You know you're in trouble when you get to the table and...

Pathfinder Society

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And that is why I love my aetherkineticist. I leave the dungeon much like I leave my enemies: in pieces!

1/5 5/5

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
Ryzoken wrote:
And that is why I love my aetherkineticist. I leave the dungeon much like I leave my enemies: in pieces!

I've only played mine once, but it was fun to pick up *whatever* the opponents we dropped were using and use them against the next batch of targets...

"Dogslicer? I guess that does piercing or slashing, your choice."

"Can I do blunt with the handle?"


Lantern Lodge 1/5

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When the telekineticist carries a 250lbs rock in a bag of holding to set off traps when nothing else is heavy enough.

5/5 *****

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When no-one in the party had a counter to invisibility in a 12-13 scenario.

When the wizard had to use limited wish to get around deeper darkness in a 12-13 scenario.

Silver Crusade 4/5

When a party of 7th level characters have to retreat because they have no way of dealing with a darkness spell. Not deeper darkness, just regular darkness.

When your 7th level bard, who is playing up, has to deal with the swarms because the rest of the party, who are 10th or 11th, don't have anything to hurt swarms who are immune to weapon damage.

Dark Archive 1/5

When you notice the adventuring party consists of your monk, a mime, an acrobat, an animal tamer who specialized in fleas, and a bard.

When the other players show up dressed as a yeti, a jedi, an ewok, and a moose

No, really... This was an actual Face to Face group I was briefly part of. Not a convention, not an organized play session, just a bunch of people getting together to play D&D.

5/5 **** Venture-Agent, Netherlands—Utrecht

Ryzoken wrote:
And that is why I love my aetherkineticist. I leave the dungeon much like I leave my enemies: in pieces!

Yesterday I GMed for a similar Kineticist. She was a bit belligerent (she was an ex-convict who joined the Society as her community service, so her alignment was a bit... unusual), so as they entered an ancient temple she asked, "The mission briefing didn't say anything about preserving the place, right?" and proceeded to rip out every rusted-shut door in the complex. In the final fight, she collapsed a bridge to throw the rubble at the enemies.

Silver Crusade 4/5

Quentin Coldwater wrote:
Ryzoken wrote:
And that is why I love my aetherkineticist. I leave the dungeon much like I leave my enemies: in pieces!
Yesterday I GMed for a similar Kineticist. She was a bit belligerent (she was an ex-convict who joined the Society as her community service, so her alignment was a bit... unusual), so as they entered an ancient temple she asked, "The mission briefing didn't say anything about preserving the place, right?" and proceeded to rip out every rusted-shut door in the complex. In the final fight, she collapsed a bridge to throw the rubble at the enemies.

Profession: Demolitions as a day job?

Dark Archive 1/5 *

Fromper wrote:
Quentin Coldwater wrote:
Ryzoken wrote:
And that is why I love my aetherkineticist. I leave the dungeon much like I leave my enemies: in pieces!
Yesterday I GMed for a similar Kineticist. She was a bit belligerent (she was an ex-convict who joined the Society as her community service, so her alignment was a bit... unusual), so as they entered an ancient temple she asked, "The mission briefing didn't say anything about preserving the place, right?" and proceeded to rip out every rusted-shut door in the complex. In the final fight, she collapsed a bridge to throw the rubble at the enemies.
Profession: Demolitions as a day job?

I could've done that, but my Day Job is Craft (weapons). Sure, a kineticist generally has higher Wisdom than Intelligence. But it was for the sake of roleplaying! Those crossbows weren't gonna make themselves, were they? I can't get them in bulk, they don't trust me.

Some quotes from my telekineticist's sessions:

"Okay, as my move action, I'll draw my crossbow from my Handy Haversack. Then I'll use a standard to throw it at that zombie. DR/Slashing, right?"

"These guys look like muggers. I'd like to avoid a fight if possible. I'll pull out my crossbow and ready an action, pretending to be scared, stammering, 'S-stay back! I know how to use this thing!' Yeah, didn't think it would work. Eat crossbow!"

"Hmm, this looks like it'll require the big guns. I'll pull and throw my longbow. Piercing."

