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Rise of the Runelords

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1 person marked this as a favorite.

Yup, here it is:

edwardloveall wrote:
Yup, here it is:

Awesome, thanks!

I will be running it soon in my online campaign.

Scarab Sages

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Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Here's how the throne turned out. I may still have my modeler make the dais a full circle.

Karzoug's Throne

That is awesome. Are you planning on releasing the design so other people can print out awesome Karzoug thrones for their final battles?

Liberty's Edge

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I just did some stats for Brodther Quink. He's become the Go-To guy for all things Thassilonic for the party and they have dropped him on the Library so he can help them translate the info they need.

Brodert Quink
NG Medium humanoid (old human 7 expert)
Init 0; Senses Perception -1
AC 10, touch 10, flat-footed 10
hp 28 (7d8-7)
Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +4
Dagger +4 (1d4-1) 19-20
Spd 30 ft.

Str 8, Dex 10, Con 9, Int 17, Wis 9, Cha 10
Base Atk +5; CMB +4; CMD 14


Scholar (History, Arcana), Skill Focus (Knowledge: history), Skill Focus (Knowledge: arcana), Skill Focus (Profession: scholar), Skill Focus (Use Magic Device)

Traits: Historian (human), Patient Calm

Appraise +6, K. Arcana +18, K.Dungeoneering +13, K. Engineering +13, K. Geography +13, K. History +19, K. Nature +13, K. Local +16, K. Nobility +13, Profession Scholar +12, Use Magic Device +16, Spellcraft +9

Languages Common, Elven, Dwarven, Thassilonian

I hope this is correct. xD I gave him some traits and made Expert his favored class for the extra skill points. If this is not possible, I guess he would drop K. Dungeoneering.

There is so much in this thread, so I might have missed it:
My PC are just starting. T

hey are moving to Thistletop, but they would like to have some maps: the region/world, local areas.

I could give them the one in the GM guide, but I am pretty sure that will have too many points of interest they have no need to visit yet. Would be great to have something they can mark stuff themself.
E.g. I got the Sandpoint map without numbers and they are slowly adding info where what is on a need to know basis.
There is a problem, though: our Fighter says he has been living in Sandpoint for the past year or two. So he should know more stuff (he does not as we have not talked this through).

Perfectly reasonable for a player living in Sandpoint for a year or two to know common local areas -- anything that you judge would be a DC 5 or 10 Knowledge (local) or Knowlege (geography) check he should know.

Or just ask him to make a Knowledge check and base how much you give him off the results. If he didn't put any ranks in that skill, then, well, maybe his character didn't pay much attention to that sort of thing. (But he should certainly know the basics - maybe another type of Knowledge check might focus on different things, e.g., Knowledge (religion) for Windsong Abbey.)

Does anybody know of a clean (no outer page/table of contents information on the side), large version of the map of Xin-Shalast? I have the map folio and the interactive PDF from the digital AE, But I have no way to display it for my players that really shows the scale well. I'm hoping to put it up on my television via PS4 during tomorrow's session.

Silver Crusade

Just screen print the part you want, and toss it into any basic photo editor to crop out the stuff along the outside. IrfanView is a free download that can do edits like that.

I've done that, it just doesn't look great. Also that sketch of Karzoug's head in the mountain looks like the lovechild of Sinestro and Beavis and I can't unsee it.

Changeling Jack wrote:
I've done that, it just doesn't look great. Also that sketch of Karzoug's head in the mountain looks like the lovechild of Sinestro and Beavis and I can't unsee it.

Yes that was 'removed' from my game too... that particular image is very cheesy.

I found the pdf from the map pack to be the highest resolution version of the file I could find, but it's still not as high rez as it should be. Frustrating.

Like you I ended up sharing the map with my PCs, we ended up doing fairly detailed navigation through the city. To avoid getting spotted too often my party's cleric kept creating snowfall to reduce visibility. This worked fine until the last stretch of the city where Karzoug controlled weather (via a remote focus...handwave, handwave) and blew all the clouds away.

