[PFS / PbP] Midnight Mirror GD8 (Inactive)

Game Master Amsheagar


Greetings Pathfinders and welcome to another Game Day event. This one is for The Midnight Mirror.

The sleepy town of Karpad in shadow-haunted Nidal has long been overseen by the Boroi family, and until a few weeks ago, the citizens under Baron Stepan Boroi's rule have lived uneventful lives of relative peace. Recently, however, the outbreak of a virulent and fatal disease and a number of mysterious disappearances have left the people of Karpad paranoid and fearful. Even Baron Stepan has been acting strangely, and now the tenuous balance of racial tensions between Karpad's human and fetchling populations stands on the verge of collapsing into total anarchy. Can the PCs uncover the root of Karpad's problems and put an end to the deadly virus, the terrifying disappearances, and the miasma of fear and distrust that threatens to overwhelm the region?

This is a level 3-5 game and will be accepting applications for legal PFS characters. Please post below to be accepted.

About Me:

I am an English teacher in Japan, so my time is quite different from 80% of the people on this form. I typically post between 8am and 4:30pm Tokyo Time. I tend to check the forms after that to see if there is anything I need to reply to. I have been in Japan for 8 years with no plans to return to my home country. I have been playing Pathfinder since Season 1 and have GMed at GenCon twice. I am a 2 star GM and look forward to becoming a three star sometime in the future. I am laid back but will crack down on someone how is abusing my laidbackness (is that a word?).
A few years back, I went through a divorce and ended up dropping 90% of my games. I am just now getting back into a phase of mind to continue.

RP, Game Play, Post Rates::

As for RP, I will put in as much as the players put in... unless they want to write a book, then I charge. (jk). If there is a language spoken in the module that the players don't know, i will use Japanese to fill in the area. For those who have the language, I will send it to them in a private message and leave it up to them to share it with the rest of the group.
I will read the entire scenario before starting a game and have the map/encounters set up. I use Google Slides since I can access it easily on my phone/tablet. Have your general information set up in your characters Status section. AC:30 T:23 FF:25|HP: 143/207|BaB: +12 /+7/+2|F/R/W19/16/22|Init:+8|CMB: +19|CMD: 36|SR (Fire) 20 This will make it easier for me to check. I will have a space on Google Slides for you to input your Init and Perception.
Minimum post rate is 1 per weekday. As I said above, i am in Tokyo so my time will most likely be different. Posting on the Weekends is more lax as I am usually busy. If a player hasn't posted in 3-4 days, i will send them a message and if i don't get a reply in 48 hours, i will bot that player for the encounter. If they haven't returned, by the end, i will kick them.

Grand Lodge

I have for this game:

level 5 Oracle,
level 5 Spiritualist,
level 4 Cleric,
level 3 Ninja,
level 3 Paladin
level 3 Warpriest

I can offer a level 5 Hunter or a level 3 Alchemist.

Grand Lodge

Let's see who I have.

Level 4 Investigator (GM credit, will be skill focused.)
Level 5 Warpriest (Decent tank.)
Level 5 Oracle (Healing and Knowledge skills)
Level 5 Alchemist (Also a healer with alchemical equipment to help out)
Level 5 Slayer (Tank with sword and board)

Hey Amsheagar! I have:

Level 4.0 Sandman Bard
Level 4.2 URogue
Level 4.1 Wizard

My preference would probably be the rogue, but if we need arcane skills I've got us covered.

That will bring us to 4. Please pick out the character you want to play.

Yarin: lvl 4.2 URogue.

I will provide some melee damage, so Steinfaust it is.

Grand Lodge

I will bring the Lore Oracle for healing and backup tanking.

Grand Lodge

I will bring level 3 Warpriest Nino the Green

Since we will have oracle there is no point of bringing another oracle or cleric. And my Spiritualist will be in another game.

Nino might levels up by then.

Grand Lodge

i have a 3.2 swashbuckler i can bring in for melee damage...

With Grimdog, that makes 5

Decide on your characters and post in the discussion thread.

Liberty's Edge

I have a level 5 skald I could bring. Doesn't do much damage himself but can make everyone else better.

You would make the 6th and final..

What do you guys think of this layout? If it's good we will stop the recruitment now.

If anyone drops out please inform me! I would very much like to join. ;-)

I can bring front or support characters.


Preferred character below:

Player: noral
Character: Taarik
Faction: sovereign court
PFS: 314670-10

Sovereign Court

Here Taarik’s char sheet for your review.

Race is Ifrit and Paladin 2/ Ninja 1 are the classes. He worships Irori.

Taarik is a massive Ifrit. His hair is blazing and burning so that he almost warms his surroundings.

He has a greatsword and a bardiche on his back, a longsword at his side and a heavy shield in his hand.

He wears a fullplate that looks like it has seen battle recently.

Resting on top of his chest, an amulet showing the holy symbol of Irori is visible.

The Exchange

Gotta remember to update his profile tonight.

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