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4.00/5 (based on 7 ratings)

Map Pack: Village contains 18 full-color 5 x 8-inch map tiles, stunningly crafted by cartographer Corey Macourek, that unite to form a completely customizable village, including a Tavern (with back alley and stage), a General Store, a Gallows, an Apothecary shop, a Marketplace, and a Shrine. ......

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3.20/5 (based on 9 ratings)

Build the Perfect Adventure! ... Be prepared for every adventure by collecting your Pathfinder Map Pack tiles in one convenient spot. Whether you're building the ultimate city, labyrinthine caverns, or an entire dungeon, have all the pieces at your fingertips with this perfect companion to the...

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4.00/5 (based on 6 ratings)

Map Pack: Graveyard contains 18 full-color 5 x 8-inch map tiles, stunningly crafted by cartographer Corey Macourek, that combine to form a completely customizable graveyard. Locations include: Cemetery Gate; Church (Two Levels); Crypt; Gravedigger's Hut; Monument; Mausoleum; Plenty of Open...

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3.80/5 (based on 12 ratings)

Map Pack: Countryside contains 18 full-color 5 x 8-inch map tiles, stunningly crafted by cartographer Corey Macourek, that unite to form a completely customizable outdoor adventuring area. Locations include: Ambush; Campsite; Coaching Inn; Road Shrine; Rope Bridge; Ruins; Toll Bridge. For...

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3.50/5 (based on 2 ratings)

Map Pack: Fortress contains 18 full-color 5 x 8-inch map tiles, stunningly crafted by cartographer Corey Macourek, that unite to form a completely customizable adventuring area. Locations include: Drawbridge with Moat and Gatehouse; Throne Room and Banquet Hall; Kitchen; Master Bedroom;...

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3.80/5 (based on 5 ratings)

Map Pack: Haunted Mansion contains 18 full-color 5 x 8-inch map tiles, stunningly crafted by cartographer Corey Macourek, that unite to form a completely customizable adventuring area. Locations include: Balconied Entry Hall with Sweeping Stair; Portrait Gallery; Root Cellar; Rickety Wooden...

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5.00/5 (based on 2 ratings)

Map Pack: Dungeon Chambers contains 18 full-color 5 x 8-inch map tiles, stunningly crafted by cartographer Corey Macourek, that unite to form a completely customizable dungeon adventuring area. Locations include: Beast Lair; Spiked Pit; Bridge over Bubbling Lava; Guard Barracks; Abandoned...

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3.70/5 (based on 3 ratings)

GameMastery Map Pack: City contains 18 full-color 5 x 8-inch map tiles, stunningly crafted by cartographer Corey Macourek, that unite to form a completely customizable urban adventuring area. Locations include: Ambush Alley; Blacksmith Shop; Fighters' Guild; Fountain Square; Magic Shop;...

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4.20/5 (based on 6 ratings)

GameMastery Map Pack: Campsites contains 18 full-color 5 x 8-inch map tiles, stunningly crafted by cartographer Corey Macourek, that unite to form a completely customizable campsite adventuring area. Locations include: Mountain Cave ; Wooded Glen; Snow Fort; Pavilion Tent; Swamp Island;...

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3.80/5 (based on 4 ratings)

GameMastery Map Pack: Sewers contains 18 full-color 5 x 8-inch map tiles, stunningly crafted by cartographer Corey Macourek, that unite to form a completely customizable sewer adventuring area. ... For use with the industry’s most popular roleplaying or tabletop miniature campaigns, and useable...

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4.70/5 (based on 6 ratings)

GameMastery Map Pack: Temples contains 18 full-color 5 x 8-inch map tiles, stunningly crafted by cartographer Corey Macourek, that unite to form a completely customizable temple adventuring area. Locations include: Healing Temple; Druidic Mountaintop; Cultist Warehouse; Sacrifice Temple;...

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2.90/5 (based on 8 ratings)

GameMastery Map Pack: Inns contains 18 full-color 5 x 8-inch map tiles, stunningly crafted by cartographer Corey Macourek, that unite to form three inns of varying comfort levels: poor, common, and good. ... For use with the industry’s most popular roleplaying or tabletop miniature campaigns, and...

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4.70/5 (based on 3 ratings)

GameMastery Map Pack: Tournament contains 18 full-color 5 x 8-inch map tiles, stunningly crafted by cartographer Corey Macourek, that combine to form a variety of tournament sites from jousting lanes to an archery field. Locations include: Spectator Stands with Nobles Box; Jousting Lanes;...

