Starfinder Alien Archive 2

4.50/5 (based on 12 ratings)
Starfinder Alien Archive 2
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Alien Invasion

Outer space is full of alien species both benign and malevolent. Starfinder Alien Archive 2 presents a host of new creatures designed for use with the Starfinder Roleplaying Game! From the laser-breathing tashtaris and starship-eating stellar protozoans to dust mantas and undead bone troopers, the creatures in this codex will challenge adventurers no matter where in the galaxy they may travel. What's more, player rules for a variety of species let players not just fight aliens, but be them! Inside this book, you'll find the following:

  • Over 100 bizarre life-forms both classic and new, from the voracious akatas and silicon-based quorlus to radioactive pluprex demons and void-dwelling vermin.
  • More than a dozen species with full player rules, letting you play everything from an uplifted bear to a sentient slug.
  • New alien technology to help give your character an edge, including armor, weapons, magic items, and spells.
  • New rules for magical polymorphing, environmental template grafts to modify creatures to fit any world on the fly, and more!

ISBN-13: 978-1-64078-075-0

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Hero Lab Online
Fantasy Grounds Virtual Tabletop
Roll20 Virtual Tabletop
SoundSet on Syrinscape
Archives of Nethys

Note: This product is part of the Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscription.

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4.50/5 (based on 12 ratings)

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This AA has a lot of the fantasy stand-bys that got passed over in AA1. Orcs, Oni, Hobgoblins, etc.

Man that Hobgoblin art is bad. 4 stars.

Good Addition to the Game


With the Alien Archive 2, Paizo introduces another 65 species (plus variations) to the Starfinder universe. The book is very similar in nature to the first Alien Archive. Each species gets a two-page spread with some gorgeous, full-colour artwork, and many entries include little bonus gameplay elements such as new pieces of technology that PCs might get their hands on. Because Starfinder stat blocks are relatively short, there’s a lot of room for background and description of each of the species. Obviously, I can’t go through them all here, but there’s a lot more I found interesting and fun than there were ones I thought needed work. Things like bodysnatcher slimes, dreamers, glitch gremlins, plupex demons, and velstracs are all worthwhile additions to the game in different ways. GMs who liked the first Alien Archive will likely be happy with what they find in this one.

Players, of course, will be most interested in the sixteen new playable races. Ready? There’s aasimar, bolide, damai, embri, ghoran, hobgoblin, kanabo, orc, osharu, pahtra, phentomite, quorlu, tiefling, trox, uplifted bear, and vlaka. Some of these are familiar to fantasy fans (aasimars, hobgoblins, orcs, and tieflings), some are brand new concepts (embri, phentomites, etc.), and some are Starfinder versions of “animal people” (pahtras are cat people, uplifted bears are . . . bear people, vlaka are wolf people, etc.). The last category in particular will thrill a lot of fans, even though it’s not really my thing.

We shouldn’t overlook the appendices, as they help define the characteristics of the different species and give GMs some room to play. Most of the appendices here reprint and supplement the appendices from the first Alien Archive, but there’s one important new one. Appendix 3 presents eight pages of rules on polymorphing and introduces it as a spell option at each level for mystics and technomancers. The rules are very detailed, but I *really* like how the shape has to be predetermined (when the spell is selected by levelling up) so there’s not a ton of recalculation in the middle of a session.

My recommendation would be that if you’ve run or played Starfinder for a while and are getting pretty familiar with what it has to offer, buying Alien Archive 2 would be a good way to introduce some fresh characters and threats. Like the first one, it is pricy for the relatively-slim page count, and that should be a factor to consider.

Space Aliens


A great book with many more Aliens, that one can play, and rules for your spell casters.
Very useful.



Better than Alien Archive in every aspect. Better illustrations, more content (also due to the fact that the monster creation rules were already presented in the previous book) and more polished. The addition of the polymorph spell and mechanics is amazing and super fun. You have bought AA1 because it's good but mostly because you need it... Then, I promise you'll buy this AA2 because you will WANT it!
5 stars!


