The Quest for Perfection Trilogy [PFS CORE] [Tier 1-2] (Inactive)

Game Master Amsheagar


[dice=GM's Pets]1d20+200[/dice]




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Scarab Sages

Temp Claw as Dragon:
Elf Druid lvl 17| AC:30 T:23 FF:25|HP: 92/207|BaB: +12 /+7/+2|F/R/W19/16/22|Init:+8|CMB: +19|CMD: 36|SR (Fire) 20
Temp Bite as Dragon:

Fill me with dots.

Scarab Sages

Male Dwarf fighter 2 | hp 16/22 | AC 22, touch 11, flat-footed 21 | Init +1 | darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +0 | Fort +5, Ref +1, Will +0; +2 vs. poison, spells, spell-like abilities, diseases and curses

Is this a dot i see before me?

Grand Lodge

PFS#76925-40 Male Dwarf Monk 1 | HP:11/11| AC: 16/16/10|Init: +8| Perc: +7| Fort: +5| Ref: +4| Will: +3| Unarmed: +2;1d6+2| Sling: +2;1d4+2| Flurry: +1/+1;1d6+2| CMB: +3| CMD: 17|
Acrobatics: +6| Appraise:+1| Bluff:-2| Climb:+2| Diplo:-2| Intimidate: -2| Kn.(Reli): +5| Kn. (His): +5| Sense Motive: +3| Stealth: +6| Survival: +3| Swim: +2| Prof (Chef): +7

.......I see some!.,.........

There's more!! .......

And a comma.

Scarab Sages

Temp Claw as Dragon:
Elf Druid lvl 17| AC:30 T:23 FF:25|HP: 92/207|BaB: +12 /+7/+2|F/R/W19/16/22|Init:+8|CMB: +19|CMD: 36|SR (Fire) 20
Temp Bite as Dragon:

Gameplay thread is open.

Post any purchases here. I may ask for this again at the end of the game.

Grand Lodge

1/2 Orc barb 5, HP:50 of 50, AC:21, Touch:13, Flat Footed:18 F:+6, R:+4, W:+4, Init:+2, Perc:+11 (darkvision)


Scarab Sages

Male Dwarf fighter 2 | hp 16/22 | AC 22, touch 11, flat-footed 21 | Init +1 | darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +0 | Fort +5, Ref +1, Will +0; +2 vs. poison, spells, spell-like abilities, diseases and curses

Butharn buys a pack, winter clothing, 50' rope and a grappling hook.

Grand Lodge

1/2 Orc barb 5, HP:50 of 50, AC:21, Touch:13, Flat Footed:18 F:+6, R:+4, W:+4, Init:+2, Perc:+11 (darkvision)

Sorry guys. Something just came up. I am unlikely to be able to post until Saturday late morning. Feel free to bot me.

Scarab Sages

Temp Claw as Dragon:
Elf Druid lvl 17| AC:30 T:23 FF:25|HP: 92/207|BaB: +12 /+7/+2|F/R/W19/16/22|Init:+8|CMB: +19|CMD: 36|SR (Fire) 20
Temp Bite as Dragon:

Okay, take care. We'll put your character into Auto Pilot.

Scarab Sages

Temp Claw as Dragon:
Elf Druid lvl 17| AC:30 T:23 FF:25|HP: 92/207|BaB: +12 /+7/+2|F/R/W19/16/22|Init:+8|CMB: +19|CMD: 36|SR (Fire) 20
Temp Bite as Dragon:

Does everyone Init look right?
Hadanka +2
Jack +6
Grams +8
Butharn +1
Cit'Vaya +2

Faction missions are in the Campaign Info.
Map is up.

Butharn, can you update your status bar to indicate the info in everyone else's for me.

Grand Lodge

PFS#76925-40 Male Dwarf Monk 1 | HP:11/11| AC: 16/16/10|Init: +8| Perc: +7| Fort: +5| Ref: +4| Will: +3| Unarmed: +2;1d6+2| Sling: +2;1d4+2| Flurry: +1/+1;1d6+2| CMB: +3| CMD: 17|
Acrobatics: +6| Appraise:+1| Bluff:-2| Climb:+2| Diplo:-2| Intimidate: -2| Kn.(Reli): +5| Kn. (His): +5| Sense Motive: +3| Stealth: +6| Survival: +3| Swim: +2| Prof (Chef): +7

Faction Missions have being replaced somewhat but it should be fun to do.
Do take note that some factions have also changed as well.