Changeling Jack wrote:
I've done that, it just doesn't look great. Also that sketch of Karzoug's head in the mountain looks like the lovechild of Sinestro and Beavis and I can't unsee it.

My players dubbed Mhar Massif "Mount Piccolo" (in reference to the Dragonball character) when they saw the map.

quick question

is there a grid map of Sandpoint somewhere?

my players be finishing book 3 tonight, I am hopeful we'll have enough time in the game session to do the Sandpoint raid tonight (I'm excited). I wouldn't mind having a reference for how long, in rounds, it may take my players to get from Northgate to Tanner's Bridge for example.

if someone can point me in the right direction, i'd be ever so grateful, thanks.

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SometimesCrumb wrote:

quick question

is there a grid map of Sandpoint somewhere?

my players be finishing book 3 tonight, I am hopeful we'll have enough time in the game session to do the Sandpoint raid tonight (I'm excited). I wouldn't mind having a reference for how long, in rounds, it may take my players to get from Northgate to Tanner's Bridge for example.

if someone can point me in the right direction, i'd be ever so grateful, thanks.

I made one. Here it is:

Sandpoint Grided Map (264 x 390 squares - 1 square = 5-ft)

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I'm not sure why some of my links broke...


SM-item cards

SM-Monster cards

Turtleback Ferry guide (done in the fashion of the sandpoint guide) .pdf?dl=0

Turtleback Ferry cards (for players) s.pdf?dl=0

Sandpoint player handout (also from here - don't remember source)

I have other stuff that I grabbed early on - if you are after something specific let me know I can see if it's in my file list.

Ckorik wrote:

I'm not sure why some of my links broke...

I have other stuff that I grabbed early on - if you are after something specific let me know I can see if it's in my file list.

Great stuff!

9 people marked this as a favorite.

At the Swallowtail Festival, I ran a scavenger hunt for my players, to help introduce them to Sandpoint. I think it was received really well! Overall it took 1.25 hours with 3 PCs, just about where I was aiming for pacing. They had fun with it, and it got them a bit acquainted with the city (and with their character sheets!)

Other mechanics:
I used the chase mechanics (slightly modified - if you attempted both checks and passed both you moved two spaces, if you failed either check you don't move at all, but you never lose an entire turn.) Sandpoint non-locals got a three-round head start (this was mainly so I could justify why the PCs have a chance of winning against scores of other contestants.) For the opponents, I just put three Varisians on the map that started simultaneously with the PCs, and for them I just rolled a d6 each round and moved them on a 5 or 6 (I didn't feel like drawing up character sheets for them and rolling the actual skill checks.) The prize for winning the scavenger hunt was 50 gp which was the grand prize of the day (I think it was good to offer such a large prize because two of my PCs talked about "using the time while people are distracted with the scavenger hunt to snoop around looking for anything strange," but once I reminded them "The prize for the scavenger hunt is 50 gold pieces!" they got in line to join.)

Welcome to Sandpoint!

Travel through the town and pick up the bold items on the list.

Note, each time after moving the leader must make a DC8 Survival or Knowledge (local) check to avoid become disoriented. If they fail, they take a -2 penalty to all their checks for one round.

1) The Way North

Receive a scavenger hunt map

Bearing a sign that says “The Way North”, this cramped building is festooned with nautical charts and maps, and through the windows you can see much more of the same, with barrels of rolled up papers, maps on the walls, and shelves and shelves of books. The far side of the room is dominated by a large work table with a half-completed map of the region.

An aged but spry gnome with white hair and only a few teeth left is handing out maps as fast as he can, but he's mobbed by scavengers grabbing their maps. Make a DC13 Intimidate check to get the others to move aside, or a DC11 Sleight of Hand check to snatch a map out of his hand.

