False factoids

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Freedom Bird is a door-to-door salesman salesman.

Pulg bites all the other door to door salesmen, and the mail carrier.

KenderKin is a liar.

Belphegor wrote:

KenderKin is a liar.

said the liar

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KenderKin is in-fact a were-kender, he only becomes a kender during the full moon, his normal form is that of a 7 foot tall viking/ninja with two different colored eyes. He often wonders where all the brick-a-back in his home comes form each month.

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GM_Beernorg wrote:
KenderKin is in-fact a were-kender, he only becomes a kender during the full moon, his normal form is that of a 7 foot tall viking/ninja with two different colored eyes. He often wonders where all the brick-a-back in his home comes form each month.

Welcome to Kender pillage

GM_Beernorg is immune to being pick pocketed. The Kender all refer to him as "The One Who Walks with Bees."

Is that you jokey smurf?

Sovereign Court

Pappy S is not only old, he's also colour-blind.

In AZK's native land color is spelt color, but he adds extra u's to evrerything in order to fool us....

Scarab Sages

KenderKin's sneezes sound like Harpo Marx's honking-cane.

IHIYC tried to work as a Marx brother impersonator, but no one hired him....

KenderKin wanted to, but got there just after the Mime Police had come to take IHIYC away.

Pulg bites both mimes and police

KenderKin's programming does not permit him to use punctuation.

Stan isn't really glowing purple, he is standing in front of a black light bulb.

B cursed him with smurfs

Pappy Smurf was Gargamel's inside smurf the whole time!

Jokey TUC was my arch enemy, the plan was to get smurfette all to myself!

Scarab Sages

My predecessor is attempting to trap me into turning my avatar into one of those confounded little blue men.

Nigel, Imperialist Deity is actually just a demigod of anti-smurf-itude.

Sovereign Court

KahnyaGnorc is not happy about turning into a little blue dude, though has no problem with opposing the anti blue guys team.

AZK has made repeated attempts to locate smurf village in order to represent them in a law suit against the blue man group....

Pappy Smurf made a Smurf version of Soylent Green, called Blue Man Goop.

KG was liquifing smurfs and selling the resultant compound to Baskin Robins for the so called "smurf berry" flavor....

...the scheme was discovered due to smurf berries being red and the ice cream being the color os smurfs

Pappy Smurf belives there is a secret forum code to turn his avatar into a PowerPuff Girl.

MD is helping us smurf the smurf..

Pappy is allergic to shirts.

S4 is only one of those things

KenderKin is also a Stan.

Liberty's Edge

Quadruple S knows how to dance and limbo at the same time.

Sovereign Court

Back in lucky7's day, you couldn't even say the word "snot". You could say "phlegm" but only to a doctor.

AZK has also mastered dance limbo....the art of dimbo

KenderKin has formed an all-macaw boy band called the Squawker Brothers.

Pulg's beard functions as a floatation device.

FB just flipped the bird.

Silly Katty, C's are for Cids....

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Silly KenderKin, K's are for people with impulse control!

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"Sinister Stan: Schemer Supreme sold salads," Sally said, "so Steve set spoons sideways," sipping sodas.

Holy S-capades batman!

KenderKin and the letter S are not on speaking terms.

Molten Dragon played the prank that got the feud started.

Partylf Sunev dislikes any alphabet with a non-prime number of letters.

KahnyaGnorc invaded and occupied Alabama just to show that he could do so.

FB is my FB friend

F8 is KenderKin's favorite key.

Molten Dragon was rated 4F.

Captain Spalding receives marriage proposals from persons with the last name Lewis from all over the world, trying to convince her to become CS Lewis.

KenderKin married his own reflection in a mirror. They're going to celebrate their 250th anniversary next week.

Sovereign Court

Jokey looks the way he does, because KenderKin hates it when people say that he married his reflection.

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