You mean, aside from ME that is?
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Sorry Boss.
You are the first person I know who bought it.
If there is time later, maybe we can play.
In the meantime, I checked the water supply.
There are at least 13 Golems guarding the place.
We will need some sort of distraction so I can sneak in.
I can do the 'lightbulb trick', if you want.
How does he return from the future so easily?
Ah well, nevermind, maybe we can use him. Or would that be a bad decision?
Perhaps we can let the golems chase and then viciously pummel him?
Because it’s always when sometime.
*Grabs The When and throws it into next century.*
How's that for when?!
Mr. Grinch wrote: How does he return from the future so easily?
Ah well, nevermind, maybe we can use him. Or would that be a bad decision?
Perhaps we can let the golems chase and then viciously pummel him?
Very bad decision.
He would run in the wrong direction and lead them to me.
Partially correct.
He would enjoy it. Even if they weren't actually wearing maid costumes, they would be in his pestilent little head.
You might be able to grab what. Or where. Could grab who, but they might grab you back.
But you can’t grab the when. So, whatever...
Oh, don’t ask why.
Oh, don’t ask why.
*grabs The when with the chloroform this time*
Try putting that thing in a "time-loop chamber" or something.
Meanwhile, I'm going to use my secret backup plan to get rid of the golems.
*Deploys a custom made gun turret that's able to fire deadly barrages of firey garbage.*
Now to get to work!
*Begins shooting at the golems, destroying several of them, before they move towards me.*
I've got their attention, Schism, now's your chance!
*Continues firing at the golems and even hits Comte de Malodor, sending him back to the future.*
It don’t work. You should give up.
Well then, I should like to see you do better!
The march of time can not be stopped!
*Despite the arguing, all of the golems are destroyed.*
Glad that's over, I just hope that Schism was able to get to the water supply.
Safety Cat wrote: Oh, don’t ask why.
Oh, don’t ask why.
To pogo!
*Hops around on a novelty pink coloured pogo stick.*
huff huff
Sorry I'm late Boss.
When you destroyed the golems everything went on lockdown.
I was locked inside and had to hide for 2 days while the technicians checked everything.
I did finally get the time delay dye packet installed; it should go off on time.
I'm hungry.
Got anything to eat?
Good work Schism, I knew I could count on you.
*Pat's Schism's head approvingly.*
If it's food you're after, then how about some of this?
*Hands Schism a tightly sealed (but easily openable) lunch box.*
Don't know what's in it, but it'll definitely be fresh at least!
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opens lunch box
Yay! A three decker sauerkraut and toadstool sandwich with arsenic sauce!
nom nom
Well that was nice surprise I must say!
Now eat up, we've got less than a week to complete our plan!
finishes the sandwich
Okay. What's next?
Well, what are we going to do about that vampire on a pogo stick?
Who, me?
*Continues to hop about on pogo stick harmlessly (if somewhat, annoyingly).*
Helmets are recommended while pogo jumping.
*Grabs Safety Cat, uses him as a helmet.*
I guess that makes sense.
I don't know Fester as much as the rest of you, but he seems to just reek of bizarreness!
One of the reasons I tried to kill him last year.
It didn't stick.
That's just how it is I'm afraid, my child. When you think you've got him, he just "bounces back".
Cats are not a suitable choice of headgear.
Only because you keep moving about! But, that's why duct tape was invented!
See, if you had a warmer head, it'd stay there quite happily, but you have no body heat, of course. Maybe eat more curries?
Since a vampire can't digest regular food it comes out just as hot as it went in.
*Points at Nosferatu Fester Addams.*
In his case, however, it comes out even hotter!
Duck tape is for securing a duck to your head. If it was meant to stick a cat on one’s head, it would be called cat tape.
*Looks at The When, face full of concern and disinterest.*
You've been drinking again, go lay down and get some rest.
Hiths The When with BIG Hammer of Sleepies.
Nighty Night!
Nice work kiddo!
*Gives Schism a headpat of approval and a chocolate biscuit.*
Now tell me, have you come up with something involving leprechauns and rainbows yet?
*Looks at Schism expectantly and with hopefulness.*
Because turning everyone green for St Patrick's Day is a good start, but it's not quite enough.
We’re doing Jurassic smurf.
Starting off with T-Smurf. The king of smurfisaurs.