Lamashtu Worshipper

Nana Grilka's page

327 posts. Organized Play character for supervillan.

Organized Play Characters

Lantern Bearer
Scarab Sages Quenly

active effects:
more active effects:
M Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 14 | AC 33 T 21 FF 27 | HP [132/121] 121/121| F +17 R +18 W +16 | CMD 34 | Init +12/14 | Perc +21/23 lowlight vision, scent, darkvision, see in darkness, deaf | Spells (-, 6/8, 7/8, 3/8, 5/7, 6/7, 5/6, 4/4) (766 posts)
Dark Archive Doctor Drokk

active effects:
more effects:
M Half Orc Fighter 1 (unbreakable) / Alchemist 11 (beastmorph) | Current AC 23 T 11 FF 23 | HP 100/100 | F +17 R +14 W +9 | Init +1 | Perc +15/17 darkvision 60' (336 posts)
Lamashtu Worshipper
Grand Lodge Nana Grilka

active effects:
Female half orc Cleric (separatist) 12 | AC 21 T 13 FF 19 | CMD 24 | HP 107/107| F +16 R +11 W +21 | Init +2 (4) | Perc +12 darkvision 60' (327 posts)
Sovereign Court Tooth and Claw

active effects:
Tengu (Tooth) and Fiendish Giant Mantis (Claw) Hunter (divine verminous) 11 | AC 24 T 15 FF 20 | HP 98/98 | F +13 R +14 W +11 | CMD 26 | Init +4 | Perc +19 lowlight, carrion sense | vermin focus (11/11) | Sudden Shift (7/7) | Master's Illusion (11/11) | Spells (-, 6/6, 5/5, 5/5, 3/3) (284 posts)
Chief Kroghut
Liberty's Edge Kiboko

active effects:
barkskin, GMF, longstrider, air walk, heightened awareness
more effects:
tiger focus, bull focus
Male Half Orc (Mwangi heritage) Barbarian (scarred rager) 4 / Hunter 9 | current AC 31 T 17 FF 27 | HP 130/130 [130/130] | F +22 R +17 W +13 (+2 Fort and Will in rage) | CMD 30 | CMB +14| Init +5 | Perc +19 dv 60' | Rage (16/21) | Animal focus (6/9) | Spells (-, 5/6, 0/5, 2/4) (1,317 posts)
The Exchange Malachi Malarkey

active effects:
tentacles (8h), water breathing (10h), barkskin +3 (60m), ext. heroism (160m), longstrider (6h), bulls strength (6m)
Male Tengu Barbarian (untamed rager) 3/Brawler (snakebite striker) 1/Druid (kraken caller) 4 | AC 23 T 13 FF 20 | HP [71/71] 60/71 | F +16 R +13 W +12 +2F/W rage| Init +3 | Perc +17 (20 in bright light) lowlight vision | rage (7/16) | supplies (4/7) (395 posts)
Silver Crusade Sleeping Sword

active effects:
M Dhampir (Ancient Born) Monk (Qinggong Hungry Ghost) 6 / cleric (crusader) 1 | AC 17 T 17 FF 15 | HP 58/58 | F +9 R +8 W +12 | CMD 28 | Init +2 | Perc +14 darkvision 60', lowlight vision | ki 7/7 | kick 6/6 | rest 7/7 (566 posts)
Worshipper of Cayden Cailean
Silver Crusade Effie Gee

active effects:
Female Ifrit LG Gunslinger (Mysterious Stranger) 1 / Bard (Juggler) 2 / Monk (far strike) 1 / Paladin (divine hunter) 2 | AC 24 T 18 FF 16 | HP 38/44 | F +14 R +18 W +13 (+1 vs charm or compulsion); evasion | CMB +3, CMD 21 | Init +9 | Perc +3 darkvision 60' | SM -1 | Grit 5/5 | Performance 8/11 | Spells (-, 3/3) | LoH 5/6 (727 posts)
The Illegitimate
Dark Archive Janus Grey

