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Organized Play Member. 127 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.
I'm thinking about house ruling that Disrupt Undead is on the cleric list. I just want to make sure I haven't overlooked something.
Is there a reason its not a cleric spell? It fits thematically to be a cleric spell and not a sorc/wiz spell. Is there something broken a cleric could do with that spell that I'm not thinking about?
Question about how 10 minute rest works with, fatigue and non lethal.
Fatigue states anything that heals nonlethal cures the fatigue. If the amount of non lethal damage is greater than your stamina points, does the fatigue still get removed?
Also if non lethal damage is greater than stamina points does all the non lethal get removed on a 10 minute rest?
So the book says it's tier 3, while when I added up all the systems its comes to a BP of 118 making it a very low tier 5 ship. Is this a mistake or am I missing something?
I'm am considering dropping the damage of all melee weapons by 1 dice level (ie a 1d8 becomes 1d6). Then adding (StrMod)d3's to all melee. So a Longsword from a medium character with +2 Str would become 1d6+2d3. The additional damage from the D3's cannot be added with any precision damage.
The reason I am considering this is because STR seems underrated to the point that I've run campaigns were I had no PC's with a STR higher than 12 at lvl 1. Melee also tends to die off after 7 or so. So this would make melee and STR stronger into later levels. I have personally felt they needed a little buff. Is this too much? Is this balanced? Any thoughts (expect yes or no without any reasoning) would be appreciated.

I am in need of 1-2 more people for Ruins of Azlant on roll20, it is voice chat and we have a discord for discussions. I am not posting for recruitment on roll20 anymore due to low quality player rate, and was hoping this forum would have better success.
What I'm looking for: Someone who can make a firm commitment to being there (Mondays from 12 Central US to 3). Not an RP snob, I do enjoy RP, if you don't then tabletop probably isn't for you. But some people enjoy PF almost strictly for the RP, while I try to bring a good mix of RP, Combat, and Story. The players that enjoy me as a GM the most, are the ones that enjoy all aspects of PF, not just RPing. My most important rule is that you dont Meta game or read ahead in the AP, to that end you have to, have not played past book 1, or read past the very beginning of book 1. I do have a small amount of homebrew rules which I will link at the bottom of the page. I am willing to take new players, and players that don't know Roll20.
Name and Discord:
Favorite character you've made in the past:
Have you played or read Ruins of Azlant before?:
Can you commit to mondays from 12 CST- 3?:
Homebrew Rules Link
I was looking at building a Pitborn Tiefling Paladin, and got to looking at the alternate physical features list, which list's changes to appearance and nothing else. Am I missing something, are the alternate features supposed to do anything? If I roll bat ears, did just give up the SLA for bat ears that don't improve my hearing? I haven't found were the Alternative Physical Features change anything other than appearance, which makes me think I'm missing something entirely, since you have to lose your SLA for it.

I have a couple of fun characters I'd like to try out sometime but I'm having trouble building them. Any advice would be appreciated, I prefer someone that's fun to play over strong, but they shouldn't be a drain on the party either.
1st: Zoey the Chaos Mage from Orcs Must Die
About Zoey, she is a straight up Wizard, with a bat familiar, what makes her unique is that she cannot control her magic. In Orc's Must Die, she had the highest damage potential of any character however her magic randomly changed schools. You would never know if she would attack with fire or electric or anything else. I like the idea of an RNGesus spell caster who's evocations (or other spells) are slightly stronger but at the cost of control. I just haven't seen anything that could build this well.
2nd: a Centaur
I personally allow point buy based on race type, so I allow Kobolds at 25 point buy and Centaurs at 5. I would like to make a Centaur that is the mount for another PC, and I'm wondering what 2 builds would mesh together. The rider's build would be odd for a mounted build because you don't need a mount from the class which most mounted builds provide. My first thought was both Barbarian's raging together, but that doesn't make a good team as you have 2 PC's playing the same role.
I'm setting a PF game on Triaxus which is all Dragons/Drakes/Dragonkin. So I'm looking for tokens I can use in the campaign for each chromatic/metallic/other form of each. Dragons and Drakes aren't too hard to find, Dragonkin as they are described in PF are not similar to other Dragonkin in other fantasy settings so I am unable to find any tokens to use for them. Any help in finding Dragonkin token's would be appreciated.

