
kevin bienhoff's page

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber. 365 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.


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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

THANKS for the previews of some of the upcoming flip maps which I will now be more of likely getting from seeing them! Again, THANKS!

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

OK, I kind of like this idea! Now how about a docks area with ships/warehouses one side and then the other side during an atack to same area? It can work for many different types of areas!

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

OK, could these maps be done in a size? Full cobblestone for those of use who use buildings,also a large ocean map and perhaps a large full grasslands/hills map?

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

I had noticed that others were having trouble with their orders shipping? I got a notice that it was to ship, but also had moved since this had all taken place. Sent in my new address an such. Sent an email to customer service, but no answer back on shipping! Would LOVE to have this in my hands soon or even the PDF'S.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Where did Customer Service go too! Would like to add an item to mt order

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Any way of finding out when things will start shipping for the month of January? What with weather and COVID missing things up again.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

HI, I have 2 items sitting in the sidecart, they were to be shipped with subscriptions. But I noticed that they got moved to January. SO, I was wondering if they could be shipped out this month? They are Pathfinder Lost Omens Absalom, City of Lost Omens and Pathfinder Lost Omens Monsters of Myth. I would appreciate it! THANKS! Kevin B

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Any update on when this will be released?

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Please ship this order out when you have the time THANK YOU! Kevin

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Yes, Order of the Amber Die is back, was wondering what ever happen to them. What I would like to see and hear them do next is run through the Abomination Vaults Adventure Path, if they would be interested or wait until the Hardcover issue comes out.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Trying to place an order in and it will not let me, from 2 items in side cart. Also have up dated my payment use area, so I hope that that works also.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Dwarves are getting restless and giving me one more week and then there gone. At that same time it would be NICE to see a preview of these. PLEASE!!

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Would LOVE a preview if someone has the time. Unless this got moved back to later in August, the way things are going.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

THANKS, Aaron !!!

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

OK! Dwarves are ready to begin work on these, just need the blue prints so they can start!

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

How soon can we possibly get a preview of this. Can go along with my shipwreck map. Survivor's now awaiting rescue!

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Hae been looking forward to these for some time. HOPE to see a preview of these soon! THANK YOU! Kevin

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

HI! I was wondering if we could possible get this also as a basic. gray on one side and green on the other. Have been using the Mega Mat for years and now when I write on it and wipe off, leaves a shadow of what was down. Have been using Crayola Washable Markers and worked before. Not sure if Crayola changed something or why not coming off? The flip maps always wipe off and like the smaller size basic. Just would like something LARGER! THANKS!

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

A background write up in this area, would be GREAT for this! Now, if a follow up AP in the heart of Belzkin, would REALLY BE GREAT! Orc's and the Broken Tusks working together!

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

YES, IT IS! As a big fan of the flip mats or any maps! This works GREAT for me! Now, just need this showing a large keep. Walls, buildings inside (stables, barracks, well, parade grounds etc) Can't wait to have this!

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

I would like to THANK EVERYONE for your help and to THANK PAIZO for updating this Adventure Paths, it has also been one of my favorite's and I can not wait to see the finished product when it is done!

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Could not find that page, could I could I possible get a link to that page. THANK YOU!

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Anyone know if they are going to talk about an update on the crowd fund that they did for the new King Maker Adventure Path. If or when it will finally be released?

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Not sure if in right area to ask but, has been awhile since any update to this has been mentioned, I would really like to see this in the next couple of months and look forward to running this again with my new group. THANK YOU for your time on this.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Payment method up dated and used. Looks like payment cleared from bank, could it be shipped out soon? Have been waiting for along time!

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Can someone PLEASE ANSWER MY QUESTIONS!!! Have put in a new payment plan and will be the 2nd month on missing out on my AP subscription.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Sorry I do not. It was in my side cart and did not make it to pending and just was gone. Write it off as a lose.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Missed last months subscription AP being shipped to me and it looks like I could also lose out on this months AP. Is there not ant way for you to remove my old payment plan from remote. Keep trying to cancel but can not?

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Have a new payment up and keep trying to cancel old one but still shows Please use newer one and remove older SORRY Kevin B

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Payment method should be changed PLEASE again, If not working let me know. THANKS Kevin

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

HI! I know that everyone is busy and trying to work at work and such, but could we PLEASE get a preview of this. They all sounds really interesting and already have it on order. But, a preview before hand would make it even SWEETER! THANK YOU! Kevin

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Still missing my monthly Adventure Path subscription and the Dungeon and Dragon Art Book non-mint. COULD SOME PLEASE CHECK INTO THIS FOR ME! Kevin Bienhoff

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Missing my monthly subscription for July, plus earlier I had the Dungeon and Dragons Art Book in my holding area which is now gone. Could someone PLEASE look into this when they have the time. THANK YOU Kevin B

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

THANK YOU for your update Mr. Jacobs, I know that this is in good hands! Carry on with your work and it will be done when it is done! Stay safe!

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

July's Adventure Path neither pending or shipping. Also, earlier I had a Dungeon and Dragon Art Book non-mint in my side cart, which has disappeared? Also, should have a new payment mentod up. Trying times all over the place! THANK YOU for yourtime on this when you can. Kevin

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

I at one time had this in my order page, wanted it last month, but I missed out for that. But, now it is completely gone from that page. It was never shipped and still had pending on the order. I know these are difficult times for every body but is there is still any ways that I couple still get this book yet?

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

CANCEL THIS ORDER!! I decided to purchase this at my local FLAGS! I guess if you miss this and it shows up I will have 2 of each then!

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Also this is now no longer on my order page on my account. What is up with that???

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Pathfinder Battles Premium Figures Red and Black Dragons I changed the payment method. Could you PLEASE let me know if it went through OK when you have the time! THANK YOU!

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

I'am thinking upset River Drake or upset Cockatrice on the cover? Can not wait for the Players Guide of this to come out! Will try to run it one of these days!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Thinking about getting these, but would like to get a preview of them before I do. Always interested in encounter sites in the city.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

HI, I was wondering if their was any ways the I could still get this shipped with this subscription order it is Dungeons and Dragons The Art of Dragon Magazine Hardcover (non mint) Thought that I had put it in as ship with nest subscription order. Let me know when have time. THANKS!

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

It has been back for a couple weeks, but now on Monday's

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

WOW! Great art work! THANK YOU for the update on this and look forward to more as the things come together for this large under taking.

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Not really sure where I need to go for this answer to this? I was wondering where I could find out about the release date of the Kingmaker Kickstarter stuff that was done last year? I would like any info on this that I can get at this time. THANK YOU, for your time on this!

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

THANKS Mark for the update! If my guess is right we should maybe be seeing some (trogs) xulgaths in next weeks update.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Kor, is there any way that we could listen to the interview at all? Always interested on what is coming out to add to my collection, even if soon or in later months.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

I would now like to have this shipped out with my monthly Adventure Path shipment. THANKS!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

THANKS for the update Mark. I hope all is well and I for one look forward to what you have to show us!

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