Qilzar Agha Bagoas

Jason Wu's page

Organized Play Member. 765 posts (812 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 16 Organized Play characters. 2 aliases.


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I do not like the TEML graphical design, as it would be more efficient as a single box like Dex or Item. Reason being is that if you are only ever going to select one of X number of choices, the space taken up by the other choices is wasted.

I would much prefer the space be taken by one box marked "Prof", where you'd just write in the total of your level + proficiency mod, or perhaps seperate level and prof mod boxes.

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A little late to the conversation, but the fonts in the PDFs are:

Chapter Titles: Axion SSF

Section Titles: GoodOT Condensed / GoodOT Condensed Bold

Main Text: GoodOT / GoodOT Italic / GoodOT Bold

There is also some sparing use of Eurostile, Dax Bold, Helvetica, Jubilee Light, Minion Pro, OlsenTF Regular, and Priori Sans.

The HeroLab Online site also uses the Open License fonts Exo and Orbitron.

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Lucy_Valentine wrote:
Swiftbrook wrote:

What are "Ghost Salt Weapon Blanches"?


It's a thing you apply to a bunch of arrows to give them ghost touch. Once used, the property wears off. But... you can do it in advance, it's cheap, and it lasts.

http://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment/goods-and-services/herbs-oils-other-subst ances/#TOC-Weapon-Blanch

So I think that basically solves your problem, no need to enchant the weapon.

Check the date on the post you're answering. :)


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Ghost Salt is a heck of a lot cheaper too. Buy all the blanches, you never know.

I just want a rotary select quiver like Hawkeye. :)


I'm still disappointed there isn't a Grand Lodge shirt.


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And as always, you MUST have the sourcebook where an option appears in, to use that option in PFS. Just a website is not sufficient.


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I would even go as far as to suggest that any class that has Poison Use be allowed to craft Poison.


I would love to see more nonhumanoid races. Like even an ooze or swarm race.


The biggest consideration is to make sure your table is okay with it.


Just say no to EdgeLords.


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Lord Dark Edgelord the Dark, angsty lone wolf loner that doesen't socialize but does loom in the corner dressed like he's at a funeral, brooding.

He never works out.


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I for one would love it if the Campaign Clarifications and Additional Resources links would be much more obvious, like one of the blue boxes on the main PFS page rather than the tiny text links further down the page.


thejeff wrote:
Beckman wrote:

Well, I have absolutely no interest in futuristic RPGs, including Starfinder. At all. And I also hate that it's in the same world as my fantasy genre.

Like, "Look, nothing bad can happen since we made it to the future OK." Did they have to lower the stakes on my Fantasy game??

So I hope they do not dial back their releases of the things that I do care about (Pathfinder) for the things which I do not (Starfinder).

(Not saying that it is a bad game or that other people who like it are wrong - just that I do not)

Well, the whole planet did go away. It's possible something might have gone wrong somewhere along the line. :)

I'm pretty sure Drandle Dreng is involved somehow.

Or perhaps Torch stole the planet.

If you look at the list of names of active volunteers in PFS, it looks an awful lot like the list from LG.

Nefreet wrote:
Ooo! Can you link to the post about the Flickmace?

Here you go.

More or less, "Mace, but you can use a standard(?) action to add or remove Reach."


Serisan wrote:
StevenStag25 wrote:
Shield champion brawler aka Captain America: the Build. If anybody could help me build it, that would be appreciated.

Funny enough, the geek sudoku mustering of the last scenario I ran included two players with shield champion brawlers. That's not so much an issue of it not working, though - it works fine.

Yeah, I usually have to dial back my shield champion or risk dominating the table, which I try and avoid.

Mostly Brawler with a level of Bloodrager. Belt of Mighty Hurling, anything I could find to boost strength and unarmed damage dice (and therefore Close Combat Mastery damage). Power Attack/Deadly Aim of course.

Biggest boost is the Martial Flexibility ability, though. Nearly any combat feat on tap is a hell of a powerful ability. For ranged either the Vital Strike chain or the Ricochet Toss chain depending on situation. Too many feat combos for melee to list here. I have a spreadsheet to keep track of them all.

I have to work on bosting her mental defenses, she nearly TPKed a party when she got mind-controlled once.