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Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Yay! More critters!

Scarab Sages Contributor

Nice! Rules for playing as the thralls of Hell from Embroi!

This is oddly one of the races I was most curious to play. Go figure.

Do we know the pagecount yet?

More races?! I hope!

Steve Geddes wrote:
Do we know the pagecount yet?

Seeing as its the same price as the last one I imagine page count would be similar sadly. Im all for more races and critters. Pack em in there!!

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Will each alien still get a full two page spread?

Paizo Employee Developer

15 people marked this as a favorite.

Each alien does receive two full pages, but like before, many of those spreads will have two (sometimes more) stat blocks for various CRs. And because we don't need to re-explain NPC creation, we had room for more total aliens in this one!

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Yay :D I like the two full pages format since it means creatures are actually detailed and its clearer what their place in the world is.

Will this bestiary have any CR 21-25 creatures?

!!! And ship sized creatures?

robust selection of template grafts

Love this ditty.

Also, will we see a large section of flora and flora generation rules some time? My players are real scavengers and DIYers.

McBugman, the description says "massive spacefaring organisms capable of battling starships"

sorry for not formatting correctly, I seem to have an issue with the "How to format your text" section. it isn't opening when I click it.

Thanks, my excited reading seems to impede it's only purpose of reading.

That button isn't working for me either so you're not alone, but the formatting is as follows with the asterisks removed:
[Quote*]quote in here[/quote*]
[B*]this is bolded [/b*]
[Ooc*]this is blue[/ooc*]
[I*]this is in italics [/i*]
[Spoiler*]this is hidden in a button [/spoiler*]

The cover looks like a Vracinea, will AP aliens be reprinted in this archive?

Thanks, I always did like Divs. Although they are not as alien as Proteans, they are preferred over Devils (bunch of Lawful ninnies if you ask me).

here's hoping they put smurfs in the book

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I guess they might reprint a few from Pathfinder, and maybe a few from the Adventure Path, but I hope they'll stick with mostly original creatures, at least until the third Archive.

If they do reprint a few Pathfinder Aliens, I would hope it was Dominion Creatures (Chyzaedu, Neh-Thalggu, Rhu-Chalik, Lunarma, Neshmaal, Yangethe, Yah-Thelgaad, Shipmind, Intellect Devourer/Egophage, Vespergaunt and Ugothokra) although there are several other Alien races which could be brought forth into Starfinder (all the creatures associated with the Old Cults, Several creatures From Bestiary 1-6, Distant Worlds, People of the Stars, Numeria, Land of the Fallen, and Iron Gods)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Let's start wondering about the description, shall we?

Want to play an intelligent, multi-legged centipede? An emotionless, mask-wearing mollusk? and Uplifted Bear?

Not gonna lie, I want to take that "uplifted bear" and make a character called "Yogi" or run around yelling "only you can prevent forest fires". Can't wait to see them.

the centipede seems like an odd choice, but I'll roll with it, as long as it isn't tiny.
and the mollusk just sounds awesome.

Just in time for me to have birthday money to buy it with, although that means I have to wait 6 months (not including this month) and come back every weeks looking for possible questions that Jason or Owen might answer excitedly at 3 in the morning when the coffee pot has run out.

On that note, here's hoping for Mattresses! those of you familiar with towel wielding earthmen and editors from Betelgeuse might know what I mean.

An uplifted bear

Paizo knows what I like.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
AmbassadoroftheDominion wrote:

I guess they might reprint a few from Pathfinder, and maybe a few from the Adventure Path, but I hope they'll stick with mostly original creatures, at least until the third Archive.

