Pathfinder Module: We Be Goblins Too! (PFRPG)

4.60/5 (based on 12 ratings)
GameMastery Module D0: Hollow's Last Hope (OGL)
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The Licktoads, once the great and fierce goblin tribe in Brinestump Marsh, were defeated by human adventurers! All that remains of the tribe are its four goblin "heroes"—Reta Bigbad the fighter, Chuffy Lickwound the rogue, Poog the cleric of Zarongel, and Mogmurch the alchemist. Homeless and bored, they left their swampy homeland to join the neighboring goblin tribe, the Birdcrunchers.

The good news is that the Birdcrunchers are willing to let the goblin heroes join their tribe.

The better news is that the Birdcrunchers have heard of these four, and want one of them to become their new chieftain.

The bad news is that before the goblins can join, they'll need to endure a series of dangerous and humiliating tests. Very dangerous. Very humiliating.

The worse news is that lately Birdcruncher chieftains have had really short lifespans—they're being killed by the pet fire-breathing boar of a local ogre who wants the Birdcruncher land as his own.

Can the four heroes of the now-dead Licktoad tribe save the Birdcrunchers and, in so doing, become their new leaders?

"We Be Goblins Too!" is an adventure for four 3rd-level goblin characters, written for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and compatible with the 3.5 edition of the world's oldest roleplaying game. The adventure takes place near the coastal town of Sandpoint in the Pathfinder campaign setting, and serves as a sequel to "We Be Goblins," Paizo's popular 2011 Free RPG Day adventure!

Written by Richard Pett.
Cover Art by Jorge Fares.

This special 16-page Pathfinder Module will initially made available for Free RPG Day on June 15, 2013. Print editions will be available for sale on beginning July 1; the PDF edition will be available for free at that time.

We Be Goblins Too! is sanctioned for use in Pathfinder Society Organized Play. Its Chronicle Sheet and additional rules for running this module are a free download (254 KB zip/PDF). Pregenerated characters are available here (938 KB zip/PDF).

Note: Due to the special nature of this product, it is NOT part of the Pathfinder Modules Subscription.

DriveThruRPG: This product is available as print-on-demand from DriveThruRPG:

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This product is non-mint. Refunds are not available for non-mint products. The standard version of this product can be found here.

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4.60/5 (based on 12 ratings)

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Lovely goblins too


Pretty similar to We be Goblins, but even better than the part 1.

The first part is goblins' tasks, the four cute little fluffy again :)

The second part is fighting against an ogre druid and his animals, not simply combats but also many ways to use the map, hit and run again! And I think the TPK potential is lesser than part 1, the BBEG has some annoying abilities but not killing little guys such easily.

Altough it's part 2 of the goblin line, but play them seperately, or you would think them too similar and lose some charm.


A worthy follow-up to "We be Goblins". We all had a great laugh playing this module.

My suggestions to players:
- don't play the two modules back to back. The second one has a similar structure (but with the sessions I played being weeks apart, that was no problem)
- only play with people who love a bit of mayhem, funny voices and setting fire to almost everything. The roleplay this module provides is just too funny for words.

We be Goblins, you be food! *tries to set fire to her own review*

A tale of (three and one) exploding goblins


We played We Be Goblins a while back, and because there were 7 of us, we figured out how to make level 1 goblins.

Now we continued with those characters and after examining the pregens they seemed to have about 3k gold, which we used to update our We Be Goblins goblins.

As with the previous one we had a load of fun.


The first test was won by a large margin by my gun scavenger who took a lead in the first round by using her pistol with the scatter property. Some hilarity ensued as I accidently shot one of the other player goblins, one of the player goblins shot the goblin dog of yet another player, who then attacked the player who shot him.
The second test was another bout of hilarity, with my gunscavenger getting 2 stirges on her, getting 5 con damage, one of the player goblins running off with a stirge with the words: "If one survives no-one wins test!"
Then the third test. This ended very very badly. My gunslinger had her black powder safely in powder horns. Her 20 cartridges however were not. After initiative was rolled, my gunslinger was first up. Fail fort save (rolled a 1), so take fire damage. Then all my cartridges took fire damage and started going off. Working with the GM we went with giving them a save, however I rolled really bad, starting a chain reaction. End result: 40 damage with a reflex save for half which caused three goblins to die (my gunslinger was one of them) and the pie to be blown up. One of the items the others got in the loot was a scroll of reincarnate, so one of the dead goblins got reincarnated into a half-orc and the other two picked new characters.

