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RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8. Organized Play Member. 55 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


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RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8 aka Tolroy

Have fun in what looks like to be a tough race this year. Congratulations for making it this far as well.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8

I just recently went through an older style game with my normal group. The game assumes 3d6 rolled in order. Everyone came to the table with interesting concepts about what type of characters they wanted to bring into the world I had described, and they ended up flabbergasted by the results of character creation. Stats were all over the place, ideas were changed on the fly to meet new (lower) expectations, and rolling for HP at level 1 ended up with interesting results as well.

The learning experience

  • Wider variance in the initial stats turns the "character creation" process into the "character generation" process.
  • Player deaths at early levels is meant to encourage "survival of the fittest" among the characters. Essentially, you are supposed to die if you got a bad set of rolls. Dying is the only way to allow yourself to roll a new character.
  • It only ended up being fun for the survivors and the more experienced players. The people new to the game simply gave up.

Third Edition character "generation" and later models would put a lower limit on the random attributes of characters to mitigate the chance of "generating" a character that was "unplayable." I think point buy systems are really the first time you could honestly have a character "creation" process built into the game instead of G.M. Fiat-ed.

Character "creation" leads to a stable set of characters that players can invest emotions from level one. Character "generation" creates a, "I'm going to see if Estar here lives to level 4 before giving him a background. I don't want to waste too many good ideas on a goblin's pincushion."

G.M. Fiat can lead to dice "generated" characters essentially becoming player "created" characters. The social contract of my group allows for this type of G.M. power. In a more formalized contract, say at a convention, a point buy system allows the G.M. to be taken out of the character creation process with less of an ill effect.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8

While I was working on my own little projects, I came upon a curious thought exercise.

If we consider distance in three dimensions, what is stopping a character armed with a reach weapon from attacking an adjacent huge creature by targeting a square two spaces in the air?

It seems to me as if this should logically work, but I might be missing a rule that would not allow this to occur.

Any thoughts?

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8

13 people marked this as FAQ candidate. 1 person marked this as a favorite.

While I was working on my own little projects, I came upon a curious thought exercise.

If we consider distance in three dimensions, what is stopping a character armed with a reach weapon from attacking an adjacent huge creature by targeting a square two spaces in the air?

It seems to me as if this should logically work, but I might be missing a rule that would not allow this to occur.

Any thoughts?

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8 aka Tolroy

The contest would have been more boring without a succubus commenting on each round. Thanks you for all the effort you put into making this more fun.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8 aka Tolroy

Congratulations to the Top 4. Keep up the good work and make this a hard round to vote for.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8 aka Tolroy

Well the results have been posted so I find myself coming back to see how things panned out this round.

I looked over the encounter again, and I see how it was not well designed in terms of game balance. The scaling nature of the game left my thoughts during the design phase. I should probably make myself a guide referencing the game changing elements added at certain levels.

Several people disliked the ambiguous nature of the evil beneath the temple. My intention in leaving this ambiguous was to allow a GM to use this encounter as a transition from a lower level story arc to a higher level story arc. As such, I left the evil open to the GM. Defining the evil would have allowed me to use it during the encounter, but I feared the possibility of something outshining the Knave.

In the end, I didn't end up making the cut for round 4. This contest has been a joy to compete in, and I thank the entire Paizo community for the chance to be a part of this. Maybe I'll try other avenues available to enter the design business, and I'm sure that I can take the lessons I have learned here to improve myself as a designer.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8 aka Tolroy

Quandary wrote:
So that means we will be getting a top-notch Varstrius encounter? :-)

That really depends if one of the other contestants chose to use him. The rules said we could not choose our own villain. We'll see on Tuesday if someone chose to make an encounter around Varstrius.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8 aka Tolroy

Hey guys,

First off, thank you very much for all the discussion over Varstrius. Even as I kept silent during the voting, I would return here often to try and glean insight from your criticism.

Here are a few comments that I think should be made.

  • Ouch. I messed up on the Andoran issue. I will have to watch out not to butcher the I.P.s of those I am essentially being interviewed by in the future.
  • I now realize how important one word can make to the clarity of an entire entry. I should have wrote, "Sarrisia was more careless than usual, and the PCs encounter her while she is smuggling prisoners through Andoran." This would have made it clear that she was not trying to sell the slaves in Andoran.
  • To Ryan Dancey- Apology accepted. There can be no grudges when there was no ill will.
  • To those of you who came to my aid when I could not defend my work- You helped me sleep at night. Thank you.
  • The biggest hurdle I had with Varstrius was separating him from his surroundings and encounter. Much of how I would show players how he treats his dolls would come from the descriptions I gave of his hideout, and a few villainous ideas I had for his tactics ended up being too location sensitive.

I thank everyone again, and I hope you all like my Round 4 entry.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8 aka Tolroy

I happen to have the solid excuse of actually being sick. Calling into work is easier on the conscience when you have an infection waging war on your sinuses.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8 aka Tolroy

Ruined Temple of Saint Braxtus
Two thousand years ago, Braxtus the Resplendent, priest of Abadar, walked the lands of Taldor spreading the word of the master of the First Vault. Stories tell of how Braxtus entered the Verduran Forest and carved out of the uncivilized wooded hills a gilded shrine for his divine master. Tales say that this beacon of civilization stood for hundreds of years before succumbing to an ill-fated disaster.

While some truth lies within the stories of Braxtus the Resplendent and his gilded shrine, the true story holds a darker reality. Braxtus did found a shrine within the wilderness of Verduran Forest, but his purpose for doing so lay not in creating glory for Abadar. Deep within the wooded hills of Verduran Forest, Braxtus and his adventuring companions came upon an evil hidden deep in a natural cave. Unable to exorcise the evil from Golarion, the group instead sealed the entrance deep under the hill, and Braxtus built a temple to Abadar upon the location in order to guard the site for generations to come. The head priests of this temple were tasked with guarding the ward keys that kept the evil safely contained.

Over time, the wards weakened, allowing some evil miasma to escape and seep into the hearts and minds of those worshiping in the temple. Eventually, this evil drove the temple's inhabitants to insanity, and within one night, the halls of Saint Braxtus's temple filled not with the sounds of prayer but the sounds of murder.

In the present, not much remains of the once magnificent halls. Nature has reclaimed much of the open grounds of the temple, and bandits and treasure hunters have already stripped most valuables from the area. Currently, the dashing Acton Venarys, also known as the Gentleman Knave (R3), uses the location as one of his many bases of operation within the Verduran Forest. The underground sections of the temple are largely intact, and the Knave tends to use the underground worship hall when he requires meetings with his many lieutenants. The Knave found the last intact, but brittle, ward key upon his commandeering of the temple, and while he has not found a way to integrate the release of a great evil onto the very center of Taldor into his plans, he still keeps the ward key on his person during his short stays in the temple.

All that remains of the Temple of Saint Braxtus are three interior chambers and the ruins of two exterior rooms. The few remaining exterior walls count as 8 foot tall reinforced masonry walls with the broken condition (hardness 8, hp 89, break DC 45), while the smooth interior walls count as magically treated hewn stone walls (hardness 16, hp 1080, break DC 70). The interior ceilings are 10 feet tall unless otherwise noted. The temple was built into a rugged cliff face that stands 50 feet tall. Trees dot the top of the hill and along the base where the temple is located.

2. Worship Hall (CR 10 or 13)
A large oaken round table surrounded by wooden chairs sits at the center of this repurposed prayer hall. Piles of maps, diagrams, and books litter the table and surrounding area. Light emanates from a multitude of torches lining the walls of the room, brightening the room and casting shadows on the 20 foot tall ceiling. The open doors on the east and south walls can be seen from the entrance. The room smells faintly of ammonia and sweat.
The walls of the worship hall are almost perfectly smooth, and as such, a PC may not attempt to climb them without assistance. The room contains six everburning torches which provide normal illumination within the entire area.
The table in the center of the room can be used by up to four Small or Medium creatures (or one Large creature) to gain high ground over their attackers, and the top of the table and the area immediately surrounding it count as difficult terrain (PF RPG pg 193) due to the large amounts of books and papers haphazardly strewn about.
A DC 15 Knowledge (engineering) check determines that the design of this worship hall dates back to Taldan architecture of the early to middle Age of Enthronement.
A DC 25 Knowledge (religion) check determines that the room is designed to channel prayers towards something to the south.
The Gentleman Knave often scours over a myriad of maps and plans that have been strewn over and around the great table in the center of the room. On several occasions, he has gathered several of his lieutenants here to discuss his grand strategic objectives. The Knave is always accompanied by at least four of his lackeys (variant guard officers PF GMG 261). Two of his lackeys guard the western entrance to the room while the other two keep close to the room's eastern wall so as to be near the Knave if he requires aid.
If the Knave is holding a meeting, six of his lieutenants (highwaymen PF GMG 259) will be present and sitting with the Knave around the table while six lackeys walk around the perimeter of the room.
Unless alerted by someone fleeing from area 1, the occupants of the room will be surprised as the players enter the room. If alerted, the lackeys will gather near the western door while the lieutenants, if present, move into safer positions behind them. The Gentleman Knave stays to the east side of the table where he can address and taunt the players from a relatively safe location before entering the fray.
Once in combat, the lackeys will use Dazzling Display to try and demoralize as many opponents as possible. Afterwards, they try to gang up on one player so that the Knave and any present lieutenants can use them for flanking purposes. The lackeys also try to draw one player towards the center of the room where the player can be isolated from the rest of the party. Lackeys will also throw their nets on prone characters.
Any present lieutenant attempts to take up a flanking position and trip an opponent with his +1 spiked chain. If any spellcasters are in the attacking party, two lieutenants will drink their potions of invisibility and attempt to move towards the offending players.
The Knave follows the tactics section of his entry during the fight except as follows. After using vanish to facilitate his escape, the Knave flees to location 3 where he makes use of the secret exit found in location 4. Before climbing the ladder in location 4, the Knave uses a standard action to break the final ward key in the hopes that unleashing any horror from beneath the temple will delay pursuers.