If they do reprint a few Pathfinder Aliens, I would hope it was Dominion Creatures (Chyzaedu, Neh-Thalggu, Rhu-Chalik, Lunarma, Neshmaal, Yangethe, Yah-Thelgaad, Shipmind, Intellect Devourer/Egophage, Vespergaunt and Ugothokra) although there are several other Alien races which could be brought forth into Starfinder (all the creatures associated with the Old Cults, Several creatures From Bestiary 1-6, Distant Worlds, People of the Stars, Numeria, Land of the Fallen, and Iron Gods)

Please, Paizo, reprint mi-go for Starfinder! I want to be able to canonically make by players relive that terror!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I think we need to see Xenomorph or something similar.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Soooo............ Space Linnorms?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
AmbassadoroftheDominion wrote:
Soooo............ Space Linnorms?


Also, polymorphing rules? What is that about?

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Ah not going to lie pretty excited for this, i do hope where going to have more low cr monsters tho

maybe we'll get some (insert favorite movie alien that needs a stand-in)

Customer Service Representative

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Removed a post and several replies to it. This is a discussion thread for Alien Archive 2, discussion of Pathfinder 2 does not belong in this thread.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

To: the Office of Expectation Management

Will there be Ewoks?

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

The template grafts seem neat

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Just thought of something. J, Q, X, and Z have a noticeable lack of Aberrations (alphabetically speaking... using both Pathfinder and Starfinder as reference).

wonders if the Mollusks in the description are the Embri. must dig through the rest of the Core rulebook for further speculations. after I hibernate. I've used up three of my brains already by staying awake this late.

AmbassadoroftheDominion wrote:
Soooo............ Space Linnorms?


2 people marked this as a favorite.
AmbassadoroftheDominion wrote:
Just thought of something. J, Q, X, and Z have a noticeable lack of Aberrations (alphabetically speaking... using both Pathfinder and Starfinder as reference).

Scrabble discrimination against my people!

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Please let there be a cat race in this one.... you have them in the lore of being in the veskarium. I really wanna see the cat race.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Speculation on possibilities taken from the pages of the Core Rulebook (take this with a grain of salt):

Edit: Sorry for the Length

The Sun:
Whale-like fire elementals
plasma oozes
Jungle box sentient plant monsters
the "deep cultures" of the sun

other Aballonian constructs

other varieties of Formian
Sky Fishers (already in AP)

trash-eating Kheftaks (similar to Otyughs?)
tusk-winged Noraska
ghostly creatures called Khulan
winged creatures from Qidel

"Diaspora Wyrms"
Twisted figures in yellow rags (from the House of the Void)

Glass Serpents
Semi-intelligent grub-swarms
variety of undead
Elebrians (already in AP)

(note to self, look at Pathfinder sources for ideas)

Liavara (and Moons):
Air Plants
Giant Bacteria
Keji Swarms
Predators (vampiric tentacles, magical fields, acid-coated web-nets. suggested to be separate beings)
Dreamers (variation of Barathu)
sentient arthropods
Philosopher worms
mortal incarnation of Hylax
Lights of Hallas (already in Alien Archives 1)

Bretheda (and moons):
Barathu (Alien Archives 1, although variations would be appreciated)
living tools/tailored viruses/semi-intelligent servitor races (created by Barathu)
Kalo, Maraquoi, and Urogs (all in Alien Archives)

Ilee (survivals from a past age?)
Drow (Alien Archives)
Fleshwarps (augmentation sold by Drow)

Great Old Ones (possibly itself, at some point)
Elder Mythos/Old Cults (Great Old Ones, Outer Gods, any number of spawned races, and races dedicated to the worship of the Great Old Ones)
Dominion of the Black
Nyarlathotep, incarnate as the Black Pharaoh
Carsai the King
inhabitants of the pre-gap warships/madness-inducing hulks in the atmosphere
Orocorans (Alien Archives 1/First Contact)
the Midwives
Aucturn's child, Great Old One

long-necked, six-legged antelopes
four-winged birds

Azlanti Star Empire:
inhabitants of Thenekral
17 officially designated "sentient alien species"

