
Monkeygod's page

Goblin Squad Member. 7,172 posts (21,569 including aliases). 5 reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 89 aliases.

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I thought I had answered that, but:

You may increase your race by up to 15 RP, but you may not buy any advanced ability score boosts.

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Just an FYI,

As much as I appreciate people lovin their characters enough to go and find music for them, having a song or a lack thereof, will have no bearing on you gettin picked or not.

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My original intent on not allowing L. Gifts, is that you could still use Wishes/Tomes to get an inherent bonus to stat. **However** you would need to pay 125,000g for 5 wishes or 137,500g, for a tome if you wanted +5. Which is about 1/4th your starting gold.

I'll keep thinking about this and try to get a decision made asap. However, do remember that we're not starting till after the new year, so while I understand ya'll are hype and excited, we still have a bit of time.

Now for some questions/further clarifications:

1) We're gonna ditch free race feats, and their mythic counterparts.

2) Background feat is still allowed. Remember, no combat or metamagic. Anything else should be fine, but I do have final say.

3) The idea of boosting a race by 15 RP would be tempered by not being able to buy further bonuses to ability scores. So, if you're an Elf, you only get +2 Dex, +2 Int.

This is still under consideration.

4) 'Magic items' from class features still function and work normally with ABP.

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I very much appreciate everybody's willingness to help out, and try to come up with suggestions on how best to work within my guidelines.

Definite changes:
ABP is still allowed, but no legendary gifts.
WBL = 1/2, like normal for ABP. Ie, 440k.
Normal 30 point buy.
Races: All non monstrous(so like before), no doubling of stat, still no penalty. Tentative change: Thoughts on 15 RP to boost the race, but can't spend on ability scores?
Classes: Still gestalt. I would like to keep 3pp, but I realize they can be problematic. My hope is that with the other reductions, they won't be as bad.
Normal ability score increases as you level, including the normal mythic stat bonuses.
I think the natural armor bonus stacking of animal companions is fine. Worst case, you end up having to drop +10(the bonus a familiar gets), which shouldn't require too much of an overall rework.

Let me know what ya'll think of these changes.

Slight spoiler:

You will be told what's going on at the beginning of the adventure, and you'll have a bit of time to prepare.

I also plan on a 'test' encounter or two before the actual game starts. Was gonna do that even before the discussion of changes started.

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Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, epic adventurers of all ages, welcome to the most legendary game of truly legendary proportions!!



This is the official recruitment for my Sentence of the Sinlord game, officially!!

Without further ado, to character creation!!

Level: 20th level, gestalt.

Ability Scores: 30 point buy, but stats start at 10, and it’s a 1-to-1(Ie, to get a stat to 12, it costs you 2 points, to get to 14 only 4, etc)

Species: Species are gonna be a little different, as I’m not allowing monsters or templates(too complicated). However, any other species can be chosen(including 3pp ones, however, no custom species). To play up the ‘legendary’ feel of the game, all species have their ability score penalties eliminated, and you may double one stat they get a bonus to(Ie, an Elf does not have a -2 Con, and you can double it’s Dex bonus to +4).

You may then increase the power of the species up to 30 RP. You also get two of your species specific feats for free. If your species lack feats, you can take two bonus general feats instead.

Classes: Legendary classes (Also, here. Sadly, the L. Druid is *not* available online, but if somebody *really* wanted to play, I have the PDF) are preferred, but you may take their non legendary version, if you so desire. Classes from Orphaned Bookwork(Except for Knight of the Round and Ostgosh Rider) and Accession Games are allowed as well. You may also take any Spheres of Power/Might(no Guile, as I don’t know those rules), Psionic, Path of War, or Akashic classes.

Hit Points: Max. I might boost this to max + 1.5 if the encounters prove too hard

Traits: One trait from each of the standard categories, plus one from some of the more unusual ones. Any restrictions are waived.

Alignment: Any, so long as you can get along with the other players, and play the adventure.

Starting Wealth: We’ll be using ABP, but you’ll also be getting 1,018,710gp. Mythic magic items are allowed.

You may partake in pre-game crafting(if you possess the feats), but your fellow PCs can not be the crafter. Ie, you gotta make your own gear. Also, please be reasonable and don’t abuse this.

