Pathfinder Adventure Path #175: Broken Tusk Moon (Quest for the Frozen Flame 1 of 3)

4.60/5 (based on 10 ratings)
Pathfinder Adventure Path #175: Broken Tusk Moon (Quest for the Frozen Flame 1 of 3)

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For generations, the Broken Tusk following has roamed their small patch of the Realm of the Mammoth Lords in relative peace. Now, to avoid annihilation from a maniacal war horde, they must flee into the unknown. If the Broken Tusks are to survive their flight, a team of their best scouts will need to chart a safe path through an unforgiving wilderness. Along the way, they'll uncover the mysteries of a powerful artifact that promises to change the course of history.

"Broken Tusk Moon" is a Pathfinder adventure for four 1st-level characters. This adventure begins the Quest for the Frozen Flame Adventure Path, a three-part monthly campaign in which the heroes lead a band of nomadic hunter-gatherers across a brutal primordial landscape. This adventure also includes a catalog of the characters' band, the Broken Tusks; new spells, feats, and items perfect for trappers and foragers; and new prehistoric creatures to befriend or bedevil your players.

Each monthly full-color softcover Pathfinder Adventure Path volume contains an in-depth adventure scenario, stats for several new monsters, and support articles meant to give Game Masters additional material to expand their campaign. Pathfinder Adventure Path volumes use the Open Game License and work with both the Pathfinder RPG and the world's oldest fantasy RPG.

ISBN-13: 978-1-64078-393-5

The Quest for the Frozen Flame Adventure Path is sanctioned for use in Pathfinder Society Organized Play. The rules for running this Adventure and Chronicle Sheets are available as a free download (991 KB PDF).

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Fantasy Grounds Virtual Tabletop
Roll20 Virtual Tabletop
Archives of Nethys

Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscription.

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4.60/5 (based on 10 ratings)

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Good stuff


Our first AP and 2E game after beginner box.

Chapters 1 and 2 were great. 3 was shortest and party missed half of the stuff except for the finale, which was also great.

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Paizo Employee Webstore Coordinator

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Announced for January! Product image and description are not final and may be subject to change.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Ooooh! Will this path wind up near the ruins of Tashagrot? :3

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Wow! I definitely can't wait for this.

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Looking forward to this! After Abomination Vaults I love the 3-parters!

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Count me in as well, love how the world is slowly but surly expanding right before our eyes!!

A lot of my players are eyeing this as well once we complete our various AP's we are doing now

Good call Paizo!!

I know its early but a couple questions if I may, will there be any subsystem games in this one, will there be new and specific rules for the survival and exploration in this and any specific flip maps or Tile packs for this coming out and will any of the maps be they a separate product or the Map PDF be Higher Res Finally?



3 people marked this as a favorite.

FINALLY! We get some focus on the Realm of the Mammoth Lords! I have we get a Dossier on the territory during this AP.

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

A background write up in this area, would be GREAT for this! Now, if a follow up AP in the heart of Belzkin, would REALLY BE GREAT! Orc's and the Broken Tusks working together!

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Can someone pitch me on this? I’m not feeing the hype.

9 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
keftiu wrote:
Can someone pitch me on this? I’m not feeing the hype.

So, for me, who isn't particularly already interested in the Realms of the Mammoth Lord, I just think it sounds like a really novel angle to approach an adventure from. There's been a handful of wilderness exploration segments of past AP's, with varying degrees of success, but an AP focused entirely on wilderness exploration and survival--not exploring a mysterious island or frontier, just straight up trying to survive in a hostile environment--feels pretty new.

Plus, in part because I've never been super interested in the Realm of the Mammoth Lords, I'm intrigued by what kind of story could take place there. It's untouched ground in a subgenre that hasn't been approached at all in Pathfinder so far: straight up stonepunk.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
keftiu wrote:
Can someone pitch me on this? I’m not feeing the hype.

Hard to say more until we actually know more, but set up of it (you leading small clan through wilderness) has tons of roleplaying potential, about as much as an settlement building ap I have dreamed of. I mean, thing with that set up is that AP needs to have NPC cast that is with you for entire ap so as long ap doesn't ditch them completely, this might have one of elements I really miss from Crimson Throne xD

Dark Archive

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Realm of the Mammoth Lords, wow! I've long felt it needs more love and attention, and to be frank, I've had my fill of Absalom and its environs lately. So I'm very happy this AP is coming out! :)

4 people marked this as a favorite.
keftiu wrote:
Can someone pitch me on this? I’m not feeing the hype.

