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Rise of the Runelords

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Makin And Stump wrote:

I made up some windows for the Foxglove Manor when my players went through it. Here's a link to them.

Foxglove Windows


These are really nice! Thanks for sharing!

I’m sort of missing one window from the Musicians Gallery though.

B12 Musicians Gallery
a gaunt man holding out his arms as a dozen bats hang from him

Was this replaced by the Onyx Gem window or did you miss/skip one window?

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I have started running Rise of the Runelords in an oline round recently and picked up Dungeondraft to create maps for use in Foundry VTT. Maybe others might find these useful for something.

I will add more maps to this folder as we progress through the campaign.


All maps were created using assets from Forgotten Adventures.

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Gnutten wrote:
Makin And Stump wrote:

I made up some windows for the Foxglove Manor when my players went through it. Here's a link to them.

Foxglove Windows


These are really nice! Thanks for sharing!

I’m sort of missing one window from the Musicians Gallery though.

B12 Musicians Gallery
a gaunt man holding out his arms as a dozen bats hang from him

Was this replaced by the Onyx Gem window or did you miss/skip one window?

Sorry, I forgot to mention that. I had trouble finding a good picture of a guy with bats hanging from his arms that I could turn into stain glass. I ended up going with an Onyx gem instead, since it's closely related to necromancy (basically a required component for any spells that create undead.)

Just want to give a big 'thank you' to the people who have made these wonderful battlemaps. they have been very useful.

Hello all haven’t been around for some time was hoping to see if there was a collection post that had everything all listed in one place.

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I'm running the fight against Karzoug tomorrow. One thing that makes high-level play difficult to run is that there's just so damn much to keep track of. In particular, I struggle to remember all the defenses of the monsters.

And so, for Karzoug -- and a little earlier, for Viorian Dekanti -- I took the time to put together flow charts for their defenses. Just so I would not forget anything. Here they are:

Karzoug's Defenses Flow Chart (PDF)

Viorian Dekanti's Defenses Flow Chart (PDF)

To use these begin at the top left box for physical attacks, or at the top-right box when the creature is targeted by (or in the AoE for) a spell. After that it should, I hope, be mostly self-explanatory.

One thing worth noting, is that when dealing with miss chances, I tend to resolve those by having the player roll a d20 instead of percentile dice. In Viorian's flow chart, I have therefore made notes on resolving her 20% miss chance that way. If the PC rolls 1-4 on a d20, the attack misses. On a 5 or higher they have beaten the miss chance and can proceed.

I find this is generally easier than reading percentile dice. And since we don't actually need the specificity of the full percentile -- a 17 and a 15 are both misses in this case -- we gain nothing from using them.

The flow charts were made in a very handy web site (also available as a desktop app) for making flow charts.

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Hi Runelords!

A forum user named Davion made a little homebrew addition for The Pit in 2011. I made some additions to it when we played RotRL 2015, some maps. As those links seem to be dead I've taken the liberty to put it up on a Google Drive, seeing as I get PM:d about this now and then again. Hope user Davion won't mind (if he's even still around).

Enjoy: p=sharing

Tinalles wrote:

I'm running the fight against Karzoug tomorrow. One thing that makes high-level play difficult to run is that there's just so damn much to keep track of. In particular, I struggle to remember all the defenses of the monsters.

And so, for Karzoug -- and a little earlier, for Viorian Dekanti -- I took the time to put together flow charts for their defenses. Just so I would not forget anything. Here they are:

Karzoug's Defenses Flow Chart (PDF)

Viorian Dekanti's Defenses Flow Chart (PDF)

These are great - thanks very much! Can I suggest a couple of minor changes? It would be nice if the two starting boxes were on the top line alone, to make it clear that these are the start points.

For Karzoug, I'd move the 'CMD 38' and 'Miss' boxes so they are to the side of the boxes they come from, rather than above them (it's hard to see the direction of the arrows with the 'No' on when they're so short, too). You might have to shift the 'Grapple' box down to make this work.

For Viorian Dekanti, I'd have two copies of the '20% Miss Chance (Displacement)' box, one each for the Physical and Spell routes (which makes the arrows leading out of them cleaner), and then have the 'Miss' box in the centre, common to both. I also think there should be a 'No' arrow leading from the 'Touch attack?' box to the 'Allows SR?' box.

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I think I'm done working on the defense flow charts. I just don't want to futz with them any more.

However, here are the original, editable documents!

Karzoug's Defenses Flow Chart ( XML)

Viorian Dekanti's Defenses Flow Chart ( XML)

I think releasing these is the way to go, so people can tweak them to taste. That's particularly important for Karzoug, because he's likely to get customized more than Viorian. For example, per the book he's got Spell Turning available. I didn't include it in the diagram, because dear god that would get complicated. But if somebody wants to, now they can.

These were created using, an online app for creating diagrams. You can just run it in your web browser, or there's a desktop app available if you prefer. In the web-browser-based version, you can go to File > Open From > URL and feed it the URLs above to open a new copy of the diagram. With the desktop version you'll have to download the file like any other and open it. When you're done just save your own copy somewhere -- either to your computer or to a cloud service.

