Baron Hannis Drelev

Redman's page

Organized Play Member. 14 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 1 alias.



They will here your plea, but in the end it all comes down to who is most qualified for the job.


Man I wish my DM was Ray Harryhausen with those skeletons.


Rolling for heretek starting wounds
Wounds: 1d5 + 12 ⇒ (3) + 12 = 15


Rolling infamy for my heretek
Infamy: 1d5 + 19 ⇒ (2) + 19 = 21


Sorry forgot about the 'it's not our minion' but will still make heretek.


I was thinking a more heavy weapons specialised chosen or champion with a heretek minion because no chaos marine has time for fixing their own stuff when theres things to kill.


Would love to play! I can play whatever if there is something we may lack from the group.


In the book you'll find the mastermind (an investigator that manipulates via a group of minions)

So Tintin with Thomson and Thompson minions anyone?


Dancing Hut & Animated Tank are constructs
Ursikka is a Magical Beast

Not sure about the others as I'm at work (don't tell anyone im not doing work).


THis is going to sound really evil as a DM but get that character into a fight by himself, if you say the character wants trouble and wants to escalate things with everyone and everything then do it until either the character is dead or he realises it isn't fun anymore.


So if this player has alienated the others and refuses to listen to you or anyone else you will have to give the ultimatum of 'shape up or ship out'. This player is obviously a point of stress from what you have told me for the players and for you.


I will be running this for free RPG day as part of our stores celebration of all things RPG.

What would be a good approximate time frame that players would finish this in? Would like to run multiple sessions throughout the day.


wicked cool wrote:
Silly question. Im interested in maybe using this map as some sort of fort? Where is the entrance located?

The best forts don't have an entrance!

But you could just say its underneath one of the stone walls to the left or the two to on the bottom right and just say there's a walkway overhead.


You couldn't go wrong with the Godsmouth heresy. Starts at level 1, cool underground crypt with a frankenstein type boss, undead minions in spades with a bit of secret doors/traps.

I ran it once with some twelve year olds myself and they loved it for the combat and also the story unfolding which wasn't difficult to follow.