Granted it’s little more than speculation at the moment, but for me I like the change of theme/genre - I’m hoping for a bit of true wilderness/survival. Most APs are a bit “pop into town for some healing magic” - I’m hoping this at least gives the feel of a bit of isolation/self-reliance.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Super cool!

Realm of the Mammoth Lords is one of my favorite places.

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keftiu wrote:
Can someone pitch me on this? I’m not feeing the hype.

It's like the Walking Dead, where we are looking for a safe place in a hostile environment. Sure the monsters are a part of environmental hostility, but the real monsters are other the humans threatening to take it all away.

At least that is what I am hoping for :)

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Ultra hype for this!

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Probably the AP I'm most excited for that they have announced. Been wanting more done with the Mammoth Lords for years now.

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It will be interesting to see how paleolithic weapons and armor are handled (if at all) in this AP: how they function in 2E, what magic items and treasure looks like in such an environment, if there will be some barter rules, and how such equipment would compare to equipment of comparable level heroes from more technologically advanced regions in Golarion.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Cthulhudrew wrote:
It will be interesting to see how paleolithic weapons and armor are handled (if at all) in this AP: how they function in 2E, what magic items and treasure looks like in such an environment, if there will be some barter rules, and how such equipment would compare to equipment of comparable level heroes from more technologically advanced regions in Golarion.

By all that's holy, I hope so. I've tinkered with Stone Age game concepts ever since Far Cry Primal (and a variety of movies, and Monster Hunter, which doesn't quite match up), but I've never worked out a replacement for a coin economy that I was quite satisfied with. If I can find it here, my "Iruxi tribes in Antarctica back when it was a forest during the Cretaceous" will have everything it needs!

Even if not, face-explodingly stoked about this one!

I hope the mammoth hunter prc will be available.

^ ??

There was a Mammoth Hunter PrC?!
(I knew of the Mammoth Rider PrC, but not of the one you mentioned above...)

Learning something new...


Wonky Chewbacca wrote:

.... If I can find it here, my "Iruxi tribes in Antarctica back when it was a forest during the Cretaceous" will have everything it needs!

Even if not, face-explodingly stoked about this one!

During the Cretaceous? Why not now? :)

Liberty's Edge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Digging it! 3-Parters for the win! Keep them coming!

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One of the odd benefits of the three part adventures is if its something I'm not interested in, I don't have to wait half a year for a more interesting option.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

im not sure if I'll play this one since I dont know much about the realm of the mammoth lords, but this AP may change my mind, loving the 3-parters though and I'd love to continue seeing more

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Looking forward to this Quest! Any idea on how to add a bit of lovecraftian horror (beyond the Mountains of madness like) in this AP?

The 3 parters do not necessarily fit with each other do they?

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They explicitly don't, although some folk have found ways of tenuously linking them together.

Not officially AFIK. It is presumed the party in Fists of the Ruby Phoenix earned an invitation through their fame/success as a team. Many GMs are using Abomination Vaults as the route a team gains the notoriety. A team of mammoth lords could similarly earn notoriety this from this AP (there is an NPC team using the tournament as practice to becoming Linnorm Kings).

Has the next AP been announced? If so, is it also a three-parter and at what levels? That might be a better answer to your question. :)

Liberty's Edge

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Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Curaigh wrote:

Not officially AFIK. It is presumed the party in Fists of the Ruby Phoenix earned an invitation through their fame/success as a team. Many GMs are using Abomination Vaults as the route a team gains the notoriety. A team of mammoth lords could similarly earn notoriety this from this AP (there is an NPC team using the tournament as practice to becoming Linnorm Kings).

Has the next AP been announced? If so, is it also a three-parter and at what levels? That might be a better answer to your question. :)

It hasn’t been announced but would have to be a three-parter, or Gen Con and PaizoCon would happen in the middle, something Paizo pretty clearly would not want to deal with from a marketing perspective, if nothing else.

Paul Watson wrote:
It hasn’t been announced but would have to be a three-parter, or Gen Con and PaizoCon would happen in the middle, something Paizo pretty clearly would not want to deal with from a marketing perspective, if nothing else.

Yeah, I could 't find anything. Isn't GenCon a month later than normal? If so it may not matter. I could see a nine-parter following a three-parter :)

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Wow, this actually looks interesting. For my part not a single PF2 AP looked interesting until this one. (The Ruby Phoenix was interesting story wise but I have no desire for high level play).