I *might* switch to the Oath Boons that mimic ABP, as they are a bit more flexible.

House Rules: Background Skills, Elephant in the Room, Combat Stamina(Fighters or a close approximation if you’re playing a 3pp class, get it for free, others need to take a feat), Skill Unlocks(Rogues, and similar classes, also get it for free, even if they aren’t unchained. Everybody else needs the feat), all classes get +2 skills(even rogues, and even if you take an archetype that also increases your skills per level. If you take one that reduces your skills per level, the minimum reduction is 4/level), you may take Oaths from the Spheres wiki, and if you take Poverty, we might need to work something out to make sure you’re not gimped. The alternate capstones are allowed as well.

I'll add to this, in case there’s anything I forgot.

Background/History/Personality: You don’t need a novel for a background, but at least a paragraph or two explaining how you got to level twenty, and some of your legendary accomplishments.

Other Free Player Gifts: Feats every level, +2 to an ability score every four levels, background feat(ie, a non combat, non metamagic feat that helps your concept).

Again, may add to this if there’s anything I forgot.

Mythic PCs will start at Mythic tier one. We’ll be using Legendary Games' expanded mythic rules(in addition to all the Paizo stuff), as they have added several new paths, tons of new spells and feats, etc.

You’ll also get the mythic versions of your bonus species feats(or your bonus general feats). Additionally, at each even tier, you get +4 to an ability score, which you may split between two stats.

Finally, each PC gets a bonus tier 1 universal mythic power.

At the onset, we'll be using mythic RAW. *However* should things spiral out of hand(for either the PCs or your foes), I will potentially consider some of the 'mythic fixes' from Legendary Games.

Companions: All class granted companions function as if they were both familiars and animal companions. They also get all the bonuses their master gains via ABP, as well as a free archetype(meaning you don’t give up anything when taking it). Finally, they get a free mythic template.

I will not go out of my way to kill a companion, since they are class features, and that’s kinda messed up. However, I won’t otherwise pull punches. Should it turn out that the above rules aren’t enough, and your critter is still kinda useless, we’ll revisit them and see about powering them up some more. I don’t wanna penalize a group of classes that way.

Equipment: All non magical equipment is not tracked, but you still need to pay for alchemical items.

Also, masterwork costs are waived.

Party: You’re free to tie your backstories together, and if you all want to be survivors of a given AP, that’s cool too. In fact, if ya want, we can maybe play out the final few encounters of a specific AP before the actual game starts.

I’ll be taking at least 5 players, with the intent of 4 filling in the rough classic roles, and a 5th ‘wild card.’ I might take a 6th or even a 7th, if there’s a slew of great submissions.

Post Rate: Let’s try for about 1/day, I’m fully okay with PCs getting into a convo(with each other or an NPC) and posting more. Just realize I might not reply that day, depending. I will try my best to post as frequently as possible.

Applying: I generally prefer a format similar to the official Paizo bestiary ones for character sheets. The most important aspect, however, is to make sure all the different sections are either spoiled or bold(if not both) so it’s easy for me to look up a given stat.

Combat: There are a bunch of maps in the PDF, but 1) I have no idea how to extract them, and 2) According to reviews, they apparently aren’t drawn to scale, and you need to redo them. So, uh, heck that, we’ll get by as best we can without em. If it becomes too problematic, we’ll try to figure something out.

Start Date: Not until after the New Year. Unsure exactly when, but I’ll make sure I give everyone a heads up. If we get a lot of submissions beforehand, I’ll close recruitment itself to new people, but otherwise allow everybody plenty of time to finish their characters.

Major World Events: Aside from Tyrant’s Grasp, assume all 1e APs have been successfully completed. Unless you specifically need one to not be for the sake of your backstory(no clue why this might be the case, but let’s keep things open).

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I would sell the souls of the entire population of Waterdeep to play in #1, lol

3 could be super interesting, as I love WoT(used to actually be in a free form WoT RP on FB).

And 6, cuz more FR, and haven't played around in Undermountain yet.

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HP 12/12 | AC 15 T 13 FF 12 | F +1 R +3 W +3 | CMD 13 MSD PSD | Init +3 | Perc +2

Seeing their warrior friend fall down on the job, Unatti removes a waterskin from her person, and dumps it on Mahmoud. "Rise and shine sleeping beauty! You've got work to do!" She declares loudly, while also gently nudging him with her foot.