Tier 7-8 (CR 10):
Knave's Lackey (4) CR 3
XP 800 each
hp 34 (Pathfinder Gamemastery Guide 261)
Melee mwk greatsword +9 (2d6+5/19-20)
Morale The Knave's lackeys fight to the death as long as the Gentleman Knave is present. If the Knave is downed or flees, they attempt to surrender.

The Gentleman Knave CR 9
XP 6400
hp 78 (RPG Superstar 2011 Round 3)

Tier 10-11 (CR 13):
Knave's Lackey (6) CR 3
XP 800 each
hp 34 (Pathfinder Gamemastery Guide 261)
Melee mwk greatsword +9 (2d6+5/19-20)
Morale The Knave's lackeys fight to the death as long as the Gentleman Knave is present. If the Knave is downed or flees, they attempt to surrender.

Lieutenant (6) CR 6
XP 2400 each
hp 53 each (Pathfinder Gamemastery Guide 259)
Morale A lieutenant fights until reduced to 10 or fewer hit points. He will then drink his potion of invisibility, if available, and flee through the western exit.

The Gentleman Knave CR 9
XP 6400
hp 78 (RPG Superstar 2011 Round 3)

Development: If the Knave escapes, two rounds after the Knave leaves location 2, the altar in location 5 shatters in a fierce explosion. Anyone within location 5 at the time of the explosion takes 4d6 piercing damage (DC 14 Reflex save for half damage). The explosion of the altar can be clearly heard throughout locations 2, 3, and 5. Location 5 also comes under the effects of desecrate and darkness (both CL 15). Below the destroyed altar lies a gaping hole that leads down in the dungeon sealed away by Saint Braxtus.
If the Knave fails to escape, then the players find the ward key along with his other possessions. A player using detect magic may make a DC 35 Spellcraft check to determine not only that the ward key is tied to some great seal, but also that the ward key is near breaking. The ward key loses one of its remaining 14 hit points each midnight until it breaks. Lesser spells like make whole and mending have no effect on the ward key, but a DC 10 Knowledge religion check allows a player to recognize the symbol of Abadar on the ward key.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8 aka Tolroy

Cody Coffelt wrote:
Strangely, I like to take a nap to find my inspiration. If I'm up and about I'm too tempted with TV and Internet and the like. When I lie down though, I can just let thoughts themselves roll around and see what I come up with.

I accomplish a similar state while playing older console video games. For example, Dark Cloud 2 has been this contest's meditative aid.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8 aka Tolroy

My fortune cookie told me to "Beware the past."

Maybe they will ask use to all use ASCII art. That way they would be able to judge our ability to design for the top-secret Pathfinder MUD.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8 aka Tolroy

The die is cast. Good luck all.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8 aka Tolroy

Varstrius, Connoisseur of Living Dolls
Portrait: “Portrait 10”
Forty years ago, a helpless Varstrius watched as his drunken stepfather strangled his beloved little sister Sulliana to death. Unable to fight back, Varstrius's agony and rage festered into the insane obsession he carries to this day. Varstrius blindly attempts to regain his lost sister by capturing small folk in Cassomir and dressing them up as gross parodies of Sulliana.

Varstrius stands at an unimposing five and a half feet tall, his hardy body beginning to show his age. He hides the pain of his loss by constantly wearing an arrogant sneer on his face.
Varstrius is consumed by one goal: to find a replacement for his departed sister. To that end, he has taken to kidnapping halflings and gnomes, keeping those that have a passing resemblance to Sulliana. His daughter, Sarrisia, sneaks any unwanted prisoners out of the country and sells them to slavers.
Schemes/Plots/Adventure Hooks:
Varstrius has been careful in collecting living dolls, but sometimes a plan plays out imperfectly.

  • A recent victim's family is actively searching for their missing daughter, and they believe that the last mercenary they hired was close to finding her before his body was found floating in the harbor.
  • A halfling or gnome PC could become Varstrius's next target.
  • Sarrisia was more careless than usual, and the PCs encounter her while she is traveling towards Andor with a wagon full of prisoners.

Varstrius CR 7
Male middle age human ranger (urban ranger, APG 129) 8
CE Medium humanoid (human)
Init +5; Senses Perception +16
===== Defense =====
AC 20, touch 11, flat-footed 19; (+7 armor, +1 Dex, +2 natural)
hp 76 (8d10+32);
Fort +9, Ref +8, Will +6
===== Offense =====
Spd 30 ft.
Melee +1 bastard sword +12/+4 (1d10+14/19-20)
Ranged masterwork dagger +9 (1d4+3/19-20)
Special Attacks favored enemy (halfling +4, gnome +2)
Ranger Spells Prepared (CL 5th, concentration +6)
1st--longstrider, pass without trace
===== Tactics =====
Before Combat Varstrius casts barkskin and longstrider before entering combat.
During Combat Varstrius allows his hired mercenaries to engage potential threats for a few rounds before entering the fray, but he will immediately enter combat after casting his spells if one of the opponents is a halfling or gnome. Varstrius will overrun past any intervening opponents in an attempt to reach a halfling or gnome target. Both Varstrius and his mercenaries take a -4 penalty to hit against such targets because they are attempting to deal nonlethal damage. After subduing any halfling or gnome targets, Varstrius readjusts his tactics, focusing his full attack actions on wounded opponents and maneuvering into flanking positions. Other than the small folk, Varstrius takes no prisoners.
Morale Varstrius has little intention of dying before finding the perfect replacement for Sulliana, so he attempts to flee if brought below 33 hit points. During daytime, he can escape in the vast Cassomir crowds. At night, this advantage is missing. If trapped, his pride forces him to fight to the death instead of surrendering.
===== Statistics =====
Str 16, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 9, Wis 13, Cha 11
Base Atk +8; CMB +11; CMD 22
Feats Furious Focus, Greater Overrun, Improved Overrun, Iron Will, Power Attack, Pushing Assault, Toughness
Skills Diplomacy +4, Intimidate +11, Knowledge (local) +14, Knowledge (nobility) +7, Perception +16, Sense Motive +9, Survival +8
Languages Common
SQ favored community (Cassomir +4, Oppara +2), hunter's bond (cat), push through, swift tracker, track +4, trapfinding, wild empathy
Combat Gear potion of cure moderate wounds (2); Other Gear +1 breastplate, +1 bastard sword, cloak of resistance +1, masterwork dagger (2)

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8 aka Tolroy

I'm getting ready for my players to show up for my Friday game. It will be nice to get back into the swing of things now that the holidays are over.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8 aka Tolroy

Thank you for all the support and comments. Please vote for me in this round.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8 aka Tolroy

Neil Spicer wrote:
You'd have been better served to just tell us what gets added or removed from the skill list and leave it at that.

I would like to pipe up about this part of the commentary. The provided model had a line that told us not to do exactly what you have said here.

Round Two Rules wrote:
This should be a complete listing of the class's class skills, not a "add this and remove these" sort of statement.

Joseph followed the format that was given to him in the rules. Cases can be made on both sides over whether using his limited word count in such a way was prudent, but I don't think it would have been to his advantage to format his submission in another way.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8 aka Tolroy

Ryan Marsh wrote:
Need to take some time and read through all those archetypes.

I hear you. One last good luck to everyone as the public starts to see our creations.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8 aka Tolroy

Keith Savage wrote:

For Artus:

Some of the most awesome things I have ever heard.

Thank you giving me something nice to wake up to.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8 aka Tolroy

Hey there Danny. Your item does a good job being enough like a few existing items but for a different mechanic. I don't have monks playing in my current game I would drop one of these in a treasure hoard for one if I did.