2) The Old Light

Get a worked stone

Like a spike driven up into the sky, this ruin towers over the city, sitting atop the sea cliff that forms Sandpoint’s northern boundary. A cylindrical base of 40 foot diameter indicates this was once a towering structure, though time has taken its toll. The eastern side stands five stories in height, while the western edge has just 15 feet of height remaining. Archaic runes adorn parts of the existing facade and seem strangely well preserved, considering the extent of erosion on the rest of the structure. Large chunks of worked stone lie on the ground, but up on a low ledge you can see smaller pieces of rubble as well. Your nose fills with the smell of sea spray, and you feel a light mist on your skin, as the gulls circle and caw overhead. The bluff affords a stunning view of the Varisian Gulf, as the famous mists of the Lost Coast are just receding from the shore.

Make a DC7 Strength check to pry loose a large rock (this weighs 20 lbs, and if it encumbers you then you take a -2 to subsequent checks for the hunt.) Or, make a DC12 Climb check to scramble up and find a smaller stone.

3) Town Hall

Pick up a bank deposit slip

This two-story stone building is impressively large, although not even a quarter of the size of the new cathedral. Upon entering you find yourself in a large empty meeting hall, with the chairs currently stacked off to the sides. A sign instructs you to head downstairs to the bank for the scavenger hunt.

To find a bank deposit slip among the various paperwork in the town hall basement, make a DC10 Profession or Knowledge (local) check, or make a DC12 Linguistics check to rapidly scan the forms and find the right one.

4) The House of Blue Stones

Find a painted blue stone

Inside this stone building is a large open floor covered in polished round blue stones. The air is thick with the resinous tang of burning incense. Reed mats on the floor form winding walkways, and they rustle gently as you walk over them. Several round cushions are placed sporadically across the floor. Besides a spiral staircase leading down in the far corner, the only other feature is a reflecting pool in the center of the room. A dark-skinned woman watches observantly from near the door.

While the floor in this large hall is covered with smooth blue stones, the ones for the hunt are painted blue, not naturally blue like the rest. Make a DC14 Perception check to find a painted stone, or a DC10 Wisdom check to instinctively determine which stones are out of place and were recently placed here for the hunt.

5) Kaijitsu Glassworks

Grab a pinch of soda ash

This large stone factory’s impressive facade is brightened by five colorful stained glass windows, each masterfully worked in the Eastern style. They depict scenes ranging from travelers on a snowy field, to a fiery portrayal of the process of glassblowing.

Out in the yard under an awning lie three large piles of white powder. To distinguish the soda ash from the limestone and the mature sand, make a DC9 Appraise check or a DC12 Knowledge (engineering) or (nature) check.

6) Turch’s Fishmarket

Find a cockle shell

As you rush along the boardwalk overlooking the harbor, the smell of fish is overwhelming. A large sign proclaims “Valdemar Fishmarket”. Under the roof are many stalls with fish, crabs, eels, mussels and other shellfish, and even a large octopus out on display. You can hear the waves gently lapping at the rocks

Under the boardwalk is all manner of discarded shells and fish skeletons, but the hunt is specifically calling for a cockle shell. Make a DC9 Knowledge (nature) or Profession (fisherman) check to pick out a cockle shell, or make a DC12 Diplomacy check to ask someone to help you identify one.

7) Meat Market

Get a chicken shinbone

The smell of blood and fresh meat is thick in the air, and the counter display shows cuts of pork, venison, beef, pheasant, chicken, mutton, and rabbit.

Outside the back of the market is the bone heap. To identify a chicken shinbone among the heap, make a DC10 Heal or Knowledge (nature) check, or a DC8 Profession (cook) check.

8) Goblin Squash Stables

Take a handful of hay

A painted sign over the door of these stables depicts a goblin being trampled underfoot by a horse. Enhancing the motif is a grisly display on the entrance to the barn, which bears three rafters covered with dozens of goblin ears that have been nailed on. Many of the ears have a name branded on, presumably that of the dead goblin itself. The scent of hay and dung fills the air.

The horses are getting antsy at having so many visitors, and the hay is behind them. Make a DC12 Handle Animal check to calm them down so you can grab some hay, or else make a DC13 Stealth check to sneak through without them noticing.

