
Sincubus's page

1,098 posts (3,427 including aliases). 2 reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 7 aliases.


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I love it that Paizo made up it's mind and still gave Al-mi'raj a go, now for the Drop Bear and Akaname, two other creatures that were on the not-to-do list, i'm sure they appear now after seeing how popular the Al-mi'raj is on facebook.

Drop Bears (if done right) will have the same effect on people, a joke becoming a fierce and evil creature = a ++ situation ya know.

And Russ Taylor you tease! I can't wait to find out which ones that are! Very cool news!

And the Al-mi'Raj art is cool, reminds me off the VOrpal Bunny from Quest for Glory 4, I still hope the creature is larger than a normal bunny (dog size) like in the real Arab myths, but at least its not like the cute Blink Bunny from D&D/TOH. Good Work.

A creature with an aura that brings back old wounds and re-opens scars.

If you stay in the aura long enough you will get back all the wounds/cuts/guts you had in life, young creatures that suffered few wounds in their life aren't hurt that much but old creatures like Elves and Dwarves are pretty fragile in this aura as all wounds they ever had re-open on their bodies with a shocking rate.

When I still made proposals for the Heroes of Might and Magic Games I gave this aura to the Black Unicorn called Ecalypse as the White Unicorn is a healer and heals all scars and wounds the Black Unicorn re-opens them with its aura or horn.

I don't like the word Black Unicorn so I rather have them use the Shadhavar from legends, a evil flesh eating Unicorn (mostly also black in color) that uses sound with its hollow horn to enchant their prey, instead the Pathfinder Shadhavar could re-open the scars/wounds/guts and cuts with its sound attacks.

Why PDF appears July31 and not tomorrow while many people already have this?

This far 8 down 99 to go. :-D

Hope to see many of them go bold when this bestiary is released into the world :P

The-please-be-all-in-this-bestiary list:
Abaasy - Abaia - Acheri - Adze (Firefly Heat Vampire) - Afanc (Beaver/Croc) - Ahkiyyini - Aitvaras - Akaname (Filth Licker) - Akki (Goblin Oni) - Alastor (Living Weapon Monster) - Alicanto (Metal Eating Eagle) - Al-mi'raj - Ammit - Antaeus (Earth Troll) - Argus - Arrowhawk - Asag (Rock Demon) - Assassin Bug - Barbegazi - Batibat - Bauk (Shadow Boogeyman) - Blemmyes - Bloody Bones - Blue Tiger - Buggane - Cactus Cat - Cadejo - Campe (Wyvern/Woman Centauric) - Cercopes (Winged Monkey Twins) - Cherufe - Chesire Cat - Chrysaor (Hell Boar) - Cipactli - Clurichaun (Evil Leprechaun) - Crown of Thorns (Aberration) - Deathwatch Beetle - Digester (Ooze Eater) - Djieien (Solifugid) - Drop Bear - Echeneis - Echidna - Einherjar - Empusa (Mantis Centaur) - Enenra (Smoke Demon) - Fetch (Mirror Version) - Firbolg - Fomorian - Formian - Fossegrim - Gaasyendietha (Meteor Dragon) - Gaki (Greed Spirit) - Gancanagh - Goat Rider - Gold-Digging Ant - Grendel - Harionna - Heikegani (Samurai Crabman) - Ichneumon (Dragon Eater Wasp) - Ikuchi (Oil/Tar Sea Serpent) - Itzpapalotl (Skeleton Butterfly) - Jack-in-Irons - Jubokko (Vampire Tree) - Kamaitachi (Sickle Weasel) - Karkadann (Desert Unicorn) - Kaw Kaw - Kikimora - Kumiho (9-tailed Silver Fox) - Ladon (Plant Dragon) - Lavellan - Leanan Sidhe - Leshy, Cactus - Lou Carcolh - Magnetic Creature - Mahaha - Mercury Ooze - Namazu - Nekomata (Catfolk Oni) - Nightgaunt - Omukade (Centipede Demon or Oni) - Phane - Piasa - Procoptodon (Giant Kangaroo) - Pyrausta (Insect Dragon) - Rarog - Rat King (Rat Mutant or Alien) - Ravid (Evolved) - Rompo (Boneyard from D&D) - Sandwalker - Shadhavar (Black Unicorn) - Shellycoat - Sianach - Sirrush (Merging Together Trio Souls) - Strigoi (Blood Vampire) - Symplegades (Twin Rock Golems) - Tanystropheus - Teumessian Fox - Therizinosaurus - Tikbalang - Tiyanak - Tooth Fairy - Tsemaus (Sand Shark) - Valravn - Vila (Storm Nymph) - Wild Hunt - Wizard Shackle (Giant Magical Leech) - Yale - Yara-ma-yha-who

Dragon78 wrote:
Well they did say that Shattered Star is the stopping point for APs that they will be getting monsters from so there is a chance.

