Karzoug the Claimer

Signifier Antonius Gallonica's page

157 posts. Organized Play character for andreww.

Full Name

Venture Captain Antonius Gallonica


Male LN Half Elf Sorcerer (Razmiran Priest) 19

About Signifier Antonius Gallonica

The son of a wealthy Chelxian mercantile family Antonius struck out into the world to make his own fortune. He saw joining the Society as one of the best opportunities to explore the world, hone his skills and improve his sorcery.

One day he shall retire and return home to take control of the family business. To ensure his place in future Cheliax he has dedicated himself to the Hellknight Order of the Gate. Outwardly devout to the teachings of Asmodeus (Thrunes agents could be anywhere!) in truth he reveres Razmir. He has joined the Hellknights recognising the opportunities such membership gives him in advancing in Chellish society.