
HikariStarshine's page

Organized Play Member. 68 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 6 Organized Play characters.


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Maybe that ought to be worded as 'Either the original or replacement card's level', because I guarantee you, people are going to look at the level 0 Cure in the Core Set and ask why they can't replace the level 3 Cure in Monk, as the tier allows it. :)

We definitely haven't been using any Core/Crimson Throne cards yet; I don't think we'd even totally grokked that that's an option. It feels like that's going to break some stuff in, say, the Monk deck (where spells have rather high deck numbers), but if swapping in the Core cards is a valid thing...


I feel as if proxy cards are likely to be something we need longish-term simply because, although my table *does* have access to two Core Sets and one Crimson Throne, one of those Core Sets and the Throne are going to be the box we're running future seasons out of, and obviously if I'm swapping my own cards at that point, it's going to interfere with the Vault. Oof.

Not gonna lie, I hope more class decks are coming at some point, simply so that more of the Core-style cards are out there.

I feel like this is going to get way more complicated than anyone really wants... especially once we move into season 6 and the Core Set is the norm. Replacing cards just seems like a good way to get things mixed up, though I suppose the fact that the only duplicates are Blessing 0s which won't ever be found in our CDs (at least until the next round of Class Decks) would help on that front.

Anyways, Celeste:

Skill Feats: +1 INT
Power Feats: Combat Check veterancy, automatic arcane spell shuffle
Card Feats: +1 Ally, +1 Blessing

Fire Snake [0]
Phantom Shield [0]
Steal Book [0]
Life Drain [1]
Pyrotechnic Blast [1]

Flame Staff [0]
Shining Wayfinder [0]
Bloodbound Hat [1]

Alaeron [0]
Appleslayer [0]
Zae [0]
Rodrick [1]

B. of the Ancients [0]
B. of the Gods x2 [0]
B. of the Spellbound x2 [0]

I'll see about getting everyone's deck lists, sure.

I'm going to come right out and say that at least for Celeste, part of the issue stems from the 4-7 'Duel' reward and how it plays in 6.0. That reward would have been *incredible* before the new feat cap rules were put in place, but now that feats per tier are capped, that deck, which got loaded with extra explore economy up front, wound up unable to take any new spell slots until tiering up.

Celeste, on the third attempt, used the deck upgrade at the end to swap a moderately-useful Basic item that helped with monsters for a different, also moderately-useful Basic item that will allow at least a little more combat readiness.

But that doesn't change the fact that this scenario, even under pre-Core rules, would have been seriously rough for any Celeste build that uses spells for versatility over combat-readiness, despite being a character who, again, seems purpose-built to shine in the S&S box, and whose release timing seems to line up marvelously with TT using that box.

That said, given that we're going into the fourth attempt at this scenario next week, taking the 'Take One For The Team' option might be best if we fail again. However, the 6.0 guide seems to suggest that using that option is only valid from Adventure 3 forward. Not quite sure what to do with that, or how chronicles are supposed to be filled out to reflect it. It does appear to say that using that option would mean that Celeste can then claim the reward for the scenario *anyways*, in a similar fashion to what using one of Faction's Favor's P1/P2 rewards would do, but the fact that we're still in Adventure 1 seems to preclude actually being able to use this option at all.

I've got almost all of the decks myself, I can make sure there's three or four high-WIS/combat-friendly character options. It would just be really nice not to have to resort to that. :)

Re: various perks... None of us have any of the Accessory Perks available to us as far as I know, and none of the retail incentives are helpful in this particular scenario. The heal one card is nice, but that doesn't sort out the pile of monsters or the Wis 8 check.

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It's worth noting that Avenge doesn't help at all in most cases in 5-1E, as three of the five Henchmen our group is facing are Pirate Shade Haunts.

We do have a Milani active in Estra's deck right now, at least, and both Celeste and Estra have been running Fire Snake all along, so that's a good start.

