"It's a well known fact that Saltbeard Dwarves be tough. But to survive fallin' overboard into a feedin' frenzy o' murderfish and live, now that's something special. Sure he had a leg off, no hand and just the one eye, but he was still able to pirate with the best of 'em. Never did catch his name, the men just took to callin' him Chumbeard as a joke. He said he was spared by Besmara, and that was the only captain he'd answer to. Well, of course the captain didn't take that too kindly. Of course, ye couldn't just keel haul one of the faithful, you never know who's listenin', savy? We left him off at Port Peril, and Captain saw that we pulled up anchor before he was back aboard. Later that week, a giant tentacle yanked the Captain' right off the foredeck, wheel and all. Maybe someone was listenin' anyways."
-Bilgewater Bill, first mate The Salty Witch.
Chumbeard is now devoted to Besmara, as it was her he cried out to when he fell overboard (damned grog rations) and into a midst of sharks still hungry from the thief that had just walked the plank. As his arm and leg were torn from him and the doll eyed killers savaged his sturdy frame, he swore fealty to the Pirate Queen if she'd just get him out of this pickle. He survived. Now an inquisitor of Besmara (first levelling chance he gets), he is committed to seeking out those who corrupt the Pirate Code at the expense of their shipmates and crew. Also, he's committed to pirating. Saltbeards figured out long ago it's easier to get the gold if you let someone else dig it up and then just take it from their ship at swordpoint.