Then we finally went on the real adventure.

Things went fairly smoothly, killing the charging boar before it did too much damage, then finding the farmstead and burning the words.
One of us snuck into the overturned barge, and used coup de grace to kill the boar sleeping there, however that woke up Squeely Nord who started to make a lot of noise waking up the house.
Now to the second exploding goblin (again, mine). As the pregen alchemist I claimed the necklace of fireballs and the bead of force. After Poog failed to damage the ogre (but set fire to the house) I tossed the bead of force at the ogre, injuring him, but he managed to save against the resilient sphere effect. Next up he tosses a flaming sphere at me. Once again failing my reflex save, I have now a fully charged necklace of fireballs also needing a save, which ofcourse also failed. 31 damage from the fireballs and 14 damage from the flaming sphere later, another exploded goblind. This time however only 1 other goblin was in range and that one barely survived (0 hp left) who then got healed back up to continu the fight, which we eventually won.

All in all a very enjoyable afternoon



This module is a whole ton of fun and short to boot. I think the only reason this one gets a four is the comparison to We Be Goblins which is just amazing.

An excellent second installment


My perspective on this scenario is as a player and a GM. Be warned, spoilers may follow!

The story is the continuation of the first We Be Goblins! The characters have become heroes of their village, but its dire fate put them out of a home and a tribe - time to get a new one! The trials are indeed reminiscent of the ones from the first installment, but with interesting new settings. I actually preferred the ones from WBG2 to those of the first one (except maybe riding Squealy Nord). The rest of the story would straightforward... if the characters weren't goblins! Honestly, I don't expect two run-throughs of this module to be alike, since the 'goblin factor' comes in and makes the story become unpredictable! It's what I love about these modules, along with roleplay of course.
Story score: 5/5

Roleplay opportunities are amazing here, and as for the first one, the best opportunities lie with the relationships among the characters themselves. This is a huge boon to the module. NPCs (especially a certain pig) are exceptionally fun too!
Roleplay score: 5/5

The fights in this module will force the goblins to cooperate, but still allow them to do crazy actions and still succeed (which is the point of playing a goblin... except for the success part). I loved the last encounter because it's set in different phases that the GM can alter, making the environment really react to the little green terrors' actions. What will make them truly unforgettable are the tools the goblins will have at their disposal.
Encounters score: 4/5

The mechanics of the trials are alright and keep the game light on rules while preserving fun. That's what we want when we play goblins!
Mechanics score: 4/5

This module is simply one every Pathfinder player should experience, along with the first installment. Get them and let your inner goblin out!
Total: 5/5

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Grand Lodge

Just so you know these are great modules. But that being said, they are not really great as a lead in to PFS play. As you area actually playing Goblins which is not available currently in PFS as I am sure you know. A much better lead in would be the First step scenarios that Pathfinder Society puts out. They are short and fairly easy to play. If you are intending this to lead to a PFS events at the LFGS that you are near then you might want to do those as an event there too?

Which could lead to more PFS later :)

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Romaq wrote:
I'm new to all this! Our Local Friendly Game Store (LFGS) is participating in FreeRPG day. Does that mean they can order this exclusively for FreeRPG day?

What retailers order is a Free RPG Day kit, which includes 15 copies of We Be Goblins Too!, along with between 1-15 copies of each of the Free RPG Day products from other companies. (Stores can order multiple copies of the kit, but they can't order specific products from the kit.)

Romaq wrote:
What is the lead time for them to get it into the hands of GMs to produce this for FreeRPG day?

The kits are shipped by Impressions (the people who put on Free RPG Day), not Paizo, so I can't provide specific dates, but kits should arrive in time for GMs working with those retailers to get in some prep time before the event day.

Grand Lodge

Any idea on the levels in society can play this one?