I wasn't aware that the attempt to close *doesn't* end the turn, though; that's good to know.

I'll have to see if I can get Imrijka to loosen her deathgrip on her weapons to let Celeste borrow something Dex-based. :)

So, my OP group just wrapped our *third* failure to clear 5-1E under Core rules, and it's becoming a bit of a frustration. I just want to make sure that I have everything figured out and we're playing everything as intended.

For reference, the party makeup is CD Estra/Ultimate Magic, CD Imrijka/Ultimate Intrigue, UC Hayato/Barbarian, and Pathfinder Tales Celeste/Ultimate Magic.

1: Scar Bay location decks are consistent issues, with monsters being added every turn. It isn't safe to be there if you don't have some kind of combat ability, and if you aren't very armored, an early close of any location is going to wipe your hand out. Additionally, we are finding that under the new one-blessing-per-check rule, the only one of our players able to reliably make the closing check is Estra. This is a problem as that player is rarely the one finding the Henchmen.

2: The new rule that attempts at closing a location force the end of your turn means that hitting a henchman in your first exploration cuts off your ability to mill the location, slowing progress through the decks. Again, when the Scar Bay locations don't stop refilling, this is a huge issue.

3: Celeste seems pretty well designed to shine in this path, what with the pirate theme and everything. So, of course, any turn that she begins without combat spells of some kind in hand, she has to go hide in the one other location, because her unarmed combat ability is useless in Scar Bay. Can't poison undead, after all. Bad shuffles result in a lot of wasted turns as a result.

4: Lack of boon variety: the location decks here give you items, allies, and blessings. Great. Celeste needs *spells* in order to adjust her deck to be more useful in this scenario, and isn't getting any. The only spells we're seeing are as plunder, and those just go away when we fail the scenario.

We've failed three times due to clock-out, now. Every time, it can be directly blamed on having had two failed closing checks in Scar Bay locations, and not having the turn/exploration economy to mill through to the bottoms of the decks.

Anyone have some suggestions of what we could try in order to get past this thing and move on?

Something I'm not seeing a mention of here, that seems Very Relevant Indeed: Using the We Be Heroes? goblins for organized play seems like it's going to run into a major issue the moment you earn role cards, as they do not appear to actually *have* role cards. Is that going to be addressed somehow?

This is more of an 'I need a little extra time before subscriptions happen' than anything else, but... I need my Pathfinder Adventure Card Game subs cancelled for the moment. I'll be resuming them soon enough, but can't afford the financial hit this week.

OK, I have subscriptions in place for the Adventure Card Game and Class Decks. I went through a spell of not having funds to get some of the decks and wound up with a bunch of cancelled orders; I ended up picking those decks up later at my FLGS so I have them all sorted out. Woo, good to go, right?

Maybe not. I'm looking at my subscriptions page, and there's several things in there that are listed as 'Pending' that I don't need to have more of sent along with the new Core Box. I'd really prefer not to have to worry about that; I'm budgeting based on just the totally new content this month.

Is there any way to get those 'Pending' things cleared or cancelled or whatever, so that I can make sure I'm not getting hit with any unexpected pieces of an order?

So, I finally got far enough that I needed to crack open my MM Deck 2 that I bought in... October... and was somewhat confused by the presence of a Carrion Golem in the very front of the first pack of cards, before the traders. I'm glad that guy doesn't have the Trigger trait, or it could have been a bad situation.

Checking the deck list, I seem to have, for some strange reason, wound up with one less Curse of Withering than I was supposed to, and one extra Golem in its place. I can't foresee this being a *huge* issue, as my group has been (so far) rather good at avoiding rolling the Scourge die, but it's still a little confusing. Anything that can be done for me?

Can't find anything in the forums anywhere that asked about this, so may as well bring it up:

My group hit 2-3B tonight, and it was... not good. We only managed to get two locations closed, and in both cases it was by punching the villain in the face. In the aftermath, when what meager spoils we had managed to accumulate were being divvied up, it was brought up that the biggest problem we'd run into was the Clockwork Demons.