"So, this guy's soul is also an elemental gem? If I hit someone with it, it'll break and bring in an elemental! Action economy! What you're saying doesn't sound like praise of my incredible idea. Wait, his soul would be gone forever? An evil act? Then why's it on the chronicle sheet?!"

"Phew, we killed the shark. Does its corpse weigh less than 4 tons? Cool, then I'll throw it at the other shark."

Deepmarket Deception:
"You said there was a pistol among our contraband, right? If it suffers too much damage, will it explode like on two misfires? Lost interest, throwing it anyway."


One time, my kineticist's party entered a room with a pool of opaque liquid. I, being the cautious genius I am, elected to lift the liquid out of the pool. The GM was... surprised by this, but recovered quickly and had everyone roll initiative. On the creature's turn, it created a pit to try to harm our team, but found no success in it. On my turn, I used Foe Throw to hurl him into the ceiling above the newly created pit. Bam! Into the ceiling for blast damage. Bam! Into the blades of my allies as he fell past. Bam! Into the floor of the pit for falling damage.

...I felt a little dirty after that one.

Most of the time, I just re-enact the fighting style of the Railgun of Tokiwadai, using shuriken instead of coins to avoid the grey area involved in drawing the things.

So you know you're in trouble when you get to the table and are greeted with the question "How much does your character and all his gear weigh?"

Scarab Sages 2/5 5/55/55/55/5

Ryzoken wrote:

So you know you're in trouble when you get to the table and are greeted with the question "How much does your character and all his gear weigh?"

Sometimes the oft overlooked weight increase of Enlarge Person is your friend.

Dark Archive

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The smite cleric doesnt bother with selective channel, casting spells, or magic items.

Dark Archive 1/5

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You realize the channel happy cleric uses neg channeling... and the adventure is dealing with a necromancer.

Lantern Lodge 1/5

3 people marked this as a favorite.

When no one in a level 7 party can get up a 20' cliff.

Grand Lodge 3/5

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...when the rogue rolls stealth, and says "see you for the Big Bad fight" and leaves the table.

... when the halfling spellcaster's go to spell is "Air Geyser"

.. when the table gawks at the <insert martial class> and retorts "You DON'T have power attack?!"

Dark Archive 1/5

6 people marked this as a favorite.

... when Drendel lets you sleep in before giving his briefing

... when the party's scout is a barbarian who thinks "sneak" means "kick down door and charge while screaming"

... when the party's bard is a kobold who keeps singing the Doom Song from invader zim... as their Inspire Courage

Grand Lodge 3/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

... when the bomb-focus Alchemist reveals he doesn't have any alternate energy types for his bombs.

... when you get to the table and realize you left all your elevation blocks at home, and you need to improvise.
Things like this happen.


Selvaxri wrote:

... when the bomb-focus Alchemist reveals he doesn't have any alternate energy types for his bombs.

... when you get to the table and realize you left all your elevation blocks at home, and you need to improvise.
Things like this happen.

I've had to put height trackers on maps before.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, Netherlands—Leiden

6 people marked this as a favorite.

When you're in the high tier of a 7-11, in the middle of a dungeon, and realize nobody can detect magic.

This is going down right now.

Dark Archive 1/5

2 people marked this as a favorite.

... someone asks "When did the fight become Disney On Ice", and it's a serious question.

... you spy the Dreamer in the Deep, Great Cthulhu among the minis the GM is setting out


Kahel Stormbender wrote:
... you spy the Dreamer in the Deep, Great Cthulhu among the minis the GM is setting out

I used to always bring my Cthulhu plushie when I GM'd but after a while it stopped worrying the players.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

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Clearly they had gone insane and welcomed their new lord.

Silver Crusade 4/5

Thanks for reminding me. I need to remember to bring a huge mini for a 3-7 adventure I'm GMing next weekend. I love psyching out players before the game starts. :)

Dark Archive 1/5

And of course, just when they start getting use to you doing that... you run an adventure which does use that Huge mini you brought. Thus reigniting the panic. Right?

Silver Crusade 4/5

Nah... I don't do it every time. That's why it panics them when I do - they never get used to it, so the 10-20% of the time I do, it's scary.