It's pretty straightforward to use. You can drag things around, draw new lines, etc. Go ahead and play with it -- if you mess up you can always load a fresh copy from the URLs above.

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I went looking for Tintagel's maps of The Misgivings recently and discovered that the site is off line. However, they're still available through the Wayback Machine on

The Misgivings, ground floor with environs by Tintagel
The Misgivings, ground floor house only by Tintagel
The Misgivings, Upper Floor by Tintagel
The Misgivings, Attic by Tintagel
The Misgivings, Basement
The Misgivings, Caverns

In related news, the Reddit user didido_two just posted maps of the Misgivings made in Inkarnate.

This map isn't anything special. It's got a lot of issues, especially since I had to do it in two sections in dungeon draft due to size. And it's my first ever battlemap, so it's pretty amateurish. Buy yeah, I mapped out all of sandpoint as a full battlemap for my players since they're doing some building on chopper's isle and are about to go through the attack on sandpoint. I hope someone else finds some use in it! If you want to use it with roll20 like I did, I recommend going into gimp and chopping it into 30x30 tiled chunks. Each tile is 70pixels, so just set a guide every 30*70*n pixels and then have it automatically cut it into pieces to upload to roll20. I exported the pieces as 50% quality jpegs to make the performance a bit better on roll20. p=sharing

Hey i Finished my first Bigger map for Our Campain and wanted to share it with you Guys.

Its the Foxglove Mansion

Liberty's Edge

Ckorik wrote:

I'm not sure why some of my links broke...


SM-item cards

SM-Monster cards

Turtleback Ferry guide (done in the fashion of the sandpoint guide) .pdf?dl=0

Turtleback Ferry cards (for players) s.pdf?dl=0

Sandpoint player handout (also from here - don't remember source)

I have other stuff that I grabbed early on - if you are after something specific let me know I can see if it's in my file list.

Hello, I was wondering if you or anyone still had these resources? The Dropbox files are deleted and I have players about to head to turtleback. Thanks!

Found a few more new maps for the Seven's Sawmill from the same reddit user I linked before. Here's the post where he released them.

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One of my players was very interested in Cyrdak's play mentioned in the opening speech of the Swallowtail Festival. This sparked the interest of the whole party, because that's how my group rolls.

Thus, I searched the internet high and low for ideas relating to this play "A Harpy's Curse'. Lots of great ideas out there for encounters and skill challenges for the play, and even some plot suggestions! Great stuff all.

What I did not find, however, was any kind of script I could go off. So I wrote one up. The character's all took roles, and I purposefully mixed up the cues so they had to sort it out on the fly, I threw in an encounter, encouraged them to ad hoc their lines and actions, and simple skill challenges for skills hardly used (Disguise, Perform: acting, etc)

It all came together pretty easily, but only after I had the script made.

I figured I'd pass it on to anyone interested somewhere online, and this seemed like the most appropriate thread to do so. If you know others, feel free to pass it along. I generally don't participate in message boards as a rule of thumb, so don't know where else to toss it.

The plot is heavily inspired by Lady Hawk, Princess Bride, and FF6's opera scene, all thrown together.

I made a free-to-use script for 'A Harpy's Curse'. Do enjoy!

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Viviolay wrote:

I have other stuff that I grabbed early on - if you are after something specific let me know I can see if it's in my file list.

Hello, I was wondering if you or anyone still had these resources? The Dropbox files are deleted and I have players about to head to turtleback. Thanks!

Sorry I just saw this.

let me know if that doesn't work.

As a hobby I like to make maps for the adventures I run, or have been listening to podcasts of. I've made a lot of 2e maps - but I have now moved on to Runelords. I've just finished up book 1 if you're interested! - available on Google Drive

I took a peek! I'm WELL past book one (Just started the final assault yesterday), but these are well done, and DON'T HAVE A GRID!! As someone who's fought tooth and nail to get a grid to line up in a VTT... and given up more times than I want to think about, it's a big positive.

Edit: Some of them have grid lines from cobblestones, this makes me sad, as I was excited.

(Still) Very Well Done!

Dark Archive

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Roonfizzle Garnackle wrote:

I took a peek! I'm WELL past book one (Just started the final assault yesterday), but these are well done, and DON'T HAVE A GRID!! As someone who's fought tooth and nail to get a grid to line up in a VTT... and given up more times than I want to think about, it's a big positive.

Edit: Some of them have grid lines from cobblestones, this makes me sad, as I was excited.

(Still) Very Well Done!

I'd agree with you, however, it's not like narchy didn't actually add all that information in the map itself to make it super easy to line everything up. And don't all VTTs have a grid overlay, usable with that provided information? :-/

Great job narchy!

Lining up a map with a VTT's grid system, even with Roll20's effort, is an exercise in pain. Many maps in pdfs don't actually have even grid lines, which totally doesn't help, then there's the offset from the corner of the map, that makes things shift ever so slightly to one side...

All in all, as 'easy' as it seems to make grid lines line up, it really isn't fun. Mostly just pointing out, that if you are planning on making maps specifically for VTT, gridless is greatly appreciated.

Roonfizzle Garnackle wrote:

Lining up a map with a VTT's grid system, even with Roll20's effort, is an exercise in pain. Many maps in pdfs don't actually have even grid lines, which totally doesn't help, then there's the offset from the corner of the map, that makes things shift ever so slightly to one side...