Daegox 4:
the Daegox (possible name for the humanoid race that rules the Daegox Corporation and Daegox 4)

Empyreal Lord, Duellona
skinless, eyeless creatures

mask-faced Embri
Levaloch devils
Occhiorasoi (Malebranche)

microbial mats

(Inhabitants not described in Core Rulebook)

Hub Geese


Psychic Gas Oozes
Xystrian Brotherhood

Riven Shroud:

Shadari Confederacy:
numerous races including:
Draeliks (Alien Archives 1)
Aeon, The Unmaker

Tabori Cluster:

the Vesk
cave-dwelling snake-people
jackal-faced arthropods
stranger creatures
squid folk of Vesk-2
ant like beings of Vesk-5
feline humanoid barbarians of Vesk-6
pacifist Frost Behemoths of Vesk-7 and Vesk-8

Cult of the Devourer:
Atrocites (AP)

Dominion of the Black:
Dominion Starships
dozens of races


The Unseen:
formless, ethereal refugees
shape-shifting drones of inter dimensional brood-mothers
manipulators of interstellar commerce clad in convincing skin suits
fungal parasites
Grays (Alien Archives 1)
(potentially aligned with Shadari,as reptoid opened a weapons vault to Shadari Pirates)

other races:

Grand Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Uplifted bear? UPLIFTED BEAR?!?

Paizo, please take all of my money. Just, like, all of it. Right now.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

One thing i hope they do that the first alieb archive did not is i hope they sepreat the player races and the monster races into sepreat chapters so there all together

1 person marked this as a favorite.

ratcatbo, that would stifle the main purpose of the book, though. namely that DM/GM's are the intended users of the book, with players as a secondary market. if the races are separated from the other creatures, it would pose a significant problem in layout design, particularly in placement of redundant pages explaining why they changed the layout of their book series. besides, if the players use their knowledge of rules text in-game to kill a monster/NPC their character doesn't know about, you can just drop 6 great old ones on the party as "Divine Punishment for use of Metadata"

after flipping through Pact Worlds and some Pathfinder stuff. they've got about 4 or 5 Alien Archives worth of Aliens to choose from, not including AP Aliens. Congrats, Paizo, you are the masters of fluff books

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Dearest dev staff, please can you clarify:

Are these uplifted bears bipedal humanoid aliens (a la how rats are to ysoki) or are these more just literally genetically modified super-intelligent bears (basically how morlamaws are just super-intelligent technicolor walruses)?

Dark Archive

Micheal Smith wrote:
I think we need to see Xenomorph or something similar.

They already exist as the Hive in Horror Adventures. Port 'em over and off you go.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Uplifted Bears? From like Golarion? I honestly don't care I've been wanting to play a bear like race for forever now.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Lucas VerBeek wrote:
Uplifted Bears? From like Golarion? I honestly don't care I've been wanting to play a bear like race for forever now.

Like Dickson's Dilbians. Let's hope they're on the upper end of Medium (if not actually Large) and have kind of a boisterous bruiser vibe.

And, seriously: I'm looking forward to the dirindi, sazarons, and various Veskarium and Azlanti Star Empire subject species to the same degree that I was looking forward to the maraquoi. Or, to switch away from playables: more Castrovel critters and everything outside of the Pact system.

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I would like more demons and devels can never have enouhg cyber demons

Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I'm excited for this, but I'm MOST excited for the Armory book. Why can it not just be July already?

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

You had me at uplifted bear.

Also, with D&D re-introducing the Giff, I feel Starfinder could use some interplanetary pachyderms. Could be rhinos (like the Judoon) or could be elephants, or hey maybe it could be hippos. Please consider.

We know that Starfinder and PF2 share a fair bit of design overlap. In light of some of the info coming out of this thread, do we think Starfinder polymorphing might be similar?

Dark Archive

Will this reprint the Alien Archive sections from Dead Suns 1-6 (like the Pathfinder Bestiaries reprinted creatures from older AP volumes)?

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