But yes, being able to actually use a glabrezu in a 1-5 adventure was enough to make them wonder if I'm for real every time I do bring such a large mini to a low level table.

And in this case, I actually will get to use it, though they don't know that yet.

They'll be facing an enemy with Silent Image whose tactics specifically says he tries to frighten enemies away with an illusion of a dragon.

Dark Archive 1/5

Ooooh, nice! When a tactic like that happened in a session I played we panicked. Wonder if it's the same scenario?

Grand Lodge 3/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Fromper wrote:

Nah... I don't do it every time. That's why it panics them when I do - they never get used to it, so the 10-20% of the time I do, it's scary.

But yes, being able to actually use a glabrezu in a 1-5 adventure was enough to make them wonder if I'm for real every time I do bring such a large mini to a low level table.

And in this case, I actually will get to use it, though they don't know that yet.

** spoiler omitted **

That Scenario sounds like

Sewer Dragons of Absalom

back on topic-
... when the GM- relatively new at GM'ing- pleads with the table to not play up.

... when the masochistic GM is sobbing at the table, "you're playing down!"

... when the usually overprepared GM asks if anyone has any spare Huge/Gargantuan minis or bases he could use.

... when you're on the verge of a TPK and the GM is quietly reading the scenario and exclaims- "Oh crap! I forgot about the four player adjustment!"

Dark Archive 1/5

I know, doesn't it just sound like it? That was a fun scenario. Although we had to pause before one fight so everyone could rush to the bathroom.

Sovereign Court 1/5

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Selvaxri wrote:

... when you're on the verge of a TPK and the GM is quietly reading the scenario and exclaims- "Oh crap! I forgot about the four player adjustment!"

...and it makes the battle worse.

Dark Archive 1/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

... when the party's rogue breaks the only way to open a secret door, before the contents of the hidden room have been examined.

I still get a chuckle from the table I GMed at a convention where that happened. Party almost failed the adventure before it truly began. Was going to have to have the VC tell them something along the lines of "Explore, cooperate, report... why do these kids never explore?"

... when the party's wizard determines there is illusion magic in the area and tells everyone that, yet nobody (wizard included) can roll higher then a 5 on their will save.


Kahel Stormbender wrote:
Just... MLP plus Lovecraftian mythos... *shudders* Some things should not mix. And some of those are disturbingly effective when mixed. I had nightmares for a month because of that campaign.

Everything is better with tentacles

Dark Archive 1/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.
tlotig wrote:
Kahel Stormbender wrote:
Just... MLP plus Lovecraftian mythos... *shudders* Some things should not mix. And some of those are disturbingly effective when mixed. I had nightmares for a month because of that campaign.
Everything is better with tentacles

Four words that should inspire fear and terror... Pinky Pie Elder God

Shadow Lodge 4/5

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...and the session starts with a demilich boss fight.

10/24, why u is still so far away :S


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When you're playing a rogue, tell the ref "I'll sneak down the corridor and take a look at what we're up against"...and the plate wearing warrior insists on following 5' behind you because "PFS means never splitting the party".

5/5 5/55/55/5

4 people marked this as a favorite.

"I'm a human rogue. I'll sneak through the darkness and scout ahead.

"With a light on?

"Sure, why not...

Cue everything in the dungeon drooling as they see the dinner bell being rung from 3 miles out.

"Okay, well that didn't work. This time i'll sneak through the darkness with NO light on...

Cue a pair of Kobolds watching the rogue standing in the middle of the room, plain as day, creeping around.


"What is it doing?"
"I think it's blind.
"Humans apparently don't cull their hatchlings
"Lets put it out of it's misery .

Silver Crusade 4/5

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Potion of darkvision - 300 gp. Great for any rogue that wasn't born with it.

Or pick up scrolls for only 150 gp, and hope you have a party member that can cast it on you.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Kahel Stormbender wrote:
... when the party's wizard determines there is illusion magic in the area and tells everyone that, yet nobody (wizard included) can roll higher then a 5 on their will save.

I ran into an issue like that playing Wounded Wisp.