Additional Comments
What does it offer the player?
Well it offers a monk a way to keep some ki from one day and use it in another. This would end up being an item used much like a staff. It provides an extra resource when required, but it takes time to recharge.

Price might become an issue with this one though. At 23800 gp it is somewhere between the cost of a headband of inspired wisdom +4 or +6. The player would want both the beads and the headband, but if he had to choose one, my bet would end up being on the wisdom increasing item. Up to five ki per day with an ability to use them in a different way probably doesn't approach the utility of 3 ki per day, a +3 bonus to AC, +3 to bonus on Will saves, +3 to the DC of your Stunning Fist, +3 on Wis based skills, etc. Your item is going to be competing with the player's limited budget, and I don't know if it has enough utility to deal with the opportunity costs.

That being said I don't have a definitive fix for you. Maybe it could have 5 charges a week, and you could draw at most 2 charges per day. Maybe a slightly cheaper consumable version that left you fatigued after you used a charge.

The 5 "W"s and How's
Mechanically the item is sound, and the writing clearly shows how it works. The one bit I suggest is taking out any mention of wearing the prayer beads. You mentioned somewhere in the description that the beads were worn, but you don't have the item taking up any slots.

Where you shine as a designer
You design in a way that makes the targeted players want the item, but you don't make it too overpowered that the rest of the community goes into an uproar. That is a tight rope act that needs practice, and you obviously have that talent. It will be interesting to see if that comes out in later rounds as well.

Good job, and good luck in later rounds.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8 aka Tolroy

Jerry Keyes wrote:

  • Must have seasons, but not extremes.
  • No big cities. Suburbs are best. Rural is fine if a city/town is within driving.
  • Low humidity preferred.
  • Green is better than brown.
  • Reasonable cost of living.
  • High-speed connectivity.
  • Low crime.
  • A place with character/history would also be nice.

Let me just add that Florida should not be on your list.

  • We have four seasons: Not Hot, Summer, Not Summer, and Christmas
  • Cities are odd around Florida. They are kind of a collection of small towns that form up into being a giant conglomerate municipality.
  • Ha
  • You would think we would be green down here. Don't move to Florida unless you want to see the magic of grass looking entirely dead but growing like a weed 11 months out of the year.
  • Its not California or New York, but my friends from Louisiana complain about it being more expensive to live here.
  • Internet, yes. Transportation, probably never.
  • Some history in parts, but not really near the major cities.

That probably would take Florida off your list unfortunately. Just 49 more states to analyze, and you should be able to find one that fits you.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8 aka Tolroy

Jerall Toi wrote:
John Bennett wrote:
What is braai?
A barbeque, essentially, though with some norms and practices different from the North American equivalent. We even have a national braai day. The great wiki has an article about it.

I can't think of BBQ without thinking of this song. I'm from Florida so I disagree with some of the accusations, but it's not bad at giving a quick laugh.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8 aka Tolroy

I chose the first option. Beyond it being the normal in most of the APG archetypes, I thought it brought more screen time to the new name.

The cleric section of the APG shows new domains, thus you would still be a cleric while selecting the domain. Same goes for bloodlines and schools.

The base class descriptions use the first example while the second example is used by orders, domains, bloodlines, and schools.

That is my take on it. This is kind of like backwards engineering a style guide.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8 aka Tolroy

What first hits me here is that both your name and the item's name are alliterations. Second thing that hits me is usually my wife, but until that happens, on to the comments.

What does it offer the player?
Well the first thing this offers the player is a mechanic for lugging around many potions in a one easy locations. The item also protects the potions slightly better from sundering because iron has 9 more hardness than glass and 30 times the hit points.

The second mechanic becomes a real treat for players. This makes creates calculation that ingenious players will use to create terrific combinations. The drawback is a good addition here as -2 to most actions can really hurt, and it will add another layer of math onto the min/maxers calculations.

The 5 "W"s and How's
Do you know what I always assumed you did with a potion bottle after drinking it? I assumed you dropped it as a free action. Well now I have this here flask that I really don't want to drop after only taking one swig. That brings the economics of actions into play with this item. Let's put this in the hands of a greatsword wielding fighter.
Round 1 -
Free Action - Switches from holding sword in two hands to wielding it in one.
Move Action - Retrieves flask.
Free Action - Moves the dial to choose a potion.
Standard Action - Drink potion.

Round 2 -
Move Action - Stores flask
Free Action - Switches from holding sword in one hand to holding it in two.

After that the fighter can go on to do what ever they intended to do.

None of this is particularly bad mind you, but it does have to be considered when you look at how the item will be used in the game.

Also, I don't really know if it should be a free action to adjust the type of potion used. Maybe make it an immediate action.

Lastly, I see how a dial would be able to allow potions that are next to each other on the dial to be used together, but it would have to be a rather odd looking dial to be able to fall between any two sections of a circle.

Where you shine as a designer
You found a need, and you filled it well. This is one of those items that needs to be special to be considered at the Superstar level. If it was just, "Holds X amount of doses of X amount of potions." you would probably have been passed over.

You also know your limits when it comes to working in the space limitations of this contest. I think it would have taken many a line to make this work well with the alchemist, and you made the right choice in not dealing with that here.

In summary, you present a concept that is clean and workable. I look forward to what you are able to show us in later rounds. Good luck.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8 aka Tolroy

Hey there Charles. You did great work with this item, and I want to talk a little about it.

What does it offer the player?
This is where your item really shines. Your item offers a choice that has real consequences. The fact that the first mechanic doesn't differentiate between friend or foe will make the user a danger to both his allies and his enemies. A player would have to make sure not to activate these if they were expecting a cure spell from his local cleric as that 1d6 electricity damage might interrupt the casting. The item also starts to effect a larger area when spells like enlarge person and giant form I are in effect.

The second effect has similar implications. First off, it creates a very specific distance the player will move. This means that the item becomes dangerous to use when the player near cliffs or fighting near traps. Secondly, the player has to try and work the positions of his allies and of any innocent bystanders into his movement plan.

Combined, these two abilities create a wondrous amount of choice for a wielder. Good job.

The 5 "W"s and How's
Two questions pop up in my head when I read your item.

First off, does effect one damage the wielder? The wielder is within 5 feet of himself so I would assume the answer to be yes, but the item doesn't bring mention to this issue.

Secondly, the item's description leaves something to be desired concerning the nature of the rings that surround the possessor during the first effect.

Charles Dunwoody wrote:
The sphere breaks apart into metal bands that expand to completely surround the possessor and provide an aura of electricity.

I picture iron bands flying around the user in such a way that movement and attacking might be rather hard to accomplish, but it could also create a cloud of much smaller bands that accomplish a similar function.

Where you shine as a designer
This item shows that you are very good at creating a good theme for an item and sticking to it. You also don't add too much to an item during the process. It would have been easy to also have the bands give you Resist electricity 10, but you didn't because the item is more about creating electricity than about resisting it.

Again good job, and I look forward to seeing your work in future rounds.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8 aka Tolroy

My weekend is beginning with Catan, but it will end with me catching up on my accounting homework.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8 aka Tolroy

Well mine is off and away. Good luck to everyone.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8 aka Tolroy

Charlatan (Rogue)
Some people lie to live, yet the charlatan lives to lie. Charlatans move from one deception to another, dancing a game of duplicity that leaves his coin pouch fatter and his victims none the wiser.
Bamboozle (Ex): A charlatan can implement a cunning and ingenious weave of lies and half-truths allowing him to gain the confidence of those around him. While using Disguise to alter his appearance, a charlatan may use Bluff instead of Diplomacy to alter a target's starting attitude or to make a request. Any change in attitude is only effective while the charlatan is in the same disguise and while the target believes the disguise. If the target disbelieves the disguise, its attitude decreases two steps and stops performing the request unless doing so would endanger it. Additionally, the charlatan may attempt to influence a given target's attitude with Bluff more than once in a given 24-hour period as long as he successfully uses Disguise to change his appearance between Bluff attempts. This ability replaces trapfinding.
Mystical Ruse (Ex): At 3rd level, the charlatan becomes adept at acting the part of a spellcaster. The charlatan gains a +1 competence bonus on Use Magic Device checks except for attempts to decipher a written spell. This bonus increases by +1 for every 3 levels beyond 3rd. The charlatan also gains a +2 circumstance bonus on Disguise checks while impersonating a spellcaster as long as he uses a wand, staff, or scroll as part of the disguise. This ability replaces trap sense.
Distracting Ploy (Ex): At 4th level, the charlatan may don a disguise as a standard action by taking a -5 penalty on his check. He may also use Bluff to create a distraction as a swift action. This ability replaces uncanny dodge.
Perfect Delivery (Ex): At 8th level, the charlatan can trick a target as a standard action into doing an activity it normally would not do. This effect works as suggestion using the charlatan's level as his caster level. The target gets a Will save (DC 13 + the charlatan's Charisma modifier). At 16th level, the charlatan can use perfect delivery twice per day. This ability replaces improved uncanny dodge.
Rogue Talents: The following rogue talents complement the charlatan archetype: charmer, coax information, guileful polyglot, honeyed words, major magic, minor magic, and quick disguise.
Advanced Talents: The following advanced rogue talents complement the charlatan archetype: master of disguise, opportunist, and skill mastery.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8 aka Tolroy

Hi there Paizo community.