Now, the issue wasn't that they're hard to beat. Only one person ever lost to one, and that was a case of too many 1s on the dice. The issue came from the results of failing the various checks in the card text, combined with the lack of the location-closing boilerplate.

So, the question then becomes: Is that boilerplate supposed to be present and simply wouldn't fit on the card, in which case we make our closing checks as appropriate next week, or are these things *actually* just that nasty?


I would like to end my Pathfinder Adventure Path subscription now that Strange Aeons has finished.


Well. That certainly changes things a bit, but not in a bad way at all. :) Good to know that we don't have to do any kind of special ruling. Also that we don't have to potentially lose some good plunder to keep the loots.

So, I've got a gaming group that's running through Season of the Shackles but using standard play/deck-construction, rather than class decks. Not Organized Play, obviously, but still a good way to get more play out of the box, especially if it's not currently being used for an active OP group, right?

That said, we're coming up on Scenario 0-1F, where we're going to hit the first Loot cards.

Now, in normal play, the Loot cards just go into someone's deck, and the group hangs onto them. In Organized Play, not so much; due to the nature of class decks and OP itself, the loot continues living in the core box and gets swapped in at the start of each scenario, and the scenario 'cards' have their rewards recorded to reflect this.

So, the question: If using OP scenarios for standard out-of-the-box play, is the intended ruling that we use the standard rules for handling Loot, or are we going to need to do an Organized Play-style loot pool that gets dipped into before each scenario?

Please cancel my Pathfinder Adventure Path and Maps subscriptions. As fun as it is to read the APs, I'm just not getting any time with the RPG these days.


Adventure Path : Season of the Righteous wrote:


Each player chooses 1 of his Pathfinder Society Adventure Card Guild characters. That character may treat the loot Scales of Remembrance as if it is in his Class Deck box.

Shouldn't there be a Gashgelag paste-up or whatever in the pdf? Seems like it'd be tough to fight a villain without a villain to fight?

Vic Wertz wrote:
pluvia33 wrote:
Also, any news on the release of revised Season of the Shackles files to support the Tier system?
Expect that after we're finished with SotR 6.

Is that Runelords or Righteous?

Maybe I'm just mistaken, but I can't seem to find what the Cohort this time is supposed to actually have as card text. Was she accidentally left out of the PDF file?

(thankfully, my group's not nearly to this point yet, so it's not a big deal... but I expect -someone- is going to want to play this scenario, right?)

Keep in mind that you're not required to stick to the book *exactly* during that first part.

In my group, I spiced things up a bit with a more robust set of ship's entertainments to keep things more interesting in the evenings, but also by shaving a few days off (admittedly, my group has five PCs so that was mostly in the interest of keeping the total ship actions where they should have been) and adding my own slightly-modified version of Dudemeister's mod of 'Salvage Operation' from Dungeon #123 around day 10 or so.

I also took the time to throw a d6 about 200 times and a d20 about 500 times and work out not only what job each crew member is doing each day, but also whether or not they succeed at it, so that my players can know who's available to interact with during work, and so that there's more than just the five of them getting roughed up during Bloody Hour.

Above all else, remember that as a GM, your primary job is making sure that everyone at the table is having fun. Don't hold to the script if nobody's enjoying it, and don't be afraid to ask the players for input between sessions so that you can bend things into a better direction.

Now that S&S #6 has shipped, I'd like to end my subscription to the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game, please.

Maybe this goes in Conversions, I don't know, but Advice seems the better location...

I've been looking through some old Dungeon magazines I picked up, and there's some really fun scenarios I'd love to run my group through at points in the AP we're doing that it would seem appropriate... just one problem. They're for 2E.