Also the Snallygaster is a immense popular creature, almost on the level of how Wolverine is loved in the Marvel World.

So there will be an extremly big chance they choose that creature as one of the AP monsters which make it into the Bestiary 4.

There have been wishes (probably not serious I hope so) for a gigantic pegasus... but what about the twin brother of Pegasus nobody seems to care or know about?

When Medusa was slain in greek mythology from her blood two brothers grew, one of them was the peacefull, overused winged horse called Pegasus, the other grewing from her blood was the hatefull and less popular Chrysaor.

While in greek mythology Chrysaor mainly appeared as a winged boar or as boarish humanoid holding a flaming whip much like the Balrog from Tolkien, In pathfinder I hope they do something new with the creature, turning it into a demonic boar monster with bright red, hairless skin and enormous twisted and sharp tusks, it would be a monster like the Bebilith, no real demon itself, but a beast that preys on demons and other foolish creatures that are lost in the Demonic realms.

The most awesome and nasty ability it holds would come from the myth of how it was born itself (from medusa's blood) as when the Chrysaor gets wounded in battle its blood (when falling on soil or dirt) will spawn swarms of demonic scorpions the size of a fist, so fighting the creature proves difficult as if you wound or kill it you are against an entire swarm of demonic, mindless vermin that are extremly hungry from the moment they are spawn/born from the boiling blood of the Chrysaor.
If the bloods hits flesh it will boil so hot that it burns serious scars into your flesh, and the same scorpions burst out of the burned flesh.

The Chrysaors drool also spawns dangerous vine-like plants which are bright red with black thorns on it, they are extremly poisonous and animate if they sense blood nearby. If the creature bites you these same thorny vines start growing from the wounds and strangle you.

I think making Chrysaor a humanoid would spoil the creature as there are more then enough humanoids and there are only a handfull boar creatures, and none of them are magical or outsiders.

CR: Around 11/12
Type: Outsider (much on the same level as Bebilith and Baregara)


Another cool creature would be the goblinoid Oni called Akki.

The Akki appears as a red hot Goblin-like Oni with a lava-like bulb on its back boiling with lava or magma.
The Oni's that enter Goblins only do so briefly cuz they view Goblins as one of the least lifeforms off all they possess, the use of goblins to the Oni is only their suicide explosion which causes a burst of magma/lava to spread over the field of battle doing damage to all standing around the exploding creature.

MMCJawa wrote:
Argus? I haven't seen that mentioned elsewhere. Maybe that is one of the incorrect parts.

Argus is mentioned with Pickled Punks and Einherjar in the other topic about Bestiary 4, they are mentioned as creatures from real world mythology and folklore. They are in the list.

I think the error maybe is Pazuzu (I sure hope not, if I like one demon lord its pazuzu), or the error could be what I said about the formians, that they are 100% copies of the D&D monster manual, but maybe they are new variants as well, or maybe the Gremlin thing that we don't see recycled and film-based gremlins.

Or maybe something has changed in the meantime, just like the Bodysnatcher is renamed Bodythief.

and it was confirmed that the thing on the cover is Grendel

Cool, so I was right all a long. I love how it looks!

Also what did the artwork of the Al-mi'raj look like Enlight_Bystand? Was it cool was is not really? What colour did its fur have? Green like D&D or more traditional Yellow like in the real myth? Just curious :p

Does the Azruverda (beetle thing) appears in the Bestiary 3 box set and if it does, does it have new artwork?

If in this, does the Azruverda (the beetle thing) get new artwork?


Well if there are mistakes in my list they are hopefully not about:
Argus - Grendel - Tooth Fairy - Bodythief - Nightgaunt - Leanan Sidhe - Al Mi Raj - Einherjar - Formians (read ant-centaurs not Fomorian giants) and Blood Golem

I really like and want these creatures (which are in the given lists so far), the others I don't really know much about or others aren't my favorites so if the errors are there I wouldn't notice in the final product.