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4.00/5 (based on 2 ratings)

GameMastery Map Pack: Ruins contains 18 full-color 5 x 8-inch map tiles, stunningly crafted by cartographer Corey Macourek, that combine to form a wide variety of locations in a ruined city. Locations include: Overgrown Boulevard; Weathered Statue; Shattered Buildings; Crumbling Temple;...

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3.60/5 (based on 8 ratings)

GameMastery Map Pack: Slums contains 18 full-color 5 x 8-inch map tiles, stunningly crafted by cartographer Corey Macourek, that combine to form a variety of locations in the slums of a large city. Locations include: Muddy Street; Low Market; Crumbling Building; Wooden Shacks; Filthy...

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3.70/5 (based on 3 ratings)

DESCEND INTO THE DARKNESS BELOW... but take care to make a map as you go, because these caves could go on forever! ... Paizo Publishing's GameMastery line of gaming accessories continues its mission of providing simple and elegant tools for the busy Game Master with GameMastery Map Pack: Caverns....

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4.30/5 (based on 4 ratings)

This should be an easy job escorting another caravan of food and travelers to the big city. What are the chances that monsters or highwaymen might attack? Unfortunately those chances are pretty high. Paizo Publishing's GameMastery line of gaming accessories continues its mantra of providing...

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3.30/5 (based on 3 ratings)

Explore the Elven Realm ... Be it a relaxing visit to a legendary forest city or a peril-filled journey to a monster-inhabited ruin, the distinctively graceful style of elven architecture adds a magic of its own to any adventure. ... Paizo Publishing’s GameMastery line of gaming accessories...

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3.20/5 (based on 5 ratings)

Wan sunlight filters in through a canopy thick with hanging moss. Twisted roots turn the narrow, winding path into a treacherous obstacle, and gnarled branches seem to reach down to pluck and scratch at unwary travelers. These dense tangles that can hide any number of monsters and menaces, and...

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4.30/5 (based on 3 ratings)

Down at the Docks! ... The lifeblood of any port city, the waterfront is the place to go to get the latest news from distant realms and the first shipments of rare imports. Unfortunately, it's also a prime place for thieves, pirates, press gangs, sea monsters, and worse to lie in wait. A trip to...

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4.00/5 (based on 3 ratings)

The lowing of cows. The smell of fresh-baked pies cooling on the windowsill. The wind rustling through crops ready for harvest. A trip to the farm should be one of relaxation, but years of gaming have taught us different farms are no safer than dungeons, with hungry wolves, giant burrowing...

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5.00/5 (based on 2 ratings)

Off to see the wizard! ... From spell research to treasure raids to summoning a deadly demon, adventurers have no shortage of reasons for visiting the local wizard. But the lair of a powerful arcanist often contains deadly traps, supernatural guardians, and unexpected surprises that can turn your...

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4.00/5 (based on 1 rating)

The life of an adventurer is never boring and even a simple trip into town to visit some merchants can often lead to a life or death struggle. Worse still, the town guard can get involved, landing the heroes in front of a judge or hauling them off to jail, leaving you with little choice but to...

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4.50/5 (based on 4 ratings)

Plan your next getaway! ... Sometimes the best safe house is the one you carry with you! From a spell-erected magnificent mansion to the cloudy refuge of a rope trick, from the inside of a genie’s bottle to a dimensional bolt-hole made of the raw stuff of elements, the prepared adventurer has...

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5.00/5 (based on 2 ratings)

The Natives are Restless ... What ancient secrets lie hidden in the trackless vast of the jungle? In a realm where swarms of ravenous insects, stealthy predators, and man-eating plants are little more than the harrowing reality of everyday survival, opportunities for glory and wondrous discovery...

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4.80/5 (based on 5 ratings)

GameMastery Map Pack: Lairs contains 18 full-color 5 x 8-inch map tiles, stunningly crafted by cartographer Corey Macourek, that combine to form a variety of monster lairs and beast habitats. Locations include: Cavern Lair; Villain Secret Lair; Urban Lair; Wilderness Lair; Ruined Lair. For...

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4.70/5 (based on 7 ratings)

Set Sail for Adventure ... Beyond the safety of the shores roll vast seas of excitement and danger! From attacks by daring raiders and merchant vessels in peril, to vessels ready for new captains to claim them, the waves hide countless menaces just waiting to be faced. Now your adventures can set...

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2.50/5 (based on 6 ratings)

YOU’RE ON THE MENU! ... Fight fantasy’s classic carnivores from the inside! The battle doesn’t end with being swallowed whole, as past gnashing teeth await prisons only the strongest heroes can hope to survive. Your characters are what’s for dinner with Paizo Publishing’s latest GameMastery Map...