I'm a 25 year old accounting student who loves playing and working on games. I don't have a website, but here is a link to the Obsidian Portal for my most current game. The journal is pretty much written by my wife, but I take care of updating the wiki portion of the site. Which is probably why there is a huge journal hosted on the site, and the wiki is kind of patchy right now.

This opportunity to participate in a design competition has been thrilling, and I am willing to see it through to whatever end it may bring.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8 aka Tolroy

It has definitely been interesting going through ideas with a mind of how many words it would take to get my ideas on paper.

Now I just have to weigh my two archetypes against each other and decide which one is the corvette and which one is the studebaker.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8 aka Tolroy

Thank you judges for this chance. I promise not to hand my Everlasting Gobstopper to Slugworth, and I will try not to drink the fizzies.

I would love to thank everyone who is commenting and critiquing my submitted item. I'll promise to come back and start talking about it after I get a firm foundation started on Round 2 and beyond.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8 aka Tolroy

I would try yoga or some other exercise. Just keep a pad of paper and a pencil near by at all times. You never know when the muse will strike.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8 aka Tolroy

I was raised in Melbourne, Florida which is south of Cape Canaveral. Currently, I reside in Orlando, Florida.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8 aka Tolroy

Congratulations to each and everyone of the 2010 Top 32. It is an honor and a privilege to find myself in the company of so many bright and creative people. May the world, or at least the forums, tremble as we wrench open the flood gates and give our all from here on out.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8 aka Tolroy

Mirrored Lantern of the Pious Seeker
Aura moderate evocation and necromancy(good); CL 5th
Slot -; Price 30,000 gp; Weight 3 lbs.

This silver lantern boasts a multitude of mirrors throughout its interior. The interior of the lantern can house a holy symbol of a good or neutral deity. When a channeler of positive energy wields a lantern housing the holy symbol of his deity, the lantern will function and shed bright light in a 30-foot radius. This light functions as per the daylight spell.
As a move action, the wielder may change the area of the light to any of the following: a 60 foot cone, a 120 foot line, or a 5-foot radius sphere located within 400 feet of the wielder.
Any undead within the light suffer a -2 penalty to Will saves against channel energy. Three times per day, the wielder may channel positive energy through the functioning lantern, changing the area of the channeling to match the current area of the light effect. A wielder with the Glory domain may use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + his Wisdom modifier.

Requirement Craft Wondrous Item, creator must be a 5th level cleric; Cost 15,000 gp

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8

Thanks for all the help guys. I think I have a good idea where to go from here.

I think the Cloak of Vanishing, thank you Blueluck, is a pretty good idea for the NPC's I need to give this to, but I think the other ideas for working with the concept are also close to what a slightly upgraded version of the cloak would become.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8

Hey there guys,

I was sitting down to create stats for a simple magic item that my player's saw a NPC using, and I came into a small issue on pricing versus power. The item is a cloak that allows for invisibility a limited number of minutes, or rounds, per day. It is activated as a move action and canceled as a swift action. I was hoping to price it somewhere in the 2000 to 5000 gold piece price range.

Does anybody have any ideas concerning where I should set the price? I know it will tie in with the amount of time given daily, but I'm having a hard time balancing the usefulness of the item with the given price range.

Thanks in advance,


RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8

Wealth by level used to be one of the tables I'd go to look at only after I saw a party member lagging behind the other's in combat or out-of-combat situations. I found that in many cases the lagging player had gear that was worth a level or two below the other party members.

In my most recent game, I decided to try something completely different. I threw out experience as a method of leveling up characters. Instead I used the WbL table to level up the party as a whole. When the party is pretty much geared up to be just into the next level, each member gains a level. I don't count expendable items towards leveling up the group, and I try not to let one character have more than a level worth of gear ahead or behind the group.

In application, the method has worked pretty well. At low levels, a few good items went to the party fighter, and until recently, I haven't needed to check his gear to see if he is ready to level up. The other characters have gotten little increases over time that have leveled them up.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8

Thank you Jason and Caineach. I will probably use Jason's suggestions for most of my questions, but it would be interesting to have items sell off on their own.

I might also use the random kingdom event where a sensational crime spree occurs in the kingdom to "help" the PCs move minor magic items out.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8

My players are currently working on expanding their cities a good bit, and I would love to have some clarifications on a few questions.

Question 1- The rules say that a multiple block building can cross roads. Does that mean a Castle can be built where one block of it is in four different districts? If a multiple building spans two districts, can a wall be placed between the districts?

Question 2- What happens when an event destroys a house that is needed for another building?

Question 3- The rules for selling magic items state that items need to be worth at least 4000 to be sold. If I roll a minor magic item that is worth less than 4000 gold, then should I allow the players to roll to sell the item with for no BP? This would allow them to clear the space for next month.

I also want to give a big thanks out to the writers of these rules. With a few homerules, the nation building rules will find a home in many campaigns I run later down the line.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8

Well my players had a fun time with the Stag Lord encounter, though it got tense a few times.

Over all it seemed that a group that kept up with all the rumors and hints about the Stag Lord would have less of a problem in the fight.

What turned the tide.:
Akiros one shotted the fellow that planned to open the owlbear thingie.
The players brought loot and alcohol, and then waited to start things until after the Stag Lord was off in a stupor.
The players charmed a bandit or two with charm person to act as Stag Lord fodder.
In the end though it was Beaky that saved the day.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8

angelroble wrote:

I use max first level hp, and roll every level as usual. If the total hp are lower than the average hp the character should have, raise hp to that average.

Ex a fighter lvl 11th should have 10+ 5.5 x 10 = 65 hp.
If at level 10 he had 61 and roll 3, raise to 65.
If at level 10 he had 66 and roll 1, keep those 67.
This way the characters always have at least average hp, and they usually tend to that average as they go up in levels. Though, if they are lucky enough they can have more hp.

I usually use something like your system for my PC's. I give them the normal max at 1st level, and then I let them role for each level afterwards. If the level is odd, they either get their roll or half their Hit Die =1. If the level is even, they either get their roll or half their Hit Die.

I have also tried this method of HP rolling. I very loudly tell the players that I am going to the bathroom, and that I wouldn't mind if they were finished rolling for their HP before I got back. That method seemed to work as a fine band-aid to a normal rolling game that just had two levels of suck rolls for every character's HP.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8

northbrb wrote:
is this class too powerful or does it seem balanced, are there any sugestions or ideas of the abilities/

The class might have problems in the AC department. It has light armor, and up to a +6 bonus to AC when next to opponents, but Dexterity might not end up being high enough to give him a chance of surviving a full attack from a level appropriate mob. He needs strength for to-hit and damage, and constitution to give him enough HP to make one of his core class abilities useful (Blood Drunk). Dexterity and Wisdom would have next priority because they would help his AC and Will respectfully.

A problem with the concept of Blood Drunk might also effect the survivability and playability of the class. Really successful spellcasters define themselves by making it close to impossible for the enemies to accomplish damage. A class that needs to take a hurtin' before he really starts to do damage might not mesh well.

Making the Knock Out Punch a full round action lowers its usefulness. Being fairly squishy, the Brawler is probably going to be more of a skirmisher. I don't see him getting more than one full round action off before either he or the enemy needs to be in some way incapacitated. Maybe making it a full round action at level 1 is alright, but allow the higher level characters to at least use the attack as part of a charge. (Hint: Flying Kick)

I hope my thoughts on the class are helpful.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8

A Man In Black wrote:
I <3 Paranoid Agent but it's not relevant to D&D, whereas even series as disparate as Berserk and Slayers are close enough to each other that we can talk about them as part of one whole when D&D's inspirations already include both the Song of Roland and Fritz Leiber.

With note to your Slayers comment. Goury is actually a pretty good example of what the fighter as is tends to play as. Even with all his intensive training he only keeps slightly behind the casters and gishes when he has a super great magic item. He gets mind controlled into attacking the other party members at least once, and he does very little outside of combat.

To recap the check list:
1-Needs magic sword to do extraordinary things
2-Seems to be doing much less to help the group even when he has all he needs
3-Doesn't participate much until the fighting breaks out.

Yup straight class 2-handed weapon fighter.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8

Well the most interesting death I have seen within my time as a DM came about 7 years ago in a 3.0 campaign. My players had recently defeated some big bad evil, and the fight had ended with only the human paladin standing, and the dwarf fighter and kobold sorcerer being fused together as a statue of aluminum.