active effects:
Human (ulfen) Inquisitor (green faith marshal, sanctified slayer) 6| AC 20 T 13 FF 17 | HP 54/54 | F +9 R +7 W +9 | CMD 21 (22 v disarm)| Init +5 | Perc +11 (+13) | Spells (-, 5/5, 4/4) | Bane (6/6) (475 posts)
Liberty's Edge Revered Master Poh

active effects:
mage armour, barkskin +3, antiplague, antitoxin, heroism, haste
Vanara Monk (Qinggong Drunken Sensei of the Four Winds) 7 | AC 28 T 21 FF 24 | HP 64/73 | F +14 R +14 W +15 | CMD 24 | Init +3 | Perc +16 lowlight, demon seeking (30') | drunken ki 2/3 | ki 6/8 | advice 8/12 | elemental fist 3/8 (226 posts)
Halfling Slinger
Liberty's Edge Lucky Lee

active effects:
M Halfling Bloodrager (bloody-knuckle-rowdy) 2 / Monk (sohei) 2 / Swashbuckler (mouser) 1 | current AC 19 T 15 FF 15 | HP [42/42] 42/42 | F +9 (11) R +9 W +3 (5) | CMD 19 |Init +4 | Perc +9 devoted guardian| Rage 14/14 | Luck 3/3 | Hellfire 3/3 | Panache 2/2 (408 posts)
The Concordance Boom Sticks

active effects:
rage, shield of faith
Vine Leshy Barbarian (savage technologist) 3 / Gunslinger 1 | current AC 22 T 18 FF 17 | HP 42/42 | F +8 R +7 W +4 (Rage = +2 R/W); trap sense +1 | CMD 22 | Init +3 |Rage 6/10| Grit 2/2 | Perc +7, lowlight, darkvision (403 posts)
Wild Watcher
The Exchange Ikari Hateshinai

active effects:
Male Kitsune Barbarian (urban, elemental kin) 5 / Cleric ('varisian' pilgrim) 1 | AC 19 (20) T 14 FF 19 | HP 62/62 | F +9 R +5 W +5 | CMD 21 |Init +3 | Perc +10 | Rage 12/14 | Channel 4/4 | Grow 4/4 | Calm 4/4 (664 posts)
The Concordance Gnoda

M Gnome Mesmerist 2| hp 17/17 | AC 16 T 12 FF 15 | F:+2 R:+4 W:+6 | CMD 11 | Init +1 | Perc +6, lowlight | Spells (-. 3/3) | Tricks 5/5 (174 posts)
Grand Lodge unfulfilled potential

GM blob (0 posts)
Dark Archive Aurora Arulius

active effects:
Merfolk Cleric 4 | AC 19 T 11 FF 18 | CMD 11 | HP 31/31| F +7 R +3 W +8 | Init +1 | Perc +3 | Channel 6/7 | Divine Vessel 5/6 | Death's Kiss 6/6 (447 posts)
Wax Golem
Dark Archive Swarm

active effects:
Android Witch (putrefactor) 1 | current AC 12 T 12 FF 10 | HP 14/14 | F +2 R +2 W +2 | CMD 10 | Init +2 | Perc +4 darkvision 60', lowlight vision (51 posts)
Cave Wizard
Grand Lodge Korgaar the Keen

active effects:
physical enhancement CON
[CORE] Dwarf Barbarian 1 Wizard 1| hp 23/23 [27/27] | AC 20 [18] T 12 FF 18 | F:+6 (8) R:+3 W:+3 (5); hardy | CMD 16 | Init +2 | Perc +3, darkvision | Rage 7/12 | tk fists 4/5 (255 posts)
Efni Raan
The Concordance Halali Skyseeker

active effects:
mage armour, pfe
Female Dwarf UnMonk 1 / Unsworn 2| hp 25/28 | AC 23 T 16 FF 21 (+2 dodge vs flyers) | F:+5 R:+4 W:+6; hardy, +2vs electricity | CMD 25 | Init +2 | Perc +9 (+2 vs flyers), darkvision (342 posts)
Silver Crusade Xan, the Mountain Dragon

Male Half Elf Paladin (hospitaler) 2/ Cleric 1/ monk (qinggong master of many sacred mountain styles) 2 (5 posts)