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4.00/5 (based on 2 ratings)

GameMastery Map Pack: Hellscapes contains 18 full-color 5 x 8-inch map tiles, stunningly crafted by cartographer Corey Macourek, that combine to form a variety of nightmarish landscapes suitable for any diabolical RPG adventure. Locations include: Lake of Fire; Ferryman’s Crossing; Road of...

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5.00/5 (based on 3 ratings)

Open for Adventure! ... Bargain hunters beware, dragon-sized discounts are ready to rampage through your campaign! As much as adventurers enjoy delving through dungeons and slaying monsters, there’s something else treasure-hunters love: shopping for new gear. Whether your heroes are preparing for...

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4.50/5 (based on 2 ratings)

They happen in every game—unexpected attacks on unsuspecting heroes. Be it a gang of thugs jumping a group that’s wandered into the worst part of town or a band of sneaky goblins and their traps along a remote forest trail, ambushes are a staple of any properly sadistic Game Master’s bag of...

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ENDLESS DUNGEONS TO DELVE! ... You can’t keep adventurers out of the dungeon. Whether the ruins of forgotten empires or the fortresses of villainous kings, heroes risk it all to claim fame and fortune amid forsaken labyrinths. But no Game Master wants to spend time drawing every darkened hallway...

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4.00/5 (based on 1 rating)

Exploring ancient burial grounds and protecting the corpses of the honored dead from unholy transformation are standard fare for bold adventurers. But no Game Master wants to spend valuable game time drawing every looted grave and undead-haunted sepulcher. Fortunately, with Paizo Publishing’s...

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4.50/5 (based on 2 ratings)

Class is in Session! ... Your characters are about to get an education in the arcane! With Paizo Publishing's latest GameMastery Map Pack, you don't have to spend time drawing every darkened hallway and scroll-strewn classroom in which magical menaces await! This line of gaming accessories...

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3.50/5 (based on 2 ratings)

No one doubts the power of the gods! Deities of healing, fiendish lords of destruction, spirits of the land, and entities from beyond the stars all receive reverence in their own sanctums and sacred sites. Whether your heroes need healing or are thwarting an enemy cult, no Game Master wants to...

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4.30/5 (based on 3 ratings)

Strike It Rich! ... There’s gold in them there hills—not to mention poisonous gas, carnivorous fungi, and horrors from the depths of the earth! Whether your heroes are in search of the mother lode or miners who’ve gotten in over their heads, no Game Master wants to spend time drawing caves and...

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4.50/5 (based on 2 ratings)

Few can resist an invitation from the king—or the temptation of the royal treasure vaults. Whether your heroes are meeting with the queen or seeking to claim thrones of their own, no Game Master wants to spend time drawing riches and red carpets. Fortunately, with Paizo Publishing’s GameMastery...

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4.50/5 (based on 2 ratings)

When the battle goes belowdecks, no Game Master wants to spend time deciding whether the next hatch leads to the galley or the bilge. Fortunately, with Paizo Publishing’s latest GameMastery Map Pack, you don’t have to! This line of gaming accessories provides simple and elegant tools for the busy...

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3.00/5 (based on 1 rating)

Fraught with mysterious idols, hidden pirate treasures, and ravenous cannibals, unexplored islands hold the promise of danger and adventure! Whether your heroes are searching for castaways or becoming them, no Game Master wants to spend time drawing palm trees and dangerous shoals. Fortunately,...

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4.80/5 (based on 4 ratings)

More than just merchants come to markets to make a few coins. Between sly pickpockets, shifty con artists, and exotic strangers, players never know who might turn up amid the crowded stalls and colorful tents of the local marketplace. But no Game Master wants to spend time drawing flower stands...

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4.80/5 (based on 5 ratings)

Assassins, burglars, and other urban hunters rarely barge in through the front door. Rise to the roofs and see cities from a completely new vantage with GameMastery Map Pack: Rooftops. No Game Master wants to spend time drawing every building’s sloping summit and shifting shingles. Fortunately,...

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3.00/5 (based on 8 ratings)

Climb on, come aboard, find your seat, or mount up on your path to adventure. Deeds worthy of legend rarely happen on a hero’s doorstep, so head out on the road to greatness. Whether your heroes are traveling cross-country or just around the corner, no Game Master wants to spend time drawing...

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More than snow and ice lie packed beneath glacial plains and frigid mountain summits. Step into the snowy domain of all manner of cold-hearted creatures with GameMastery Map Pack: Ice Cavern. No Game Master wants to spend time drawing every winding tunnel or razor-sharp icicle. Fortunately, with...