The caster identified the wall illusion in the Temple of Failed Aspirants but we had to roll for several rounds before people could get through. IIRC, the barbarian kept charging the wall but ultimately fell unconscious so we just dragged his body through then woke him up. Still leaves me confused about rules dealing with illusions.

... when you are the only experienced player at the table and some of the party decides to split at a time where your character does not notice.

More Wounded Wisp:
My character kept failing his perception check to notice that some of the party had left for the basement. The encounter was the swarm, and the only character with alchemist's fire (mine), was still upstairs talking to Janira.

1/5 5/5

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Validorn, on the 'More Wounded Wisp' thing...

Your GM made you make a *PERCEPTION* check to *Stay with the party*? *doesn't remember anything like that either prepping to run it or in playing it *ever*

Silver Crusade

Wei Ji

That was mostly my choice. I was actively speaking with Janira while the rest of my group was scattered throughout the bar talking with different people. Two members of the party decided to proceed downstairs without letting anyone else know. I felt it made sense, given the circumstances, that my character might not notice... annnnd he didn't. :) My character arrived a few rounds later at which point I think the armored barbarian was at the bottom of a pit, another party member was unconscious, and a bunch of high proof alcohol was dumped all over a blanket and about to be lit on fire...

Silver Crusade 4/5

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I guess we can put that back on topic:

You know you're in trouble when...

... the GM makes you roll a perception check to notice that the rest of the party left without you.

... when one of the players brings his nephew along, who is new to the game, has ADHD, and just wants to bash monsters with a warhammer. (*whistles innocently and wonders if Wei Ji will notice this before playing at a table with my nephew and I tomorrow*)

5/5 5/55/55/5

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"So you leave the town of waterdeep in search of elminster...

9 people marked this as a favorite.

When you're in literal Hell and the paladin decides to Detect Evil.

Then another party member blows a Horn of Goodness and wonders A) why they can still be attacked, and B) why every infernal in hearing range is suddenly making a beeline towards them.

Actually happened. Not at my table, fortunatly, but we had to stop for a few minutes just to watch it happen the table next to us while their GM was trying his best not to cackle with glee.


Grand Lodge 4/5 5/5 *

BigNorseWolf wrote:
"So you leave the town of waterdeep in search of elminster...

Just wondering if Waterdeep had been downsized to a town after the party murderhoboed a lot of the residents

Grand Lodge 3/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Jason Wu wrote:

When you're in literal Hell and the paladin decides to Detect Evil.

Then another party member blows a Horn of Goodness and wonders A) why they can still be attacked, and B) why every infernal in hearing range is suddenly making a beeline towards them.

Actually happened. Not at my table, fortunatly, but we had to stop for a few minutes just to watch it happen the table next to us while their GM was trying his best not to cackle with glee.


I did something like that in a DnD.5e session-

My Teifling Warlock used Shout to alert an enemy encampment to the presence of an Incubus- hoping that they'd want to fight the demon in their camp. Nope, the Incubus had enthralled most of the camp...

The GM stared at me, and shrugged before dumping over a dozen mini's on the table.

Back on topic-
... When you're sent out on a hunting expedition with no Ranger or Hunter.
... When your Gnome forgets her "once-a-day" magics.

Dark Archive 1/5

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Look around the table for Bonekeep pt. 3
Me: "does anyone heal?"
Only player to respond: "I have a wand of cure light."
Me: "..."

Scarab Sages 3/5

RSX Raver wrote:

Look around the table for Bonekeep pt. 3

Me: "does anyone heal?"
Only player to respond: "I have a wand of cure light."
Me: "..."

As s-s-soon as you s-start healing, you are just dying sslower...


Looking over the signups for Bonekeep 3 with the GM and comment that we will likely have 3 players and a pre-gen...

...GM responds that given the signups at the other table we might have a first-timer join use to run that pre-gen... There goes our new player retention.

5/5 5/55/55/5

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Well hell.. the low level table didn't get a DM, the only scenario i have on me that the more experienced player can play is the dalsine affair, which i haven't read. What could go wrong...

Shadow Lodge *

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

Empowered shocking grasp?

Silver Crusade 4/5

Funny you should mention that one. I'll be GMing it later today.

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