The party was unable to afford the proper spells to restore the two (I think they were unwilling to part with some magic items from the recent quest) so they managed find someone that could partially restore the two. The resulting spell allowed both players to act normally, but left the kobold's tail fused to the fighter's left arm.

The fighter took possession of a new shiny weapon the party had just received, a +2 Spell Storing Battle Axe with the Fireball spell stored in it. In the next fight with a river monster, with him and the sorcerer at critical HP, he used the spell from the axe while in melee with the beast. He failed his save and died, while the sorcerer succeeded his savfe and lived. We ruled it that the sorcerer had hid behind the fighter's shield and had managed to escape certain doom.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8

Would it be a good home-brew solution to change feats so that in the hands of fighters they are used better.

Example 1:
Combat Expertise - You can increase your defense at the expense of your accuracy.
Prerequisite: Int 13.
Benefit: You can choose to take a –1 penalty on melee attack rolls and combat maneuver checks to gain a +1 dodge bonus to your Armor Class. When your base attack bonus reaches +4, and every +4 thereafter, the penalty increases by –1 and the dodge bonus increases by +1. You can only choose to use this feat when you declare that you are making an attack or a full-attack action with a melee weapon. The effects of this feat last until your next turn.
Special: When a fighter uses combat expertise they deal 1d6 precision damage for every -1 penalty they take to hit.

Example 2:
Improved Feint You are skilled at fooling your opponents in combat.
Prerequisites: Int 13, Combat Expertise.
Benefit: You can make a Bluff check to feint in combat as a move action.
Normal: Feinting in combat is a standard action.
Special: A fighter with this feat that successfully feints his opponent may cause the opponent to be denied its dexterity bonus to the next attack of an ally as well as the next attack of the fighter. One ally may be granted this bonus per 4 levels of fighter.
At level 10, a fighter with this feat can feint in place of an attack in a full attack action.

Example 3:

Greater Feint You are skilled at making foes overreact to your attacks.
Prerequisites: Combat Expertise, Improved Feint, base attack bonus +6, Int 13.
Benefit: Whenever you use feint to cause an opponent to lose his Dexterity bonus, he loses that bonus until the beginning of your next turn, in addition to losing his Dexterity bonus against your next attack.
Normal: A creature you feint loses its Dexterity bonus against your next attack.
Special: A fighter with this feat that successfully feints his opponent may cause the opponent to be denied it dexterity bonus to the attacks of any ally that would normally gain the benefit from the fighter's improved feint special.
At 13th level a fighter can choose to have this ability last one additional round for every five fighter levels possessed.

The idea here is that if feats are going to be the vehicle that we use as the primary class ability of the fighter, then the feats should be scalable and have the flavor of class abilities. By making them require levels in fighter to adjust the scales, we keep dippers from taking a level of fighter to gain all the fighter benefits of a feat.
A quick note on alternate training trees. Let me take a stab at rewriting the two presented trees to make them slightly more modular. I would remove heavy armor training, tower shield proficiency, and the class skills of Intimidate and Ride. Oh and give them 4 skill points per level.
At level 1, a fighter may choose two training trees. These training trees may not be changed at a later date.

Armor Training:
As written except as follows. A fighter that selects Armor Training gains Ride as a class skill, proficiency in heavy armor, and proficiency in tower shields.

Weapon Training:
As written except as follows. A fighter that selects Weapon Training gains Intimidate as a class skill, and proficiency in one exotic weapon of the fighters choice.

Armor Master and Weapon Mastery would be integrated into the two trees.
By taking both of these two trees together, you would have the core fighter +1 exotic weapon. I have ideas for other trees that I might flesh out later, but they would probably add a class skill and one or two bonus feats at level 1 and have progressions that ended in a mastery at level 19 or 20.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8

Loopy wrote:
Plenty of things plus links

Thank you for posting the links to that alternate system. I enjoyed reading through the skeleton and muscles of the system.

I am guessing that any system that included a host of generic options would have to give almost an entire book to NPC builds, or the writers would have to release such content online in some form.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8

kridak wrote:

My players are saying that they can cast detect magic and they will be able to detect and npc who cast invisibility on themselves.

Is this correct? Can a 0 level cantrip cancel out invis?

The first round that Detect Magic is used on an area (60 foot cone area to be exact) you only get the ability to detect that some sort of magic is afoot.

On round two of focusing on an area you detect the exact number of magical auras and strength of the most powerful magical aura in the area.

Finally on round 3 you gain the exact location of every aura in the area and their strength.

An invisible character would be wise to not stay in one place to long if they suspected an enemy to be using detect magic, or the mage could use the level 2 spell Misdirection to fun results.

Hope that helps.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8

What option sounds better for the game in general?

*All classes are as generic as the fighter, but you are supposed to multiclass and take levels in prestige classes to make a character concept/be playable at higher levels. Kind of a d20 Modern meets D&D type of thing.

*The fighter and other generic classes should be replaced with more specific classes that can form the basis of a 20 level progression all on their lonesome.(I wouldn't see much use of multiclassing or prestige classes in this type of system)

I understand that these two options are not the only two presented in this thread, but they are the two that I would most likely endorse.

I flip and flop between wanting a system that encourages every PC to take an appropriate Prestige Class and one where the PC's never consider a prestige class. The 3.5 fighter was usually my vehicle of choice to get into a combat prestige class because I felt that every level of the prestige class improved the character more than another level of fighter.

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1 person marked this as a favorite.

For dotting and deleting.

Okay. I am opening this up to the 5 who have shown interest in the game so far.

EvilMinion Summoner or Bard
Abraham Z. Barbarian Fighter.
Anonymous Visitor
Crazy Hairy, Alchemist/Chymist (10/2)
Aarvid, Pal or Herald.

Please put your
Gender area of your profile. Please set it up somewhat like this if you haven't already.
Classes/Levels AC:30 T:23 FF:25|HP: 143/207|BaB: +12 /+7/+2|F/R/W19/16/22|Init:+8|CMB: +19|CMD: 36|SR (Fire) 20

Day job:

Dot on here if you want. Give your character a quick introduction. I'll get rolling as soon as the Game Day starts.

Post with your character.

If i am away from the game for an extended period of time, or you need to get into contact me in a rush, use Discord. I have set up a room for all my games.

Character Name
PFS Number
Track (Slow Normal)
Day Job
Purchases (this can change in the game.)

Greetings Pathfinders and welcome to another Game Day event. This one is for Passing the Torch, part 1 and 2.

For more than a decade, the infamous information broker, former Pathfinder, and thoroughly controversial mastermind Grandmaster Torch has pursued vengeance against the Decemvirate and the Society as a whole. Yet for all the Society's countermeasures, Torch has consistently procured seemingly unattainable intelligence that makes his schemes ever more dangerous. At last, the Society has identified his chief accomplice and informant who has evaded Society scouts by hiding out where Pathfinders are forbidden on pain of death: Mediogalti Island, home of the notorious Red Mantis Assassins. Yet Grandmaster Torch's imminent endgame threatens the whole Society, if not Absalom itself, and if the PCs are to uncover the plot and avert disaster, they must infiltrate one of the Inner Sea's most deadly cities and neutralize a powerful threat.

This is a level 12-18 game and will be accepting applications for legal PFS characters. Please post below to be accepted. Will make a team within the subtiers of 12-13, 14-15, or 17-18. Those accepted to the first game will be accepted to the second game.

About Me:

I am an English teacher in Japan, so my time is quite different from 80% of the people on this form. I typically post between 8am and 4:30pm Tokyo Time. I tend to check the forms after that to see if there is anything I need to reply to. I have been in Japan for 8 years with no plans to return to my home country. I have been playing Pathfinder since Season 1 and have GMed at GenCon twice. I am a 2 star GM and look forward to becoming a three star sometime in the future. I am laid back but will crack down on someone how is abusing my laidbackness (is that a word?).
A few years back, I went through a divorce and ended up dropping 90% of my games. I am just now getting back into a phase of mind to continue.

RP, Game Play, Post Rates::

As for RP, I will put in as much as the players put in... unless they want to write a book, then I charge. (jk). If there is a language spoken in the module that the players don't know, i will use Japanese to fill in the area. For those who have the language, I will send it to them in a private message and leave it up to them to share it with the rest of the group.
I will read the entire scenario before starting a game and have the map/encounters set up. I use Google Slides since I can access it easily on my phone/tablet. Have your general information set up in your characters Status section. AC:30 T:23 FF:25|HP: 143/207|BaB: +12 /+7/+2|F/R/W19/16/22|Init:+8|CMB: +19|CMD: 36|SR (Fire) 20 This will make it easier for me to check. I will have a space on Google Slides for you to input your Init and Perception.
Minimum post rate is 1 per weekday. As I said above, i am in Tokyo so my time will most likely be different. Posting on the Weekends is more lax as I am usually busy. If a player hasn't posted in 3-4 days, i will send them a message and if i don't get a reply in 48 hours, i will bot that player for the encounter. If they haven't returned, by the end, i will kick them.