All in all, as 'easy' as it seems to make grid lines line up, it really isn't fun. Mostly just pointing out, that if you are planning on making maps specifically for VTT, gridless is greatly appreciated.

As was pointed out, the maps have all the numbers on them to use in a VTT. Every map is made of 100 x 100px squares representing 5ft squares. So no need for adjustments, just tap in the numbers and it's perfectly aligned.

The ground textures with the stone slabs are a staple of RPG maps. I am not sure you're going to find squareless maps.

EDIT: Currently I have done maps up to and including Foxglove Manor. Working on the cavern underneath.

Please forgive me, if at any point it seemed like I was putting down your amazing work. I've had many frustrating hours lining up things in the past, and for a moment the piece of one of the maps I was looking at didn't immediately have an obvious grid, and I got excited.

As you have pointed out, grid-less maps are... rare.

As I mentioned, I'm very far past where you are currently creating excellent work (Book 6, end stages), so I did not try and add your maps to my vtt. If you've solved the offset that so frequently frustrated me, I salute you. That shifts the work from already outstanding to perfect.

May the Dice Gods, and Mapping Gods, smile on you in your adventures.

Hey does anyone have Russel Akred's drawings that he made for Rise of the Runelords?

Monkeybox wrote:
Hey does anyone have Russel Akred's drawings that he made for Rise of the Runelords?

There are some here ngs

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I have finished maps for book 1 and 2. Available to download at

But also, I have packaged them up as a maps module for Foundry VTT - with walls, lighting etc.

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Hey I Finished remake the whole Book1

I also have already finished alot Maps from the other Books you Guys can check them out for Free on my Patreon

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didido wrote:

Hey I Finished remake the whole Book1

I also have already finished alot Maps from the other Books you Guys can check them out for Free on my Patreon

Literal art! Amazing.

Grand Lodge

didido wrote:

Hey I Finished remake the whole Book1

I also have already finished alot Maps from the other Books you Guys can check them out for Free on my Patreon

Incredible work! Those are some of the highest quality digital d&d maps I've ever seen.

Seems the RotRL Assets on GDrive is locked... any ideas why?
Is there an alternative link to the same stuff?

That was pretty useful to run the RotRL campaign on a virtual table!

Grand Lodge

I was using the Google Drive of assets as well and was foolish to not make a copy. I requested access via google drive but I got no reply.

didido wrote:

Hey I Finished remake the whole Book1

I also have already finished alot Maps from the other Books you Guys can check them out for Free on my Patreon

Here we go with whole Book2 Thanks you all for your Kind Words

Lawrencelot wrote:

This link should work: pN1lXRk5SN1BtZVRQUFdKVTdWSjBMSy1qNU0

Seems locked now... any Mirrors to that great amount of resources for RotRL DMs?


1 person marked this as a favorite.

Try this mirror: p=sharing

Since paizo auto-breaks posted links to hurt bots

If you have attempted to get to my linked file(s) above and found that you needed to ask permission, you have my apology. I was not regularly checking the e-mail address attached to the account.

I have now removed the google security update from hundreds of my shared files, so hopefully no one will have to ask permission to view them.

Grand Lodge

You're a champion, kadance!

Did anyone do some PF2 monster conversions for Runelords?

Deriven Firelion wrote:
Did anyone do some PF2 monster conversions for Runelords?

Yes, all of them. Check A Series of Dice-based Events and its corresponding discord server.

Lawrencelot wrote:
Deriven Firelion wrote:
Did anyone do some PF2 monster conversions for Runelords?
Yes, all of them. Check A Series of Dice-based Events and its corresponding discord server.

Thank you, sir.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Hey Guys just wanted to post that I just finished Book3

Hythlodeus wrote:
Zebbie wrote:

Not much was mention of its appearances, but in-vision a old paddle wheel boat, where anything of the sin greed can be found.

hmmm... the AE describes the ship as a barge, so that's what I took as a model for the Paradise. basically a swimming gambling hall. a least that's how I understood it.

anyway, here's what I came up with:
The Deck

I included a little restaurant section on the front, I mean gambling must make hungry sooner or later. The whole ship lacks a kitchen, though, so I don't know where the food comes from. a couple of gaming tables in between. the Sihedron is visible on the roof, but of course, for the people of Turtleback Ferry that symbol is closely related to the Paradise anyway.

First Floor

A black jack table, the stairs down to the main gambling hall and a small office. the door to the office is closed obviously.

Second Floor

The main gambling hall, two storage rooms, the bar to get the customers drunk andd a private gambling room, I guess for visitors with a little bit more money on their hands.

By the way, there is a giant manta ray swimming in the lake near the barge. 'why a manta ray? those are salt water based animals!', you might ask. I don't know. Lucretia probably thinks manta rays are cool and good watch dogs so she somehow managed to find one who's able to live in a lake and guards the Paradise. or maybe it's the familiar of a wizard, gambling away his potions at the roulette table. if your group is a lttle bit like mine they will spent half the evening trying to solve the riddle of the impossible manta ray ignoring the fact, that in the end it doesn't matter.