Can somebody move me on the map to be adjacent to Mahmoud? I would, but I always seem to have terrible luck with google images/maps, lol

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Silas Lunaraque wrote:

If you're bowing out mainly to not clash with my submission, I would ask you to reconsider.

With the group looking for just one player, we'd be competing for the same spot even with vastly different concepts anyway. And even if there's some mechanical overlap, I'm guessing that your character's personality and motivations would be quite different from my own.

Appreciated, but it's more that I want you to have the chance to play in the Realms. I've got at least two other FR games goin atm. Which isn't enough, but as I said above, getting to play in them, is the best way for you to learn about the Realms...

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HP 12/12 | AC 15 T 13 FF 12 | F +1 R +3 W +3 | CMD 13 MSD PSD | Init +3 | Perc +2

The witch signs at Tribim's comment. "In my defense, I keep him around cuz he's cute, and a good dancer. Not because he's smart."

She once more places the golden armor around Epperson, since it did indeed seem like their foes were drawn to him. +1 deflection bonus to his AC, 3/5 SP left.

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RotRL tops the list of APs I *dearly* want to complete! I've gotten to roughly book 3 with my IRL group before we stopped due to the GM moving.

If you're okay with that, I'm totally okay with a 'newbie' GM.

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HP 12/12 | AC 15 T 13 FF 12 | F +1 R +3 W +3 | CMD 13 MSD PSD | Init +3 | Perc +2

Unatti concentrates momentarily, and shimmering golden armor appears around Epperson. Spending a spell point to grant him the deflection Aegis, giving him a +1 deflection bonus to AC

She has Distant Protection, so just move her on the map so she's got LOS to Epperson, but is still on that back line with Aerith.

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Final Selections!!!

Look here!:

Hahahahaha, made ya look! Silly PCs!

The following players have been chosen to meet their doom!!









That's right! All applicants will die horrible deaths! Mwhahahahaha!!!

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Alright ya crazy kids, I see some of you are as nutty as I am, and want in on these nonsense shenanigans. Here. We. Go!

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to make something that can hopefully stand up to a normal cat upon which I will stack a bunch of templates. As I said in the interest check, I will do my best to avoid giving it any spellcasting or magical abilities.

That said, the Cataclysmic Creature was my primary inspiration for this tomfoolery, and it does have some supernatural abilities.

Also, as again noted in the interest check, Catzilla will *not* be Lawful Evil as per the above template. Instead, it will likely lack an alignment entirely(or just be neutral).

Without further ado, your CC rules!!

Level: 30th gestalt. For level 21+ you may either use PrCs or the epic pathfinder rules.

Ability Scores: For normal/created ancestries, start at base of 20 for each score. Pick a primary score(most likely the one that matters most for your class) and raise that to 30. Pick two stats, and add +6. Increase the last three scores by +4. Finally, you may lower any stat(aside from your primary) to add that much to a different score, but no score can be higher than your primary(which can’t be increased this way).

Monsters will keep their base stats, but can be modified case by case basis. I know this is a lot of work for both player and myself, but there’s just too many variables for anything else.

Ancestry: Players may choose one of the following: 1) Create a brand new ancestry, up to 41 RP. All traits are allowed, except Advanced Ability Scores. 2) Modify an existing ancestry again up to 41 RP. 3) Monsters are allowed, but each one needs to be approved. The monster’s CR will be deducted from your total CR, as it’s too difficult to mess around with it only costing half your gestalt or something.

Classes: All classes, unchained or not, 3pp allowed if it’s online for me to check out.

Hit Points: Max HP.

Traits: Pick one from each of the major categories(combat, faith, magic, social, ancestry, religion). Ancestry traits have no restrictions. If there’s another trait or two that you really want to make your concept work (from the above list or any of the other categories) run it by me. They don’t add that much at this power level.

Alignment: Any, even CE, just don’t attack your fellow PCs.

Starting Wealth: 14,000,000

House Rules: Mythic tier 10. Mythic Rules from Legendary Games are allowed as well. As are the Mythic Spheres rules.

