What AP would you like to see next? 2016 / 17 edition

Pathfinder Adventure Path General Discussion

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Liberty's Edge

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Alright, so every two years (and by every I mean there was one in 2010 and again in 2012) it's time to restart the What AP would you like to see next thread since a lot of our suggestions have made it! Wrath of the Righteous and Iron Gods both were in no small part influenced by these threads so I shall start us off! There will be 4 APs so I will suggest 4 ones I want to see!


Mythic Iblydos!

A return to Tian Xia! Either Kaiju oriented or something inspired by Wu Xia films


Submit yours and sooner or later the guys with way more time on their hands than even I will go through and collect the data :)

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Mega dungeon.

Distant worlds.

Great Beyond.

Kingdom building on a new continent.

Silver Crusade

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Dark Tapestry


Sargava/Mwangi Expanse/Shory horrors from the past with resurrected floating city being book 6


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Arcadia definitely

Distant Worlds, either planet hopping or focused on one world.


South Garund.

Basically anything not in the Inner Sea.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I'd like to see a Journey to the Center of the Earth style Dark Lands AP. By like, I mean i would throw money at it until my wallet cries bitter tears of loneliness.

Sovereign Court

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South Garund

Casmaron (Kingdom Building/Tarrasque)


South Tian Xia

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My current votes:

Arcadia - epic journey into unknown lands

Nirmathas / Molthune


Plane Hopping

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You Say You Want a Revolution. This would return to the kingdom-building rules, as outlined in Ultimate Campaign, but would be set in Galt. Players would endeavor to try to establish their own realm in the face of the continuous Glorious Revolution, and they would delve deeply into the secrets of the Gray Gardeners.

World War G. A diplomacy and intrigue adventure, spanning the whole of the Inner Sea. Players would begin as minor aides to diplomats from the Inner Sea nations, then generals, and eventually decide the fate of the world at the negotiating table.

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First World.

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Galt, Please

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Midnight_Angel wrote:
First World.

This. Mostly so we can get a few splats to go with it.

Humans! so Squishy, they go Splat so easily!

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A visit to one of the exotic, unexplored continents - Vudra (India themed), southern Garund (Africa themed), Arcadia (Aztec/Maya/Inca themed).

First World (high-fantasy fey realms).

Underdark (journey to the center of the earth type story).

Ocean depths (Aboleth, underwater lost Atlantis air-dome type city, aquatic nations, etc.)

Sovereign Court

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Full on Dark Tapestry occult AP please.

pennywit wrote:
World War G. A diplomacy and intrigue adventure, spanning the whole of the Inner Sea. Players would begin as minor aides to diplomats from the Inner Sea nations, then generals, and eventually decide the fate of the world at the negotiating table.

Yeah I'd sign up for that.

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Copied from the previous thread:

With the advent of the upcoming Occult Adventures and psychic magic, it seems like a Vudra AP is almost inevitable. And while I- like many others- would certainly love to see that happen, the description of it as being more occult/spiritualism got me to thinking of an AP I think would be awesome to see-

Some kind of Victorian-esque spiritualism/occult adventure set primarily in Nidal, involving the Plane of Shadow, Kytons, and the First World. With lots of gremlins, too.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber


Mythic Iblydos



President, Jon Brazer Enterprises

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Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Distant Worlds

Distant Worlds

Distant Worlds

Distant Worlds

Distant Worlds

Distant Worlds

Distant Worlds

Distant Worlds

Distant Worlds

Distant Worlds

Distant Worlds

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Distant Worlds

Distant Worlds

I'd really like a Harbinger-focused AP that takes you all over Golarion trying to stop them from forcing prophecies to come true, Distant Worlds AP, and a Dark Tapesty/Dominion of the Black AP.

Liberty's Edge

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Anything that goes outside Avistan/Garund.


Tian Xia.


Distant Worlds.

My number one craving is Arcadia though. I have always had an obsession with Maztica and want to see it done right. I'm really interested in Native American cultures and would love to see their tribes, gods and monsters.