And if the Karkinoi is what I think it is then I really like Karkinoi too.

I think making wishes for Bestiary 4 is a little bit too late. :-p

And it could be me, but isn't it a positive thing people are already talking about a future bestiary even before a-bestiary-that-is-confirmed-is-released.

I'd say its extremly positive and it shows how enthusiastic and interested people are in the products you make...

Well that means some creatures are cut or your talking about the sub-list (which were guesses) or about the 3 before juggernout or something I put behind formian/gremlin/Psychopomps or anything cuz I just took all creatures that were mentioned in both the bestiary 4 topics in the text or in James Jacobs question/answer thread and the catalog.

So i'm very curious why i'm incorrect about the main-list.

List Again:

- Argus (mentioned in lists)
- Kitsune (mentioned being art shown)
- 3 Kaiju, one being King Mogaru (mentioned by JJ few pages back and in lists)
- 3 Demon Lords, one being Pazuzu (mentioned by JJ and in lists)
- Grendel (mentioned in lists)
- Tooth Fairy (mentioned and art shown)
- Bodysnatcher Plant that is renamed into Bodythief (mentioned to be renamed by JJ and artwork shown)
- Template (Nosferatu) (mentioned, forgot to mentioned Template, but nosferatu is even on the cover)
- 3 Great Old Ones, One being Cthulhu (mentioned and on the cover)
- The Avatar of Cthulhu (Star-Spawn)(mentioned in this or the other topic)
- 3 empyreal lords (mentioned by JJ in question topic)
- Karkinoi(in the list and mentioned, maybe not crabfolk but that was between ())
- Clockwork Dragon and a Clockwork Mage-like creature which artwork is shown in the catalog (artwork in catolog + dragon is mentioned in lists)
- Nightgaunt (mentioned in lists)
- Leanan Sidhe (mentioned in text)
- Al-mi'raj (mentioned in lists)
- 3 Juggernouts (mentioned but it could be more or less, so this could be a error you are talking about?)
- 5 Outer Dragons (mentioned by JJ in question thread)
- Probably 3 or more new Drakes (number is a guess but there is mentioned there are new drakes)
- Necrocrafts (mentioned)
- Owb (mentioned)
- Soulbound Shell (mentioned)
- New Gremlin Creatures, maybe some from AP's or maybe some new ones that resemble the ones from the movies. (this could be another error, but it is mentioned that there will be new Gremlins and I said MAYBE so people don't confuse maybe with whats real)
- Einherjar (Mentioned with the mythology creatures as Pickled Punks and Argus)
- Formians, probably the ones from D&D's 3.5 monster manual, so Worker, Warrior, Queen and another one I forgot the name from. (could be an error, but Formians aren't an error cuz they are in the list)
- Pickled Punks (In the lists)
- Fleshwarps (Maybe a single creature then but it is mentioned)
- Gallowdead (mentioned)
- Psychopomps (probably re-used from AP's and other books)(maybe not re-used but it is mentioned they are in)
- Slag Giant (mentioned)
- Blood Golem (mentioned)
- Template (divine guardian)(Mentioned)
- Template (mummified)(mentioned)
- Template (shadow)(Mentioned))
- Template (Fungal) (mentioned in the text above)
- Elohim (one creature or an entire group? Unknown) (mentioned in the text)
- Immortal Guardian Dragon (could be ladon??)(mentioned in the text above, but if you refer to the ladon thing that was a guess, everything between ( ) is a guess, but the Immortal Guardian Dragon is mentioned)

All the others aren't on the list and were assumptions so if you are talking about them, they were guesses because I saw few hints about them, but they aren't on the main list so they can be errors, but again i'm guessing you talking about the main list.

While everywhere overused as soccer and wolverine are, the Minotaur is a very rare guest in Pathfinder products for mysterious reasons.

Its good to see a Minotaur on the cover for once :-)

Everybody knows I was joking about the Pistol Shrimp thing right?
I just said that because we had an ongoing discussion about an animal 99% of the earths people don't even know exists.

O my mistake, I thought the Juggernouts were the same as Kaiju, Demon Lords and Great Old Ones, having all 3 I thought the Juggernouts would have 3 as well.

