Gnomish Wizard said "I have Teleport. I can carry us to her directly."

The GM just looked at us and said "Fine" and there we teleported to the last encounter of the adventure and what had been a search-and-rescue adventure became an escort mission as she ran the rest of the encounters in reverse order as we tried to keep the NPC prisoners alive.

Bless-her-heart, she did not even bat an eyelash and just ran with it. Her GMing impressed the hell out of me.