Greetings Pathfinders and welcome to another Game Day event. This one is for The Midnight Mirror.

The sleepy town of Karpad in shadow-haunted Nidal has long been overseen by the Boroi family, and until a few weeks ago, the citizens under Baron Stepan Boroi's rule have lived uneventful lives of relative peace. Recently, however, the outbreak of a virulent and fatal disease and a number of mysterious disappearances have left the people of Karpad paranoid and fearful. Even Baron Stepan has been acting strangely, and now the tenuous balance of racial tensions between Karpad's human and fetchling populations stands on the verge of collapsing into total anarchy. Can the PCs uncover the root of Karpad's problems and put an end to the deadly virus, the terrifying disappearances, and the miasma of fear and distrust that threatens to overwhelm the region?

This is a level 3-5 game and will be accepting applications for legal PFS characters. Please post below to be accepted.

About Me:

I am an English teacher in Japan, so my time is quite different from 80% of the people on this form. I typically post between 8am and 4:30pm Tokyo Time. I tend to check the forms after that to see if there is anything I need to reply to. I have been in Japan for 8 years with no plans to return to my home country. I have been playing Pathfinder since Season 1 and have GMed at GenCon twice. I am a 2 star GM and look forward to becoming a three star sometime in the future. I am laid back but will crack down on someone how is abusing my laidbackness (is that a word?).
A few years back, I went through a divorce and ended up dropping 90% of my games. I am just now getting back into a phase of mind to continue.

RP, Game Play, Post Rates::

As for RP, I will put in as much as the players put in... unless they want to write a book, then I charge. (jk). If there is a language spoken in the module that the players don't know, i will use Japanese to fill in the area. For those who have the language, I will send it to them in a private message and leave it up to them to share it with the rest of the group.
I will read the entire scenario before starting a game and have the map/encounters set up. I use Google Slides since I can access it easily on my phone/tablet. Have your general information set up in your characters Status section. AC:30 T:23 FF:25|HP: 143/207|BaB: +12 /+7/+2|F/R/W19/16/22|Init:+8|CMB: +19|CMD: 36|SR (Fire) 20 This will make it easier for me to check. I will have a space on Google Slides for you to input your Init and Perception.
Minimum post rate is 1 per weekday. As I said above, i am in Tokyo so my time will most likely be different. Posting on the Weekends is more lax as I am usually busy. If a player hasn't posted in 3-4 days, i will send them a message and if i don't get a reply in 48 hours, i will bot that player for the encounter. If they haven't returned, by the end, i will kick them.

Introduce your characters to each other. Game starts 6/26. Handout 1 is in the Campaign Info tab

A mix of odors fills the tavern, chief among them stale arak with a faint hint of cleaning products and vomit.

Introduce your characters to each other. Game starts 6/26. Handout 1 is in the Campaign Info tab

A mix of odors fills the tavern, chief among them stale arak with a faint hint of cleaning products and vomit.

This is for the High Tier table, Please give me your general information and set up your status area to make it easier for me.

Classes/Levels AC:30 T:23 FF:25|HP: 143/207|BaB: +12 /+7/+2|F/R/W19/16/22|Init:+8|CMB: +19|CMD: 36|SR (Fire) 20

Day job:

This is for the Low Tier table, Please give me your general information and set up your status area to make it easier for me.

Classes/Levels AC:30 T:23 FF:25|HP: 143/207|BaB: +12 /+7/+2|F/R/W19/16/22|Init:+8|CMB: +19|CMD: 36|SR (Fire) 20

Day job:

Looking to get a group together for my return to GMing.

Slaver's End Info:
The Society's no stranger to treachery, and one of its most despicable betrayals came at the hands of the disgraced venture-captain Phlegos Dulm. He's escaped the Society's justice, but Venture-Captain Wulessa Yuul has joined forces with Karisa Starsight of the Liberty's Edge faction to track down the perfidious poisoner and bring him to justice. However, the PCs will need to tread carefully as they help corner Phlegos. Not only is he a cunning foe who knows many of the Society's secrets, but he's found new allies whose hatred for the Society runs deep and whose lust for vengeance may prove a greater threat than Phlegos's treacherous cunning.

Contents in Slaver's End also contribute directly to the ongoing storyline of the Liberty’s Edge faction.

This is a Pathfinder Society regular game (non-core) and I would like to start it next Friday on June 28th.

About Me:

I am an English teacher in Japan, so my time is quite different from 80% of the people on this form. I typically post between 8am and 4:30pm Tokyo Time. I tend to check the forms after that to see if there is anything I need to reply to. I have been in Japan for 8 years with no plans to return to my home country. I have been playing Pathfinder since Season 1 and have GMed at GenCon twice. I am a 2 star GM and look forward to becoming a three star sometime in the future. I am laid back but will crack down on someone how is abusing my laidbackness (is that a word?).

A few years back, I went through a divorce and ended up dropping 90% of my games. I am just now getting back into a phase of mind to continue.

RP, Game Play, Post Rates:

As for RP, I will put in as much as the players put in... unless they want to write a book, then I charge. (jk). If there is a language spoken in the module that the players don't know, i will use Japanese to fill in the area. For those who have the language, I will send it to them in a private message and leave it up to them to share it with the rest of the group.

I will read the entire scenario before starting a game and have the map/encounters set up. I use Google Slides since I can access it easily on my phone/tablet. Have your general information set up in your characters Status section. AC:30 T:23 FF:25|HP: 143/207|BaB: +12 /+7/+2|F/R/W19/16/22|Init:+8|CMB: +19|CMD: 36|SR (Fire) 20 This will make it easier for me to check.

Minimum post rate is 1 per weekday. As I said above, i am in Tokyo so my time will most likely be different. Posting on the Weekends is more lax as I am usually busy. If a player hasn't posted in 3-4 days, i will send them a message and if i don't get a reply in 48 hours, i will bot that player for the encounter. If they haven't returned, by the end, i will kick them.

Please enter your characters below and I will make the selection next Friday. As a teacher, I know that some deadlines are flexible, and will accept slightly late submissions. If there are many applications, i will think of opening two tables.

Looking for a GM for a 4 year old game of Rise of the Runelords. Our current GM has to step down for IR stuff and the players have asked if it would be okay to seek a new GM.

All players are at the 4th level and are currently at "The God Touched Emerge from the Catacombs beneath Sandpoint."

Opening for dotting of acceptable scoundrels.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Game Breakdown
The Gap was a sudden loss of history that shook the entire galaxy. It was an event where history disappeared from the minds of everyone throughout the multiverse, and only the gods have an inkling of what happened, but they refuse to speak of it. In that nebulous time of missing history, the world of Golarion disappeared, though the gods indicate the world—wherever it is—is safe. In the aftermath of the Gap came the revelation of faster-than-light travel by means of the Drift. It was during this time that the Starfinder Society formed and became one of the eminent organizations of the Pact Worlds. The machine god Triune’s gift of rapid interstellar travel facilitated a sudden land rush by colonists and corporations alike, and as exploration became an extremely lucrative business, the information that Starfinder agents retrieved secured the Society’s prestige and wealth.

This prosperous age recently came to an abrupt end within the star systems known as the Scoured Stars. An armada containing almost 80% of the Society’s agents and assets joined the Society’s First Seeker on a mission to the Scoured Stars, only for all its transmissions to cease. When the remaining Starfinders in the Lorespire Complex attempted to make contact, they discovered a terrifying truth: the Scoured Stars were now cut off from the rest of the multiverse by a barrier of incomprehensible power.

The events of the Scoured Stars left the Starfinder Society crippled, as most of the Society’s agents and assets resided within the now inaccessible systems. The Society’s prestige crumbled, and many of the Starfinders’ distant holdings fell to alien forces within months of the incident. Only the actions of one outspoken Starfinder, Luwazi Elsebo, held the Society together. Even with the dedication of Luwazi and her allies, the Society suffered further losses as disillusioned agents opted to part ways with the organization. Maintaining the Society’s interests was too much for the few remaining agents to handle, so Luwazi turned to outside assistance from reputable mercenary organizations.

With the Starfinders on the brink of ruin, Luwazi’s hopes now rest in the hands of a new generation of recruits and ambitious factions. Today is a momentous day for the Society, as it marks the graduation of the first wave of fresh agents from accelerated Starfinder training. These agents represent the first step the Starfinder Society is taking to reposition itself at the forefront of
galactic exploration.

GM Info
Greetings from Japan. That's right, I live in Japan, so my post usually come around 9pm-6am EST. If that's a problem for you, turn back now. I have been GMing games since 2010 and am coming off of a long needed break. I want to break back into the GMing scene with this new society and see where it takes me. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find a table that wasn't already packed for me to play, so we'll have fun with these first three adventures together.