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How about an AP where the main enemies are a group of renegade angels?

Failing that, Arcadia please.

Dark Archive

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1. Distant Worlds. I'd prefer something set on one specific planet, but I'd be up for something planet-hopping too.

2. Kytons/Nidal/Plane of Shadows. I remain highly interested in more kyton-related material. I'd prefer something that didn't unseat the Umbral Court, though. I'd rather keep at least a few of the long-standing evil governments in place for the setting. I'd also take Kytons in Numeria or Kytons in Ustalav as an alternate.

3. Dominions of the Black / Countdown Clocks / Aucturn Enigma / Osirion. Partially in Osirion, partially on Aucturn.

4. Tian Xia. I'd like to see an AP set entirely in one of the nations of Tian Xia. I have a vague preference towards Shenmen, followed by Goka, but I'd really be happy with anything that starts in Tian Xia and stays over there.

5. Vudra / Casmaron. I'd like to see Casmaron get detailed, and I think that having a Vudra AP (now possible with the introduction of psychic magic), would be a good way of introducing it. Any of the undetailed continents would work, really; Vudra/Casmaron is just currently at the top of my list.

Scarab Sages

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There is a certain degree of symmetry to the idea that the AP that follows Giant Slayers should somehow involve the Drow and the Darklands. Are we ready to pull the trigger on the Orv vaults yet?

Oh, and something with kaiju...

Silver Crusade

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Kingmaker campaign in tian Xia culminating in a Kaiju attack on said kingdom.

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The seal in Kaer Maga

Planet hopping


Radiant Oath

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

An Exploration of the Sarenrae/Cult of the Dawnflower and Taldor/Qadira conflict. Whether through diplomacy or war, it's been a long time in the coming.

Sovereign Court

I get the feeling we wont see Taldor in an AP anytime soon, if ever.

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Distant Worlds

The First World


Tian Xia









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Lastwall Vs. Any or all of the enemies around them.

Brevoy! I'd love to get a GoT style political intrigue and crazy sandbox fight for control

Taldor reclaiming their former glory


Nirmathus vs Molthune

Andoran vs Cheliax

Someone linked the lands of the Linnorn Kings to this really amazing story I wanted to see...

4 choices eh?

I want a full on Asian themed/Dragon Empires themed AP.

Count me for another Distant Worlds advocate.

I'd like to see some sort of Mythic one again, perhaps this time when ALL the Runelords comeback (at least the ones not done away with already) and you have a totally big faceoff with them.

A wierd sort of idea, maybe do one where you aren't based in Golarion or that universe at all.

Instead do something perhaps based in this world in the 18th century like a Sherlock Holmes or maybe something like Cortez's conquest or something from History?

a RP based political thriller in Taldor. that place is rich with potential and paizo has so many modules there!

something based in Lastwall there is some undead and orc slaying potential there. plus you are in the country of paladins. so much fun could be had by a less than LG party trying to hide the less than legal acts adventures tend to preform.

Aroden. I would love a path that leads to figuring that out.

A true war campaign it could be put anywhere, Taldor vs Qadira is a thing and I am sure there are more I just don't know about them. you have to raise and lead an army into war. great roll play potential and battles on massive scales. there would clearly be an focus on tactics not hack and slash. decide if you want to lead as a general or follow as a common solider. Rouges would be so much fun not as a leader but a gather of information. can you tell this is the one I really want?

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I realize that this idea is perhaps poorly timed with the current "Tyranny of Dragons" theme going on during 5th edition's debut. That being said, I've always wanted Paizo to publish a dragon-centric AP.

I want a dragon big bad at the end. Other dragons, good and evil, bestial and intelligent, can feature throughout as can a cabal of draconic heritage sorcerers and half-dragon warriors.

