Kodyax |

Paizo now has their money so I should have the PDF soon enough and I greatly look forward to reading it. I love having options as a player and as a GM creating scenes for players both from terms of whatine they are and what they are facing. I am hoping the bear race will be something I can enjoy out of the box as well as any canine humanoids. Until fursuits are outlawed make mine Paizo.

Micheal Smith |

Micheal Smith wrote:good to know, what's their stats? what type of appearance do they have? Bestiary 3 or Advanced Races Guide?zergtitan wrote:Luke Spencer wrote:Looks like I'm one of the lucky ones who got my pdf early! I'm still reading through but I'll try to answer any questions in a relatively spoiler-free way.Playable species? Catfolk?I got mine pretty early. This is a first. I can be the guy that answers peoples questions instead of asking.
** spoiler omitted **

Micheal Smith |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

What are the name, type, subtypes and size of the new playable races?
Ok Lets see this took a hot moment:
This is everything in the Size and Type section of the Playable Races.
Aasimar: Planar scions are often Medium, and all are outsiders with the native subtype.
Bolida: Bolidas are Medium vermin.
Damai: Damais are Medium humanoids with the damai subtype.
Embri: Embri are Medium aberrations.
Ghoran: Ghorans are plants. Sapling ghorans are Small plants, while oakling ghorans are Medium plants.
Hobgoblin: Hobgoblins are Medium humanoids with the goblinoid subtype.
Kanabo: Kanabo are Medium outsiders with the goblinoid and native subtypes.
Orc: Orcs are Medium humanoids with the orc subtype.
Osharu: Osharus are Medium monstrous humanoids.
Pahtra: Pahtras are Medium humanoids with the pahtra subtype.
Phentomite: Phentomites are Medium humanoids with the phentomite subtype.
Quorlu: Quorlus are Medium monstrous humanoids.
Tiefiling: Planar scions are often Medium, and all are outsiders with the native subtype.
Trox: Trox are Large monstrous humanoids with a space and reach of 10 feet.
Uplifted bear: Uplifted bears are Large magical beasts with a space of 10 feet and a reach of 5 feet.
Vlaka: Vlakas are Medium humanoids with the vlaka subtype.

The All-Seeing Orb |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Paizo now has their money so I should have the PDF soon enough and I greatly look forward to reading it. I love having options as a player and as a GM creating scenes for players both from terms of whatine they are and what they are facing. I am hoping the bear race will be something I can enjoy out of the box as well as any canine humanoids. Until fursuits are outlawed make mine Paizo.
If you're a fan of anthropomorphic animals, this is definitely a must-have. We've got cats, bears, and dog-people.
The Uplifited Bears are similar in origin to the intelligent animals of Overwatch. They were once bears, but something (presumably super-science) uplifted them into human-like sentience.
The Pahtra are a race of musical and predominately asexual cat people. Very interesting society and culture.
The Vlaka are essentially humanoid huskies. Much like certain breeds of domestic dogs, many are born blind or deaf (and there are means of playing blind Vlakas, deaf Vlakas, or ones without any sensory impairments)

Rysky the Dark Solarion |

Kodyax wrote:Paizo now has their money so I should have the PDF soon enough and I greatly look forward to reading it. I love having options as a player and as a GM creating scenes for players both from terms of whatine they are and what they are facing. I am hoping the bear race will be something I can enjoy out of the box as well as any canine humanoids. Until fursuits are outlawed make mine Paizo.If you're a fan of anthropomorphic animals, this is definitely a must-have. We've got cats, bears, and dog-people.
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Opsylum |

Can anyone give an idea of the amount of things other than new races, aliens, and polymorph rules? Pieces of equipment, archtypes, augmentations... any other kind of player options?
Been mentioning things like this in other topics, so may as well ask
Any creatures with dual statblocks for starship and normal combat? I mean creatures that have a CR and Tier. If so, what are they and their CR/Tier?

The All-Seeing Orb |

Been mentioning things like this in other topics, so may as well ask
Any creatures with dual statblocks for starship and normal combat? I mean creatures that have a CR and Tier. If so, what are they and their CR/Tier?

Gaulin |

Gaulin wrote:Can anyone give an idea of the amount of things other than new races, aliens, and polymorph rules? Pieces of equipment, archtypes, augmentations... any other kind of player options?** spoiler omitted **
Sauce987654321 wrote:** spoiler omitted **Been mentioning things like this in other topics, so may as well ask
Any creatures with dual statblocks for starship and normal combat? I mean creatures that have a CR and Tier. If so, what are they and their CR/Tier?
Omigosh I'm so excited. Thank you so much

Ravingdork |

Sauce987654321 wrote:** spoiler omitted **Been mentioning things like this in other topics, so may as well ask
Any creatures with dual statblocks for starship and normal combat? I mean creatures that have a CR and Tier. If so, what are they and their CR/Tier?
What are the type and subtypes of these living starships?

Micheal Smith |

Ooooooooo, neat.
Can anyone provide me their stats? Like fully? I've been itching to make a character with one and the status of my order for this book is super in question :p
6 HP
Climber - 20 foot climb speed
Ferocious Charge - Basically no pen when charging. If gain similar ability like Blitz Soldier then charge through difficult
Limited Augmentation - Only install data jack and mechanics rig
Limited Telepathy
Low Light Vision
Natural Survivor - +2 Life Science and Survival checks
Natural Weapons - function like Vesk but deal slashing
Swift - 40 base speed

Luna Protege |

It seemed weird to me that the Anacites (members of the pact worlds, and therefore likely to be part of any adventuring party) somehow have not been given PC stats.
… I'm sure SROs from the Pact World book fills the same role though. Same could be said of Robots. Where I begin to give the books a sideways glance is when the SRO entry of the Pact World book says explicitly that they're "different from the native Anacites".
… This makes me think we're going to be kept waiting for a true Anacite player rule; unless we're willing to just "re-fluff" the SRO entry.