I'm sort of new at GMing. Pathfinder's my first D&D-like, so I... really don't have a lot of 'old-school' experience. So I'm looking at these stat blocks and while I can glean most of the information out of them, I'm not 100% sure how to change them to match what I need for Pathfinder. (not to mention that I'm having some difficulty understanding why there's a level 9 wizard that the PCs are expected to fight in one of these scenarios that's built for levels 1-3...)

Anyways. I guess what I'm really asking is 'How do I take a stat block for a character/monster in 2E and turn it into Pathfinder?' Also probably 'what other things do I need to be aware of when I'm updating these?'

I was wondering how long it'd take for that Hirgenzosk issue to finally be officially remedied, after my group's horrible bad time with it... Cheers to that, and goodbye (good riddance) to the turtledragon!

OK, so, fledgling GM running Mummy's Mask for my crew, and I've run into a question that doesn't affect my players so much (yet), but does seem the kind of thing that I should have in my toolkit...

What is an appropriate way to judge the amount of time spent doing things like traveling through streets, exploring dungeons, etc.? I know the six-seconds-per-round rule for combat, but that doesn't give me anything about time spent searching, looting, climbing/descending ropes, futzing around with torch sconces because OBVIOUSLY the stone wheel is a complex mechanical door and isn't just big and heavy... (seriously, my players took almost a half-hour of real time to work that one out)


I'm mostly trying to nail down how long my players can be in an underground dungeon space and safely get back out of the Necropolis before the gates close at dusk, but I expect this sort of skill will be useful in other situations as well.

Ryan Jensen --- NOG wrote:

We had two runs at Fishfolk this past week and we lost both times due to running out of turns. We did not have much luck top decking henchmen anywhere around the board, and the closest we got was within 5 turns of defeating the villain due to his special abilities in the scenario.

Curious if this was just a string of bad luck two sessions in a row or if other groups were running in to this same issue.

Hey, as long as you didn't have the Hirgenzosk/Krelloort combo, you're doing better than my group did on our first run at it.

Shade325 wrote:
making sure they close Pinnacle Atoll asap so this can't happen.

There's the rub, though. Krelloort shuffled into Pinnacle Atoll at the start, he didn't run away to there. The only way to close the location was to defeat Krelloort... which means all nine encounters had to get sorted out.

That's nine rolls of the d12, potentially plus one for running into Krelloort early, and plus one more for each failed bane encounter that has to be dealt with again (which also potentially adds another early Krelloort). I don't like those odds.

In any case, I'm playing a few solo runs over this weekend to finish catching my 1002 up to the 1001s in the rest of the group, and fully intend to use my adventure-1 card feat to add an extra spell slot and do my best to get a Fear spell into my deck.

So, my group tonight lost at 0-2C... not because of bad dice rolls or anything; hell, we took down a freaking Owlbeartross successfully. No, we lost because Krelloort went and hid at Pinnacle Atoll and someone rolled a 1.

Can't fight Krelloort if the deck isn't otherwise empty. Can't get Hirgenzosk out of Pinnacle Atoll without someone having a Fear spell, short of a villain/henchman early location-close. Krelloort will always hide behind Hirgy, and Hirgy will never clear out so we can get at Krelloort.

Kinda left everyone with a sour taste in their mouths. Hopefully better luck next week...

Um.... so what's the Authorization date, then? Nov. 6?

You know.. I'm looking at this, and seeing that this is potentially an easy scenario...

To which I say, good.

At least in my PACG group, we ended up playing 0-1E twice last week, because we failed miserably the first time around, and only won on the second time because of sheer dumb luck on the final turn, pulling the Queen instead of the barrier that was in the location deck. Both times, we came ridiculously close to a TPK.

I think my players are going to be glad to have a more laid-back round to finish off the Adventure this week.

Woo! It's... a good thing I wasn't counting on any of that stuff in the short-term. Can't wait for it to ship!

Though I suppose I'll have to. Darn that.