Nefreet wrote:
Jason Wu wrote:
It's missing from the chart on page 22, so there's no price.
That's one way to look at it. I'd suggest not, but I can't stop you.

I would normally agree with you but in the same chapter the Gnomish Flickmace got a table entry but it is completely missing it's description.

Add to that there is a dev comment in the product page that content was inadvertantly left out during editing. They posted the missing Flickmace description but never got around to commenting on the Scythe.


The Gnomish Switchscythe is missing from the chart on page 22 of Gnomes of Golarion. How much does it cost, and what are it's stats?


Was there ever a price established for the switch scythe?

It's missing from the chart on page 22, so there's no price.


Adide from the Core Rules deinonychus, the smaller velociraptor itself appears in Bestiary 4 and can be used if you own that book.

While not exactly common, there are a number of both species running around in the Society accompanied by creatures that think they're the owners.


You have the requisite race boon, yes?

I am playing a tiefling Morphic Savant myself. I am finding though that it's more like I'm playing an Eidolon with a summoner sidekick.


I just wish they'd clarify what happens if you try to use the bayonet while it's not attached. You'd think it just gets treated as a dagger, but the actual item description/rules fails to say.

I'm tempted to pick up one with a crossbow to brawler flurry with it. Just for the silliness.


Regardless of how much a GM's time is worth, it is pretty clear that the administration doesn't like the idea of people selling boons. They can't stop it, but they don't like it.

What they CAN do, is stop giving out boons entirely.

It's their campaign, so it's their perogative on what they do with it. It would be very sad, however, if they had to go to those extremes.


I am wondering, is there still a restriction on the 1-2 replayable evergreens? As in, you can play at level 1 as many times as you like each time with a different character, but a level 2 only once?

If so, perhaps it'd be okay to lift that restriction, let them allow evergreen replay for level 2s as well? I can only imagine it would help convention mustering.


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BigNorseWolf wrote:
Ezrin.. HIC.. may have stopped off HIC.. somewhere and bought a few.. HIC.. adventuring supplies..

Does anyone blame him? Considering how stressful it is to babysit Society operatives?


I just wanna know what happens if you stick a Ghost Touch Amulet of Mighty Fists on a Shadow. :)


'Lame' curse Oracle/Barbarians already get rage cycling perfectly legally in PFS as early as level 6, without having to wait a round or make a save for the fatigue immunity, so I don't see why the strictly weaker Scarred Rager rage cycling wouldn't be legal.


I have found the Brawler is very good for switch hitter build, due to their Martial Flexibility ability.


My Tian diplomat worships Yaezhing, Judge of the Gods, Minister of Blood, Tian-Shu deity of murder, death, and extreme punishment.

...he's not really a diplomat.


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Cruelty-free wands?


You could get around the multiple weapons problem with a returning weapon. There's a few ways to do this:

The Throwing/Returning weapon abilities.

Shield Champions get to eventually have their thrown shields return to them.

Greater Belt of Hurling or Blinkback Belt will bring back your weapons in a similar manner. The former will also let you use Strength for the attack roll, reducing the number of attributes you depend on.

Martial Focus > Ricochet Shot feats will return the weapon to you, and do it immediately after each attack so you get your full iteratives.


I'd point out that my shadowdancer has pretty similar numbers and he's completely human.

Not saying drow are a good idea, but that particular build can be broken no matter what species.

A bigger concern is the player either deliberately cheating, or somehow getting through a couple dozen scenarios or so without anyone pointing out that he's wrong.


To clarify, PFS does not use the standard XP award system.

You get 1 XP for every scenario you play, which run 4-5 hours. Modules award 3 XP but typically run longer than scenarios, anywhere from 8-15 hours usually broken up into 2-3 sessions.

You level up every time you earn 3 XP. So once every three scenarios or one module.


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One of my characters, after spending an entire fight unsuccessfully attempting to hit opponents with a magic item that dazes on contact, complains to the city guard when they show up.

"Absolutely I would like to file complaint! The merchant on Merkel Street, the one with the funny hair! He is a fraud! Selling fake magic items! See! This does not work!"

<smacks item on palm> <rolls a 20, followed by another 20 to confirm>

The guards just walked away laughing.