9) Valdemar Shipyard

Get a bit of rope

This long building has no wall along its southern facade, allowing easy movement between the workshop and the four large dry docks that lead out into the harbor. One dry dock holds an almost-completed galley bearing a dozen oars on each side, and another holds the skeleton of a larger carvel in the early stages of construction. There are enough tools lying around to support a small army of shipwrights. You can smell the sulphurous scent of the boggy water.

Some of the bollards on the docks have knotted rope ends tied on, that seem to have been hacked off by hasty departing sailors. To untie a rope, make a DC13 CMB check, or a DC11 Escape Artist check.

10) Two Knights Brewery

Find some bitter hops

This stone building greets you with a life-size painted wooden cutout of two knights in full armor, toasting each other with brimming-over mugs and holding swords in their off hands. At the feet of one of the cutouts is a fresh wreath of flowers. The strong scent of beer wafts from the building.

The storehouse is open, and several barrels hold different brewing ingredients. To distinguish the bitter hops from the other ingredients, make a DC9 Profession (brewer), Knowledge (nature), or Craft (alchemy) check, or a DC13 Perception check to find the bitter hops by its odor.

11) Scarnetti Mill

Grab a pinch of grains

You see a large water wheel turning behind this old wooden building, and you can hear the low scraping sound of the grindstone before you even enter into the building. The interior bears the subtle aroma of fresh flour.

The gristmill is running. To grab the grains, make a DC13 Climb check to get up to the hopper, or, to safely grab grains from the mill, first shut the sluice by making a DC10 Disable Device or Knowledge (engineering) check.

12) Sandpoint Lumber Mill

Get a piece of driftwood

The wood of this long building seems old and weathered, in stark contrast to the freshly cut red-blonde surfaces of the lumber lying in huge piles all around. The scent of fresh pine mixes with the brackish odor of the river.

There are plenty of branches floating in the water, along with an abundance of larger logs. Make a DC10 Swim check to get in the water and grab a branch, or use a lasso to grab one by making a ranged attack against AC12.

13) Carpenter’s Guild

Pick up a nail

It looks like every square foot of this large building is being well-used for all manner of construction projects, some of which have spilled outside. A red-bearded dwarf watches hawkishly but with a smile, seeming to enjoy the ruckus of the day.

Various odd bits of discarded lumber are strewn about, and while lots of nails are visible, all are embedded in various bits of wood. Make a DC9 Profession (carpenter) or Knowledge (engineering) check to locate one that looks loose, or make a DC12 Strength check to pry one free.

14) Sandpoint Theater

Receive a playbill

This huge wooden building well outsizes the town hall, and once you enter you can see an auditorium that could sit 250 in its stuffed red folding seats. On the stage is a mustachioed man wearing a feather cap, and holding a stack of playbills for the upcoming show, The Harpy’s Curse.

Cyrdak Drokkus demands a performance before he gives you a playbill. Make a DC10 Perform check, or make a DC14 Knowledge (local or nobility) check to make a witty observation to make him smile.

15) Sandpoint Cathedral

Rush back to the new cathedral with all the listed items!

Here's the map I used for Roll20 (turn grid off while using it.)

To make it look pretty I used The Homebrewery with the following code:

Homebrewery code:
# Scavenger Hunt

## Welcome to Sandpoint!
Travel through the town and pick up the bold items on the list.

*Note, each time after moving the leader must make a DC8 Survival or Knowledge (local) check to avoid become disoriented. If they fail, they take a -2 penalty to all their checks for one round.*

### 1) The Way North

***Receive a scavenger hunt map***

Bearing a sign that says “The Way North”, this cramped building is festooned with nautical charts and maps, and through the windows you can see much more of the same, with barrels of rolled up papers, maps on the walls, and shelves and shelves of books. The far side of the room is dominated by a large worktable with a half-completed map of the region.