Not a big fuss yet (I think), but... surely the Great Golem Sale hasn't been so much of a traffic jam that things aren't going out in the order they came in... has it?

Really, though, I just want more stuff to read and play with sooner rather than later. :)

Could I get any sort of an update maybe?

OK, clarification time:

When pulling a random card as a scenario reward, is the reward *that card*, or is the reward *an upgrade equal to the deck number of that card*?

Because my group's been treating it as the upgrade ('Oh, I got a W1 Cestus+1. Well... I want the W1 Lucerne Hammer instead.') and I have a horrible feeling that we've been playing it wrong.

In the base game, you're likely to get more than just one new card per round, though, and the weaponless character who just pulled a random weapon as a reward can still hand it off to someone else so they can benefit. It's not a problem in the base game, no, but trying to equate base-game deck construction to OP deck construction just don't work, because the base game ways to mitigate 'Can't use this card I just got as a reward' don't exist in OP.

I liked how in scenario 1-1, the reward was -either- a weapon or a spell. That way, it was totally useful for everyone at my table. The two non-magic people could get weapons, and the I, the non-weapon user, could get a new spell to play with.

This scenario, though, I actively got -less- benefit than everyone else at my table, because everyone was locked into Weapon for the reward. The same would've happened to me with Armor - the Rogue and the Fighter would've been fine, I would've been blocked out because I don't have any slots for it in my deck, and won't have for as far as I can tell into the future. If Spell had come up, I would've been the only one who benefited from it.

Maybe it's just me, but it seems like bad design in organized play, where you're not necessarily playing with the same people from session to session, to have a reward that can potentially be utterly useless to a player. Particularly if the point where you can back out of it and save it for another shot at the same scenario comes after you've already been locked into getting no benefit.

Yeah... 'cos I seriously want to back out of having taken the reward on this one with my Siwar. That Weapon 1 is nice and all, and the Rogue and Fighter that I was partied with liked getting Weapon boons, but without any card boons yet, there's no reason to have actually done the draw in the first place on a Weapon if I didn't have to, myself.

Besides, it's not like I won't have at least one chance to redo the scenario soonish, if I can manage to get a second or third group going locally...

Do players need to choose if they're going to take the scenario reward for this one *before* the random boon type is selected, or can they choose to back out once the roll hits? Seems like this particular scenario reward is potentially useless as much as 33% of the time for some characters, if you have to choose before you know what type it's going to be.

Whoops, yeah, Corvallis Oregon. So yeah. But I think part of the issue might -also- be that the FLGS that I'm holding events at on the weekly basis hasn't actually got any signage up to advertise PFSACG. Really need to get on them about that, next time I'm in...

Can't wait for the NDA to go out for the new VLs so that I can actually go poke the manager at Top Deck Hobbies in something resembling an official capacity to try and start up something there, too... Couldn't hurt to have two places and nights per week. Not to mention that it'd let me start working on my 1002 character...

Well, two regular nights in, and it seems that the local PACG Guild is holding steady at three players. Not great turnout, but I'm hopeful that we'll be growing soon enough.

At the very least, we're through scenario 0-1D now. So... close to catching up with the release schedule!

ThreeEyedSloth wrote:
Immediately. You have to rebuild your deck following your card list once you've gathered up your possible upgrades.

So... In order to use a Weapon 1 Upgrade, I have to have a Weapon card slot available at the moment I gain the upgrade, and can't bank it for later when I have the slot, thus meaning that despite picking up the Upgrade when I would've chosen something else had I had the ability, I'm still stuck with a Basic Weapon B when I buy a Weapon slot with a card feat?

I guess to be 100% sure about things... The upgrades you pick up over the course of OP are meant to be used instantly, not to be used to form a pool that you can draw on later when you retool your deck if you need to? Or more specifically: Am I required to pick a -specific- Spell 1 card at the time that I gain the 'Spell 1' upgrade, rather than being able to use that as a 'Spell 1' slot in place of a 'Basic Spell B' slot when reconstructing my deck later if I wish to adjust things?