Players Expectations
First and for most, I want you all to have fun. We will learn more about Starfinders together as it is still a new system and I am sure we will all be confuddled at some points.

I will usually have the forms up on my computer at work and even drop in on it sometimes after work. So I will typically post once a day (If not more) and I would love the same from you as well.

We will be using Google Slides for maps since I can move images on there using my phone.

I am somewhat a stickler when it comes to Profile Layout. To make things easier for running PBP games, I would love if you could set up your character profile to something like this profile of one of my alts. You don't need to go that crazy, but you must have the key information in the gender/class area of the profile so it will show up on the threads.

What you put into this game as a player is what you will get out of it with me GMing it.

Recruit Dates
Recruitment ends on Friday, September 15th.
Game Starts on Monday, September 18th.

Feel free to ask any questions that you wish.

You are sitting in the Twisted Monkey Inn, on the slope of the Saru Mountain, just one of the many mountains that make up the Chenlun Mountain range, a massive range that stretches almost the entire width of the southernmost peninsula of the continent of Tian Xia. The mountain range cuts through the nations of Nagajor, Dtang Ma and Xa Hoi. One lucky thing about being in Chenlun Mountain Range is the hot springs born by the ranges volcanic activity. From your location on Saru Mountain, you can see, far in the distance, a lone peak, towering up into the sky, bellowing black smoke into the stratosphere. Nothing to worry you here though.

A elderly man stands up on a chair. Helped by a young looking woman. He clears his voice as he addresses each of you. "Many of you came for rumor of treasure, others came for the adventure about to unfold." some people laugh in the back of the inn while others just stare on. "Do not take this trip lightly, for it has taken the life of many a young man and woman. Several years past, it took the life of my own son, Francis, for he has yet to return. I ask you as you travel down into the Silent Caverns, look for his remains and bring him back." The man steps off of the chair and walks away.

Okay, Feel free to interact with each other in character. I'll pick out people to continue the journey in 13 days.

Out of Combat communication and if something happens in real life, post it here for we won't be waiting on you for ever. If you have something that would take you away from the game for months on end, let us know and your character can rest until you come back.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Greetings adventurers. I am looking for a group of brave explorers to travel the into the Silent Caverns. Inside there is rumored to be a treasure beyond your imagination and to reach this goal, you will spend years below the surface. Don't take this challenge lightly for those who have gone before you haven't always returned and those who have, don't always return in one piece.

If you think you have what it takes, sign up and get ready. The adventure starts in just under a month.

I want to try my hand at a build it as they progress adventure with a group of people. A recent game I was GMing was destroyed due to life matters and I want to strike back with vengeance.

The basics of the adventure are above, but you will be traveling into a cave and facing monsters, traps and some negotiation with people who live down below. You will face monsters that are not commonly brought into normal games. I might even grab monsters from older version of D&D and modify them to work in Pathfinder.

Now, for your characters.
Starting Level: 2
Points: 20
Wealth: Average wealth by level. No single item can be more than half of your wealth.

Any Standard race is Okay. Other races must be run by me first. I will not accept any race that has a Race Point over 12

All Core, Base, Hybrid and Occult classes are welcome. However, no Gunslingers or any class that requires firearms/modern tech. Remember, this is a cavern you're exploring, so most mounted classes will be at a huge disadvantage when their mount can't follow them.

All feats paizo feats are accepted.

You get your normal skills from your class plus 2 skills from your background. Each level, you gain 2 points to spend on your background skills. Your background skills must be explained in your background story. After reading your background, I'll give you a selection of skills, you can pick your favorite from the list to be your background skill. If it's a class skill, even better.

First three levels, you get Max HP. After which, you get 75% rounded up. I'll also be adding some HP to the creatures.

Follow any limits on your class. You can play as an evil character, however if your evil character is annoying... He might wind up falling into a hole, never to be seen again. This is for any annoying character.. not just evil ones.

You will receive a spelunking kit as part of your gear to set off into the caverns. Nothing more advanced than a +1 item is allowed. I have something in store for upgrading your weapons on the route down.

When a map is required, I'll use Google Slides and draw up a map then. a good portion of the time, I won't use a map and rely on descriptions from players.


Complete Applications will include the following:
*Summory: I want a little bit of your character, what is your motivation and why you are here.
*Personality: Give me a RP post.
*Player Profile: This is where i want all of the information on your character. Look at these two examples, you will see minor changes, but over all the information is in a designated location and easy to find. Subject 42 and Ruza Furskin.

Deadline: June 10th sounds like a good day to have it all in by. I'll start shortly after that.
Posts: I do get busy sometimes so I don't post every day. I check in everyday to see what has happened. I expect any player to post a minimum of 3-4 times a week. If life happens and you can't post, let me know, I'll bot your character for a short time. If you vanish without saying anything, after a week I'll start boting you and if you haven't posted in over three weeks, you're character will fall into a hole and a replacement will be sought after.

This is a private Game.

2 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

This came up in a game I am running and in my mind, a pinned character should be able to bite his opponent if his head can reach any part of the pinner.

the rules on the Pinned states

Pinned wrote:
A pinned creature is tightly bound and can take few actions. A pinned creature cannot move and is denied its Dexterity bonus. A pinned character also takes an additional –4 penalty to his Armor Class. A pinned creature is limited in the actions that it can take. A pinned creature can always attempt to free itself, usually through a combat maneuver check or Escape Artist check. A pinned creature can take verbal and mental actions, but cannot cast any spells that require a somatic or material component. A pinned character who attempts to cast a spell or use a spell-like ability must make a concentration check (DC 10 + grappler's CMB + spell level) or lose the spell. Pinned is a more severe version of grappled, and their effects do not stack.

If you look at this, it is saying a pinned creature can't use his arms.

On this thread it talks about how a dragon could still use it's breath attack, which is a supernatural ability, while pinned.

On this one it talks about the pinner being able to bite an opponent.

here is another thread that talks about the difference between pinned and helpless.

So the question is, can a creature make an attack, without aid from his arms, while pinned. Be that attack a breath attack, a bite attack or another form of attack that doesn't require the pinned person to use his arms?

Okay, Game Play thread is now open. For the time being, your group is at a bar and has just grouped out of the 20 some people who've come together. Feel free to roleplay while you're here.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Talking out of character place.


Scarab Sages

So, i have been trying to find an answer to this. One of my players in a game is wanting to make a 5 foot step to get away from a foe, then vanish using the spell then with the mystic power, Amazing Initiative make another move action.

In Amazing Initiative, it says that they can have another standard action but move is a Move Action.

I have ruled that they can't make another move action, since in the 5 foot section of the rules, it stats that you can't make a 5 foot step in the same round that you use a move action.

Scarab Sages

Temp Claw as Dragon:
Elf Druid lvl 17| AC:30 T:23 FF:25|HP: 92/207|BaB: +12 /+7/+2|F/R/W19/16/22|Init:+8|CMB: +19|CMD: 36|SR (Fire) 20
Temp Bite as Dragon:

Okay, i am opening the gameplay thread.

You are gathered in a room, waiting for the venture captain to show up. Feel free to have your character introduce themselves.

Scarab Sages

Temp Claw as Dragon:
Elf Druid lvl 17| AC:30 T:23 FF:25|HP: 92/207|BaB: +12 /+7/+2|F/R/W19/16/22|Init:+8|CMB: +19|CMD: 36|SR (Fire) 20
Temp Bite as Dragon:

Fill me with dots.

Scarab Sages

Temp Claw as Dragon:
Elf Druid lvl 17| AC:30 T:23 FF:25|HP: 92/207|BaB: +12 /+7/+2|F/R/W19/16/22|Init:+8|CMB: +19|CMD: 36|SR (Fire) 20
Temp Bite as Dragon:

Dots all around.

Scarab Sages

Temp Claw as Dragon:
Elf Druid lvl 17| AC:30 T:23 FF:25|HP: 92/207|BaB: +12 /+7/+2|F/R/W19/16/22|Init:+8|CMB: +19|CMD: 36|SR (Fire) 20
Temp Bite as Dragon:

Dots all around.

Scarab Sages

A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for Levels 1–5.

In the distant land of Tian Xia, the Pathfinder Society's Lantern Lodge sends a team of agents high into the mountains of the Wall of Heaven to an abandoned Iroran monastery in search of a powerful relic to assist them in ensure victory in the upcoming Ruby Phoenix Tournament. Though the monastery has long laid unused by the faithful of the Master of Masters, it is not completely devoid of danger, and the PCs soon discover that merely retrieving the ancient artifact is but the beginning of a much larger quest.

The Edge of Heaven is the first scenario in the three-part The Quest for Perfection campaign arc. It is followed by Pathfinder Society Scenario #3-11: The Quest for Perfection—Part II: On Hostile Waters and Pathfinder Society Scenario #3-13: The Quest for Perfection—Part III: Defenders of Nesting Swallow. All three chapters are intended to be played in order.