Grand Lodge

Roger this is for pregens only... and you play as goblins :)

I am doing the last of the PFS Intro series this month, and then we will begin with normal PFS games. The group is enthused about FreeRPG Day, and that it will apply to PFS is just a bonus. :)

Grand Lodge

roger Gilbert wrote:
Any idea on the levels in society can play this one?

You play a level 3 Goblin. The Chronicle sheet may be applied to a level 2-4 PFS character.

Hellboars? What's next, Hellbears? :P

Dark Archive

Oh, no! Oh NO! I just realized this will be written by the Pett... this is not good, not good at all!


1 person marked this as a favorite.


Liberty's Edge

tburke0 wrote:
I am SO running this Gen Con Wednesday @ Scotty's...

sign me up :)


Grand Lodge

knew it was pregens... was just wondering what level characters you could apply it too... was hopeing the 2-4 that Don walker stated... as the 1st was 1-2 which would give me and my party a chance to run it and part 1 on the same day...

Liberty's Edge

I'm running this on Free RPG day can't wait!


Dark Archive

Has there been any thought on making beginner box versions of we be goblins and we be goblins too? Figure that might bring in more new players.


I will be running this for free RPG day as part of our stores celebration of all things RPG.

What would be a good approximate time frame that players would finish this in? Would like to run multiple sessions throughout the day.

Vic Wertz wrote:
Sketchpad wrote:

Yup. My wife will need this one as well. Next thing you'll put up are more plush Goblins, since we have the others. :)

Any chance we might see a small Pawns set for the two modules? ;)

Given that the first We Be Goblins is down to the last few copies, and the economics of reprinting a Free RPG Day adventure are not good, I wouldn't hold my breath. But have you seen the We Be Goblins plastic minis?

Any chance of getting the minis before Free RPG Day?

Grand Lodge

Yep, end of this month. :)

Would I be correct to assume this module ends at 6th level?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Axial wrote:
Would I be correct to assume this module ends at 6th level?

Doubtful. The first one didn't even get the Goblins to 2nd, really.

16 pages (including OGL etc) won't get you from 3rd to 6th, maybe 4th if it all goes well.

So I can't really run We Be Goblins and We Be Goblins Too back-to-back without artificially giving them levels.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

We Be Goblins uses level 1 pregen characters. You could have your players create their own characters, but they should be level 1 Goblins of the Licktoad tribe. It provides about 2205 combat XP and whatever additional XP the GM decides to award. It would get 4 level 1 goblins about 1/3 the way to level 2 under normal XP advancement.

We Be Goblins Too uses the same Goblin pregens, but they are now level 3. I assume it follows the same XP ratio and would give about 1/3 the XP needed to go from level 3 to level 4 under normal advancement.

But the XP awarded is really completely up to the GM. And you could play WBG with level 2 characters that level to 3 at the finish of WBG so that they are level 3 when starting WBGT.

It is all up to the group.

And for Pathfinder Society Organized Play:

We Be Goblins has you running level 1 (15-point buy) pregen Goblins. You get to apply the Chronicle sheet to a level 1 or level 2 PFS character (even if the Goblin dies - see the included text with the Chronicle sheet). You may play the Free RPG Day module more than once and apply the Chronicle sheet to a different level 1 character. You may only apply the Chronicle to one level 2 character.

We Be Goblins Too! has you running a level 3 Goblin (presumably also 15-point buy). Under sanctioned module rules you may apply the Chronicle sheet to a level 2, 3, or 4 PFS character. Since We Be Goblins Too! is a Tier 2-4 module you may only take 1 Chronicle as a player and 1 as a GM.

Both provide 1 XP, 1 PP, and a certain amount of gold.

If you wanted your PFS character to get both Chronicles back-to-back, the play options are:

PC starts with 2 XP, plays WBG (becomes level 2), then plays WBGT.

PC starts with 3, 4 or 5 XP (is level 2), plays WBG, then WBGT. (You may only apply a WBG sheet to a level 2 character once.)

PC starts with 3 or 4 XP (is level 2) plays WBGT, then plays WBG.

Note: your character does not play either adventure. You play a Goblin pregen and apply the Chronicle sheet to one of your characters.

Hi all, first time poster.

