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O, it'll grow back - it always does.

Given that I don't have anything resembling a nervous system, this must be rather frustrating for you, too.

Sovereign Court

He doesn't care, just makes his study of you more interesting.

If you're getting bored, have him dissect your wives.

I'm not sure how dissecting two bricks would be any more amusing for him.

A mint condition Yamaha DX7IID, on the other hand....


Comte de Malodor wrote:
A mint condition Yamaha DX7IID, on the other hand....

Was getting excited. Thought we were going to discuss motorcycles. Then I looked it up...

Keyboards, yeah those are cool too.

Oh, well. Smurf.

Heh my momma always said I exceed parameters.

Sovereign Court

*After having successfully dissected Pulg's Wives, I notice Comte de Malodor.*

Interesting, I was informed that you and your patriarch were sent to place worse than hell fifteen centuries from now. I must learn how you were able to get back, but please don't tell me, I wish to find out for myself. Please lay down on here.

*Comte de Malodor lays down on a medical table and gives a bizarre look (a cross between worry and joy).*

Please get those awful thoughts out of your head, if possible. My people use psychic powers to perform a mind probe, whereas the kind of probing that you are thinking about is what humans have done to my kind. Thankfully, I never had that happen to me. Now, please remain motionless.

*Begins dissecting Comte de Malodor.*

Sovereign Court

So, while that's taking place, I'm going to roll some dice.

1d6d10d1001 ⇒ (418, 204, 746, 462, 249, 142, 301, 423, 994, 3, 493, 524, 382, 613, 579, 118, 504, 306, 448, 948, 922, 545, 54, 97) = 10475

Where you rolling my strength check?

Sovereign Court

Nope, just rolling some random mismatched dice.

10d1001 ⇒ (562, 597, 169, 168, 654, 514, 133, 928, 525, 671) = 4921

All the same, me thinks that you are making up for something...

Always give it Plus Ultra my green grumpy friend.

*Whispers to All_might.

Shh! He doesn't liked to be called grumpy!

What about 'rumpy'?

Sovereign Court

*Shoves Pulg all the way up the rear end of All_might!*

How's THAT for either of those adjectives?

Sovereign Court

You’re a green one, Mister Stench.

I bet you do eat green eggs and ham, too.

Sovereign Court

*Throws a bag of hazardous waste at The when (not caring if it actually hits or not).*

I'll teach YOU to say rude things and bother folks, you unwanted globe of pyrite!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Mr. Grinch wrote:

*Shoves Pulg all the way up the rear end of All_might!*

How's THAT for either of those adjectives?

Can't talk. Stuck up He-Man's bum.

(Sorry if it's rather itchy)

Sovereign Court

Well, fortunately for you, it was a rhetorical and sarcastic question!

Nice try L12PW but I figured it out!

Sovereign Court

*Feigning interest.* Really? Please do tell us ALL about it!

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Trying to prevent me from winning by making me unable to post! devious! looking at you grinch!

Sovereign Court

Why, thank you! It takes a certain level of genius and nastiness to achieve such feat!

Sovereign Court

Feet indeed. Big green smelly feet. With snaggly , untrimmed toenails.

Sovereign Court

*Throws another bag of hazardous waste at The when (again, not caring if it actually hits or not).*

Unless you are willing to let people catch you, STOP BOTHERING US!

I always liked "The Who" better.

Sovereign Court

Well, we ALL can't have a "Magic Bus" now can we?!

I feel sorry for The How.
Always the sixth wheel..

Sovereign Court

*Scowls menacingly at Schism.*

Quiet you, there's garbage to catapult into the neighbor's house and garden.

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1 person marked this as a favorite.

Fire One!
Short and to the left.
Reloads and adjusts aim.

Fire Two!
Still short but lined up.
Reloads and adjusts aim.

Fire Three!

Hi, Schism Smurf. Whatcha flinging at?

Sovereign Court

*Views garbage flinging through a pair of binoculars, sporting high ranking British Army uniform.*

Good work soldiers, now keep it up and we'll be victorious by noon tomorrow!

*Turns to the transformed Waterhammer.*

I think it's your mother's house. But, you really hated her, right?

Mama Smurf? Hmm, I don’t know...

I don't think their was a Mama Smurf.

Do they reproduce via parthenogenesis, then?

Makes more sense then Smurfette being the only female.

Baby 'Little Blue Creep' was brought by Feathers the Stork on the night of the blue moon.

"'Little Blue Creeps' and the Lost Village" introduced an all female village.

Sovereign Court

Intriguing, never saw the film so, I'll have to take your word for it.

Also, Vidmaster7, the 'Little Blue Creep' you mentioned isn't the only girl.

*Thinks for a second.*

However, prior to the movie Schism mentioned, Gargamel had to create each female 'Little Blue Creep'.

Oh yeah their was like a little kid red head girl smurf wasn't there?

Sassette was created by 'Little Blue Creeps' who had been youthened.
They used the Creepy Wizard's Formula.

Sovereign Court

Very true Schism, however, I have noticed that you are not launching garbage anymore.

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Acquiring new target.
Firing for effect
Near miss.

Direct hit.
Hmm? It didn't go down.

How did I miss.
Wait! Is it supposed to move?

Crank Crank

Target destroyed.

Sovereign Court

*Uses binoculars to view the devastation.*

Let's see you get elected for a sixteenth term now, Mr. Mayor!

*Turns to Schism.*

Nice work kiddo, but rest up just yet. We still have 40 acres of garbage and hazardous materials. Keep launching.

Captain Danger Bear requests that you set fire to it so he can run through it backwards, holding a pair of scissors in each paw.

Sovereign Court

*Sets Captain Danger Bear on fire, impales each paw with a pair of scissors, then catapults him.*

I think you'll find that to be a much better idea.

I watched the Smurfs and the Lost Village. Forgot most all of it. Except the excellent advice: Safety third!

Sovereign Court

Unless you're Captain Danger Bear, then it's: Safety NEVER!

Mr. Grinch wrote:

*Sets Captain Danger Bear on fire, impales each paw with a pair of scissors, then catapults him.*

I think you'll find that to be a much better idea.

Captain Danger Bear appreciates all you are doing for him.

Sovereign Court

If you want even more dangerous excitement, go see Friend from Outer Space. He'll help you out.

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