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I want to see an Andoran AP, featuring at least one (and preferably all 3) of the following:

1. Combat a plot to corrupt Andoran's electoral system. You can already find mention (but not details) of a plot to corrupt Andoran from within for the service of those who would make themselves nobles again, if you look in the right places on PathfinderWiki. Druma is not mentioned (yet), but should be strongly suspected, as should Andoran's economic tycoons, which may have considerable overlap with those would make themselves nobles again.
2. Participate in a plot to create the Andoren Geographic Society, a competitor to the Pathfinder Society, founded in part by disgruntled ex-Pathfinders. The Pathfinder Society is a major opponent. Andoran's outpost in Arcadia would be one of the featured locations.
3. Participate in a plot to build Golarion's first railroad under the leadership of a Alkenstar-inspired Andoren entrepreneur and a disgruntled Alkenstar expatriate. Among other things, you have to keep them alive, because a LOT of forces are going to oppose them, including not only Alkenstar assassins, but also Druids and their allies opposed to the burning of coal and wood required by the Andoren ban on enslaving fire elementals to run the locomotives, as well as to the major proposed use of the railroad for hauling lumber from Andoran's logging camps to its shipyards.

The Andoran AP and the Galt AP recommended by pennywit above would make excellent preludes (you probably want both of them) to the World War G AP also recommended by pennywit (in the same post). Of course, a major part of World War G would center on Andoran and Taldor, when Cheliax and Taldor hit Andoran from opposite sides, but then almost immediately thereafter Qadira takes the perfect opportunity to stab Taldor in the back, and then the nascent Galtic Empire (created in the Galt AP) gets into the fray, while both Druma and the Aspis Consortium make a killing (in more ways than one) feeding multiple sides of the conflict. Of course, the war or at least its immediate repercussions would also spread to the colonies in Arcadia.

in no particular order

  • South Garund or wherever the catfolk are hiding
  • Iobaria with extra sides of horror
  • plane-hopping exploration that doesn't involve deities at all
  • Galt with heavy mystery/horror/romance/occult

Aside from First World (which I already mentioned)...

I'd love that AP to take on that note about Ayavah in WotR #6, and teasingly hinted at by JJ to happen.
I just don't know how many folks here will cry 'boo' at anything demon-related...

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1. The Great Beyond/Planescape AP
2. Absalom
3. Nex and Geb
4. The First World

Liberty's Edge

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Dominion of the Black - I want to see the Pathfinder version of those classic Call of Cthulhu campaigns, plus I love me some Lovecraft.

Wuxai - This is a fantasy genre that is sadly lacking in RPGs but is a really rich tapestry. Tian Xia really needs some love.

Nidal/Kytons - Let's face it, a Hellraiser style AP would be super badass. Of course, I would accept a module as well. Extra points if there is a bed that eats people.

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Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

First, with all due respect to the creative minds at Paizo, I'm tired of the demon/devil thing... I was greatly disappointed by the announcement of ANOTHER demon related AP (Hell's Rebels)... With such a rich variety of resources on Golarion, the whole demon thing should be avoided for a few years.

My 2 cents (apologies if others have already suggested these)

War of the Gods - The gods are finally at each others throats and their battle spills into Golarion. The finale should be open ended as to whether good or evil, lawful or choas, or a status quo outcome results. Great opportunity to elevate some gods to new portfolios... Could include an abundance of mythic material/trials, etc.

First Double AP - 12 issues - Total War Golarion. Different issues highlight conflicts in different regions. Perhaps similar to "Incursion" (from issue #309 of Dragon Magazine), which was an outstanding adventure.

Golarion Land Grab - A kingmaker style AP where factions or nations, etc are in completion to colonize the Azlant isles (or some other distant location).

Test of the Star Stone - A high mortality rate adventure (reminiscent of 1st Ed D&D Tomb of Horrors)

Thanks for reading. Peace.

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Hell's Rebels aren't demons. They are devils. Also while this is taking place in Cheliax, it won't really be a devil AP so much as a rebelling AP with some devils in it. Probably.

