Wondering the Silent Caverns (Inactive)

Game Master Amsheagar



[dice=GM's Pet 1]1d20+6[/dice]
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Greetings adventurers. I am looking for a group of brave explorers to travel the into the Silent Caverns. Inside there is rumored to be a treasure beyond your imagination and to reach this goal, you will spend years below the surface. Don't take this challenge lightly for those who have gone before you haven't always returned and those who have, don't always return in one piece.

If you think you have what it takes, sign up and get ready. The adventure starts in just under a month.

I want to try my hand at a build it as they progress adventure with a group of people. A recent game I was GMing was destroyed due to life matters and I want to strike back with vengeance.

The basics of the adventure are above, but you will be traveling into a cave and facing monsters, traps and some negotiation with people who live down below. You will face monsters that are not commonly brought into normal games. I might even grab monsters from older version of D&D and modify them to work in Pathfinder.

Now, for your characters.
Starting Level: 2
Points: 20
Wealth: Average wealth by level. No single item can be more than half of your wealth.

Any Standard race is Okay. Other races must be run by me first. I will not accept any race that has a Race Point over 12

All Core, Base, Hybrid and Occult classes are welcome. However, no Gunslingers or any class that requires firearms/modern tech. Remember, this is a cavern you're exploring, so most mounted classes will be at a huge disadvantage when their mount can't follow them.

All feats paizo feats are accepted.

You get your normal skills from your class plus 2 skills from your background. Each level, you gain 2 points to spend on your background skills. Your background skills must be explained in your background story. After reading your background, I'll give you a selection of skills, you can pick your favorite from the list to be your background skill. If it's a class skill, even better.

First three levels, you get Max HP. After which, you get 75% rounded up. I'll also be adding some HP to the creatures.

Follow any limits on your class. You can play as an evil character, however if your evil character is annoying... He might wind up falling into a hole, never to be seen again. This is for any annoying character.. not just evil ones.

You will receive a spelunking kit as part of your gear to set off into the caverns. Nothing more advanced than a +1 item is allowed. I have something in store for upgrading your weapons on the route down.

When a map is required, I'll use Google Slides and draw up a map then. a good portion of the time, I won't use a map and rely on descriptions from players.


Complete Applications will include the following:
*Summory: I want a little bit of your character, what is your motivation and why you are here.
*Personality: Give me a RP post.
*Player Profile: This is where i want all of the information on your character. Look at these two examples, you will see minor changes, but over all the information is in a designated location and easy to find. Subject 42 and Ruza Furskin.

Deadline: June 10th sounds like a good day to have it all in by. I'll start shortly after that.
Posts: I do get busy sometimes so I don't post every day. I check in everyday to see what has happened. I expect any player to post a minimum of 3-4 times a week. If life happens and you can't post, let me know, I'll bot your character for a short time. If you vanish without saying anything, after a week I'll start boting you and if you haven't posted in over three weeks, you're character will fall into a hole and a replacement will be sought after.

I still am not sure if I will submit a character -not because I don't like the oremise but because I may have been getting into many a game-... but I wanted to point that D&D 3.5 Monster Manual V is a favourite of mine.

Praise be Thoon!

If I submit something, I'll do it soon ^^

P.s.-You said no gunslingers/tech classes. What about the Bolt Ace gunslinger's archetype that replaces guns with crossbows?

EmissaryOfTheNorth wrote:

D&D 3.5 Monster Manual V is a favorite of mine.

P.s.-You said no gunslingers/tech classes. What about the Bolt Ace gunslinger's archetype that replaces guns with crossbows?

The monster I chose will have one thing in common. You won't often find them above ground. Do you have a URL for the 3.5 MMV?

After looking at that archetype, i will accept it as a class.

You put up plenty of information about the crunch, but I'm not seeing what the flavor of this game is - where does it take place, what's the story, etc? All you mentioned is a cave exploration. Is this the Darklands of Golarion, the Underdark of the Forgotten Realms, or something different?

This seems great, but I see Aasimar are not allowed.

Would you consider a nerfed version? Maybe without the Celestial Resistance trait?

Also, are middle-aged characters or older allowed?

EDIT: Up to what level are you planning to take us to?

GM Amsheagar wrote:
[i]Greetings adventurers. I am looking for a group of brave explorers to travel the into the Silent Caverns. Inside there is rumored to be a treasure beyond your imagination

I don't know. I can imagine quite a bit


thegreenteagamer wrote:
You put up plenty of information about the crunch, but I'm not seeing what the flavor of this game is - where does it take place, what's the story, etc? All you mentioned is a cave exploration. Is this the Darklands of Golarion, the Underdark of the Forgotten Realms, or something different?

I'm not going off of any D&D lore for the setting. The name of the cave is "The Silent Caverns." One of the reasons it's called that is because not many who wonder in return alive or sane.