So lemme say, I love this module. Some of the most fun I've ever had GMing. I ran this for my group, and then went right into the Jade Regent Adventure Path. Which now has me confused.

In Brinewall Legacy it says that after the goblin heroes looted further treasure from the marsh, their village was raided by skeletons. It says that "Chief Gutwad's goblin hereos met the skeletons in battle at the pond but were swiftly cut down." Needless to say, both me and my players were crushed to find out their favorite little goblins died. how are they alive and 3rd level now?

Even 3rd-level goblins (or PCs, for that matter) can die due to poor planning and bad rolls.

Grand Lodge

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Perhaps the reports of their deaths were greatly exaggerated?

Webstore Gninja Minion

2 people marked this as a favorite.

"Not Dead Yet!" is the appropriate catchphrase here, I think.

Qstor wrote:
tburke0 wrote:
I am SO running this Gen Con Wednesday @ Scotty's...

sign me up :)


You are IN! :) That makes 4 players (bringing 3 with me in the car...)

Any chance there will be a couple more pregens to round out a table of 6? If I had my druthers, I'd like to see Stumpbiter & Buggy Bugeye leveled up along with Reeta, Chuffy, Mogmurch, & Poog...

Lantern Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

Seconding tburke0's idea for more Goblins. Are we restricted to four player tables? Or will there be options to have 6?

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

If I'm planning on running this at a retail store on free RPG day is there any way to get the PDF, even the night before so I'm prepped? Can a local VC facilitate that so their is a chain of trust?

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Galnörag wrote:
If I'm planning on running this at a retail store on free RPG day is there any way to get the PDF, even the night before so I'm prepped? Can a local VC facilitate that so their is a chain of trust?

Probably best totally to the store you're planning to run at; chances are they'll have the FRPG day box earlier than the 16th, and might be willing to let you see the book before.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Electric Boogaloo

Liberty's Edge

Are the PFS Chronicles going to be in the module or will they become available as a pdf closer to the June 15th? What about the pre-gens?

Will stores participating in Free RPG days really be giving a copy of the module to GMs who will be running it on Free RPG day in advance to prepare?

I hope to pull this together for the FLGS I have been gaming at lately, but just been so busy lately. Hope to talk to them Thursday at our next game session, but any answer in advance will be appreciated.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8

I found some pink pig miniatures at the craft store the other day. I bought them just in case...

Richard Pett wrote:

Nord has a crucial role to play, you could say pivotal, or pigotal...ah, maybe not.

Pigotal, ha!



Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber
Themes86 wrote:
Are the PFS Chronicles going to be in the module or will they become available as a pdf closer to the June 15th? What about the pre-gens?

The original "We Be Goblins!" included the pregens; the chronicle was available (as a separate download) from Paizo. WBG2 requires different pregens (same characters, different level), so it's a good bet that they will be included; I'd expect the chronicle to be available as a download.

Themes86 wrote:
Will stores participating in Free RPG days really be giving a copy of the module to GMs who will be running it on Free RPG day in advance to prepare?

That's pretty much up to you and your local store. We weren't involved in PFS when WBG came along, but last year I did get my hands on "Dawn of the Silent Sun" a few days ahead of time so I could prepare for the event.

Themes86 wrote:
I hope to pull this together for the FLGS I have been gaming at lately, but just been so busy lately. Hope to talk to them Thursday at our next game session, but any answer in advance will be appreciated.

Liberty's Edge

JohnF wrote:
The original "We Be Goblins!" included the pregens; the chronicle was available (as a separate download) from Paizo. WBG2 requires different pregens (same characters, different level), so it's a good bet that they will be included; I'd expect the chronicle to be available as a download.

They have the pre-gens for "We Be Goblins!" as a download now, so I was hoping they might prepare such a download for WBG2 so we have have them ready as a hand out, assuming everyone at the table didn't get a copy of the module as part of Free RPG Day. Also I was thinking if the FRPGS doesn't give out a copy to the GM, if he had the pre-gens to hand out, he could try to wing running the module without having to make photo copies on the spur of the moment.

JohnF wrote:
That's pretty much up to you and your local store. We weren't involved in PFS when WBG came along, but last year I did get my hands on "Dawn of the Silent Sun" a few days ahead of time so I could prepare for the event.