Two questions about the changes to Boon Companion that were made.
1st) It says an animal companion can take this feat themselves rather than needing the PC to take it. If you have multiple animal companions can each one take it? IE can a 5th level Pack Lord Druid or Huntmaster Ranger have five fifth level animal companions, where each companion Booned itself? This seems to be RAW but incredibly broken, I know this could happen before but the PC had to burn 5 of there own feats to do it. Now though each companion just has to burn one of its own. I feel like I must be missing something.
"An animal companion or mount can select from the
feats listed below that include “animal companion” as a
prerequisite as if it appeared on the list of animal feats on
page 53 of the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook."
2nd) This is something that has always been vague to me. Are the extra levels given only at the time of the feat or can the animal companion take this feat at level 1 and get the extra level whenever the master levels up but adds an extra companion instead?
"The abilities of your animal companion or familiar
are calculated as though your class were 4 levels higher, to a
maximum effective druid level equal to your character level."

My PC's stumbled across a couple of Frost Firs with a baby still in the dirt. They killed them before realizing the baby was there and now want to adopt the baby frost fir. They have re-potted it and are taking it with them. I will now have the extended group of frost firs begin hunting the PC's through the forest culminating in a fight with an Elder Frost Fir. According to the wiki some Elder Frost Fir's become druids and even disguise themselves as humans.
I was hoping to make this about a CR 6 encounter. The hardest part is building the Elder Frost Fir, which while they're mentioned in the wiki, they don't actually have a statblock. I was kind of thinking about a CR 3 from racial and 4 druid levels. But I'm not sure how to build out the 3 racial levels. Would an Elder be large instead of medium? Should I point buy him or start with the stats of a regular frost fir then advance it a few point? Should they have more racial abilities than a regular frost fir? Has anybody built this creature yet?
So quite a few creatures have numbing cold but I haven't seen in rule's how to calculate the DC needed to resist it. It says it's constitution based so Con Mod + ?
I'm starting up a Mummy's Mask campaign to be run on Roll20. I am looking for a couple more people to round out the Party that haven't read the books or played the campaign before. I have one major change I am making however, that is Race/Class will be randomly chosen.
I like the idea of a party of PC's that feel like a group of friends that came together, rather than a pre-built power gamed group that has all there bases covered. PC's will also be localish, meaning that they will be Egyptian/African/Middle Eastern flavored. While classes are random, any archetype can be chosen and prestige classes can be taken.
I understand that this will make the party weaker (especially early), and I am allowing high point buy, and higher starting gold to compensate.
Post here if you are interested!
So in ASOIAF several characters are Wargs, which at its most basic is a character that has a psychic link with an animal companion. Seems pretty straight forward, and something we have in PF already. I'm wondering if there is a class or archetype for a martial warg character. Full BAB, Full animal companion, no spellcasting.
Secondly, if no such class/archetype exists would it be terribly unbalanced to homebrew a ranger that gets there Animal Companion at level 1, and losses all casting ability?
I've was reading through some Spooky flavored archetypes and found one that is awesome from a flavor POV, but vastly underwhelming and a large nerf from its parent. That is the Gravedigger archetype for Investigator. I kinda want to run a campaign designed for weak but fun archetypes. So what are some others that could be included? What's the weakest archetype available?
http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/coreRulebook/spells/breakEnchantment.htm l#break-enchantment
How long does the effects of Break Enchantment last? I have a PC that wants to cast Break Enchantment on another PC, who's receiving Buffs from a powerful object. Once they hit him with the spell they're going to try and take it off of him. If the spell succeeds, but they fail to remove it and the original PC keeps the object, how long until the enchantments start working again?
My PC's are going on a survival mission and will have random weather effects. The section on Tornado's says "characters in close proximity to a tornado who fail their Fortitude saves are sucked toward the tornado". But never says what the DC of the Fort save is. Can anybody elaborate? Also if they pass their strength checks (from the wind/blown away table) do they not need to pass their Fort saves?
I have a PC that is building towards crafting constructs, yet the rules about it are different depending on where you look. Ultimate Magic says the DC to create any construct is 5+CL, but if you look at specific constructs that were around before Ultimate Magic they have difference DC's to create. For example an Iron Cobra has a CL of 7, and listed DC to create of 15. So does my PC need a 12 or 15 to craft it?