Killer Pixie wrote:

This seems great, but I see Aasimar are not allowed.
Would you consider a nerfed version? Maybe without the Celestial Resistance trait?
Also, are middle-aged characters or older allowed?

Sorry, Aasimar are the main race that I wouldn't want to deal with.. I would like to eliminate characters with darkvision, but i know that's unreasonable. Adult and middle-age characters are allowed.

@ GM

Can I leave my alignment blank and let you choose based on my behavior/musings?

Yes. I believe that the alignment section shouldn't be filled out when the character starts the game, but should be placed into one as they progress... But there are some classes that require it.


Thinking up a dungeon crawly character


How do you feel about Dwarves in general?

I'm thinking Cave Druid with the Night subdomain.

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I think they are loud and drink a lot. So they are okay in my book.

GM Amsheagar wrote:
I think they are loud and drink a lot. So they are okay in my book.

That sir is very funny! I am still lmao. Now I want to play in your campaign.

Okay, cool. I'm still as interested in this as before, so I'll try to come up with another concept.

Kool. I can't wait to see what you guys think up.

I would also think about offering a Char.
Dwarven Fighter (Foehammer/Siegebreaker), always wanted to try one.

This is Helikon´s application.
Unbeugsam, a former bloodbowl blocker turned Blacksmith´s apprentice who learned that there is more to it than just skill to be succesful in his trade

I've decided on a bard archaeologist. will have it up soon

say hello to crunch working on background

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

Considering Deepwalker/Skirmisher/Dungeon Rover Ranger (Which amazingly works because they substitute different things) Will get to work on the crunch and flavor soon.

I kind of like the idea of a Paladin for this. Although I understand they are not to everybody's taste, I think it could be kind of fun rooting out the evil underground. I promise I wouldn't play him as a stick-in-the-mud lecturing other characters on how they should act, but instead as someone who holds themselves to a higher standard. Anyhoo, I figure you'd have to be either mad or very greedy to take on this task, being a Paladin is a sort of madness isn't it?

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

Bringing light into the darkness?

I admit it's a bit of a cliché, but it just seems right :)

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

As much as the Stallone Judge Dredd movie was crap, the whole Long Walk thing was something I liked.

That's a very nice idea. Perhaps a somewhat disillusioned Paladin taking his version of the Lone (with others) Walk to somehow make sense of it all.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Balance the darkness in the world above by being the light in the world below.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Exactly! That makes for a very good base to build a character from I'd say.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I'm interested, but I have a few questions. How much leeway do we have when creating a character's backstory? What constitutes the standard races? Would the Calagni race be allowed, cause I have a Caligni Hydrokineticist that I've been wanting to play for a while.

Darthrancor wrote:
I'm interested, but I have a few questions. How much leeway do we have when creating a character's backstory? What constitutes the standard races? Would the Calagni race be allowed, cause I have a Caligni Hydrokineticist that I've been wanting to play for a while.

You have free range on their backstory. Standard races are any race published in Paizo books. After looking at the race, i think it would be allowed.. I've already worked out a way to black darkvision/see in the dark, for the areas i want you guys to wonder aimlessly in the cave.

GM, how do you feel about material from Ultimate Intrigue?

I'm thinking about playing a Hallucinist Sleuth Investigator, specifically.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Here is the crunch for my submission, Sonurlicd Elanobm, Hydrokineticist extraordinaire! The fluff should be up by tomorrow evening.

Killer Pixie wrote:

GM, how do you feel about material from Ultimate Intrigue?

I'm thinking about playing a Hallucinist Sleuth Investigator, specifically.

First time that i heard of the book to be honest... After looking at some of the reviews... they are mixed.. That being said... As a GM, his first Supernatural ability does worry me... Seeing as i know some battle will rely on your sight, but as it does take away your trap finding abilities, i do think it won't be a problem..

I am green lighting it.

I'll be looking through those interested tonight or tomorrow and make a list for reference.

Liberty's Edge

Dotting. Will have a play around and see what I can come up with.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

Without a detailed knowledge of the world, what are reasonably valid Favored enemy choices for someone who's actually spent at least a bit of time underground.

Liberty's Edge

Would a Goblin Feral Gnasher be ok? It is in Advanced Race as a racial archetype. Swapping out Skilled for Hard Head, Big Teeth.

Thank you! I'll start working on a build. What PC races live in the locations near the caverns?

Work in progress

Would you be fine with me making a character by the normal rules (ex: no bonus background skills)? I don't mind other people doing their thing, but I kinda like the idea of this character possibly being used in a separate campaign after this one (if he survives).

Essentially, I'd follow the rules for character creation you posted above. However, I'd leave out anything that wouldn't be included in normal character creation.