Luna Protege |

Now that David mentions it, I'm actually surprised that Anacites have no Con score, given that despite being mechanical; they have been described as being alive enough that Con Score should apply just as equally as it would for SROs and Androids.
Or at least they seem to evolve like living things, which implies they reproduce like living things do, which in turn implies they're alive... No idea if the writers are following that same logic though.

Brew Bird |

Now that David mentions it, I'm actually surprised that Anacites have no Con score, given that despite being mechanical; they have been described as being alive enough that Con Score should apply just as equally as it would for SROs and Androids.
Or at least they seem to evolve like living things, which implies they reproduce like living things do, which in turn implies they're alive... No idea if the writers are following that same logic though.
Obviously the meta reason is that SROs wouldn't normally have a con score, it's just tough to balance a PC race without one.
Fluff wise, there really isn't anything to suggest that having a soul is the same as having a constitution score. Androids have a con score because they're built to work similarly to organic beings (and they have some synthetic biological components). SROs have a "healing circuit" which seems to simulate living physiology enough to gain a benefit from positive energy. Anacites have no need for either of these things, they're fully inorganic, and all their priests are casting "make whole", no need to worry about benefiting from organic healing magic.

Opsylum |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Man, as far as flavor goes, I am really loving this book. I'm only a little way through so far, but this book has really made Starfinder's universe as unique and fantastic as any book before. I was actually worried I might not enjoy this book as much as the first Alien Archive, but it's clear Paizo really put some heart into this.
And I'm not even halfway through this book. Seriously Paizo team. Thank you for this. This book is amazing.

Arevashti |

Ashcroffte wrote:Any of the Arkanen races detailed out?A quick search shows no mention of the word "Arkanen".
I'm guessing Ashcroffte was hoping for dirindi (three-eyed electrokinetic humanoids) and sazarons (reptilian centauroids), both of which are native to the moons of Arkanen. So was I (just the vague descriptions alone got my mind all busy); and to their absence, I say: dammit!
Still looking forward to getting my book, tho. And it's not as if dirindi and sazarons aren't pretty much inevitable; they are, after all, Pact Worlds natives.
The Imperator |

The Imperator wrote:Do we know if things like Mi-Go will get Starfinder-ized officially, with the chance of a player race in this book?Mi-Go are in the book, but i am 100% sure that there won't be player stats.
These NE Dark Tapestry scientists are meant to be opponents, not pcs. ;-)
Ah, darn, I'm a fan of letting players have access to weird alien races, especially ones without any subtype that forces them to be evil. I've never been a fan of locking PCs out from a lot of races, more so in sci-fi stuff than in fantasy stuff.

![]() |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Man, as far as flavor goes, I am really loving this book. I'm only a little way through so far, but this book has really made Starfinder's universe as unique and fantastic as any book before. I was actually worried I might not enjoy this book as much as the first Alien Archive, but it's clear Paizo really put some heart into this. ** spoiler omitted **
And I'm not even halfway through this book. Seriously Paizo team. Thank you for this. This book is amazing.
So glad you're enjoying it! Thanks for letting us know =)
You might want to keep an eye out for an upcoming blog; as Amanda mentioned, we'll have several Paizo authors talking about the inspiration behind some of the playable species we created—several of which you mentioned!

Ravingdork |

The All-Seeing Orb wrote:!!!Kodyax wrote:Paizo now has their money so I should have the PDF soon enough and I greatly look forward to reading it. I love having options as a player and as a GM creating scenes for players both from terms of whatine they are and what they are facing. I am hoping the bear race will be something I can enjoy out of the box as well as any canine humanoids. Until fursuits are outlawed make mine Paizo.If you're a fan of anthropomorphic animals, this is definitely a must-have. We've got cats, bears, and dog-people.
** spoiler omitted **
You forgot the slug people. :P

Ravingdork |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Can we have descriptions of the Bolida, Osharu, Phentomite, Quorlu, and Vlaka races?
Here are some truncated descriptions, describing their physical appearances.
[The image as shown does not make me think "centipede."]
...the slug-like osharus... The average osharu is 4 feet tall and weighs 140 pounds, though members of the species have a wide variety of colors and patterns. ...osharus are physically delicate. They are harmed not only by salt and salt water, but also have a cumbersome dependence on moisture and humid environments.
[They look like tropical-colored slugs with a humanoid torso and slimy-looking arms and legs.]
[Also, see page 467 of the Core Rulebook for a picture]
[In my opinion, this is the most alien PC race in the book. It looks like a stunted molen lava boulder with three eyestalks and several other tentacles for mobility and manipulation extending out of it sort of like a hermit crab and its shell.]
[Think of furry people with the heads of huskies]
Hope that helps.

Gaulin |

Troodos wrote:Can we have descriptions of the Bolida, Osharu, Phentomite, Quorlu, and Vlaka races?Here are some truncated descriptions, describing their physical appearances.
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Thank you so much! Was hoping a bolida was more of a mammal but buglike is cool too.

Arevashti |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

A couple of responses:
Also: I'm kind of surprised that bolidas are classified as vermin rather than aberrations. I thought that vermin by definition lacked an Intelligence score, and aberration was the go-to type for sapient invertebrates that weren't more-or-less humanoid (as per shirren) in basic outline.