Bring on stuff that has interesting real world cultural ties and I'm in. This one has Ice age cultural ties = Awesome.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
roysier wrote:

Wow, this actually looks interesting. For my part not a single PF2 AP looked interesting until this one. (The Ruby Phoenix was interesting story wise but I have no desire for high level play).

Bring on stuff that has interesting real world cultural ties and I'm in. This one has Ice age cultural ties = Awesome.

Strength of Thousands didn’t do anything for you?

2 people marked this as a favorite.

YES! Finally something in the Realm of the mammouth lords. It is one of my favourite locations in Golarion and it is way underutilized in my opinion. I can't wait to play a proper Mammouth Rider!

What Ancestries would be fitting for this?

Marketing & Media Manager

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keftiu wrote:
What Ancestries would be fitting for this?

Well, we will have a Player's Guide in due time. But feel free to enjoy brainstorming and speculating!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Aaron Shanks wrote:
keftiu wrote:
What Ancestries would be fitting for this?
Well, we will have a Player's Guide in due time. But feel free to enjoy brainstorming and speculating!

Speculation ahoy!

Human is the obvious one, Kellid mostly but Erutaki and Jadwiga are both plausible (though the latter would probably have to conceal their heritage), and Ulfen and Tian would not be implausible. For others, let's look at the neighbours. The Realm of the Mammoth Lords borders Irrisen, the Crown of the World, Sarkoris, the Holds of Belkzen, and Varisia/New Thassilon. That gets you dwarves, elves and half-elves, and orcs and half-orcs. I would expect a relatively high number of tieflings because of the now-closed Worldwound. Ustalav is close by, so it's possible that some dhampirs who are put off by society might end up in the Realm. It's even possible that some androids out of Numeria went northwest, fleeing the Technic League.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I am wondering if my half elf snowborn witch would work for this, I'm sure there could be a couple of ilverani tribes kicking around the realm of the mammoth lords right? :P

Starfinder Superscriber

With frost giants mentioned in book 3 I wonder if the implication is that they're going to have to migrate into the Crown of the World?

You have my interest either way.

Marketing & Media Manager

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Back Cover Text:

The Hunt Begins!
If the Broken Tusk following is to survive the coming year, their bravest scouts must carve a path through a harsh wilderness. Brutal beasts, wicked rivals, and an inhospitable landscape challenge the trailblazers to withstand their enemies and the elements. But mere survival is not enough. To forge their legacies as Mammoth Lords, the scouts search for an ancient artifact to light the way forward—the Primordial Flame! The Quest for the Frozen Flame Adventure Path begins with “Broken Tusk Moon,” a complete adventure for 1st- to 3rd-level characters.

What non-spoiler questions do you have in order to jump into this AP?

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Will there be mammoths?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Is it largely expected that you will be humans or is the tribe a bit more mixed? :)

Marketing & Media Manager

5 people marked this as a favorite.
silversarcasm wrote:
Is it largely expected that you will be humans or is the tribe a bit more mixed? :)


Marketing & Media Manager

6 people marked this as a favorite.
MauveAvengr wrote:
Will there be mammoths?

The word "mammoth" appears 63 times, so, no spoilers, it is possible. ;)

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When will the player's guide come out?

Marketing & Media Manager

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Phillip Henson wrote:

When will the player's guide come out?

January sometime. Hopefully early January.

Silver Crusade

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December is technically early January >_>


Grand Archive

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Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Very excited to see the final cover on Paizo Instagram this morning, will it be updated here as well?

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The cover posted to the Paizo FB page looks ******* badass! :o

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I am very interested in this AP. Seems more classic and I like it!

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Aaron Shanks wrote:

Back Cover Text:

The Hunt Begins!
If the Broken Tusk following is to survive the coming year, their bravest scouts must carve a path through a harsh wilderness. Brutal beasts, wicked rivals, and an inhospitable landscape challenge the trailblazers to withstand their enemies and the elements. But mere survival is not enough. To forge their legacies as Mammoth Lords, the scouts search for an ancient artifact to light the way forward—the Primordial Flame! The Quest for the Frozen Flame Adventure Path begins with “Broken Tusk Moon,” a complete adventure for 1st- to 3rd-level characters.

What non-spoiler questions do you have in order to jump into this AP?

Are there any rules that expand on hexploration or surviving during harsh weather?

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