
Draxxie Dirgus's page

238 posts. Alias of supervillan.


half elf


Skald 4| hp 36/36 [40/40]| AC 15 T 11 FF 13 Uncanny Dodge | F:+6 R:+3 W:+4; +2 vs enchantment; well-versed; rage +1F, +2W | CMD 18 | Init +6 | Perc +4 | Raging song 6/12 | Spells (-, 2/4, 2/2)


active effects:


Pirate Captain

About Draxxie Dirgus

"Bite me. No. Bite YOU."


Drink like a pirate.
Sing like a pirate.
Fight like a pirate.

Besmara take the hindmost!

If you can reach it, melee with whatever weapon you have to hand.
If you can't reach it, throw something at it.
If you can't throw something at it, make it run away with Cause Fear or Daze it.


Draxxie is a second-generation half elf, both her parents being shoreborn Shackles-dwellers. She grew up in the Shackles, amongst pirates, and has always looked up to the Free Captains. Her mother was a Besmaran priestess and she was born at sea. Her father was a sorcerer serving on board her mother's vessel. She hasn't seen her parents in years, but both of them trained her in her youth, and she means to follow in their footsteps - become a Free Captain herself, maybe one day find her parents, learn why they didn't take her on their last voyage, and, if they still live, take their stuff!

Draxxie is blessed with a beautiful voice, but she'd rather use it to sing bawdy shanties than anything else. She knows just how to wind an audience up, whoever they are, and she's started plenty of bar brawls around the free ports. It's one of her favourite things to do.

Since she was left to fend for herself she's scraped together some gear, much of it stolen, but she's yet to find a crew to take her on.


Female Half-elf Skald 4
CN Medium Humanoid (Human, Elf)
Init +6; Senses normal vision; Perception +4

AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+3 armour, +2 Dex, +1 shield)
hp 27 (3d8+6)
Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +4; +2 vs enchantment; well-versed (+4 vs bardic performance, sonic, language-dependent)
Uncanny Dodge
Immune: sleep

Base Atk +3; CMB +6; CMD 18
Speed 30ft
boarding axe, +6 (1d6+3/x3)
boarding pike, +6 (1d8+4/x3)
Tidewater Cutlass, +7 (1d6+4/18-20x2)
dagger, +6 (1d4+3/19-20x2)

dagger, +5 (1d4+3/19-20x2)
chakram, +5 (1d8+3/x2)

Spells Known (CL 3; concentration +6):

Level 0 (6) dancing lights, daze, mending, prestidigitation, read magic, detect magic

Level 1 (4) cause fear, cure light wounds, darting duplicate, vanish, liberating command*

Level 2 (2) heroism, mirror image

* = fcb spell



Str 16 Dex 14 Con 14 Int 10 Wis 8 Cha 16


Improved Initiative
Scribe Scroll
Skill Focus (intimidate)
Skald's Vigour (Fast Healing 2)


Cheat Death (besmara, religion)
Indomitable Faith (faith)
Besmara's Blessing (campaign)

Drawback: power hungry (-2 Will vs charm/compulsion if made an offer of wealth or power)


16 ranks + 3 fcb + 8 background
[3] Acrobatics 3+2+3 = 8
[2] Climb 2+3+3 = 8
[4] Diplomacy 4+3+3 = 10
[4] Intimidate 4+3+3+3 = 13
[1] Know (engineering) 1+3+2 = 6
[2] Know (local) 2+3+2 = 7
[1] Perception 1-1+3+1 = 4
[1] Spellcraft 1+3 = 4
[1] Swim 1+3+3+4+2 = 13

[b4] Perform (sing) 4+3+3 = 10
[b4] Profession (sailor) 4-1+3+4+1+2 = 13

[vp] Bluff = 10
[vp] Sense Motive = 10

ACP -1 (-0 for swim checks; additional -1 with buckler equipped)


Common, Elvish


Combat Gear
wooden armour
buckler -> given to Asami
boarding axe
boarding pike
cold iron chakram
silver hatpin

alchemist's fire (1)
tanglefoot bag

Other Gear
Besmara's tricorne
eye patch
flint & steel
grappling hook
50' rope
signal whistle
smoked goggles
waterproof bag

Potions and Scrolls
Potion Cure Light Wounds -> Asami
Scroll Cure Moderate Wounds
Scroll Summon Swarm

In "shared loot" potion box:
1 x Cure Moderate Wounds
1 x Invisibility -> Asami

0 CP; 7 SP; 92GP



Raging song 12/12

Besmara's Blessing (profession: sailor reroll) 1/1
Cheat Death 1/1


Special Abilities:

racial abilities:
adaptability (skill focus)
elf blood (counts as an elf and a human)
elven immunities (immune sleep, +2 vs enchantments)
child of the sea (+4 racial bonus to swim, profession (sailor) and WIS checks to pilot ships; innate sense of direction and cannot get lost at sea)
arcane training (skald: count as +1 skald level for activating spell trigger and spell completion items)

class abilities:
bardic knowledge - make knowledge checks as if trained with a +1 bonus per two skald levels (minimum +1)
inspired rage +2 - +2STR/CON, +2 Will, -1AC
Song of Marching: By expending 1 round of raging song, the skald invigorates allies within 60 feet, who may hustle for the next hour; this movement counts as a walk (not a hustle) for the purpose of accruing nonlethal damage and fatigue. The skald must continue to perform the song for the remainder of the hour, otherwise its effects end, but only 1 round of raging song is expended for that hour.
raging song (10/10)
versatile performance (use total bonus in perform: sing for Bluff and Sense Motive checks)
well-versed (+4 untyped save bonus vs bardic performance, sonic, language-dependent attacks)
Uncanny Dodge
Rage Powers: a skald may grant rage powers gained from this class feature only to allies whenever they accept her Raging Song.
Animal Fury: While raging, the barbarian gains a bite attack. If used as part of a full attack action, the bite attack is made at the barbarian's full base attack bonus –5. If the bite hits, it deals 1d4 points of damage (assuming the barbarian is Medium; 1d3 points of damage if Small) plus half the barbarian's Strength modifier. A barbarian can make a bite attack as part of the action to maintain or break free from a grapple. This attack is resolved before the grapple check is made. If the bite attack hits, any grapple checks made by the barbarian against the target this round are at a +2 bonus.