Hey do you happen to still have the pictures these linked to? I was thinking of using Paradise in my own campaign.

Dualblades wrote:
Hythlodeus wrote:
Zebbie wrote:

Not much was mention of its appearances, but in-vision a old paddle wheel boat, where anything of the sin greed can be found.

hmmm... the AE describes the ship as a barge, so that's what I took as a model for the Paradise. basically a swimming gambling hall. a least that's how I understood it.

anyway, here's what I came up with:
The Deck

I included a little restaurant section on the front, I mean gambling must make hungry sooner or later. The whole ship lacks a kitchen, though, so I don't know where the food comes from. a couple of gaming tables in between. the Sihedron is visible on the roof, but of course, for the people of Turtleback Ferry that symbol is closely related to the Paradise anyway.

First Floor

A black jack table, the stairs down to the main gambling hall and a small office. the door to the office is closed obviously.

Second Floor

The main gambling hall, two storage rooms, the bar to get the customers drunk andd a private gambling room, I guess for visitors with a little bit more money on their hands.

By the way, there is a giant manta ray swimming in the lake near the barge. 'why a manta ray? those are salt water based animals!', you might ask. I don't know. Lucretia probably thinks manta rays are cool and good watch dogs so she somehow managed to find one who's able to live in a lake and guards the Paradise. or maybe it's the familiar of a wizard, gambling away his potions at the roulette table. if your group is a lttle bit like mine they will spent half the evening trying to solve the riddle of the impossible manta ray ignoring the fact, that in the end it doesn't matter.

Hey do you happen to still have the pictures these linked to? I was thinking of using Paradise in my own campaign.

I personally do not have these original maps to share. However the Grande Dame maps should work really well. They came from a 5th ed module called Krakens Gamble, and The Storm Kings Thunder.

Try These Maps

While I didn't get a chance to run the Paradise, back when I was running it. The Krakens Gamble (at least the ship portion) very much reminded me of it.

Alright, gang. I am at my wit's end and need help. My party is about to go to Thistletop; drawing up maps of the fortress itself is easy enough, but I'm catching hell trying to draw up the "bramble patch" area.

I'm at the point of wanting to just go to Staples and have them print out a file for me, but I'm in dire need of a good Thistletop brambles map (with grid), as well as what exactly to ask the good people of Staples to print it out as, to be size-accurate. Help, please?

Can you explain a bit more what the challenge you're having with it is? Is it the size of the area, drawing the terrain, etc.?

Jhaeman wrote:
Can you explain a bit more what the challenge you're having with it is? Is it the size of the area, drawing the terrain, etc.?

Basically, I've got this map. I just need to know what size to ask for when I take it up to Staples to get printed out; because it's too difficult for me to redraw on my grid-mat.

Draven Torakhan wrote:
Jhaeman wrote:
Can you explain a bit more what the challenge you're having with it is? Is it the size of the area, drawing the terrain, etc.?
Basically, I've got this map. I just need to know what size to ask for when I take it up to Staples to get printed out; because it's too difficult for me to redraw on my grid-mat.

Nice to see my stuff getting Used :D

That map have 40x40 Grid, I Recomend 1x1 Inch Squares so I would Print it 40x40 Inch (Or 100x100 cm) Most of my Maps are 40x40 or 20x20 (its an early map on my new Stuff the Grid size is noted)


Ceanmaps wrote:
Draven Torakhan wrote:
Jhaeman wrote:
Can you explain a bit more what the challenge you're having with it is? Is it the size of the area, drawing the terrain, etc.?
Basically, I've got this map. I just need to know what size to ask for when I take it up to Staples to get printed out; because it's too difficult for me to redraw on my grid-mat.

Nice to see my stuff getting Used :D

That map have 40x40 Grid, I Recomend 1x1 Inch Squares so I would Print it 40x40 Inch (Or 100x100 cm) Most of my Maps are 40x40 or 20x20 (its an early map on my new Stuff the Grid size is noted)


Beautiful job on it, I'm glad I found it; thanks for putting content out there~

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I found there to be a lack of maps for much of chapter 5 so I made some. PNG and Webm format (for most anyway). Beware large file sizes (the webm files are much smaller.)

Rise of the Runelord Maps - Chapter 5

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It has been five years since we last had an updated index for this thread. And so, I have taken it upon myself to remedy this lack.

I am profoundly grateful to GustavoMalek for having the foresight to record the raw BBcode for these posts. So to pay it forward, here is an updated template for this post.

Many of the links previously marked "Unavailable" have been restored. A few of those were broken due to typos in the URLs. Others I found copies of, either elsewhere on the web or in the WayBack Machine. And a fair number were supplied by later posters in the thread.