This is a Regular PFS game, I also have a regular Core game up and ready Here. Regular PFS Rules apply and i request that you make a post at least once every two days, more if possible.

Scarab Sages

A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for Levels 1–5.

In the distant land of Tian Xia, the Pathfinder Society's Lantern Lodge sends a team of agents high into the mountains of the Wall of Heaven to an abandoned Iroran monastery in search of a powerful relic to assist them in ensure victory in the upcoming Ruby Phoenix Tournament. Though the monastery has long laid unused by the faithful of the Master of Masters, it is not completely devoid of danger, and the PCs soon discover that merely retrieving the ancient artifact is but the beginning of a much larger quest.

The Edge of Heaven is the first scenario in the three-part The Quest for Perfection campaign arc. It is followed by Pathfinder Society Scenario #3-11: The Quest for Perfection—Part II: On Hostile Waters and Pathfinder Society Scenario #3-13: The Quest for Perfection—Part III: Defenders of Nesting Swallow. All three chapters are intended to be played in order.

This is a Core game, I also have a regular PFS game up and ready Here. Regular PFS Rules apply and i request that you make a post at least once every two days, more if possible.

Scarab Sages 2/5

A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for Levels 1–5.

In the distant land of Tian Xia, the Pathfinder Society's Lantern Lodge sends a team of agents high into the mountains of the Wall of Heaven to an abandoned Iroran monastery in search of a powerful relic to assist them in ensure victory in the upcoming Ruby Phoenix Tournament. Though the monastery has long laid unused by the faithful of the Master of Masters, it is not completely devoid of danger, and the PCs soon discover that merely retrieving the ancient artifact is but the beginning of a much larger quest.

The Edge of Heaven is the first scenario in the three-part The Quest for Perfection campaign arc. It is followed by Pathfinder Society Scenario #3-11: The Quest for Perfection—Part II: On Hostile Waters and Pathfinder Society Scenario #3-13: The Quest for Perfection—Part III: Defenders of Nesting Swallow. All three chapters are intended to be played in order.

I checking for interest, hopping to get a higher level game going. So 3 and up. It will be a PbP and on google drawing.. or maybe slide, need to check that out.

I am willing to do either Regular PFS or Core. But this game will be a Play-by-Post PFS game.

Let me know if you prefer core regular.

Scarab Sages

A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for Levels 1–5.

In the distant land of Tian Xia, the Pathfinder Society's Lantern Lodge sends a team of agents high into the mountains of the Wall of Heaven to an abandoned Iroran monastery in search of a powerful relic to assist them in ensure victory in the upcoming Ruby Phoenix Tournament. Though the monastery has long laid unused by the faithful of the Master of Masters, it is not completely devoid of danger, and the PCs soon discover that merely retrieving the ancient artifact is but the beginning of a much larger quest.

The Edge of Heaven is the first scenario in the three-part The Quest for Perfection campaign arc. It is followed by Pathfinder Society Scenario #3-11: The Quest for Perfection—Part II: On Hostile Waters and Pathfinder Society Scenario #3-13: The Quest for Perfection—Part III: Defenders of Nesting Swallow. All three chapters are intended to be played in order.

I checking for interest, hopping to get a higher level game going. So 3 and up. It will be a PbP and on google drawing.. or maybe slide, need to check that out.

Scarab Sages

Good evening. This is a Pathfinder Society game that will be played by post. Looking to start this weekend, but one of our players can't make it. I am re-opening the recruitment for one player of level 3 or higher to play through all 3 of the Destiny of the Sands scenarios.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

Scarab Sages

Temp Claw as Dragon:
Elf Druid lvl 17| AC:30 T:23 FF:25|HP: 92/207|BaB: +12 /+7/+2|F/R/W19/16/22|Init:+8|CMB: +19|CMD: 36|SR (Fire) 20
Temp Bite as Dragon:

I am opening this up, please dot away. Will start the game friday.

You are all in the common meeting area of the local pathfinder lodge. You have been summoned and will be informed of your mission shortly. Please introduce yourself and describe what your character looks like.

Scarab Sages

Temp Claw as Dragon:
Elf Druid lvl 17| AC:30 T:23 FF:25|HP: 92/207|BaB: +12 /+7/+2|F/R/W19/16/22|Init:+8|CMB: +19|CMD: 36|SR (Fire) 20
Temp Bite as Dragon:

Welcome to the Discussion.

Okay, Here i would like your PFS # and your day job roll. Any purchases you want to make before the scenario starts. Purchases after this scenario will be recorded at the beginning of the next one.

The first question i have for you guys is an important one and i want everyone to chime in.

Do you want maps on Roll20 or on Google Documents?

Scarab Sages

Greetings all. I "Had" to make a new requirement thread so i can open up a game play thread once i have the correct amount of players for a game.

IN this game, we will be playing all three of the Destiny of the Sand scenarios for Pathfinder Society. This will be a Pathfinder Society regular game (non-core), played on line by PbP methods. Maps will be on Roll20, unless we decide to move to Google+.

I want to keep this game in the high 3-4 tier, so no level 1 or 2s, sorry.

I will be posting at least once a day, minus weekends, I might post more on weekends, or i might get kidnapped by a lovely lady and forced to go on a date with her. Torture, pure torture.

If you're interested, please chime in here and let me know.

So Far we have....
1. Auriea Bard/Fighter level 5
2. Sidney sorcerer level 3

Scarab Sages 2/5

Starting up a run through the Destiny of the Sands. This will be a non-core game, if you are interested sign up here

Scarab Sages 2/5

Pathfinder Society Game, non-core.
I will be taking a group through all 3 of the Destiny of the Sands scenarios from season 5. Thus, i require those who are joining this game to be 5th level.

I currently have one slot taken. Other than that, feel free to ask me questions. I plan on starting this game around the 18th of this month.

This game will be play-by-post with maps located on Roll20. Sometimes, i use lighting to make it a little bit difficult, but i try to keep all the games fun.

Scarab Sages

Temp Claw as Dragon:
Elf Druid lvl 17| AC:30 T:23 FF:25|HP: 92/207|BaB: +12 /+7/+2|F/R/W19/16/22|Init:+8|CMB: +19|CMD: 36|SR (Fire) 20
Temp Bite as Dragon:

Talk and so on.

Scarab Sages

Temp Claw as Dragon:
Elf Druid lvl 17| AC:30 T:23 FF:25|HP: 92/207|BaB: +12 /+7/+2|F/R/W19/16/22|Init:+8|CMB: +19|CMD: 36|SR (Fire) 20
Temp Bite as Dragon:

Okay, i have opened up the game play. Dot Please.

Scarab Sages

Situation: a group of fighters are in a deeper darkness spell, most of them have darkvision (bummer) and one of them charges on a beast that doesn’t have darkvision.
Question: Can that player make a charge on an animal that doesn’t have darkvision, or is that animal blinded?

Scarab Sages

I want to get a group together to do all 4 of the "Devil We Know" scenarios.
the Society Rules and Play by Post of course.

The Exchange 2/5

I was in a scenario where my armor gained the broken condition. If it was normal armor, i could just use the "Make Whole" spell and be done with it.. but this armor is Glamered Mithral Agile Breastplate +3. So i was wondering how much i would have to pay to get it fixed.

Scarab Sages

I have been searching for the sight a player would have while they are in a dust storm... all i can find is 1/3 of normal... What is normal vision outside?

Scarab Sages 2/5

Greetings fellow Pathfinders,

I am Amsheagar, the mystical druid. I am looking for one or two more PFS players to fill up my table for a running of Before the Dawn, part 2. If you are interested, please join the game Here

Scarab Sages

Greetings Pathfinders.
I have just finished up the first part of Before the Dawn and have a few opens slots for new players. If you are interested. post below and join us.
With supplies in hand, you rush from Bloodcove to the Pathfinder expedition site at Azlant Ridge only to find it under siege. You must brave the newly discovered halls beneath the ridge in order to find the key that might save everyone.

1. Eloisa Fairclough
2. Eryndir
3. Thael Silverstep
4. Tyriel Thalion

Scarab Sages 2/5

Greetings all, I have started up a game from PFS's Sarkorian Prophecy, Currently we have 4 players and I would like to get 2 more before we start out.
The 4 players that i have so far:
1. Exiel (Paladin/Oracle/Sorcerer) 10
2. Alden Helpinghand (Fighter/Cavalier) 9
3. SwampTing Ralph Cauthorn (Wizard) 10
4. Lavode (Sorcerer) 10

To sign up, click here

Scarab Sages

Temp Claw as Dragon:
Elf Druid lvl 17| AC:30 T:23 FF:25|HP: 92/207|BaB: +12 /+7/+2|F/R/W19/16/22|Init:+8|CMB: +19|CMD: 36|SR (Fire) 20
Temp Bite as Dragon:

Give me dots if you are playing.

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