The Quest for Perfection Trilogy [PFS CORE] [Tier 1-2]
Game Master
A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for Levels 1–5.
In the distant land of Tian Xia, the Pathfinder Society's Lantern Lodge sends a team of agents high into the mountains of the Wall of Heaven to an abandoned Iroran monastery in search of a powerful relic to assist them in ensure victory in the upcoming Ruby Phoenix Tournament. Though the monastery has long laid unused by the faithful of the Master of Masters, it is not completely devoid of danger, and the PCs soon discover that merely retrieving the ancient artifact is but the beginning of a much larger quest.
The Edge of Heaven is the first scenario in the three-part The Quest for Perfection campaign arc. It is followed by Pathfinder Society Scenario #3-11: The Quest for Perfection—Part II: On Hostile Waters and Pathfinder Society Scenario #3-13: The Quest for Perfection—Part III: Defenders of Nesting Swallow. All three chapters are intended to be played in order.
This is a Core game, I also have a regular PFS game up and ready Here. Regular PFS Rules apply and i request that you make a post at least once every two days, more if possible.
As I mentioned in the other thread, yes, I am interested in this :-)
I'd be interested in this. It would be my first PbP game. I have a half orc ranger 4.
Greysector, have your character set up like mine for ease of information.
This would also be my first play by post game. I would be bringing a level 2 monk.
I'd like to submit this char for the game, if possible :)
Ummm... This *is* meant to be the CORE recruitment thread, right?
Good catch Luke. Duskin, there is another thread for the regular PFS game. click HERE to jump over to there.
I miss read his post, i thought he was asking if he could submit a character, not that one.
Hadanka reporting for assignment.
Only a 1st level char, that I will be 'rebuilding' as a barbarian. If you are playing high tier, I will withdraw.
If you run the higher tier, I would play as a pregen - whatever's needed to balance out the party.
My only core character is in a PbP game right now, but I was hoping to run him through QfP sometime.
I want in!!!! Dwarven Monk.
My Dwarven Cleric is in another game.
My Half Orc cleric the same.....
I think I'm going to rebuild as a Paladin. I can't seem to make a Core Monk I'm happy with and I haven't done a straight Paladin. So Paladin 2, leaning Elven.
Adding in my Dwarf Monk.
Grams Boulderstep
OK, I'm working on setting up this profile for the PbP game.
Okay, we have
Luke as ??? Level ???
Grey Sector as Slebos Level 4 BarbarianRanger
Drogos as ??? Level 2 Paladin Just turned level 2? other wise you can't really rebuild a character.
Hádanka as himself level 1 barbarian
Greycloack as a Pregen. do you have any low level characters not in a scenario?
Nightdeath as Grams level 1 monk
Jademan as Butharn Longaxe Level 1 fighter.
Current make up, 3 level 1's, 1 level 2, 1 level 4 and 1 (high) pregen.
If i missed someone (or added you twice.) let me know. Currently looking at a mixed part with the tier being in the middle.
I'd love to come along with Brutharn, a starting out Dwarven fighter. I have done lots of PbP before with other characters though.
Butharn, where is "Mummy Touched" from?
It's an Osirion faction trait.
Also, since a forced high-tier party where half the party is level 1 is a bad idea, I'll bring a level 1 PC as well.
Oh, now i remember it. Thanks Luke. I'll check back in after my lessons and see if everyone is ready to start.
I only have one core character, a L1.1 monk. He just started crypt of the Everflame so he'll be busy for a while. I have lots of non-core characters, but have played parts 2&3 already in the standard campaign.
I suppose I could play a L1 pregen, maybe? if that works better, but I really shouldn't be playing the same character in parallel.
You have time, if you want to make a new character. We can wait.
If we are doing 1-2 then I'm going to drop out. Thanks for the opportunity!
Luke as ??? Level 1
Drogos as ??? Level 2 Paladin
Hádanka as himself level 1 barbarian
Nightdeath as Grams level 1 monk
Jademan as Butharn Longaxe Level 1 fighter.
Is everyone good with this makeup for a team?
lol we're all fighter types.
a paladin can use a wand. Also, Luke hasn't shown his level 1.
I could bring in my Druid if heals are needed, although he, too, is level 1, haha. While I haven't played the scenarios, I was hoping to save him for f2f games, so if the Pally has a wand, no need to me to butt in. Also, best of luck to the group!
Well, I was planning to bring a ranger, but I can bring a melee-cleric instead if necessary, who will morph into a ranger at the end of the first game (when everyone can buy wands).
Team looks good to me, but I won't have the PC rebuilt until sometime tomorrow evening. But it shouldn't make much difference if you want to start the intro/briefing stuff.
I won't start until Friday at the latest.
Character just hit level 2. Hasn't been played at 2 at all. I ran through a module for his first level and wasn't happy with his initial build and just kind of scrapped him until I figured out what I wanted. I'm pretty sure if I was cheating greysector would have a few choice words for me. I've also got a wand on him. He's Elven, I'll be working on building him on the site this weekend as I get some time.
nightdeath wrote: lol we're all fighter types. I'm a sneaky barbarian!
PFS CORE - Hádanka wrote: nightdeath wrote: lol we're all fighter types. I'm a sneaky barbarian! I like Sneaky barbarians
I wouldn't call me sneaky. At all.
We haven't started yet right?
Nope. I am in Tokyo this weekend and won't get back to my computer until sometime Monday. I'll go ahead and open the discussion forum for dots.
The other forms are open and the first post of the scenario is up. Head over there and get ready.
Okay, Getting ready for Game day 4. We have in this CORE game, 4 current players. Room for 1 or two more.
1. Butharn Longaxe, lvl 1 fighter
2. Cit'vaya, lvl 2 paladin
3. Grams Boulderstep, lvl 1 monk
4. Jack M.T. Churchill, lvl 1 ranger.
5. open
6. open
Level 1 wizard (diviner) requesting a slot!
I'm interested :)
I can create any character :)
Raven, you're in. Please introduce your character in the discussion forum.
Ilmakis, Go ahead and make a character. Ill ask the other players if they want a 6th.
@Amsheagar which scenario will you GM for GD4 ?
I also am doing the regular version of this. Devil we know p3 and destiny of the sands part 2.
The p3 in The Devil we know in CORE too ?
No, this is the only Core game in running.
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