  • Illustrated Sandpoint's NPCs List v1.2 (pdf) by Yossarian


  • Sandpoint Cathedral Interior by Chinchbug (Ross Lucci)
  • Sandpoint Player's Handout by Jacen
  • Sandpoint's NPCs google spreadsheet by Stepchild of the Sun
  • Spreadsheet of Sandpoint Residents by ?
  • Runelords timeline by Stepchild of the Sun
  • List of the Chopper's victims by Stepchild of the Sun
  • Varisian folktales, as told by Risa Magravi by Stepchild of the Sun
  • Sandpoint NPC Stats by platinumCheesecake
  • Father Abstalar Zantus Statblock by Pathfinder Comic Books
  • Sheriff Belor Hemlock Statblock by Pathfinder Comic Books
  • Sandpoint Cathedral = The heart of a sea-side town by Digital Mystic
  • Chopper's journal by Stepchild of the Sun
  • Sandpoint Grided Map (264 x 390 squares - 1 square = 5-ft) by GustavoMalek
  • The Hell Flume, a side quest by Tinalles
  • Travel to Kaer Maga with Vachedi, a side quest by Lawrencelot
  • The Pit, a Sandpoint Devil side quest by Lawrencelot
  • Maps for The Pit by Razcar
  • Escape the Ship, a side quest for the derelict ship in Book 3 by Lawrencelot
  • A Harpy's Curse, a complete script for a play by Gary Forrest


  • Tokens/Counters for Burnt Offerings and Skinsaw Murders by tonton
  • Players map of Sandpoint Region by Russell Akred
  • Basic Golarion Calendar 4707 not sure who created this but it is from the Heroes of Golarion wiki
  • Hi-Res (600 dpi) Maps of Varisia & Sandpoint and mods for Google Earth by Tintagel
  • Thassilonian Runes Font by gryc_ueusp
  • Karzoug sound file thread
  • Chopper's Isle Sidequest by James B. Cline
  • Magnimar Map (with the Shadow by GustavoMalek
  • Rise of the Runelords Kingdom Building by James B. Cline
  • Cinchburgs (Ross Lucci) Runelords Maps compiled by Digital Mystic
  • Coat of Arms of the Noble Houses and Organizations from Sandpoint and Magnimar by GustavoMalek
  • Absalom Reckoning - Wheel of the Year (English and Portuguese versions) by GustavoMalek
  • Rise of the Runerlords Loot List Google Spreadsheet by GustavoMalek
  • RotRL datasets for DMs Familiar, Books 1 to 5 by DMFTodd
  • Rough map of the Sandpoint Hinterlands by Yossarian
  • Detailed map of Southwest Varisia by Yossarian
  • Alba Lilia Monastery by Yossarian
  • The Plump Goose by Yossarian
  • Loot List for all books by GustavoMalek
  • Harrow Card Reading Cheat Sheet by RumpinRufus
  • Index of Supplemental Content from the Pathfinder Comic Books by Sean Mahoney
  • PowerPoint presentations for RotRL by Gnutten
  • Handouts by Ckorik
  • RotR assets collected by kadance


  • Malfeshnekor by Russell Akred
  • Lucrecia in Lamia Matriarch form by TSRodriguez
  • Gogmurt by TSRodriguez
  • Stained Glass Windows from Foxglove Manor by Makin and Stump


  • Burnt Offerings (Gamemaster Reference) useful for clarification, errors and background from Paizo
  • Unofficial Errata by ShadowChemosh
  • Tokens/Counters for Burnt Offerings and Skinsaw Murders by tonton
  • Wolves of Sandpoint Charter by one of Watchers players (credit where credits due)
  • Tsuto's letter in Minkai by Greg Volz
  • Tsuto's letter in common by Greg Volz
  • Tsuto's Journal by Russell Akred & Greg Volz
  • Pictures of Nualia for Tsuto's Notebook by Lilith
  • Project Blog to covert Burnt Offerings to 4th edition by Scott Betts
  • Nualia's Diary page one and page 2 by James B. Cline
  • Games for the Swallowtail Festival by Delthos
  • Goblin Song by Razorstorm
  • Goblin Song by Ivan Rûski
  • Something in the Attic by Ivan Rûski
  • The Toadstool Goblins, side quest to be inserted into Burnt Offerings: Local Heroes by Haladir
  • The goblin song by Teresake
  • Aldern Foxglove Statblock by Callum
  • Swallowtail Festival Speeches by Callum
  • Upgraded Nualia Statblock by Jam412
  • Nualia's Journal page 1 by Skaraker
  • Nualia's Journal page 2 by Skaraker
  • Nualia's Journal page 3 by Skaraker
  • Nualia's Journal page 4 by Skaraker
  • Nualia's Journal page 5 by Skaraker
  • Nualia's Journal page 6 by Skaraker
  • Prep work for the Swallowtail Festival by trik
  • Obstacles for Tsuto's tunnel chase scene by Haladir
  • Graphical Representation of the Tsuto's tunnel chase scene by Haladir
  • Handout 1-1 - Tsuto's Letter in Minkaian by GustavoMalek
  • Handout 1-1 - Tsuto's Letter translated into portuguese by GustavoMalek
  • Handout 2-1 - Tsuto's Journal translated into portuguese by GustavoMalek
  • Prayerbook of Lamasthu by Digital Mystic
  • Lyrie Akenja's journal by Kittenmancer
  • Nualia as Anti-Paladin Statblock by ghostofafrog
  • Prayer Book of Lamashtu by Yossarian
  • Stats for Brodert Quink by soulnova
  • Swallowtail Festival Scavenger Hunt by RumpinRufus
  • Disturbing dreams of Nualia's backstory by Gunderson73
  • Tsuto's Letter to his Father by GreaterPathMagi