*An aged buy spry gnome with white hair and only a few teeth left is handing out maps as fast as he can, but he's mobbed by scavengers grabbing their maps. Make a DC13 Intimidate check to get the others to move aside, or a DC11 Sleight of Hand check to snatch a map out of his hand.*

### 2) The Old Light

***Get a worked stone***

Like a spike driven up into the sky, this ruin towers over the city, sitting atop the sea cliff that forms Sandpoint’s northern boundary. A cylindrical base of 40 foot diameter indicates this was once a towering structure, though time has taken its toll. The eastern side stands five stories in height, while the western edge has just 15 feet of height remaining. Archaic runes adorn parts of the existing facade and seem strangely well preserved, considering the extent of erosion on the rest of the structure. Large chunks of worked stone lie on the ground, but up on a low ledge you can see smaller pieces of rubble as well. Your nose fills with the smell of sea spray, and you feel a light mist on your skin, as the gulls circle and caw overhead. The bluff affords a stunning view of the Varisian Gulf, as the famous mists of the Lost Coast are just receding from the shore.

*Make a DC7 Strength check to pry loose a large rock (this weighs 20 lbs, and if it encumbers you then you take a -2 to subsequent checks for the hunt.) Or, make a DC12 Climb check to scramble up and find a smaller stone.*

### 3) Town Hall

***Pick up a bank deposit slip***

This two-story stone building is impressively large, although not even a quarter of the size of the new cathedral. Upon entering you find yourself in a large empty meeting hall, with the chairs currently stacked off to the sides. A sign instructs you to head downstairs to the bank for the scavenger hunt.

*To find a bank deposit slip among the various paperwork in the town hall basement, make a DC10 Profession or Knowledge (local) check, or make a DC12 Linguistics check to rapidly scan the forms and find the right one.*

### 4) The House of Blue Stones

***Find a painted blue stone***

Inside this stone building is a large open floor covered in polished round blue stones. The air is thick with the resinous tang of burning incense. Reed mats on the floor form winding walkways, and they rustle gently as you walk over them. Several round cushions are placed sporadically across the floor. Besides a spiral staircase leading down in the far corner, the only other feature is a reflecting pool in the center of the room. A dark-skinned woman watches observantly from near the door.

*While the floor in this large hall is covered with smooth blue stones, the ones for the hunt are painted blue, not naturally blue like the rest. Make a DC14 Perception check to find a painted stone, or a DC10 Wisdom check to instinctively determine which stones are out of place and were recently placed here for the hunt.*

### 5) Kaijitsu Glassworks

***Grab a pinch of soda ash***

This large stone factory’s impressive facade is brightened by five colorful stained glass windows, each masterfully worked in the Eastern style. They depict scenes ranging from travelers on a snowy field, to a fiery portrayal of the process of glassblowing.

*Out in the yard under an awning lie three large piles of white powder. To distinguish the soda ash from the limestone and the mature sand, make a DC9 Appraise check or a DC12 Knowledge (engineering) or (nature) check.*

### 6) Turch’s Fishmarket

***Find a cockle shell***

As you rush along the boardwalk overlooking the harbor, the smell of fish is overwhelming. A large sign proclaims “Valdemar Fishmarket”. Under the roof are many stalls with fish, crabs, eels, mussels and other shellfish, and even a large octopus out on display. You can hear the waves gently lapping at the rocks

*Under the boardwalk is all manner of discarded shells and fish skeletons, but the hunt is specifically calling for a cockle shell. Make a DC9 Knowledge (nature) or Profession (fisherman) check to pick out a cockle shell, or make a DC12 Diplomacy check to ask someone to help you identify one.*

### 7) Meat Market

***Get a chicken shinbone***

The smell of blood and fresh meat is thick in the air, and the counter display shows cuts of pork, venison, beef, pheasant, chicken, mutton, and rabbit.

*Outside the back of the market is the bone heap. To identify a chicken shinbone among the heap, make a DC10 Heal or Knowledge (nature) check, or a DC8 Profession (cook) check.*
### 8) Goblin Squash Stables

***Take a handful of hay***

A painted sign over the door of these stables depicts a goblin being trampled underfoot by a horse. Enhancing the motif is a grisly display on the entrance to the barn, which bears three rafters covered with dozens of goblin ears that have been nailed on. Many of the ears have a name branded on, presumably that of the dead goblin itself. The scent of hay and dung fills the air.

