Ceanmaps's page

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Hey small update (or Big :D) Just released Book5.

Like Usually you can find the New realese next to all other on my Patreon for Free

And a Big Thanks to everyone that has supported me so far.

Jason Sunday wrote:
Thanks so much Ceanmaps! Much appreciated. Do you have a place to purchase your maps outside of Patreon?

Sry not yet its on the Roadmap but not for now

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Update: just finished Book 4

as usally you Guys can find Zip'ed files on my Patreon (for Free)

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Hey some of you have already seen my Maps for Rise of the Runelords.

As a small side Project started creating Maps for Irongods the polish is not as impressive as the one from Runelords but I thought some of you may still be intressted.


Its Possible but that is pretty step start for newbies

Draven Torakhan wrote:
Jhaeman wrote:
Can you explain a bit more what the challenge you're having with it is? Is it the size of the area, drawing the terrain, etc.?
Basically, I've got this map. https://i.imgur.com/74hkJEl.jpeg I just need to know what size to ask for when I take it up to Staples to get printed out; because it's too difficult for me to redraw on my grid-mat.

Nice to see my stuff getting Used :D

That map have 40x40 Grid, I Recomend 1x1 Inch Squares so I would Print it 40x40 Inch (Or 100x100 cm) Most of my Maps are 40x40 or 20x20 (its an early map on my new Stuff the Grid size is noted)


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Hey Guys just wanted to post that I just finished Book3


didido wrote:

Hey I Finished remake the whole Book1

I also have already finished alot Maps from the other Books you Guys can check them out for Free on my Patreon

Here we go with whole Book2 Thanks you all for your Kind Words

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Hey I Finished remake the whole Book1

I also have already finished alot Maps from the other Books you Guys can check them out for Free on my Patreon

Hey i Finished my first Bigger map for Our Campain and wanted to share it with you Guys.

Its the Foxglove Mansion