Idol of the Forgotten God

active effects:
longstrider, GMF, barkskin, spider climb
more effects:
tiger focus, wolf focus
| Hippo (humanoid; human, orc) Kiboko|Barbarian (scarred rager) 4 / Hunter 8 | AC25 T 13 FF 22 | HP 97/97 [97/97] | F +22 R +18 W +12 (+2 Fort and Will in rage) | CMD 37 | CMB +18| Init +3 | Perc +18 dv 60' | Rage (19/19) | Animal focus (7/8) | Spells (-, 4/5, 3/5, 2/3) (32 posts)
Sovereign Court Claw, spawn of Achaekek

active effects:
GMF x3, mage armour, ant, leech, skald, haste
Fiendish Giant Mantis vermin companion (9HD) | current AC 30 T 15 FF 26 | HP 67/67 | F +8 R +11 W +6; evasion, devotion | DR5/good | SR14 | CMD 30 | Init +3 | Perc +5 darkvision | tricks 3/5 (85 posts)
Draxxie Dirgus

active effects:
female half elf Skald 4| hp 36/36 [40/40]| AC 15 T 11 FF 13 Uncanny Dodge | F:+6 R:+3 W:+4; +2 vs enchantment; well-versed; rage +1F, +2W | CMD 18 | Init +6 | Perc +4 | Raging song 6/12 | Spells (-, 2/4, 2/2) (238 posts)
Farmer Grump
El Porco
(0 posts)
GM supervillan

The Waking Rune (4,682 posts)
The Concordance Grim Stormcrow

familiar (sage) 2 | current AC 14 T 14 FF 12 | HP 14/14 | F +1 R +4 W +5 imp. evasion | CMD 8 | Init +2 | Perc +2 lowlight vision (17 posts)
Infernal Crocodile
Dark Archive Janus Too

Dwarf Caiman (magical beast) familiar (figment) 6 | current AC 18 T 11 FF 18 | HP 13/13 | F +7 R +2 W +5 | CMD 15 | Init +0 | Perc +9 lowlight vision (97 posts)

active effects:
monstrous extremities, magic vestment, GMF, mass fly, blessing of fervour, bull's strength
Male Ape 9HD, animal companion; | AC 29 T 15 FF 23 | HP 59/67 | F +8 R +10 W +6| Init +4 | Perc +7 lowlight vision, scent (57 posts)
Idol of the Forgotten God

active effects:
bear focus, tiger focus, longstrider, GMF, barkskin
F Hippopotamus 11HD, animal companion (lvl 13)| current AC 38 T 16 FF 34 | HP [115/115] 93/93 |CMD 30| F +15 R +14 W +7; +2 vs nonmagical disease; +1 vs fear; +2 vs haunts; devotion; evasion | Init +2(+4) | Perc +7 lowlight vision, scent| Tricks 6/6 (266 posts)
Dark Archive Nigel, tumour monkey

"monkey" (magical beast) tumour familiar (sage) 10 | AC 16 T 14 FF 14 | HP 46/46 | F +9 R +9 W +4 | CMD 14 | Init +2 | Perc +5 lowlight vision (40 posts)
Water Mephit
Octaris, water mephit

active effects:
Veil of Mists, Shroud of Water, mage armour, good hope, haste
Octaris | HP: 71/71 Burn: 1 (7nl) | AC: 28 (T 19 FF 20) | F: +12 R: +20 W: +7 (54 posts)
The Exchange Polly the very rare parrot-hawk

F very rare parrot-hawk familiar (emissary) 4 | AC 17 T 15 FF 14 | HP 35/35 | F +9 R +7 W +7 | CMD 16 | Init +3 | Perc +21 (10) lowlight vision (35 posts)
Quenly's Dragon

active effects:
Dragon (shadow conjuration draconic ally) | AC 15 T 14 FF 13 | HP 3/3 | F +5 R +5 W +4 (+4 vs mind affecting) SR12 | Init +2 | Perc +6, lowlight vision, darkvision, blindsense 60', see in darkness (139 posts)
(25 posts)