There are no creatures from the Inner Sea Bestiary in this bestiary so that Android, Lashunta, MOnkey Golbin,Syrinx and Ghoran (too bad, I really like the Ghoran)all aren't included.

The Kitsune is already confirmed as they showed its artwork somewhere.

I think Gillmen, Changeling and Strix are all in as well, not sure about the others, don't really know them, hope they are as awesome as the Poison Woman Race from Bestiary 3.

So far these creatures are known to appear in the Bestiary:

- Argus
- Kitsune
- 3 Kaiju, one being King Mogaru
- 3 Demon Lords, one being Pazuzu
- Grendel
- Tooth Fairy
- Bodysnatcher Plant that is renamed into Bodythief
- Nosferatu
- 3 Great Old Ones, One being Cthulhu
- The Avatar of Cthulhu (Star-Spawn)
- 3 empyreal lords
- Karkinoi(probably crab folk)
- Clockwork Dragon and a Clockwork Mage-like creature which artwork is shown in the catalog
- Nightgaunt
- Leanan Sidhe
- Al-mi'raj
- 3 Juggernouts
- 5 Outer Dragons
- Probably 3 or more new Drakes
- Necrocrafts (seeing this name means there are multiple of them)
- Owb
- Soulbound Shell
- New Gremlin Creatures, maybe some from AP's or maybe some new ones that resemble the ones from the movies.
- Einherjar
- Formians, probably the ones from D&D's 3.5 monster manual, so Worker, Warrior, Queen and another one I forgot the name from.
- Pickled Punks
- Fleshwarps (maybe multiple?)
- Gallowdead
- Psychopomps (probably re-used from AP's and other books)
- Slag Giant
- Blood Golem
- Template (divine guardian)
- Template (mummified)
- Template (shadow)
- Template (Fungal)
- Elohim (one creature or an entire group? Unknown)
- Immortal Guardian Dragon (could be ladon??)

+ The strange monster with Fungal wings from the catalog, but that could be a monster that suits the already mentioned monsters of course...

Probably in it too, but not 100% sure, but with some questions I pretty much figured them out.

- many of the AP-Lovecraft critters like Bhole, Colour out of Space and Flying Polyp
- Bakeneko &/or Nekomata
- Cherufe
- Gillmen
- Strix
- Changeling
- Chesire Cat
- Nagaji
- More 0HD races
- Probably around 3 Robots but they could also be the Clockworks and Juggernouts.
- I hope the other Demon Lords are Orcus and Juiblex
- Probably 2 Trolls
- Probably a Zombie like they did in the previous Bestiaries, I think they go with the Zombie from the Pirate AP, the one with needles in it.

Do I forget anything?

With so much talk about this (fill in any shooting weapon here) Shrimp creature, i'm 100% possitive it will find its way (shooting and all) in bestiary 5.
I'm going to shoot myself (with a water gun of course) if its not the case :-p

And dragon78, size doesn't make a creature dangerous, just look at the common house cow, big stupid and weak (well not weak in our world, but humans are pathetic, everything with a weapon or everything on Golarion would kill 10 cows with their eyes closed and one arm on their backs), a giant cumcumber would be even weaker than a cow as it has simply no defense or attack until you slash it and then its guts have to touch your eyes for the effect, and that is just one species of the creature. So if you want such creatures to work you could make them aberrations with strange powers or give them powers they lack in the real world, but Giant Sea Cumcumber or Giant Normal Starfish would probably be a food source more than a threat, of course there is the Dust Digger, but that extremly cool creature has no counterpart in the real human world, besides being based on that awesome critter from Starwars "Sarlacc" of course.

It is that I don't really care that much for 0HD races (I even wished many weren't 0 HD Races at all like Sylph, Oread and Kitsunes) but if I did I would probably disappointed as well...

But now we know all the 0 HD races in this book right as they are all reprints? Can somebody come up with the list of them?

Kitsune is one, the others? Gillmen?

That list sounds awesome!! Especially the Oolidrroo, Abrikandilu and Riftcreeper are awesome.

But another Succubus monster really? We have like 10 already? :-p

Also I wished the Locust demon lost his Scorpion tail, too much monsters have scorpion features I think a half locust and half human isn't done before...

Threeshades wrote:
Sincubus wrote:
What about Cannon Shrimp lol
Yeah i already suggested that. See two posts above

Sorry I missed that part, anyway I like it more than Pistol Shrimp :-p

Snapping Shrimp is fine as well!