I hope to find that out tonight.

Grand Lodge

What's the ETA on chronicle sheet availability? Will we have them to hand out on Free RPG Day?

Paizo Employee Developer

The aim is to have the Chronicle sheets available in time for Free RPG Day. I will be able to provide more precise information closer to the event date.

John Compton wrote:
The aim is to have the Chronicle sheets available in time for Free RPG Day. I will be able to provide more precise information closer to the event date.

Will there be printable per-generated characters. The ones included in the module are formatted in a way to make simply photo coping is out of the question. In We Be Goblins they are one page per character. In We Be Goblins Too Reta is on page 13, Chuffy is on page 13 and 14, Poog is on page 14 and 15, and finally Mogmurch is on page 15. I understand that it would have meant loosing the inside back cover illustration (a repeat of the front cover with out text) or adding another 4 page sheet.

Grand Lodge

John Welker wrote:
John Compton wrote:
The aim is to have the Chronicle sheets available in time for Free RPG Day. I will be able to provide more precise information closer to the event date.
Will there be printable per-generated characters. The ones included in the module are formatted in a way to make simply photo coping is out of the question. In We Be Goblins they are one page per character. In We Be Goblins Too Reta is on page 13, Chuffy is on page 13 and 14, Poog is on page 14 and 15, and finally Mogmurch is on page 15. I understand that it would have meant loosing the inside back cover illustration (a repeat of the front cover with out text) or adding another 4 page sheet.

+1 to the above. I second the question... :)

This make Bitey happy!

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Themes86 wrote:
JohnF wrote:
The original "We Be Goblins!" included the pregens; the chronicle was available (as a separate download) from Paizo. WBG2 requires different pregens (same characters, different level), so it's a good bet that they will be included; I'd expect the chronicle to be available as a download.
They have the pre-gens for "We Be Goblins!" as a download now, so I was hoping they might prepare such a download for WBG2 so we have have them ready as a hand out, assuming everyone at the table didn't get a copy of the module as part of Free RPG Day. Also I was thinking if the FRPGS doesn't give out a copy to the GM, if he had the pre-gens to hand out, he could try to wing running the module without having to make photo copies on the spur of the moment.

Hopefully they will release the pregen character sheets as well as the Chronicle Sheets. As long as the sheets are available the day before, I will be good to go for the 15th!

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Don Walker wrote:
roger Gilbert wrote:
Any idea on the levels in society can play this one?
You play a level 3 Goblin. The Chronicle sheet may be applied to a level 2-4 PFS character.

I thought when you play a pregen you have to apply it to a character the level of the pregen (or higher so long as they are in the level range of the module) per the Pathfinder Society Guide to Organized Play 4.3 Page 6. Is this an exception? If so where can I confirm that it is an exception from Mike Brock or someone else official so I can back it up when someone challenges me in my group.

Pathfinder Society Guide To Organized Play 4.3 Page 6 wrote:

If you play a non-1st-level pregenerated character, you can apply the credit to your character as soon as she reaches the level of the pregenerated character played. You may also opt instead to apply the credit from the non-1st-level pregenerated character played to a newly created character with the gp gained reduced to 500 gp (or 250 for characters using the slow advancement track). You do not lose access to Prestige Points, boons, and items listed on the Chronicle sheet that were earned during the adventure.

Grand Lodge

We Be Goblins is an exception. Check the chronicle.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Society Subscriber

The chronicle for We Be Goblins Too has not come out yet. We Be Goblins is not an exception because it allowed 1-2 because you played a level 1 pregen and can can apply it to a higher level character so long as it is in the level range of the module.

Also, the rules for applying a chronicle when playing a level 1 pregen is different if you read the rest of page 6 in the Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized play.

Grand Lodge

Listen to the Venture Captain. Most likely he has confidential information about the upcoming chronicle for this module.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Venture captains have made mistakes. He might not have remembered that rule when he made the statement. He may be right and he may not. I am just asking for proof.

Grand Lodge

Again, check the chronicle. ;)

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Again, the chronicle is not out yet, unless it isn't linked here yet.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Then obviously you'll need to wait for it, yes?

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