*The horses are getting antsy at having so many visitors, and the hay is behind them. Make a DC12 Handle Animal check to calm them down so you can grab some hay, or else make a DC13 Stealth check to sneak through without them noticing.*

### 9) Valdemar Shipyard

***Get a bit of rope***

This long building has no wall along its southern facade, allowing easy movement between the workshop and the four large dry docks that lead out into the harbor. One dry dock holds an almost-completed galley bearing a dozen oars on each side, and another holds the skeleton of a larger carvel in the early stages of construction. There are enough tools lying around to support a small army of shipwrights. You can smell the sulphurous scent of the boggy water.

*Some of the bollards on the docks have knotted rope ends tied on, that seem to have been hacked off by hasty departing sailors. To untie a rope, make a DC13 CMB check, or a DC11 Escape Artist check.*

### 10) Two Knights Brewery

***Find some bitter hops***

This stone building greets you with a life-size painted wooden cutout of two knights in full armor, toasting each other with brimming-over mugs and holding swords in their off hands. At the feet of one of the cutouts is a fresh wreath of flowers. The strong scent of beer wafts from the building.

*The storehouse is open, and several barrels hold different brewing ingredients. To distinguish the bitter hops from the other ingredients, make a DC9 Profession (brewer), Knowledge (nature), or Craft (alchemy) check, or a DC13 Perception check to find the bitter hops by its odor.*

### 11) Scarnetti Mill

***Grab a pinch of grains***

You see a large water wheel turning behind this old wooden building, and you can hear the low scraping sound of the grindstone before you even enter into the building. The interior bears the subtle aroma of fresh flour.

*The gristmill is running. To grab the grains, make a DC13 Climb check to get up to the hopper, or, to safely grab grains from the mill, first shut the sluice by making a DC10 Disable Device or Knowledge (engineering) check.*

### 12) Sandpoint Lumber Mill

***Get a piece of driftwood***

The wood of this long building seems old and weathered, in stark contrast to the freshly cut red-blonde surfaces of the lumber lying in huge piles all around. The scent of fresh pine mixes with the brackish odor of the river.

*There are plenty of branches floating in the water, along with an abundance of larger logs. Make a DC10 Swim check to get in the water and grab a branch, or use a lasso to grab one by making a ranged attack against AC12.*

### 13) Carpenter’s Guild

***Pick up a nail***

It looks like every square foot of this large building is being well-used for all manner of construction projects, some of which have spilled outside. A red-bearded dwarf watches hawkishly but with a smile, seeming to enjoy the ruckus of the day.

*Various odd bits of discarded lumber are strewn about, and while lots of nails are visible, all are embedded in various bits of wood. Make a DC9 Profession (carpenter) or Knowledge (engineering) check to locate one that looks loose, or make a DC12 Strength check to pry one free.*

### 14) Sandpoint Theater

***Receive a playbill***

This huge wooden building well outsizes the town hall, and once you enter you can see an auditorium that could sit 250 in its stuffed red folding seats. On the stage is a mustachioed man wearing a feather cap, and holding a stack of playbills for the upcoming show, The Harpy’s Curse.

*Cyrdak Drokkus demands a performance before he gives you a playbill. Make a DC10 Perform check, or make a DC14 Knowledge (local or nobility) check to make a witty observation to make him smile.*

### 15) Sandpoint Cathedral

***Rush back to the new cathedral with all the listed items!***

In case anyone else has any improvements or additions, I've created a thread here.

Liberty's Edge

Nice idea! A good way of letting the players go around town.


Hey guys,

I've been mostly using the maps from Hero339 and loading them onto roll20, but can't find some stuff.

The map for Thistletop Level 2 is 177kb and the quality is not the best. The grids are also different sizes and don't match. Any better ones around?

The outside of Thistletop map is pretty large, I compressed it and it's still over 20mb, max in roll 20 is 10mb so I can't upload it.
Worst case scenario I can cut it in half.

