Pathfinder Player Companion: Blood of the Sea (PFRPG)

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Pathfinder Player Companion: Blood of the Sea (PFRPG)
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It Came from the Sea

Whether from the dark depths of the ocean or azure tropical seas, heroes rise from beneath the waves. Pathfinder Player Companion: Blood of the Sea explores the mystical paths and strange abilities of sea-born adventurers. Discover the secrets of aquatic elves, gillmen, merfolk, tritons, and more. New magic items and spells aid aquatic characters and land-dwelling characters alike. A host of new archetypes, feats, and other options allow you to infuse your character with the power of the sea. Dive into Blood of the Sea and discover oceans of possibility!

Inside this book you'll find:

  • Archetypes for a variety of classes, such as the coral witch and the kraken slayer paladin, as well as a new cavalier order and bardic masterpieces, useful for characters in aquatic campaigns.
  • Rules for playing nonstandard races like cecaelias, locathahs, and tritons, along with a collection of gear both magical and mundane that can help your heroes in the world beneath the waves.
  • Advice on what to consider when your land-dwelling character must explore the depths, and tips on how aquatic characters can overcome the daunting challenges of adventuring on land.

This Pathfinder Player Companion is intended for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the Pathfinder campaign setting but can easily be incorporated into any fantasy world.

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-955-4

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Hero Lab Online
Archives of Nethys

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Good for underwater


If you are going to be in a game with a decent portion of it being underwater, especially combat, pick this up, there are some good options. Otherwise, your not missing much.

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So many ideas for characters. I wish that aquatic elves were an option for PFS though I guess the Shoalborn Half Elf is the closest a person could get.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Skeld, PDF Prophet wrote:
KingOfAnything wrote:
Oh, what's that oracle curse?
Rysky wrote:
KingOfAnything wrote:
Oh, what's that oracle curse?
Is it stolen voice?

** spoiler omitted **


Are song-bound Oracles required to sing "With Cat-like Tread" whenever they attempt a stealth check?

Ventnor wrote:
Skeld, PDF Prophet wrote:
KingOfAnything wrote:
Oh, what's that oracle curse?
Rysky wrote:
KingOfAnything wrote:
Oh, what's that oracle curse?
Is it stolen voice?

** spoiler omitted **


Are song-bound Oracles required to sing "With Cat-like Tread" whenever they attempt a stealth check?

Only if they know a most ingenious paradox.

Grand Lodge

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I would love to play a merfolk in PFS. I have such an affinity for water races that undines are currently my most common PFS race as I have two: Nixie and Bubbles the Hellknight.) So what if their tail flops around? They're aquatic and they SING.

Well, GenCon's coming up. Maybe some of these will show up as a GM boon!


Silver Crusade

Hmm wrote:

I would love to play a merfolk in PFS. I have such an affinity for water races that undines are currently my most common PFS race as I have two: Nixie and Bubbles the Hellknight.) So what if their tail flops around? They're aquatic and they SING.

Well, GenCon's coming up. Maybe some of these will show up as a GM boon!


Don't forget the Naiad!

SheepishEidolon wrote:
Shinigami02 wrote:
It's a shame Cecaelias are such a high RP value, my group barely lets people play Aasimar for their RP value so there's no way I'll get away with 23 much of ever.
Would your group accept a weaker version? Given the RP values are given here, you could cut three abilities or so, to get down to something like 15 RP.

There is one GM in my group who has already said he might allow it depending on the campaign (ones where under-water comes up little if at all, where stuff like Jet, Tentacle Sense, and Ink Cloud will pretty much be useless).

Or I might just take the homebrew to it and make a weaker version like I did once with Centaur, now that I know it actually exists even and have something to work off of. A few GMs in my group will allow that depending on the game.

So, nothing for Undines? I'm surprised - this seems like a no-brainer for a book like this. Any insight into why not?

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Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Probably because Undines function fine on land, indefinitely. Every race in this book (including Gillmen) has some difficulty in that regard.

Paizo Employee Managing Developer

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Primarily because undines got 6 pages of material in Advanced Race Guide and saw a bit of time in Blood of the Elements.

Edit: But David makes a great point as well.