  • The Skinsaw Murders Gamemasters Reference useful for clarification, errors and background from Paizo
  • Unofficial Errata by ShadowChemosh
  • Players map for farmlands map without detail by tonton
  • Foxglove Manor Haunts Description document by rironin
  • Updated Magnimar maps by Paizo Publishing (Goes to a ZIP file!)
  • Clock Tower cut-away by Chinchbug (Ross Lucci)
  • Xanesha's List by James B. Cline
  • Bloody notes by Mearrin69
  • Foxglove Manor Haunts
  • Magnimar Encounters by loocsileinad
  • Haunts Descriptions for Foxglove Manor by Misroi
  • Blank Handouts for chapter 2 (Handouts 2-5, 2-6 and 2-7) by threelite
  • Altered map layout of Foxglove Townhouse by Peet
  • Prep work for Chapter 2 by trik
  • All Chapter 2 Handouts translated to Portuguese by GustavoMalek
  • Justice Ironbriar's Journal by Razcar
  • Foxglover Family Crest by Hytholodeus
  • Sandpoint Register - Newspaper for Sandpoint - Skinsaw Murders by wrmusall
  • Homebrew - A guide to the Plump Goose Restaurant in the Village of Orsova by Yossarian
  • Foxglove Family Genealogy by Zorgax
  • Foxglove Family Crest by Zorgax
  • Craesby's Key by Zorgax


  • The Hook Mountain Massacre (Gamemasters Reference) useful for clarification, errors and background from Paizo
  • Unofficial Errata by ShadowChemosh
  • Turtleback Ferry by Russell Akred
  • Turtleback Ferry by Salama
  • Hook Mountain Town Writeups by Byung Shin
  • Bitter Hollow map for MapTool by Byung Shin
  • Order of the Black Arrow Insignia Handout by Gustavo Malek
  • Handout 3-2 - Mokmurian's letter to Barl Breakbones in Giant by GustavoMalek
  • Handout 3-2 - Mokmurian's letter to Barl Breakbones translated to portuguese by GustavoMalek
  • Reworked floor plans for Fort Rannick by Peet
  • The Paradise Barge by Hytholodeus


  • Fortress of the Stone Giants (Gamemaster Reference) useful for clarification, errors and background from Paizo
  • Giants Watch Tower by Chinchbug (Ross Lucci)
  • Handout 4-1 - Writ of Entrance and Access to the Library of Thassilon by GustavoMalek
  • Scroll with enlightened ritual related to the worship of the Peacock Spirit by GustavoMalek
  • Sandpoint Raid Turn Chart by Digital Mystic
  • Handout - Thassilonian Runes in the Ancient Library Entrance (C6) by GustavoMalek
  • Handout 4-1 - Writ of Entrance and Access to the Library in Thassilonian by GustavoMalek
  • Handout 4-1 - Writ of Entrance and Access to the Library translated to portuguese by GustavoMalek
  • Handout 4-2 - Mokmurian's map of the Lost Coast region of Varisia with notes in Giant by GustavoMalek
  • Handout 4-2 - Mokmurian's map of the Lost Coast region of Varisia with notes translated to portuguese by GustavoMalek
  • The Therassic Library (Ultimate Intrigue variant) by Tinalles
  • Description of the Six Dwarves captives toiling in the armory of Jorgenfist by Tinalles
  • Mokmurian's assembled army by Tinalles
  • Stats for the commanders of the giant army by outshyn


  • Sins of the Saviors (Gamemaster Reference) useful for clarification, errors and background from Paizo
  • Paizo web enhancement Magic of Thassilon (goes to ZIP file)
  • Card terrain pattern for final scene by Russell Akred
  • Scribbler's Rhyme Handouts in Thassilonian and in Portuguese by GustavoMalek
  • The Crucible of Sins, an alternative to tracking sin points by mousmous
  • Sin Tracking Spreadsheet by Thamyor


  • Spires of the Xin-Shalast (Gamemaster Reference) useful for clarification, errors and background from Paizo
  • Vekkers Cabin by Chinchbug (Ross Lucci)
  • Wendigo Standee Cutout by Russell Akred
  • The Horror Tree by Russell Akred
  • Pinnacle of Avarice - Alarm response map by Yossarian
  • Eye of Avarice - 3D view with measurements - normal size - 5-feet scale by GustavoMalek
  • Eye of Avarice - 3D view with measurements - double size -10-feet scale by GustavoMalek
  • Flowcharts of Karzoug and Viorian Dekanti's defenses by Tinalles, see also two posts lower for editable versions

    Unknown but cool

  • Pathfinder in french.
  • Photos of awesome 3D Eye of Avarice terrain by TomParker
  • Another Eye of Avarice terrain set by mousmous

    Permissions Issues

    The following links appear to exist but are not currently viewable by the public. I have sent private messages to their authors asking them to adjust the permissions. They may or may not work.

  • Sandpoint NPCs cards by Nynphaiel
  • Thassilonian Font by Gustavo Malek
  • Foxglove House Ledger by HangarFlying
  • Foxglover Family Crest by FrugalToast

  • 10 people marked this as a favorite.