I've been running my friends through some homemade campaigns (because I'm far too broke to afford a premade one even though they look awesome) who are currently 5 PC's at level 8. Upto this point they've been handling CR+2 to CR+3 above them without to much difficulty. Then I threw a Zelekhut at them. Its a CR 9 with an AC of 24, hp at 115, and hits at +17 for 6d6+14 on a full round attack.
Those stats weren't the problem, the problem is it is DR 10/Chaotic, and SR 20. I've yet to find a PC that is actively prepared to handle this. Nobody carries Chaotic weapons, nobody prepares spells that add Chaotic to a weapon, nobody prepares protection from Law in a good campaign. On top of that is has true seeing to negate invisibility and dimensional anchor which prevented my party from escaping to prepare better. Which makes me wonder is CR 9 to low for this creature?
I don't want to hear any, all you have to do is prepare these random spells or do this random thing. The point I'm making is that the counters to this creature aren't things that are prepared by a party at level 8-9. So imo it should probably be CR 11-13, but what does everyone else think?
http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/bestiary2/inevitable.html#inevitable-zel ekhut
1 person marked this as a favorite.
The link is to the Word Online doc where my friends and I created some homebrew animal/human races. After watching Zootopia one of us wanted to create some one off encounters taking place in a world with all animals and no humans. We went ahead and created 8-10 RP races that would work just as well in Golarion as in Zootopia.
Races we created:
Its great that Paizo already has Cats, Ravens, Monkey's(ish), Frogs, Rats, Foxes, and Lizards. We just wanted to expand on that, if we don't get lazy or lose interest we'll also add Rhino's, Big Cats, and Boars.
A PC in my campaign has fashioned some mistmail and I'm wondering if mistmail loses its AC bonus when it becomes mist? I have two thoughts on this.
1st) It doesn't say anywhere that it loses its AC bonus which implies it keeps its AC bonus.
2nd) It does say it transforms into fog which implies it's no longer armor and would lose its AC bonus while in mist form.
I'm wondering if there are net launchers in PF, I've found bomb launchers, and crossbow launchers, as well as a construct that shoots nets. None of those will allow somebody to carry a weapon around that shoots a net though. My group is level 6 soon to be 7 and looking into ways to bring down flyers. I'm allowing grappling arrows/bolts to be used to attempt to pull them down. But I'm wondering what else there is to bring down flyers. Net launchers seem like the best idea to me.

I'm looking at the primary spell casting classes and I can't seem to figure out when you would actually want to be a wizard instead of a sorcerer. Whenever I've played with Wizards they mostly sit back and shoot with a crossbow until they can afford an attack wand (such as magic missile), then they use the wand. They rarely cast their own spells, because they don't have very many cast's per day, especially compared to a sorcerer.
I've heard the argument that a wizard knowing more spells makes them better prepared, and I don't buy it. If you know what's coming and know what type of spells to prepare, then a sorcerer will just buy a couple of scrolls and be just as prepared. If you don't know what's coming and which spells to prepare than a sorcerer is more prepared because he can cast his spells with more flexibility than a wizard. Because he's not tied to exactly what he prepared, he can use all of his castings on the same spell if it's useful.
Also if you like familiars (and who doesn't) a sorcerer can just take the arcane bloodline. I think bloodline's vs arcane schools are fairly equal, neither one giving a decided advantage to the other.
I'm hoping to learn something new about casting from you guys in this discussion. I've mostly played melee'ers and skill monkeys in pathfinder. Tried Witch once and just trolled the living hell out of the GM with it, because hex's are hilarious.
I'm running a campaign on roll20 and am looking for a good map of an empty large house or small mansion that my 6 PC's would like to use as a base of operations. Does anybody know where I can find such a map? google has come up empty for me, as has roll20 art assets unless I want to spend $15, which I don't.
I have a PC with the throw anything feat, but he is only proficient in simple weapons. Is there a penalty for him throwing a martial weapon (ie one he's not proficient with). I read the RAW as if you throw a non-ranged weapon that you aren't proficient with you take a -8 penalty, -4 to not proficient and -4 to improvised ranged. Does the throw anything feat negate both penalties or just the improvised ranged?
Background: One of my friends got a little upset at our GM for enforcing the plug rule regarding bayonets. Which gave us the idea of a Bayonetmancer, a crossbowman who uses underbarrel bayonets. I have now made this class for our own personal use mostly, but anybody is welcome to use this.
Class: Bayonetmancers use underbarrel bayonets to not be completely useless in melee with a ranged weapon. He adds some low level casting, crossbow combat style from the ranger, and some class perks.
Feedback: I did this in about an hour, so any balancing feedback would be nice. Also i need more imbue abilities at higher levels, if anybody has ideas on those.
So I'm looking into running the Mummy's Mask campaign and just read about haunts. If I am reading it right the PC's get one turn to make a check just before the haunt happens. But even if they pass the check to notice the haunt is about to occur, that doesn't tell them what object is causing the haunt in order to prevent it. And once it happens if the haunt has a lingering effect (such as cause fear) I don't see how they are supposed to figure out what the particular destroy terms are for the haunt.
It seems a little unfair to throw something that's unstoppable at the PC's, I like haunts in terms of telling story and setting mood. But i'm considering having the haunt's just be an event that happens and passes. Or am I missing something completely.