Kaigon the Miscreant

Chumbeard's page

16 posts. Alias of Devastation Bob.

Full Name



Dwarf (Saltbeard race trait)













Strength 16
Dexterity 10
Constitution 14
Intelligence 8
Wisdom 16
Charisma 8

About Chumbeard

"It's a well known fact that Saltbeard Dwarves be tough. But to survive fallin' overboard into a feedin' frenzy o' murderfish and live, now that's something special. Sure he had a leg off, no hand and just the one eye, but he was still able to pirate with the best of 'em. Never did catch his name, the men just took to callin' him Chumbeard as a joke. He said he was spared by Besmara, and that was the only captain he'd answer to. Well, of course the captain didn't take that too kindly. Of course, ye couldn't just keel haul one of the faithful, you never know who's listenin', savy? We left him off at Port Peril, and Captain saw that we pulled up anchor before he was back aboard. Later that week, a giant tentacle yanked the Captain' right off the foredeck, wheel and all. Maybe someone was listenin' anyways."

-Bilgewater Bill, first mate The Salty Witch.

Chumbeard is now devoted to Besmara, as it was her he cried out to when he fell overboard (damned grog rations) and into a midst of sharks still hungry from the thief that had just walked the plank. As his arm and leg were torn from him and the doll eyed killers savaged his sturdy frame, he swore fealty to the Pirate Queen if she'd just get him out of this pickle. He survived. Now an inquisitor of Besmara (first levelling chance he gets), he is committed to seeking out those who corrupt the Pirate Code at the expense of their shipmates and crew. Also, he's committed to pirating. Saltbeards figured out long ago it's easier to get the gold if you let someone else dig it up and then just take it from their ship at swordpoint.

He's a dwarf with fiery red hair, two peg legs, one hook hand and an eyepatch. The remaining eye is as gray as a stormcloud. What flesh that remains of him is covered in shark bite scars.

Stat Block:
Male CN Dwarf (Saltbearded) Barbarian, Level 1, Init +1, HP 15/15, Speed 25
AC 14, Touch 11, Flat-footed 13, Fort +6, Ref +1, Will +3, Base Attack Bonus 1
no disarm Hook Hand +4(+6 raging) (1d4, x2)
Dwarven War Axe +4(+6 raging) (1d10, x3)
no Swim check penalty Wooden Armor (+3 Armor, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 16, Dex 12, Con 16, Int 8, Wis 16, Cha 8
Condition None

Glory of Old (Dwarf)-In your veins flows the blood of dwarven heroes.
Benefit: You receive a +1 trait bonus on saving throws against spells, spell-like abilities, and poison.

Peg Leg-One of your legs was bitten off below the knee by a shark when you were just a child, and was replaced with a wooden peg leg. You've long since gotten used to your prosthesis, however, and take none of the normal penalties from having a peg leg.

Your balance always gets a bit shaky after a few drinks, and last night at the Formidably Maid—a tavern in Port Peril—was no exception. That must be why you fell to the floor as soon as you tried to stand up. What happened next is hazy, but you're pretty sure you were dragged out of the bar and onto a ship at the docks. At least they didn't throw you to the sharks...

Benefit You've had to learn to deal with the pain of your injury as well, and you gain a +1 trait bonus on Fortitude saves. Ever since your accident you've hated sharks, and you also gain a +1 trait bonus on damage rolls against sharks and other animals with the aquatic subtype.