    Template for this post


    General Sandpoint Maps:


    Festival and Fire

  • North Gate for Die Dog Die. By Digitalmystic
  • General Store Basement for Shopkeepers Daughter by Gr4ys.
  • The Boar Hunt by The Numerator
  • Trouble at the Rusty Dragon: Ground Floor, Ground Floor with Grid, Second Floor, Second Floor with Grid by Gr4ys
  • Monster in the Closet by Gr4ys
  • Desecrated Vault by Jarl11

    Glass and Wrath

  • Beautiful Sandpoint Glassworks map. by Tintagel
  • Glassworks Basement. by Tintagel
  • Catacombs of Wrath by Askren


  • First Version of Thistletop by Unknown.
  • Bunyip Lair by Tintagel
  • Thistletop Dungeons 1 by Askren
  • Thistletop Dungeons 2 by Askren
  • Thistletop by hero339

    Maps that couldn't be linked to individually

  • Book 1 Maps by narchy
  • Book 1 Maps by Ceanmaps


    Murder Most Foul

  • Sandpoint Lumbermill Interior by Evil Lincoln (This one could use a rework. Does not match description in module.)
  • Sandpoint Lumbermill Interior and Exterior combined
  • Sandpoint Sawmill by hero339

    The Thing in the Attic

  • Habe’s Sanitarium by ThreeLite
  • Alternate Habe’s by TalesfromtheTabletop (not sure of Paizo Username)
  • Habe’s Sanitarium by Askren
  • Habe’s Sanitarium Second Floor by Askren
  • Habe’s Sanitarium Basement by Askren
  • Habe's Sanitarium Floor Basement by hero339
  • Habe's Sanitarium Floor 1 by hero339
  • Habe's Sanitarium Floor 2 by hero339
  • Habe's Sanitarium Floor 3 by hero339

    Walking Scarecrows

  • Farmlands 1 By Tintagel
  • Farmlands 2 By Tintagel
  • Farmlands 3 By Tintagel
  • Farmhouse By Tintagel
  • Farmland by day by hero339
  • Farmland by night by hero339
  • House and barn by day by hero339
  • House and barn by night by hero339
  • House, upper floor by day by hero339
  • House, upper floor by night by hero339


  • Foxglove Manor/The Misgivings 1st Floor w/ surroundings by Tintagel
  • Foxglove Manor/The Misgivings 1st Floor by Tintagel
  • Foxglove Manor/The Misgivings 2nd Floor by Tintagel
  • Foxglove Manor/The Misgivings Attic by Tintagel
  • Foxglove Manor/The Misgivings Basement by Tintagel
  • Foxglove Manor/The Misgivings Caverns by Tintagel
  • The Misgivings by Ceanmaps

    Chasing the Skinsaw

  • Foxglove Townhouse by DigitalMystic
  • Foxglove Estate by hero339

    The Seven’s Sawmill

  • The Seven’s Sawmill by ThreeLite
  • The Sevens Sawmill and Foxglove Townhouse by Dom C
  • The Seven’s Sawmill by Ceanmaps

    Shadows of Time

  • Shadow Clock Tower and Roof by Dom C
  • Shadow Clock Roof by Tinalles
  • Shadow Clock Tower and Roof by barry lyndon

    Maps that couldn't be linked to individually

  • Book 2 Maps by narchy
  • Book 2 Maps by Ceanmaps

    Many of these links are from the Hook Mountain Massacre Printable VT Battlemaps thread. I have linked the super high resolution versions. You may need to resize them to make them work for you, or you can download the lower res versions in the thread above.

    In the Hook's Shadow

  • Sunken Ship for the Paradise Barge by National Geographic
  • Ship Map for the Paradise courtesy of Zebbie
  • The Graul Homestead Ground Floor by BWatford
  • The Graul Homestead Upstairs and Basement by BWatford
  • The Graul Homestead Barn and Field by BWatford
  • Graul Homestead by Threelite
  • Graul Homestead at Dawn by Shoba

    Retaking Rannick

  • Hook Mountain Exterior and Caves by Digital Mystic
  • Fort Rannick 1st Floor by BWatford
  • Fort Rannick 1st Floor North by Riding Bull
  • Fort Rannick 1st Floor South by Riding Bull
  • Fort Rannick 2nd Floor by BWatford
  • Fort Rannick 2nd Floor by Riding Bull
  • Below Fort Rannick by BWatford
  • Below Fort Rannick by Riding Bull
  • Fort Rannick (116x88 Split into 4 parts, each 58x44) by threelite
  • Fort Rannick Level one, Level two, Basement except the outside (grid size 70x70) by Philly
  • Fort Rannick Level 1 by Shoba
  • Fort Rannick Level 2 by Shoba
  • Peet's Restructured Ft. Rannick Floor 1, see also Peet's post
  • Peet's Restructured Ft. Rannick Floor 2
  • Peet's Restructured Ft. Rannick Floor 3
  • Peet's Restructured Ft. Rannick Floor 4
  • Peet's Restructured Ft. Rannick Floor 5