Feat at every level, including each mythic tier(30 normal feats, 10 mythic). Epic feats are in use as well(from the above pdf), which come out of your 30 normal allotment(10 total epic feats). Ancestry feats may be taken without restriction, assuming it makes sense for your build.

Templates are allowed, again on a case by case basis. The one primary caveat is that you can’t take one that adds more than +6 to a given ability score. So, no Dread Wraith Sovereign, since that gives a +20 to Dex, lol. Much like monsters, a template will reduce your total CR.

Instead of the normal +1 to an ability score every 4 levels, you’ll get +2 per 4. They may be applied to one or two stats(ie, at 4th level, you could add +2 to Int or +1 to Int and +1 to Dex).

Background/History/Personality: As much or as little as ya want. This is a one shot, combat/arena game, so no need to write me paragraphs(unless you really feel like it, lol).


Just to make this game more interesting, we’re gonna use ABP to cover the basics, with the following adjustments:

You’ll get 30 total legendary gifts.

Magic weapons and armor will gain an automatic +1. Aside from that, you buy them as normal, with the cost of the +1 taken out. So if you want a +5 sword, you pay 48,000 instead of 50k. However, you may use your Legendary Gifts to apply bonuses via the L. Armor and L. Weapon straight up, but only after the base item is +5. Ie, if you take L. Armor, you can apply +2 to your AC or +2 in armor enchantments. There is no cap for these, but after your item is a +10(regardless of how ya got there), you need to spend two L. Gifts per +2.

Tech level: Commonplace guns. Aside from that, general steampunk(ish) type tech. If you're worried something is too high tech, it probably is. I wanna keep things as simple as possible here, just cuz there's so much going on otherwise, and too high a level of technology could throw things too far outta whack.

Recruitment will be open for at least two weeks(June 15th), though if people need more time, just let me know. There’s definitely no hurry.

I believe that covers everything! As always, feel free to ask questions, give me suggestions/critiques, etc.

Finally, I'm unsure how many players I'm gonna pick. Likely at least four, but I may go below or above that, depending how any submissions I get that I like.

EDIT: One more thing!: While it's okay to go full on crazy pants with your builds, please try not to make anything too broken or OP. Not only do I want this to hopefully be an interesting combat that lasts a few rounds, but I also don't want one PC to solo Catzilla while the other players sit around, lamenting all the time they wasted on their builds.

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HP 12/12 | AC 15 T 13 FF 12 | F +1 R +3 W +3 | CMD 13 MSD PSD | Init +3 | Perc +2

Do you know the DC of the lock? If it's a 15, an 18 would do something.

Also, why ya workin on a new PC? Doesn't YBD have various 'come back from the dead' house rules? Don't leave me Tribim! lol

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There's no reviews about this yet, but I'm curious what people think about the book so far!

I haven't switched to PF2/Remastered(unsure if I will or not), but I am **always** interested in more Golarion lore! Especially Sandpoint/Varisia/The Runelords material!

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Should we be worried that Paizo and Wizards of the Coast(via their Eve of Ruin AP) are both releasing apocalyptic/end of the world type products this year?!?

What do they know?!?

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HP 12/12 | AC 15 T 13 FF 12 | F +1 R +3 W +3 | CMD 13 MSD PSD | Init +3 | Perc +2

Does anybody know if there's a Warp talent or a feat or something that lets your familiar survive being in a Extradimensional Storage? Aside from the Room talent, as that's a bit more than what I want. Don't need a whole room/house, lol, just a little hidey hole for my kitteh.

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Male Weremonkey Rogue/Ranger/Trickster
Epperson, son of Epper wrote:
Tribim wrote:
Monkeygod wrote:
Why are there cameras? Did I miss something?
LOL, I thought he was just trying to give it a 'cinematic point of view'

Indeed I was, and now I’m all-the-more-eagerly awaiting Monkeygod’s opening post.

*sips tea*

*cheeky wink*

Oh yeah??

Well, now I'm not gonna make an opening post! So there! :p


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Male Weremonkey Rogue/Ranger/Trickster

Hallo! Thanks for accepting me, much, much excite!

If it works for everybody else(GM included), I have no problem being the person who put out the call for an adventuring group. I'll look into a thieves'/adventurer's guild that perhaps I can be a member of? *Note* if this is the route we take, I'm not implying to be the leader by any means, just the catalyst(ala Jay White, lol).