What about Cannon Shrimp lol

A giant Starfish would be pretty much harmless, but if they created a aberration version of the cool Crown of Thorns then I would be really really happy.

The Crown of Thorns in the real world is a menace for the reefs and coral fields, eating through it with devastating speed and voracity, a enormous Aberration version of this creature that can travel on land would be the same to a small coastal village, instead of eating coral and shrimps they are eating the houses and nice morsels living inside of those stony appetizers.

As for giant Sea Cumcumbers, while most of these are also harmless, there is a species that when touched (and when you put your hand in your eyes) causes blindness. That would be cool for an aberration as well, but a normal giant Sea Cumcumber would be pretty hopeless even for low level characters, they would be more like the critters of Starcraft which don't attack you ;-)

Is the release date still in October? P-L-E-A-S-E say YES! :-D

The thing that bothers me is PISTOL the word, it doesn't suit the world of myths and legends in my opinion. Most people on Golarion shouldn't know what A pistol is, maybe only the ones that time travel and travel through space or who saw a Pale Stranger (which hopefully don't live on Golarion itself)

So the word Pistol would hopefully change, or the creature could be a native on a robot-infested, modern-time planet maybe :-D

And Gorbacz, that was a typo, if you type and think as chaotically fast as I do typo's become a common thing.

Why not just make Golarian based constalations out of the known monsters + adding some to fill off the gaps.

Aries - There are no ram/sheep based monsters yet, so maybe the Gold Horned Ram from Greek mythology would come in handy here. Chrysomallus

Taurus - Hadhayosh

Gemini - Adhukait or a new twin-based monster, really hope there is a twin linked creature in bestiary 4, or maybe a creature that has 2 seperate bodies but just one mind.

Cancer - Sharkeater Crab of any other large crab, maybe the new Karkinoi race.

Leo - Leonal or Sphinx

Virgo - Nymph

Libra - Maybe some neutral outsider that does bad to create good, like Maruts or something like that. Creature that keeps balance in things, Aeons?

Scorpio - Black Scorpion

Sagittarius - Baykok or Centaur

Capricorn - Satyr

Aquarius - Tirton, Undine or anything that is like those.

Pisces - Lukwata or another fish monster.

Is Grendel a Unique creature or a race of monsters?

Is Argus a Titan or a Giant or something completely else?

What are the empyreal lords about? What are they??


If they are balor they are cool with me, if they are Ahriman they aren't cool with me because of the fact that they are only one, not a whole group of monsters.

I like creatures till CR 20, higher and i'm not really that interested anymore, except for the Hekentoncheires, Jabberwock and some dragons.

I'm just not a big fan of unique creatures, I like groups and pupulation monsters better, i'm also not a big fan of huge and popular monsters and lords.

I do like unique and lords but not in regular monster manuals.

+ what dragon78 said, those big lords and uniques take up 2 pages each, and I rather see 300+ monsters in bestiary, I don't mind uniques in bestiaries of AP or Inner sea bestairies tho, but I do not fancy them in a normal bestiary.

The only creatures from Inner Sea Bestairy I really want to see in Bestiary 5 would be the Scarab, Thin Man, Charnel Colossus, Deadly Mantis, Fungus Queen and Whirlmaw, the others really suit the inner sea bestiary.

To follow up Dragon78's question, does the Scarab (which I don't find to be a golarion specific creature all that much) ever has the chance to be in a normal bestiary?

The new Bodysnatcher plant monster isn't that much like the Moonflower? Or is it a very very different creature?

Are tooth Faeries evil or good in the bestiary? Or are there versions for both?

Are there many sea-based creatures in the bestiary?

Now that demon lords and other lords are in the bestiary, are there also creatures like Ahriman, Basileus and other such unique creatures in the bestiary 4?


Poludnica: CR 10 female fey powered by the sun. She kidnaps and lures farmers and children away to try and create normal families. At night they vanish into the ethereal plane, and can only watch families together at night with envy. She uses a scythe, but prefers trickery to achieve her ends. She has an aura of heat about her than can be quite debilitating.

Storm Hag: CR 7 hag with lightning and weather control powers. She prefers to eat young children and hates gnomes & halflings with a passion.

Too bad the Storm Hag is just another hag that bites the dust against the Night Hag... I want to see a hag that is above CR 10 for once, storm hag sounded powerful.