    Down Comes the Rain

  • Saving the School Children (Just add boat) by Digital Mystic
  • Turtleback Ferry Chapel/Black Magga by Digital Mystic
  • Turtleback Ferry Chapel/Black Magga by Tinalles
  • Turtleback Ferry Chapel/Black Magga /w Grid by Tinalles
  • Turtleback Ferry Chapel/Black Magga by Miikka Autere
  • Top of Dam Ogre Fight by Digital Mystic
  • Skulls Crossing Western Caves by BWatford
  • Skulls Crossing Skulls Watch by BWatford
  • Skulls Crossing Grazulls Domain by BWatford
  • Ferry crafted from the shell of giant turtle by GustavoMalek
  • Skull's Crossing - Encounter with the Ogre Demolition Crew - 20x20 by GustavoMalek
  • Skull's Crossing: Skull's Watch - 20x20 by GustavoMalek
  • Skull's Crossing: Grazuul's Domain - 20x19 by GustavoMalek
  • Skull's Crossing Western Caves by Shoba
  • Skull's Crossing Skull's Watch by Shoba
  • Skull's Crossing Grazuul's Domain by Shoba

    The Haunted Heart

  • Mysterious Derelict (25x25 units, 70 pixels per unit) by threelite
  • Heart of Sadness by Digital Mystic
  • Heart of Sadness by Miikka Autere

    Harrowing the Hook

  • Hook Mountain Clanhold pt1 by BWatford
  • Hook Mountain Clanhold pt2 by BWatford
  • Hook Mountain Clanhold by Miikka Autere
  • Hook Mountain Clanhold - full map (72px - 106x68) by GustavoMalek
  • Hook Mountain Clanhold - divided in 2 parts of 53x68 each (better resolution) by GustavoMalek

    Maps that couldn't be linked to individually

  • Book 3 Maps by narchy
  • Book 3 Maps by Ceanmaps


    Stones over Sandpoint

  • Sandpoint North Gate by Digital Mystic
  • Sandpoint East Bridge by Digital Mystic
  • Sandpoint East Bridge by Hytholodeus
  • Sandpoint Garrison and Town Hall by Digital Mystic
  • Sandpoint Garrison and Town Hall by Hytholodeus
  • Sandpoint Scarnetti Manor by Digital Mystic
  • Sandpoint Scarnetti Manor by Hytholodeus
  • Mill Pond - 32x30 by threelite
  • Two Knights Brewery - Beer or Death - 25x25 by threelite

    Journey to Jorgenfist

  • Ogre Cattle Rustlers - 35x35 by threelite
  • Storval Stairs by Digital Mystic

    Into the Valley of the Black Tower

  • Longtooth’s Lair by Digital Mystic
  • Wyvern/Deathweb Caves by Digital Mystic
  • Jorgenfist by Digital Mystic
  • Black Tower 1 by Digital Mystic
  • Black Tower 2 by Digital Mystic
  • Jorgenfist - One huge image, 78x96 by threelite
  • Jorgenfist - Split into 4, 39x48 each image by threelite
  • River Caves - 45x29 by threelite
  • Longtooth's Cave - 44x13 by threelite
  • Watchpost - 30x30 by threelite
  • The Black Tower - 16x31 by threelite

    Under Jorgenfist

  • Under Jorgenfist by Digital Mystic
  • The Pit and Caverns - Split into 4 for Roll20 upload limit. 46x34 each, 92x68 total by threelite

    The Ancient Library

  • The Ancient Library by Digital Mystic
  • Jorgenfist Library - 61x37 by threelite

    The Scribbler's Rhyme

  • Sandpoint Scribler's Lair Entrance by Digital Mystic
  • Lamashtu's Shrine by threelite

    Seeking Runeforge

  • The Scriblers Lair by Digital Mystic
  • Arkhryst's Lair - 59x22, did 2 maps; one showing the hidden ramp and another without by threelite
  • Arkhryst's Lair by Digital Mystic
  • The Sihedron Circle - 29x20 by threelite
  • The Sihedron Circle by Digital Mystic
  • Frozen Cathedral - 34x19 by threelite
  • Frozen Cathedral by Digital Mystic
  • Xin's Stairway - 29x23 by threelite
  • Xin's Stairway by Digital Mystic

    Runeforge and the Abjurant Halls

  • Runeforge - 52x33 by threelite
  • Runeforge by Digital Mystic
  • Ravenous Crypts - 30x22 by threelite
  • Ravenous Crypts by Digital Mystic
  • The Vault of Greed - 50x34 by threelite
  • The Vault of Greed - by Digital Mystic
  • Iron Cages of Lust - 69x44 by threelite
  • Iron Cages of Lust by Digital Mystic
  • Shimmering Veils of Pride - 49x33 by threelite
  • Shimmering Veils of Pride by Digital Mystic
  • Festering Maze of Sloth - 39x27 by threelite
  • Festering Maze of Sloth Drained - 39x27 by threelite
  • Festering Maze of Sloth by Digital Mystic
  • Halls of Wrath - 80x129 (rotated so that north is up) by threelite
  • Halls of Wrath by Digital Mystic
  • Halls of Wrath by Riding Bull

    Maps that couldn't be linked to individually

  • Book 5 Maps by Makin and Stump

    Whew. It took nine hours straight to get that all sorted out. Apologies if I missed anything.

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