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4.50/5 (based on 2 ratings)

Down and Dirty ... Adventures are at their grossest when they descend into the reeking cesspools and disgusting tunnels winding beneath the largest cities, sewers of such size and complexity as to be dungeons in their own rights. Whether your heroes are chasing thieves or clearing out...

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2.00/5 (based on 1 rating)

Erecting tents and building palisades may not be the most glamorous part of going to war, but they’re the key to eventual victory. Armies on the move rely on securely barricaded and clearly organized camps to keep troops battle-ready and supplies safe. Whether your heroes are on the march or...

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3.50/5 (based on 2 ratings)

In Forests Deep ... Riddled with twisting game trails, mysterious glens and ancient trees, the shadowed depths and bewildering paths of the forest may hide adventurers from their foes, or set them up for ambush by the creatures that dwell within! Whether your heroes are pursuing dangerous beasts...

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4.00/5 (based on 1 rating)

No Rest for the Wicked ... Dark deeds and foul sacrifices once led to the destruction of this den of evil, but the powers of darkness refuse to be defeated so easily! Whether your heroes are exploring strange ruins or seeking to put an end to an undying foe, no Game Master wants to spend time...

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2.50/5 (based on 2 ratings)

Enter the Labyrinth! ... Twisting dungeons reach endlessly into the dark, and only the bravest dare to explore how deep they go! No Game Master wants to spend time drawing every ancient wall and cracking passage. Fortunately, with Paizo Publishing’s latest Pathfinder Map Pack, you don’t have to!...

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2.00/5 (based on 2 ratings)

A Maze of Twisting Passages! ... Cunning traps and looming disasters guard these dark corridors, waiting to wipe out even the stoutest hearts and brightest minds! Paizo Publishing’s latest Pathfinder Map Pack provides simple and elegant tools for the busy Game Master. These 5 by 8 map tiles can...

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4.00/5 (based on 1 rating)

Ancient halls whisper of the lost past, and only the bravest dare to seek their buried secrets! Paizo Publishing's latest Pathfinder Map Pack provides simple and elegant tools for the busy Game Master. These 5 × 8 map tiles can be positioned to form a variety of ominous dungeon rooms, or combined...

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3.70/5 (based on 3 ratings)

Does the darkness cloaking these twisting passageways hide ancient treasure or unimaginable horror? Paizo Publishing’s latest Pathfinder Map Pack provides simple and elegant tools for the busy Game Master. These 5 × 8 map tiles can be positioned to form a variety of mysterious underground...

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3.00/5 (based on 1 rating)

Dark and Full of Terrors! ... What subterranean horrors lurk in dank and ancient caverns never touched by sunlight? Paizo Publishing’s latest Pathfinder Map Pack provides handy and evocative tools for the busy Game Master. These stunningly crafted 5 × 8 map tiles can be positioned to form...

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3.50/5 (based on 2 ratings)

It Came From Outer Space! ... What mysterious creatures dwell upon this bizarre extraterrestrial craft? Paizo Publishing’s latest Pathfinder Map Pack provides stunningly crafted 5 × 8 map tiles that can be positioned to form modular, customizable spaceship chambers—whether in an abandoned wreck...

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3.00/5 (based on 2 ratings)

Open the Pod Bay Doors! ... What extraterrestrial dangers lurk just around the corners in this maze of high-tech passageways? This Pathfinder Map Pack provides stunningly crafted 5 × 8 map tiles that can be positioned to form a variety of modular, customizable spaceship corridors, or combined...

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3.00/5 (based on 3 ratings)

Batten Down the Hatches! ... Dawn breaks over the waters and a salty tang seasons the breeze, promising fair winds and following seas. Whether your heroes are investigating mutinous intrigues or setting off for treasure-laden pirate islands, there’s no need to sketch every gangway and gunwale....

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2.00/5 (based on 1 rating)

The roar of a river’s white waters can fill an adventurer’s heart with hope of escaping pursuit or dread at facing an insurmountable obstacle. Whether your heroes are racing down the river in pursuit of villains or investigating rumors of aquatic monsters, there’s no need to sketch every rill and...

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4.00/5 (based on 1 rating)

Racing waterways and violent rapids get even deadlier when they plunge underground. Whether your heroes are seeking buried treasure in flooded caves or making their escape from a subterranean stronghold, there’s no need to sketch every cavernous bend and rocky waterway. This Pathfinder Map Pack...

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5.00/5 (based on 1 rating)

Even the hardiest adventurers need to sleep, snatching moments of rest in monster-filled woods or haunted ruins. Whether your heroes are grabbing some shut-eye in a trap-filled temple or huddled around a campfire under the stars, there's no need to sketch every dry cave and sheltering embankment....