When i posted about the background skills... I misunderstood them.. If you follow the rules of backgroun skills you get 2 extra points at creation to place into 2 background skills. Those skills are; Appraise, Artistry, Craft, Handle Animal, Knowledge (engineering, geography, history, nobility), Linguistics, Lore, Perform, Profession and Sleight of Hand. In addition, you get 2 sill points per level to spend in a background skill. After understanding it, I think it's a good system and would encourage you to incorporate it into your character.

@Maraiah, your character is looking good. Just some minor formatting suggestions that i would like you to consider. Could you add an "Accounting" spoiler and break down what you spent your gold on? Also, in your characters "Gender" section, could you add your basic like this Druid - 15 || AC: 31, touch 24 || flat-footed 26 || HP: 135/135 || BaB: +11 /+6/+1 || Init:+8 ||CMB: +14 ||CMD: 31 || SR (Fire) 20 that way i can see your Init, AC and other important information during combat. ... That goes out to everyone.

Note about magical items. Since you will be traveling into a cave, crafting might be hard. I will allow Forge to to be a background skill. This skill will allow you to find food and raw materials for crafting items. I'll have to think of the materials DC It might be 10+GP Cost or have a set DC for the rarity of the item. That being said, Magical weapons might have a mind of their own in this game and might gain XP the same way players do.

Sure, should get everything done tonight. Any answer on the likely favored enemy choices? Don't want to blow a class feature by picking something like Orcs or Goblins then to find out they don't exist on this continent.

You'll be fighting monster 90% of the time. Other humanoids 6% of the time. The other 4% is unknown. Of the monsters, most of them will be cave dwellers.

Races that live near the area are 50% human, 13% dwarf, 9% halfling, 8% Elf, 7% Half-Elf, 5% Half-Orc and 8% mixture of other races.

Okay thanks!

@Ietsuna, forgot to answer your question. Yes, they are okay... not common around the area, but you heard about gold so you came by.

Okay, I have made the list of what everyone said they were gonna be or have posted. If i have missed you, let me know and i'll add you.

List of Characters
1. Mark Thomass 66 -- Maraiah Ranger
2. Velithin -- Vemarus Arcanist
3.Darthrancor -- Sonulicd Elanobn Hydro-Kineticist
4. WreckTall -- Hob Prentice Bard
5. Helikon -- Unbeugsam Fighter
6. ShieldBug -- Paladin
7. GypsyMischief -- Cave Druid
8. Killer Pixie -- Hallucinist Sleuth Investigator
9. Ietsuna -- Goblin Feral Gnashe

... Now.. should I take all of you or save some of you for when someone dies.. That is the question. I'll most likely pick out 5 or 6 of you to start and when someone dies, i'll drag one of those who were not selected in the original round.

That being said, Recruitment is not over. I plan on killing people 3:) and when they die, they need someone to come along and fill in their place. Yes, if you want, you can make a secondary character to take over for your after you've died.

First Round of player selection will be closed on June 10th. That will give some people time to finish their character and others to see and join if they are interested. The game will start on June 14th, after the selection has been made. As for now, i'll open the discussion and gameplay thread so your character can start to get to know one another.

It looks like I won't have the time to pursue this adventure after all, so I'm gonna' have to bow out. Have fun y'all, sounds like it should be a blast.

Just a tiny question.. the standard two traits? Do you have any special custom traits?

Putting this here for perusal.

I skipped traits altogether since it wasn't included in the creation guidelines. It's rare but I know some GM's aren't fond of them for whatever reason.

Oh, sorry that i skipped them. You can select two Paizo traits. No third party traits.

Okay Shieldbug, take it easy.


How would you feel about this one? Very appropriate but not sure if you'd want to deal with it or not.

Lost Role Model (Settlement Near A Famous Dungeon)
As a youth, you marveled at the crusaders, spelunkers, and lore seekers who came through your town on their way to the nearby dungeon, tomb, or ruins. One such intrepid role model in particular was of great import to you.

Benefit On the last day you ever saw your hero, the adventurer gave you a unique dungeon guide worth no more than 750 gp and with an accuracy modifier of no greater than +2.

If that's good I'd go with that and this.

Trap Finder
Forgotten dungeons and ancient tombs have always held an appeal for you, and you've never been able to resist the urge to delve into these lost sites in search of knowledge, treasure, or both. You may not have received any formal training in the roguish arts, but you've nonetheless become skilled at spotting and disabling hidden traps. The tombs of of the necropolis, just opened for exploration, seem like the perfect place to put your skills to the test.

Benefit(s): You gain a +1 trait bonus on Disable Device checks, and that skill is always a class skill for you. In addition, you can use Disable Device to disarm magic traps, like a rogue.

It means that when you pick if I make it in and we end up without a rogue it isn't an instant death sentence, lol

After looking into it. I'll allow it.

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