Pathfinder Second Edition General Discussion

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Apocalypse Rider Fumbus

Paizo Blog: Celebrate One Year of the Pathfinder Second Edition Remaster with a New Humble Bundle

Initiative and time

Battle Harbinger Errata Requests

My Monk Player is Disappointed with Grapple

Remaster Fillable Character Sheets?

How often do adventerer buy clothes and armor?

Sorcerer Build Player Core 2

Can't find the artist


The Exemplar Archetype and Potential Power Creep.

Archives of Nethys Updated for Player Core 2

Why is the Armament Witch Bad?

Player Core 2 Remastered Oracle

Player Core 2 Errata

Overtuned or undertuned multiclass archetypes / dedications?

The Remaster is finally here!

Should rituals be further relegated to mythic?

All Things Animist

The new Sorcerer

Animist & Lores

Class Archetypes in War of Immortals

[Triumph of the Tusk] The Resurrection flood [Spoiler]

Eternal Legend

Beast Lord Mythic Destiny

Balance Question - Changing Agile to Finesse on Natural Weapon

Paizo Blog: Meet the Authors!

Looking for an exemplar Guide

Guardian - If it's not too late... please create more unarmored / medium armor class options

War of Immortals Positivity Thread

Witch vs Wizard

Why can't I have (more) nice things at 20th-level? A discussion on character fund discrepencies.

Marshall Dedication / Feat interaction Question

Iva Vahndyrs: I See What You Did There, Paizo

Fool card question, XP loss, Deck of Many Things

List of AP Player's Guide catalog numbers?

War of Immortals AMA

Best classes for dealing with hazards?

things you ban in your games

Rage of Elements Errata

New to 2E and not liking it- I don't like that I don't like it!

My Barbarian Player is Disappointed with Dragon Transformation

Adventures Ahead! (Stolen Fate #3 Spoilers)

Why can't a wand or even a scroll contain a cantrip or focus spell?

Other source book Errata?

Are the mythic rules a complete wash for any group that allows Kineticists?

New Pathfinder Video Game Kickstarter

Paizo Blog: Mythic Monsters

Ranger's Monster hunter feat

How do you "Mythic" Magus?

Animist bookkeeping

Ah, poor Kineticist with their new side kick, Magus!

My poor Piercing Unarmed Strike Ikon :(

First Pathfinder 2E session

Battlecry! Class mechanics predictions

Vindicator [War of Immortal spoilers]

Paizo Blog: Mythic Magic

Mythic Proficiency Scaling

Underwater weapon rune and magus spellstrike with fire spells.

Roll20 PF2 remaster macros

Ancestry ressistances feeling underwealming to anyone else?

Why aren't there magic items to boost spell attack rolls?

War of Immortals Nephalim Speculation

Paizo Blog: What is Mythic?

About skill checks and skill monkeyness

What apparitions are you hoping for?

Oops, All Alchemists

Sages and Specialists

Man of a thousand blades (and a dozen poisons)

Thoughts on Ancestry Feats

Sphinx race

Could Class Archetyping Fix Wizard?

Give me your dumbest character builds

Paizo Blog: The Abomination Arsenal: Part 7

Optimal Vs Feasible Vs Unplayable

Hoping the Animist can save 2e for me

Paizo Blog: War of Immortals: Old Friends and New Faces

Will there be anything like Mythic?

Remaster Rogue Resilience

Paizo Blog: Iconic Encounter: The Serpent’s Passage

Day 0 errata vibes for player core 2

I hated the lore changes to kobolds and the mechanics are even worse

Paizo Blog: Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month

Swarmkeeper: how to make it work?

How are you suppose to protray robber and thief?

Lore Question: Mortals becoming some form of "evil spirit"

Haven't been able to find a single way


Paizo Blog: Iconic Encounter: Boars of Belkzen

Archives of Nethys Remastered

Does Gold Coin made from actual Gold?

The physics behind a dragon's breath weapon

coming back from first ed before second ed was finlized can i get a few questions answered please?

Pathfinder versus the Illusion of Difficulty

Ideas for Buffing Wizards

The Godsrain and how Earth was affected.

Post Alignment

Trying some mock up combats

Tian Xia characters

Potential Idea to Buff Spell Schools

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