Rumor has it that Pa Fergus was banished from the Nolands in Northern Varisia, and that Ma Fergus was a Sczarni that stole from her own people. They sired a brood of miscreants and ne'er do wells that became the bane of every lawman and paladin in the north. Turd was the youngest of the brood, and showed every sign of following in his family's footsteps. While ambushing travellers outside of Holver's Ferry, one of Turd's brother broke with their normal strongarm tactics and killed a merchant who was reluctant to part with his wealth. Turd fled the gang that night, but even though he wasn't directly involved, his association with the murder put a price on his head. He was caught on the road to Sandpoint, and is being sent back to Holver's Ferry to stand for the crime.