Stuff on my wishlist that they haven't done yet:

* Urban/political adventure in Absalom
* Dwarven sky citadels
* Any of the remaining unexplored continents (aside from Sarusan)
* something something Nex and Geb

Scarab Sages

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Nex / Geb / Mana Wastes
Absalom / Kortos / Jalmeray

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Odraude wrote:
Hell's Rebels aren't demons. They are devils. Also while this is taking place in Cheliax, it won't really be a devil AP so much as a rebelling AP with some devils in it. Probably.

Cheliax = demons/devils, etc. Splitting hairs doesn't make it better.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
kaishakunin wrote:
Odraude wrote:
Hell's Rebels aren't demons. They are devils. Also while this is taking place in Cheliax, it won't really be a devil AP so much as a rebelling AP with some devils in it. Probably.
Cheliax = demons/devils, etc. Splitting hairs doesn't make it better.

No. Cheliax is about a tyrannical regime, with devils working in tandem with the corrupt government. Devils are a part of that regime but it's mostly humans that are in charge and the antagonists.

Wrath of the Righteous was PRIMARILY about fighting outsiders, and planehopping to the Abyss.

Hell's Rebels is staying on the material plane and overthrowing a corrupt government.

Broad generalisations don't make things better.

To The Topic At Hand

Someone already mentioned Journey to the Centre of Golarion

But I'd also like to see 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, a campaign almost entirely under water.

I wanna see War of the Worlds with an adventure kicking off with an invasion of Golarion by aliens, and a group of plucky heroes hopping in a spaceship for a system wide tour to get allies to retake their world.

I wanna see The Time Machine where characters travel to key points in history to stop a powerful evil from ever rising.

Actually the themes of those two are similar. A calamity occurs, and all is lost from the start but our heroes fight back to set things right and perhaps change the status quo of Golarion forever.

Liberty's Edge

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#1: Kingmaker 2.0: Set wherever. I don't care. But it's time to go back to that well.

#2:Godfathers of Absalom An entirely urban campaign, with lots of sandboxy capers, where the PCs are thugs, thieves, second story-men, fences, pimps, bookies, enforcers, loan sharks and wanna be Made Men. Rise from the Puddles district of Absalom, run the rackets, fight for turf, survive the gang-war and have your crime family rise to the top; become the Godfathers of Absalom. (Paladins need not apply).

#3: Quest for Sky: A historical AP set almost in its entirety underground, in the past after Earthfall when the Orcs rule the surface of Golarion. A pure Darklands style campaign where the party are in service to the Dwarves who are pressing to discover the path to the surface above. This almost entirely underground aspect of the game removes the need to redo the Inner Sea World Guide for the past.

#4:Orcslayer: It's time for the Orc! The heroes must take their stand against the most dangerous of all foes; the ones that are just as clever as humans, but stronger. The Orcs take the roll of the Big Bads.

Webstore Gninja Minion

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Samy wrote:
I'm really interested in Native American cultures and would love to see their tribes, gods and monsters.

Find this movie and watch it.

Silver Crusade

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Steel_Wind wrote:

Lose the 's' and we can talk.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Mikaze wrote:
Steel_Wind wrote:
Lose the 's' and we can talk.

9 Months after this APs completion we'd see a lot more Half-Orcs on Golarion that's for sure.

Silver Crusade

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DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
Mikaze wrote:
Steel_Wind wrote:
Lose the 's' and we can talk.
9 Months after this APs completion we'd see a lot more Half-Orcs on Golarion that's for sure.

One volume has to be titled "Blooming On A Battlefield".

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Mikaze wrote:
DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
Mikaze wrote:
Steel_Wind wrote:
Lose the 's' and we can talk.
9 Months after this APs completion we'd see a lot more Half-Orcs on Golarion that's for sure.
One volume has to be titled "Blooming On A Battlefield".


Volume 1: Orc Men are from Akiton, Orc Women are from Castrovel.
Volume 2:
Volume 3:
Volume 4:
Volume 5:
Volume 6: Blooming on a Battlefield

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