The sun woman sounds like Lady Midday (or whatever her name is) and sounds interesting, the others are not my thing.

The D&D world had the Hammerclaw, it was a magical version of the Pistol Shrimp, I liked that thing, I hope Pathfinder also comes up with a magical Pistol Shrimp with another name, cuz Dire PISTOL Shrimp is not the name I would like to see :-p

137ben wrote:
Dragon78 wrote:
I would much rather have less big CR monsters so we can have more page room in the bestiary for a lot more monsters.
I would rather have more big CR monsters because we already have a ton of low level monsters and not a lot of strong ones.

I'd rather see those in their own manual.

Well pathfinder also used the TOH Kelpie in one of the AP before turning it into the horse creature in Bestiary 2 so I still hope Bloody Bones will end up very different from the TOH version which is only CR 4, while bloody bones is one of the worst boogeymen out there.

Bloody Skeleton is a better name for the Castlevania creatures, Bloody Bones is an entire different creature, a crawling, skinless (not boney)and legless creature crawling fort on its claws and arms, leaving a trail of blood while hunting for bad children and adults alike.

OK, i've learned that both Bloody Bones and Afanc won't be in Bestiary 4, so I hope to see them both in Bestiary 5.

Afanc NOT being the silly fish creature from TOH but the croc/beaver monster from Welch mythology, Bloody Bones being a horror about CR 10, not the weak creature from TOH.

James Jacobs wrote:
Sincubus wrote:
MMCJawa wrote:

So with Bestiary 4 coming out, will you continue to adopt Tome of Horrors monsters into Bestiaries? Or is there no need now that Tome of Horrors Complete for Pathfinder exists?

What are the odds that other 3pp monsters might show up in Bestiaries?

I really hope the answer to this is yes, as the Jack-in-Irons, Barbegazi, Afanc (altho not the fish but the beaver/croc), Bacchae, Bloody Bones, Cherufe, Fetch, Jack o Lantern, Phooka, Wizards's Shackle, and Asrai still need to be paizonized as they are from mythology, folklore and fantasy tales i'm sure they can end up in bestairy 4 or later.

But the answer must be YES, cuz the Al-mi'raj is in bestiary 4, and that is also in the Tome of Horrors!

We do have a few of those, but in some cases the Bestiary 4 version is COMPLETELY different than the Tome of Horrors version. Especially in the case of a monster both books independantly picked up from mythology rather than from D&D.

That is really good news, especially if its about Afanc and Bloody Bones, I really don't like the D&D and TOH versions of those monsters! Glad they got another version if its about those, the others are fine in TOH, but a version more truthfull to the myth is a big + as well.

MMCJawa wrote:

So with Bestiary 4 coming out, will you continue to adopt Tome of Horrors monsters into Bestiaries? Or is there no need now that Tome of Horrors Complete for Pathfinder exists?

What are the odds that other 3pp monsters might show up in Bestiaries?

I really hope the answer to this is yes, as the Jack-in-Irons, Barbegazi, Afanc (altho not the fish but the beaver/croc), Bacchae, Bloody Bones, Cherufe, Fetch, Jack o Lantern, Phooka, Wizards's Shackle, and Asrai still need to be paizonized as they are from mythology, folklore and fantasy tales i'm sure they can end up in bestairy 4 or later.

But the answer must be YES, cuz the Al-mi'raj is in bestiary 4, and that is also in the Tome of Horrors!

Gorbacz wrote:
I like big girls and I cannot lie.

Then you would really like the BATIBAT in a Pathfinder Bestiary. So go vote for her in the bestiary 5 wish topic, an enormous ugly, fat and evil dryad that destroys humans and other creatures that hurt her forest are so much more fun than pretty girl wood women that only flirt with their attackers.

Yes, but if it was for you guys EVERY material from Paizo will have lasers and robots in the future. :-D

And then there is this little problem that 33P don't feel like paizo material and their art is mostly black/white which I really don't like.

I don't buy 33P marterial, there is enough to buy from Paizo itself already and money doesn't grow out of humans and trees.

So that's why I want 33P to focus more on Space, Robots and Modern Warfare AP's, Bestiaries and Books so that Paizo can continue with their Pirate, Demon, Snow and Pharaoh Ap's, and Ya'll have your Space AP's anyway.