Scarab Sages

Male Dwarf fighter 2 | hp 16/22 | AC 22, touch 11, flat-footed 21 | Init +1 | darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +0 | Fort +5, Ref +1, Will +0; +2 vs. poison, spells, spell-like abilities, diseases and curses

I have realized that Butharn's chosen weapon is not Core. I have changed it to a Dwarven Waraxe to be so. Also removed the racial alternative trait that was not core.

Scarab Sages

Male Dwarf fighter 2 | hp 16/22 | AC 22, touch 11, flat-footed 21 | Init +1 | darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +0 | Fort +5, Ref +1, Will +0; +2 vs. poison, spells, spell-like abilities, diseases and curses

Are we waiting on me?

Scarab Sages

Male Dwarf fighter 2 | hp 16/22 | AC 22, touch 11, flat-footed 21 | Init +1 | darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +0 | Fort +5, Ref +1, Will +0; +2 vs. poison, spells, spell-like abilities, diseases and curses

I am sorry but I am confused. Have we spent the night and are now heading out in the morning?

Scarab Sages

Temp Claw as Dragon:
Elf Druid lvl 17| AC:30 T:23 FF:25|HP: 92/207|BaB: +12 /+7/+2|F/R/W19/16/22|Init:+8|CMB: +19|CMD: 36|SR (Fire) 20
Temp Bite as Dragon:

after the fight with the cave fisher? no.

Scarab Sages

Temp Claw as Dragon:
Elf Druid lvl 17| AC:30 T:23 FF:25|HP: 92/207|BaB: +12 /+7/+2|F/R/W19/16/22|Init:+8|CMB: +19|CMD: 36|SR (Fire) 20
Temp Bite as Dragon:

Okay, i need to make this list now and save it for all of my games. Take 10 and Take 20. What you can use them on and what you can't use them on.

Outside of Combat
Okay to take 10 on
Acrobatics, Appraise, Climb, Craft, Disable Device, Disguise, Fly, Handle Animal, Heal, Knowledge Checks, Linguistics, Perception, Perform, Profession, Ride, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Spellcraft, Survival and Swim.
Okay to take 20
Appraise, Craft, Disguise, Fly, Handle Animal, Heal, Perform, Profession, Ride, Sense Motive, and Survival.
While in Combat
Take 10 on Perception, Sense Motive, and Appraise.
It is not okay to take a 20 while in combat on anything.
There will be times that I will require a roll, these times might mean that we are going into a combat, or that there is something you need to see. At these times, I will state “Please Roll”

Grand Lodge

Male Human DEAD

I'll add a specific one to that list - it is okay to 'Take 20' on Disable Device checks to open locks (it is one of the listed examples in the CRB for 'Take 20').

Scarab Sages

Temp Claw as Dragon:
Elf Druid lvl 17| AC:30 T:23 FF:25|HP: 92/207|BaB: +12 /+7/+2|F/R/W19/16/22|Init:+8|CMB: +19|CMD: 36|SR (Fire) 20
Temp Bite as Dragon:
Skills wrote:

Since taking 20 assumes that your character will fail many times before succeeding, your character would automatically incur any penalties for failure before he or she could complete the task (hence why it is generally not allowed with skills that carry such penalties). Common “take 20” skills include Disable Device (when used to open locks), Escape Artist, and Perception (when attempting to find traps).

I added knowledge to that, since you either know something or you don't.

Scarab Sages

Temp Claw as Dragon:
Elf Druid lvl 17| AC:30 T:23 FF:25|HP: 92/207|BaB: +12 /+7/+2|F/R/W19/16/22|Init:+8|CMB: +19|CMD: 36|SR (Fire) 20
Temp Bite as Dragon:

For the next week or 2, I won't be able to post as often.... I broke my screen today on my laptop and am currently using my projector... which is blurry.

Scarab Sages

Temp Claw as Dragon:
Elf Druid lvl 17| AC:30 T:23 FF:25|HP: 92/207|BaB: +12 /+7/+2|F/R/W19/16/22|Init:+8|CMB: +19|CMD: 36|SR (Fire) 20
Temp Bite as Dragon:

Hey all, just an update. My PC is broken, cracked screen. I am hoping to get an iPad next month so I can continue the game. If that fails, I am returning to America in the 23 of September and will be able to fix my PC there. Getting a new screen sent to my american home.