If no solution I would just use the ones in the PDF, but is there a place to get them without the annotations?


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Unikatze - for Hero339's outdoor Thistletop map, try this:

1) Reduce it in size to 70% of the original. It was designed at 100px to the five-foot square, so reducing it that much will take it down to 70px per square. I believe that's the default size for the grid in Roll20, so that'll help with setting the grid up anyway.

2) JPG allows variable compression. It looks like the original image was saved at 95% quality. Use an image editor that allows you to control the compression ratio and knock it down to 75%. I use for that; when you do a Save As and pick JPG, it'll pop up a screen where you can set the compression ratio.

I just tried the above to make sure it would work, and got the image down to a titch over 7 MB.

Decreasing the compression ratio on an image is great for shrinking the file size of a map. You generally won't notice a major difference in the quality of the finished image unless you take it down crazy low. I tried it at 25% (yielding a 2.9 MB file) and it was usable, though noticeably blotchy when you zoom in.

Tinalles wrote:

Unikatze - for Hero339's outdoor Thistletop map, try this:

1) Reduce it in size to 70% of the original. It was designed at 100px to the five-foot square, so reducing it that much will take it down to 70px per square. I believe that's the default size for the grid in Roll20, so that'll help with setting the grid up anyway.

2) JPG allows variable compression. It looks like the original image was saved at 95% quality. Use an image editor that allows you to control the compression ratio and knock it down to 75%. I use for that; when you do a Save As and pick JPG, it'll pop up a screen where you can set the compression ratio.

I just tried the above to make sure it would work, and got the image down to a titch over 7 MB.

Decreasing the compression ratio on an image is great for shrinking the file size of a map. You generally won't notice a major difference in the quality of the finished image unless you take it down crazy low. I tried it at 25% (yielding a 2.9 MB file) and it was usable, though noticeably blotchy when you zoom in.

Sounds great. I'll try this out!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Harrow Card Reading Cheat Sheet

Image version / Google Docs version

Goal: Make it easier and faster to perform live Harrow card readings.

Usage: Print out the 3 sheets, and place them somewhere convenient (like behind your GM screen.) Each sheet has two suits. In each suit, the placement of the card indicates the card's alignment. So, by seeing the suit and alignment of the card, you know exactly where you can find it on the cheat sheet (e.g., you draw The Winged Serpent and see it is the LG card of Stars. So you look at the Stars page, and look at the top-left cell because the card is LG.) Regular text are typical interpretations, and italicized text are possible interpretations of misaligned cards.

Hey guys! Cannot thank the huge amount of work you have all put into this thread. The content here has helped me make some epic encounters.

I had a few players leave my campaign as life does sometimes, so i've restarted everything. I'm up the the early stages of Sandpoint and for the life of me cannot find the handful of maps i thought i had saved on my computer.

What are the chances that someone has one of the following maps nearby they could send me as the link no longer works.

General Store Basement for Shopkeepers Daughter by Gr4ys.
Trouble at the Rusty Dragon by Gr4ys
Monster in the Closet by Gr4ys

I'm not sure whether they were made by Gr4ys (if someone knows whose these are, let me know, I'd like to give due credit to the artist) but I have some maps:

General Stone Basement
Monster in the Closet

For the Rusty Dragon you can try the map made by hero339:

Rusty Dragon by hero339

Thanks for the refresh of the maps. By the way, does anyone have maps of The Pit? This is where the Sandpoint Devil is supposed to reside.

Is it safe to assume that by September/October 2019 we will have a community created 2E version of ROTR? :P

Unikatze wrote:
Is it safe to assume that by September/October 2019 we will have a community created 2E version of ROTR? :P

Keep dreamin'! The rulebook isn't even being released until August. Trying to convert an entire AP in 1-2 months is just crazy!

A whole month with no postings!

By the way. I saw that Hero339s maps for the underground in Thistletop isn't there anymore. I have them saved. Should I upload them somewhere?