Gorbacz wrote:
Sincubus wrote:
Come on third parties! Instead of making more bestiaries and using creatures from real mythology so Pathfinder doesn't use them anymore
Wha...you're seriously saying that 3PPs are purposely ... doing something that's actually impossible, because mythological monsters are in public domain (not to mention OGL makes them open content anyway)?

You know what I mean, mostly if monsters from real mythology end up in 3PP and paizo likes them they won't reprint them in their original material anymore, only use them in AP's, much like what happend to Kikimora.

Come on third parties! Instead of making more bestiaries and using creatures from real mythology so Pathfinder doesn't use them anymore you should be making space AP"s and alien/realworld/robot bestiaries and modern technology-in-fantasy books!

That would be good money making for you third party compagnies.

Third Parties work your magic!

Only thing is that the Frost Fir is only CR1, much too low for such a treant-like creature...

When I think of pirates I think about cannon golems, giant sea monsters, talking parrots and hooks, not about guns really...

Gorbacz wrote:
So, are there going to be traditional aliens with laser guns in this AP or Bestiary 4? I'd love to see Greys statted up.

I think the answer to your question is already been given by James somewhere above. There will be aliens, but if I understood it correctly they won't be of the laser kind, more of the aberration/outsider type.

1 person marked this as a favorite.


Well gladly there is at least the Nogitsune. I really dislike the normal Kitsune...

I'm still puttin Kumiho (evil non humanoid 9 tailed fox)on the wishlist, I think its a very different creature than the good humanoid kitsune, even if its able to gain tails.

Sean K Reynolds wrote:
Sincubus wrote:

I hope the Kitsune artwork will be the fox form for a change then, not the humanoid form, there are multiple pictures of those already.

I'm curious to see how the fox form of the Paizo kitsune looks like.

The fox form of a kitsune looks like... a fox. Just like the wolf form of a werewolf looks like a wolf.

Which is why we publish pictures of shapechanger races in their natural, non-animal form, because "it looks like a fox" is obvious, but "it looks like an anthropomorphic fox" is not.

So the nine-tailed variant is gonna end up with another name? Or is its totally ignored in the future?

Gorbacz wrote:
Gilbin wrote:
Aren't all extra-planar creatures essentially aliens?
No no no. You see, demons and kytons are totally realistic because we meet them every day, while aliens from other planets are silly made-up nonsense.

Then if you wish for aliens next time, call them aberrations. As they should be called in D&D and Pathfinder products.

They are called aliens probably by the people living in golarion and in the overal world of the game.

And if you wish for the traditional aliens with laser guns call them Greys.

James Jacobs wrote:
Sincubus wrote:

Is this gonna be regular in every AP? Aliens, Robots and Real-time Guns somewhere hidden in the AP's numbers?

I don't mind it in this case because alien simply means ABOLETH and WITCHWYRD, aliens doesn't have to mean technology and lasers, just creatures from another realm, and not all realms have technology I hope.

I really love sand-themes and I love mummies so its probably gonna end well, can't wait, but first the Demon AP I will love, which Technology, Aliens, Robots or real-time world stuff are gonna wind up in the demon ap?

There's no technology, robots, or real-time world stuff in Wrath of the Righteous. There are aliens, but there are aliens in pretty much every AP, be they akatas or brain collectors or whatever.

And again, it's my understanding that there are NOT aliens in "Mummy's Mask." That was a bit of faulty information.

At least, no more aliens than normal. The Countdown Clock and Dominion of the Black do not currently have a big role to play in the Mummy's Mask AP, which is really much more focused on mummies and ancient Osirion than the plots and hints from the earlier adventures.

I already thought so, Aliens = in most cases just aberrations. I really adore aberrations those are the alien types I prefer, clockworks and automatons are also cool.

When most people above hear ALIEN they think about technology and lasers, something that most fantasy aliens don't wield.

Is this gonna be regular in every AP? Aliens, Robots and Real-time Guns somewhere hidden in the AP's numbers?

I don't mind it in this case because alien simply means ABOLETH and WITCHWYRD, aliens doesn't have to mean technology and lasers, just creatures from another realm, and not all realms have technology I hope.

I really love sand-themes and I love mummies so its probably gonna end well, can't wait, but first the Demon AP I will love, which Technology, Aliens, Robots or real-time world stuff are gonna wind up in the demon ap?