Grand Lodge

PFS#76925-40 Male Dwarf Monk 1 | HP:11/11| AC: 16/16/10|Init: +8| Perc: +7| Fort: +5| Ref: +4| Will: +3| Unarmed: +2;1d6+2| Sling: +2;1d4+2| Flurry: +1/+1;1d6+2| CMB: +3| CMD: 17|
Acrobatics: +6| Appraise:+1| Bluff:-2| Climb:+2| Diplo:-2| Intimidate: -2| Kn.(Reli): +5| Kn. (His): +5| Sense Motive: +3| Stealth: +6| Survival: +3| Swim: +2| Prof (Chef): +7

Do you need me to continue where you left off?

Scarab Sages

Temp Claw as Dragon:
Elf Druid lvl 17| AC:30 T:23 FF:25|HP: 92/207|BaB: +12 /+7/+2|F/R/W19/16/22|Init:+8|CMB: +19|CMD: 36|SR (Fire) 20
Temp Bite as Dragon:

I have contacted a friend to see if he can take over my games until I can get my PC fixed.

Male Human

Man, I really ought to pay attention to the tabs.

Amsheagar, if your friend can finish this session, I can finish the other two scenarios if you would be unable to. Of course, I'd rather the original plan go through, but any help you need, I'm happy to do whatever I can.

Grand Lodge

PFS#76925-40 Male Dwarf Monk 1 | HP:11/11| AC: 16/16/10|Init: +8| Perc: +7| Fort: +5| Ref: +4| Will: +3| Unarmed: +2;1d6+2| Sling: +2;1d4+2| Flurry: +1/+1;1d6+2| CMB: +3| CMD: 17|
Acrobatics: +6| Appraise:+1| Bluff:-2| Climb:+2| Diplo:-2| Intimidate: -2| Kn.(Reli): +5| Kn. (His): +5| Sense Motive: +3| Stealth: +6| Survival: +3| Swim: +2| Prof (Chef): +7

Any news so far? There's two of us who can take over to help as needed.

Scarab Sages

Temp Claw as Dragon:
Elf Druid lvl 17| AC:30 T:23 FF:25|HP: 92/207|BaB: +12 /+7/+2|F/R/W19/16/22|Init:+8|CMB: +19|CMD: 36|SR (Fire) 20
Temp Bite as Dragon:

Sorry for the troubles. I have a monitor from a friend.
I have signed part 2 up for Gameday4

Grand Lodge

PFS#76925-40 Male Dwarf Monk 1 | HP:11/11| AC: 16/16/10|Init: +8| Perc: +7| Fort: +5| Ref: +4| Will: +3| Unarmed: +2;1d6+2| Sling: +2;1d4+2| Flurry: +1/+1;1d6+2| CMB: +3| CMD: 17|
Acrobatics: +6| Appraise:+1| Bluff:-2| Climb:+2| Diplo:-2| Intimidate: -2| Kn.(Reli): +5| Kn. (His): +5| Sense Motive: +3| Stealth: +6| Survival: +3| Swim: +2| Prof (Chef): +7

No problem. Good to have you back with us.

Male Human

Indeed, glad it got worked out.

Scarab Sages

Male Dwarf fighter 2 | hp 16/22 | AC 22, touch 11, flat-footed 21 | Init +1 | darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +0 | Fort +5, Ref +1, Will +0; +2 vs. poison, spells, spell-like abilities, diseases and curses

PFS number 88579-3

No day jobs.

Grand Lodge

PFS#76925-40 Male Dwarf Monk 1 | HP:11/11| AC: 16/16/10|Init: +8| Perc: +7| Fort: +5| Ref: +4| Will: +3| Unarmed: +2;1d6+2| Sling: +2;1d4+2| Flurry: +1/+1;1d6+2| CMB: +3| CMD: 17|
Acrobatics: +6| Appraise:+1| Bluff:-2| Climb:+2| Diplo:-2| Intimidate: -2| Kn.(Reli): +5| Kn. (His): +5| Sense Motive: +3| Stealth: +6| Survival: +3| Swim: +2| Prof (Chef): +7

Thanks for running this.