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Anything can hide among the trees and along the paths that wind through the woods, but who ever said every trail was safe? Whether the hapless travelers are merely passing through, tracking dangerous beasts, or seeking a lost ruin, the Game Master shouldn't have to sketch every feature. This...

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5.00/5 (based on 1 rating)

Right up your alley! ... The well-lit main streets of the city may be safe for all, but what lurks in the dark side streets and hidden cul-de-sacs? Whether adventurers are searching for the site of a secret meeting or chasing down a cunning thief, the Game Master shouldn't have to draw every...

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Don't Follow the Lights! ... Will-o'-wisps beckon the unwary to wander swampy labyrinths until the bones of previous travelers drag them down into the muddy depths. When adventurers venture into a soggy fen, the Game Master shouldn't have to draw every tree root and mossy embankment. This...

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4.00/5 (based on 1 rating)

Bright Lights, Big City ... A thousand stories play out in grand apartments and shabby tenements throughout the city. When adventurers drop in on a society family's dinner or rescue a captive tied up in an abandoned flat, the Game Master shouldn't have to draw every parlor and back stair. This...

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3.50/5 (based on 2 ratings)

The Road Goes Ever On and On ... The archetypal fantasy epic is a journey, and some of the most exciting moments happen on the road. When adventurers meet a demon at a crossroads or ambush an enemy convoy carrying a kidnapped innocent, the Game Master shouldn't have to fill in the highway and...

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Let Me Face the Peril! ... Heroes' quests often take them from the deepest buried dungeons to the loftiest reaches of the world. When adventurers climb a mountain to reach a treasure in a soaring temple or pursue a foe into the foothills, the Game Master shouldn't have to draw every boulder and...

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2.00/5 (based on 1 rating)

No Hope of Escape! ... No classic adventure is complete without a trip into claustrophobic underground passages that seem designed to confuse explorers. When adventurers descend crumbling stairs into a dark and echoing dungeon, the Game Master shouldn't have to draw every cracked stone floor and...

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3.00/5 (based on 1 rating)

None Shall Pass! ... What lurks beneath the bridge? Whether heroes are fleeing an angry mob, escaping a magical creature that can't cross running water, or leaving town on a grand quest, bridges help them reach further adventures. Game Masters shouldn't have to draw every riverside ambush site or...

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5.00/5 (based on 1 rating)

All Hands on Deck! ... Weigh anchor and prepare to attack! Whether your players are defending against a naval attack, boarding a pirate ship to rescue a hostage, or heading into battle with seafaring allies, the armada will carry them into the fray, and no Game Master should have to draw every...

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3.00/5 (based on 1 rating)

Spice Up Your Dunes! ... Whether your players are seeking a long-buried tomb, trading with a caravan of desert nomads, or hoping to find diamonds in the rough, the sands of time run too quickly for a Game Master to have to draw every grain. This Pathfinder Map Pack provides beautifully...

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2.00/5 (based on 1 rating)

Locked Up Tight! ... Whether your players are seeking answers from ancient spirits, chasing down a lost artifact, or escaping a foe who has left them for dead, impatient tomb-robbers don't want to wait for a Game Master to draw every dropped coin and stray skull. This Pathfinder Map Pack provides...

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5.00/5 (based on 1 rating)

You Can't Go Home Again! ... Whether your players are solving the mystery of vanished village residents, searching for clues to a generations-old crime, or driving out invaders so settlers can return, impatient visitors don't want to wait for a Game Master to draw every hole in the roof. This...

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5.00/5 (based on 1 rating)

It Takes a Village ... Whether your players are investigating a crime that has torn apart a formerly peaceful hamlet, stopping over in a small town for the night, or attempting to hunt down a fugitive, weary wanderers don't want to wait for a Game Master to draw every house and tavern. This...

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We've Taken a Lichen to It! ... No underground adventure, fey excursion, or foray into a forest's depths is complete without a morass of mazelike mycology. This Pathfinder Map Pack provides beautifully illustrated 5 × 8 map tiles that can be used whether you need to infest a single corner of a...

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Watch Your Step! ... Whether your player characters are hiking at the top of the world or exploring a remote glacier, impatient players don't want to wait for the Game Master to draw the location of the next exciting encounter. This Pathfinder Map Pack provides beautifully illustrated 5 × 8 map...

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The Future is Yours! ... Whether your player characters are exploring strange technology or have been kidnapped by aliens, impatient players don't want to wait for the Game Master to draw the location of the next exciting encounter. This Pathfinder Map Pack provides beautifully illustrated 5 × 8...