Liberty's Edge

Yes, please

I had trouble uploading it. But I actually think it's still on his devianart Page (I can't access Devianart t work. but these should work)

Level 1:
Level 2:

His Foxglove Manor one don't seem to be on the Map list either.

Liberty's Edge


Kittenmancer wrote:

I made a journal for Lyrie that players can find when they explore the second level of Thistletop. I played up her crush on Tsuto and introduced some jealousy for Nualia, alongside hints about her past and the results of her research.

Lyrie's journal

This is awesome! Is the text in thassilonian something random or does ot have any meaning? I did not read all the books (yes, I know - I should) yet, so might be missing this.

Also, one of my players tried to decrypt it by using "the most common English letters" and


Or something more real:

He did it out of character, but since his barbarian has linguistics I will ask him to roll for this next session.

Didn't think about that... so many of my players speak Thassilonian and I'm about to get to that part :O

Just dropping a link to MousMous' awesome alternative to tracking sin points, called The Crucible of Sins, in which the PCs undergo a series of trials testing their allegiance to the sins/virtues the first time they enter Runeforge.

I created handouts to assist with this, which are linked in MousMous' thread.

Anyone have a list of residents of both Sandpoint and Magnimar?

I found this one, 1GEssZ8w/edit#gid=0
which is great. But I'm pretty sure I had seen another before that also included their levels and stats (for those that have them)

Unikatze wrote:

Anyone have a list of residents of both Sandpoint and Magnimar?

I found this one, 1GEssZ8w/edit#gid=0
which is great. But I'm pretty sure I had seen another before that also included their levels and stats (for those that have them)

Found it! Dz9vN4e0/edit#gid=0

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

There was actually a fantastic document that described every resident and their relationships and history in detail. I think it was in this thread somewhere but I can't find it right now. It was exceptional work from someone.

(BTW, neither of your links works for me.)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The Paizo forums break up long text strings with spaces - those links will work if you manually delete the spaces out of them.

"Sandpoint Residents" Google Doc

Sandpoint NPCs Google Doc

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Thanks! I didn't spot that one space in there.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
TomParker wrote:

There was actually a fantastic document that described every resident and their relationships and history in detail. I think it was in this thread somewhere but I can't find it right now. It was exceptional work from someone.

Maybe you mean this document?

Hey, that Sandpoint Guide that you linked to is pretty useful. Thanks!

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Yossarian wrote:
TomParker wrote:
There was actually a fantastic document that described every resident and their relationships and history in detail.
Maybe you mean this document?

That's the one.

Love the work that's been done here. Thanks to everyone! Yoink, yoink

I couldn't get the Desecrated Vault by DakCentari to work so I found another one. Hopefully someone else gets some use from it as well.

Desecrated Vault by forgotmypasswor

So, ShadowChemosh's stuff is listed as unavailable. I contacted him (he's pretty active on Hero Lab Forums).

He told me to replace the link with

So for example: SkinsawMurders_Corrigendum_FAQ.pdf

RumpinRufus wrote:
Unikatze wrote:
Is it safe to assume that by September/October 2019 we will have a community created 2E version of ROTR? :P
Keep dreamin'! The rulebook isn't even being released until August. Trying to convert an entire AP in 1-2 months is just crazy!

2019. We're still 2018. Plenty of time to do conversion based on playtest, and then refine afterwards lol.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Here are some maps I did for my group (I'm still doing more)
Courtyard Pit Jorgenfist
Courtyard Embers Jorgenfist
Pit and bear caverns Jorgenfist
Lucrecia in her Snake form

This is a very useful thread. I will be starting this campaign with my group coming Sunday. We have just finished Reign of Winter and I let them choose the next campaign - it is this one. I am looking forward to running it.

Hi guys, this is a great group by the looks of it. However seems a lot of the links are down.

Im after stats for all the encounters from the start of burnt offerings.

Any idea where I can find them? Don't want to be having to reference all the monster manuals while playing.


Also, there are some beautiful maps for the encounters but how would I print them out to the right size for battle maps?

something like this for example

How do people run their encounters?

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