PFS: 76925-40
Day Job: Profession (Chef) 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17

Scarab Sages

Temp Claw as Dragon:
Elf Druid lvl 17| AC:30 T:23 FF:25|HP: 92/207|BaB: +12 /+7/+2|F/R/W19/16/22|Init:+8|CMB: +19|CMD: 36|SR (Fire) 20
Temp Bite as Dragon:

Next game starts Friday. Let me know if you're in so I can recruit more if needed.

Grand Lodge

PFS#76925-40 Male Dwarf Monk 1 | HP:11/11| AC: 16/16/10|Init: +8| Perc: +7| Fort: +5| Ref: +4| Will: +3| Unarmed: +2;1d6+2| Sling: +2;1d4+2| Flurry: +1/+1;1d6+2| CMB: +3| CMD: 17|
Acrobatics: +6| Appraise:+1| Bluff:-2| Climb:+2| Diplo:-2| Intimidate: -2| Kn.(Reli): +5| Kn. (His): +5| Sense Motive: +3| Stealth: +6| Survival: +3| Swim: +2| Prof (Chef): +7

I'm in. Same Charcter.

Scarab Sages

Temp Claw as Dragon:
Elf Druid lvl 17| AC:30 T:23 FF:25|HP: 92/207|BaB: +12 /+7/+2|F/R/W19/16/22|Init:+8|CMB: +19|CMD: 36|SR (Fire) 20
Temp Bite as Dragon:

It will start Saturday... Game day.

Grand Lodge

PFS#76925-40 Male Dwarf Monk 1 | HP:11/11| AC: 16/16/10|Init: +8| Perc: +7| Fort: +5| Ref: +4| Will: +3| Unarmed: +2;1d6+2| Sling: +2;1d4+2| Flurry: +1/+1;1d6+2| CMB: +3| CMD: 17|
Acrobatics: +6| Appraise:+1| Bluff:-2| Climb:+2| Diplo:-2| Intimidate: -2| Kn.(Reli): +5| Kn. (His): +5| Sense Motive: +3| Stealth: +6| Survival: +3| Swim: +2| Prof (Chef): +7


The Exchange

M Elf Paladin 4 | AC: 18, touch 12, flat-footed 16 | HP: 27/34 | BaB: +4 | Init:+2 | CMB: +7 | CMD: 19 | F: +7 R: +5 W: +5(+2 E) | Dip: +10, Per: +1, SM: +7


No day job

I'll be playing the next two scenarios on this same character. I've placed 4 xp worth of GM credit on him, so I'll be level 3 for next scenario.

Purchases will be incoming before Saturday's game start.

Grand Lodge

Male Human DEAD

Day Job - Profession(Soldier): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17 = 10gp.

Scarab Sages

Temp Claw as Dragon:
Elf Druid lvl 17| AC:30 T:23 FF:25|HP: 92/207|BaB: +12 /+7/+2|F/R/W19/16/22|Init:+8|CMB: +19|CMD: 36|SR (Fire) 20
Temp Bite as Dragon:

Hadaka's Day Job: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16

Okay, you can get your chronicle sheets here.

Grand Lodge

Male Human DEAD

Also, for the record, I am definitely up for part II :-)

Scarab Sages

Male Dwarf fighter 2 | hp 16/22 | AC 22, touch 11, flat-footed 21 | Init +1 | darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +0 | Fort +5, Ref +1, Will +0; +2 vs. poison, spells, spell-like abilities, diseases and curses

I'll be in part 2.

Scarab Sages

Temp Claw as Dragon:
Elf Druid lvl 17| AC:30 T:23 FF:25|HP: 92/207|BaB: +12 /+7/+2|F/R/W19/16/22|Init:+8|CMB: +19|CMD: 36|SR (Fire) 20
Temp Bite as Dragon:

With Hadanka AFK, i have opened up the requirement again. Do you guys want 5 or 6 players?

Scarab Sages

Temp Claw as Dragon:
Elf Druid lvl 17| AC:30 T:23 FF:25|HP: 92/207|BaB: +12 /+7/+2|F/R/W19/16/22|Init:+8|CMB: +19|CMD: 36|SR (Fire) 20
Temp Bite as Dragon:

Hey, if anyone wants to play Seige of Sarpents I the 7-8 tier, sign up here.