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

So is this like Aquatic Adventures where pretty much everything in the book only functions in the water?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Alchemaic wrote:
So is this like Aquatic Adventures where pretty much everything in the book only functions in the water?

No, it does have material to help aquatic races function better on land.

Also that Seeker of the Lost Rogue Archetype works but for one half of a class feature quite well on land as well.
(I don't remember if it is just for aquatic elves or not)

So how does this compare to Alluria Publishing's Cerulean Seas books?

Does the tempest tamer druid seem a little.... Off? Like the class description says stuff about calming tempests and storms but it never seems to get there? Paizo guys, take a look at that.

The way I was seeing the RP costs, I had this mental imagery (at least for PFS play) of being able to 'purchase' some of the RP-costing special abilities with prestige and coin.

That'd be a great balancer and maker of fairness, and could possibly open up even more races in the future via boons or the like.

Liberty's Edge

So, how does this book work with Aquatic Adventures? They both seem to cover similar ground ... almost feels like they could have / should have been one single book?

Silver Crusade

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Aqautice Adventures covers the areas and rules, Blood of the sea covers the races.

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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Marc Radle wrote:
So, how does this book work with Aquatic Adventures? They both seem to cover similar ground ... almost feels like they could have / should have been one single book?

I would say that Blood of the Seas is more focused on the natives of an aquatic setting, providing 0-HD race versions of several creatures as well as expanding a bit on some already existing ones (such as gillmen and merfolk), though there is some degree of overlap. It does have sections suggesting to players what they might want to bring to an underwater setting, but a similar amount of space is dedicated to players playing races native to an underwater setting traveling to land. Conversely, Aquatic Adventures is very much for surfacers traveling into the depths of the oceans and providing rules for how things operate under there. That's not to say that Blood of the Sea doesn't offer a few general options, but overall I think Aquatic Adventures should be your first choice if you're planning to venture beneath the waves, while Blood of the Sea will be more useful to you if you want to, say, attempt to play a merfolk in a land-based campaign, or a gillman, or what have you, or if you want to have an entirely underwater campaign (though in that case I would definitely suggest having both).

That's my thoughts on it, at least...hopefully they're helpful!

I appreciate the PC option for Locathah especially, for people who don't want to deal with racial hit dice. Other than the 2HD, they're basically equivalent to a normal race statistically already, though I noticed the INT penalty is slightly at odds with the 13 INT on the bestiary version.


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Luthorne wrote:
Marc Radle wrote:
So, how does this book work with Aquatic Adventures? They both seem to cover similar ground ... almost feels like they could have / should have been one single book?

I would say that Blood of the Seas is more focused on the natives of an aquatic setting, providing 0-HD race versions of several creatures as well as expanding a bit on some already existing ones (such as gillmen and merfolk), though there is some degree of overlap. It does have sections suggesting to players what they might want to bring to an underwater setting, but a similar amount of space is dedicated to players playing races native to an underwater setting traveling to land. Conversely, Aquatic Adventures is very much for surfacers traveling into the depths of the oceans and providing rules for how things operate under there. That's not to say that Blood of the Sea doesn't offer a few general options, but overall I think Aquatic Adventures should be your first choice if you're planning to venture beneath the waves, while Blood of the Sea will be more useful to you if you want to, say, attempt to play a merfolk in a land-based campaign, or a gillman, or what have you, or if you want to have an entirely underwater campaign (though in that case I would definitely suggest having both).

That's my thoughts on it, at least...hopefully they're helpful!

This is a very good summary, and right where my mind was when developing Blood of the Sea (and I had an early copy of Aquatic Adventures on hand to ensure there was no inadvertent overlap or duplication).

Has anyone else had a close look at the animal focuses for Aquatic Beastmaster (Hunter Archetype)? It looks like Crab and Octopus are exactly the same.

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Just wanted to say that I love the presence of PC rules for what would normally be monsters with racial HD, there should be more of that in the future.

Charabdos, The Tidal King wrote:
Just wanted to say that I love the presence of PC rules for what would normally be monsters with racial HD, there should be more of that in the future.

Are you referring to the RP costs for some of the racial abilities?

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