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Perhaps a clarification to "normally destroyed on use" ammo?

Otherwise the Throw Anything feat suddenly got a lot better.


Del_Taco_Eater wrote:
Tallow wrote:
Kevin Willis wrote:

I try very hard not to be a "hah-hah! Gotcha!" GM, so I'm not going to say "it shatters on impact" or come up with other ways to destroy the potion vial. If you happen to be holding a (freshly drawn) potion and decide to drop it as a free action it will be probably be fine.

However, dropping an opened vial without stoppering it is almost certainly going to cause the liquid to spill out. If you are putting it away normally as a move action I'm not going to force you to spend another action to stopper it. But dropping is free. You need some kind of action to put the stopper back.

Generally I will agree with this. However, I will not just say, "its fine." I'll warn the player of potential repercussions.

There are mechanics for dropping items in the falling rules, and rules for how many hit points and hardness glass has in the damaging items rules.

At some point, even in PFS, a GM needs to be able to extrapolate the rules to create a common sense ruling when something is done that isn't really covered in the rules. Glass breaks when it is dropped onto something hard. Drop it on spongy grassy meadow? Fine. On a cobblestone street? Not so much.

Secondly, while I have allowed it before, in PFS, items that are purchased are assumed to be the standard, cheapest option. In this case, glass vials are cheaper than metal ones, and so you can't just choose to have all your potions in metal vials.

Iron potion vials are pfs legal. Any reason why I can't buy one?

Do iron potion vials automatically stopper themselves?

There are tons of things that are normally fine but become overpowered if you try to game and abuse the system to get extreme corner cases. How is this any different?


My witch likes the Vomit Swarm spell.

Just for the reactions it causes.


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When you're in literal Hell and the paladin decides to Detect Evil.

Then another party member blows a Horn of Goodness and wonders A) why they can still be attacked, and B) why every infernal in hearing range is suddenly making a beeline towards them.

Actually happened. Not at my table, fortunatly, but we had to stop for a few minutes just to watch it happen the table next to us while their GM was trying his best not to cackle with glee.


I am of opinion that it is just a badly written reiteration of the standard natural weapon rules. If it's an intentional exception they usually spell it out.


Mount book on shield, take Shield Champion?


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And that's the trick. Play whatever character you want, but to be fair to the others playing alongside you, the character should be able to contribute in some consistant manner, even if it's in a non-standard way.


The level you acquire a class feature is part of the class feature.


Profession: Mime


Did the conversation from the black blade thread end up in the wrong thread?

Upset and outraged, no.

Merely mildly annoyed.


Yeah, while general feat slots don't necessarily have to follow the "must have been legal at that level" rule, class and archetype granted feats must follow the specific restriction laid out in the class feature.

In the case of monks, there is a specified list of feats that can be taken for that class feature. The class feature also further restricts what feats can fill the slot at each class level.


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nennafir wrote:
MassivePauldrons wrote:
nennafir wrote:
To BigNorseWolf and Drahliana Moonrunner: Don't worry, I never pvp at a table. It is a big drag and only causes trouble. Also, it takes freedom away from the players, and I am never for that. This is only about killing lawful NPCs.
Killing a Lawful NPC(or any non hostile NPC) that hasn't provoked combat is an evil act, enough evil acts and you'll have to retire your PFS character. Good luck with being an eye-roll inducing edgelord though.
Luckily I didn't do it...my sword did...I am very peaceful and would never do that...Praise Iomedae!

No. Your character may be innocent, but it was your decision, as the player controlling both the character and the intelligent weapon.

The "don't be a jerk" rule applies to players, not just characters.

And playing passive-agressive semantic games with rules wording to try and "push boundries" or "be edgy" isn't particularly following the spirit of that.


If you are under the effects of Alter Self and have copied a form that has natural weapons with Reach, do you also get the Reach, or just the natural weapon?

Separate but related, if you have a natural weapon (claw) with Reach, if you can hold a weapon with that claw, does the weapon also have reach?


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"What do you mean I'm likely to encounter negative repercussions for acting in a boorish manner at a high society party? There's no mention of high society parties in the Core rules, so therefore you can't restrict or punish me for behaving boorishly. Even telling me at the table how high society works is against the Core rules."


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