Scarab Sages

Male Dwarf fighter 2 | hp 16/22 | AC 22, touch 11, flat-footed 21 | Init +1 | darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +0 | Fort +5, Ref +1, Will +0; +2 vs. poison, spells, spell-like abilities, diseases and curses

Either 5 or 6 is fine with me.

Grand Lodge

PFS#76925-40 Male Dwarf Monk 1 | HP:11/11| AC: 16/16/10|Init: +8| Perc: +7| Fort: +5| Ref: +4| Will: +3| Unarmed: +2;1d6+2| Sling: +2;1d4+2| Flurry: +1/+1;1d6+2| CMB: +3| CMD: 17|
Acrobatics: +6| Appraise:+1| Bluff:-2| Climb:+2| Diplo:-2| Intimidate: -2| Kn.(Reli): +5| Kn. (His): +5| Sense Motive: +3| Stealth: +6| Survival: +3| Swim: +2| Prof (Chef): +7

Either is fine with me too.

The Exchange

M Elf Paladin 4 | AC: 18, touch 12, flat-footed 16 | HP: 27/34 | BaB: +4 | Init:+2 | CMB: +7 | CMD: 19 | F: +7 R: +5 W: +5(+2 E) | Dip: +10, Per: +1, SM: +7

I don't really care on about a 6 person party. Works for me.

The Exchange

CORE Female Human Sorceress 2/Fighter 1| AC: 14/13/11 | HP: 21/21 | Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +3 | CMB +2, CMD 15 | Init +3 | Perc +1

Dotting in. Hi everyone

The Exchange

M Elf Paladin 4 | AC: 18, touch 12, flat-footed 16 | HP: 27/34 | BaB: +4 | Init:+2 | CMB: +7 | CMD: 19 | F: +7 R: +5 W: +5(+2 E) | Dip: +10, Per: +1, SM: +7

Gonna spend 2 prestige on a wand of bless, FYI.

No other purchases at this time.

Scarab Sages

Temp Claw as Dragon:
Elf Druid lvl 17| AC:30 T:23 FF:25|HP: 92/207|BaB: +12 /+7/+2|F/R/W19/16/22|Init:+8|CMB: +19|CMD: 36|SR (Fire) 20
Temp Bite as Dragon:

Remind me of your purchases at the end of the game. Next game will start tomorrow evening.

The Exchange

M Elf Paladin 4 | AC: 18, touch 12, flat-footed 16 | HP: 27/34 | BaB: +4 | Init:+2 | CMB: +7 | CMD: 19 | F: +7 R: +5 W: +5(+2 E) | Dip: +10, Per: +1, SM: +7

You're just going to continue the next part on this thread, correct? Just want to make sure I'm keeping an eye on the right spot :D

Scarab Sages

Temp Claw as Dragon:
Elf Druid lvl 17| AC:30 T:23 FF:25|HP: 92/207|BaB: +12 /+7/+2|F/R/W19/16/22|Init:+8|CMB: +19|CMD: 36|SR (Fire) 20
Temp Bite as Dragon:

Sorry, about to make a post about the next part.

Scarab Sages

Male Dwarf fighter 2 | hp 16/22 | AC 22, touch 11, flat-footed 21 | Init +1 | darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +0 | Fort +5, Ref +1, Will +0; +2 vs. poison, spells, spell-like abilities, diseases and curses

I'll purchase the requisite Wand of CLW with my 2 PP.

The Exchange

M Elf Paladin 4 | AC: 18, touch 12, flat-footed 16 | HP: 27/34 | BaB: +4 | Init:+2 | CMB: +7 | CMD: 19 | F: +7 R: +5 W: +5(+2 E) | Dip: +10, Per: +1, SM: +7

Just a heads up, I'll have limited internet access next week. I'll do my best to keep an eye on posts, but it may take a day or two for me. If I'm holding up a scene, just autopilot me. I don't want to hold up the next session.

Scarab Sages

Temp Claw as Dragon:
Elf Druid lvl 17| AC:30 T:23 FF:25|HP: 92/207|BaB: +12 /+7/+2|F/R/W19/16/22|Init:+8|CMB: +19|CMD: 36|SR (Fire) 20
Temp Bite as Dragon:

Everyone. I am in America for a wedding. I'll try to update once every few days.... When I am on my PC.

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