Totenpfuhl wrote:
Hawkmoon269 wrote:
He gets to keep any 5 of the weapons he has to rebuild with after he takes his upgrade and rewards. So you can choose which particular one(s) to drop and keep.
It has to be this way as I have the same issue with Merisiel with items. Otherwise you are being punished for having a character that the class deck didn't give enough of a particular card for.

Oh good, so we played it right, then. I wasn't sure mostly because I was unsure how a deck that's had this happen would appear if a different 'GM' did an audit.

So, tangentially related question, then... We played Salvage Operation last night, and the random reward boon at the end was Weapon... and I'm playing Siwar, so I don't have a slot for those in my deck yet.

When you take a deck upgrade (say, Weapon 1) before you have access to that type of card for your deck, can you hold onto it and use it later on when you get the card feat to make use of it? Or does the upgrade have to be used immediately?

As this has come up a couple of times already in my group, asking here:

When rebuilding a deck at the end of a scenario, how much of the deck should be made up of Basic cards at this point? Particularly in cases like Siwar and Tontelizi, where there's not enough Basic cards to build initial decks, this seems like the sort of thing that needs some clarification.

Specific situation from my group: Tontelizi, who really likes polearms, begins with five weapons in his deck. Two of these are non-Basic, both polearms.

Tontelizi receives a Weapon 1 upgrade. Can his deck, next game, contain two Basic weapons, the two Deck B polearms, and a Deck 1 polearm? Or do the three Basic weapons need to be included as he hasn't yet earned enough Weapon upgrades to maintain that many non-Basic weapons?

Oops. Well, never mind, looks like it isn't pending anymore.

Silly me, I went and placed an order on the day before the sale started... and half of the stuff in my order costs even less now. Since its still pending, let's cancel the order so I can remedy that (and clear even more old OGL stuff out for you guys)?

That thumb.

Just.... that thumb.

What on earth is the purpose of an extra thumb like that?

...wait, so does that mean that I can have the non-Basic ally to fill out my 5 *and* a non-Basic something else because of the mini-chronicle?

Charm Person, here I come~

But yeah, that's good to know. Not a situation we ever ran into in my 6p RotR group, and I expect it'll be important on this coming Sunday when we're kicking off the local Guild. Audit time ahoy!

Also, just to get it out there... As of this moment, the only locally-planned Guild sessions on a weekly basis are going to be at Matt's Cavalcade (2075 NW Buchanan Ave, across the street from Fred Meyer) on Wednesday evenings at 6pm. I'm going to try to get a couple of other places on board as well, and I'm sure that if there's the local demand, I can get some other sessions in place.

So, unless I'm mistaken, Siwar literally cannot build a proper deck from the Bard Class Deck without using the Scenario 0-0 mini-chronicle. She needs five allies in her deck... and there's only four with the Basic trait in the box. So she needs that mini-chronicle in order to get one non-Basic card in there.

Or am I missing something somewhere?

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Hey all!

We're doing the local kickoff for the Pathfinder Adventure Card Guild on this coming weekend (Oct 3/4), at Just a Game Con 22. That's at the Elks Lodge (1400 NW 9th St); there's a cover charge to get into the con ($8 for one day, $12 for both), but I'm more than willing to help people who can't quite make it there get caught up later in the week.

The local shipment of Class Decks arrives at Matt's Cavalcade on Thursday; they should be getting two of each deck in, so plenty of room to choose. They'll be selling them at the store until Saturday, then at the con itself.

Saturday from 11am-6pm, I'll be running both teaching demos of the game and Scenario 0-0, which doesn't require a Class Deck and earns you a mini-chronicle to make use of on your way into the season proper. Sunday, I'll be running as many scenarios as I can get people through, again all day.

Hope to see lots of players there!

Looks fine to me, now. Thanks lots!