I rather like your attribute generation method! Also I'm glad you're cool with a more flavorful build(which I kinda figured would be okay), as my character probably won't be highly optimized(but maybe? We'll see, lol).

*Edit*: Under backgrounds, many of them say 'at X level, you may permanently reduce your HD for Y effect'. Does that mean your *actual* Hit Dice, or the bonus HD pool we get?

Also, I must have missed where you said this was a gestalt game :P lol (J/k. Mostly, lol)

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rdknight wrote:

I'd be applying to Strange Aeons of course.

I'm not familiar with the 3rd party stuff at all, so I have a lot to look at before I make any firm decisions. That said, from what I've seen so far, I think the Investigator and Magus look interesting.

I'd love to hear any opinions out there on the Legendary Games Rogue. But given Pathfinder's history with the class, I'm a bit gun-shy about Rogues.

I'd very probably choose Human.

The L. Rogue was one of the very first classes to receive the Legendary treatment, and imho opinion(and as a big fan of sneaky classes), it's a heck ton better than either Paizo rogue: If the base rogue is alright(at best), and the U. Rogue is good(again, at best), I personally believe the L. Rogue is epicly awesome!

It was a given a complete and total overhaul, adding in some neat bonuses, and multiple modular options. I think my favorite change is that instead of trapfinding, they get Skill Specialties, which add bonuses to a different pair of skills(some specific/situational). Even better, they get several instances of it over 20 levels!

Also, lookin over our GM's version, they've made some slight alterations, making the rogue a martial practitioner(ie, Spheres of Might), and giving them a martial tradition. Both solid changes!

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@ Crisischild, I really love both of those concepts! They sound like a lot of fun!

@ Seer, as I've been reading over these characters, and while thinking about my own, it struck me that most/all of us should have some sort of profession or means to earn money. We might also want a few skills to help us to do our jobs better.

In another game, the GM has something he calls the Background skill. It combines any 5 of craft, perform, or profession skills into one. Ie, if you're a brewmaster, you might have Craft(beer), Profession(brewer) and then maybe Perform(sing), and two others. Instead of spending skill points on 5 different skills, you spend one.

This would be in addition to using the Background skills optional rule, meaning you could spend 1 of those points on Background(getting your five skills) and the other point on say Linguistics.

Also, I don't suppose there's any possible way I could somehow gain just the class features of a 3rd class, is there? A quasi tristalt would allow for a near perfect build.

I know that's a pretty big ask, but I figure I might as well shoot my shot, and see if I hit it out of the park, lol

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Wow, I *absolutely* love the hybrid write up timeline!! Really well thought out, and superbly written!

As absolute die hard comics fan, of both Marvel and DC(though more Marvel, **especially** the X-Men), I gotta at least give some thought to some sort of submission.

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Male Archangel of Awesome Paladin of Badassery 20

Should Kagiero partake of the wild blueberries, she feels comfortably intoxicated, as if she had a few alcoholic drinks. This doesn't impose any penalties, just good, pleasant feelings.

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Male Weremonkey Rogue/Ranger/Trickster

Hippo birdie two ews!!

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Male Weremonkey Rogue/Ranger/Trickster

As did I!!

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Male Weremonkey Rogue/Ranger/Trickster

30 years in the future would be fine by me! Ace & Silinrul should still be around, if I wanted to reprise them in any form. They would only be in their '40s'.

I definitely wouldn't want to even attempt this without Lyn's blessing, even if she isn't able to be involved. This is her baby after all.

To quote one of the best movies, The Crow: "Little things used to mean so much to Shelly. I used to think they were kind of... trivial. Believe me, nothing is trivial."

The 'little' plots were some of my absolute favorite stories!

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Kobold Catgirl wrote:
Could we consider launching a Discussion thread, by the way, or is there an invite to that Discord group somewhere?

Idk how comfortable I feel lettin a Kobold Catgirl loose in the sever. One or the other of those is bad enough, but both together? That's like a mega disaster, lol

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Male Weremonkey Rogue/Ranger/Trickster
Kobold Catgirl wrote:

I'm taking a break from the forums right now, but I don't want to leave Kryzbyn fending for themselves here, so I will say this: It makes me want to answer an ostensibly information-gathering question like "what are your problems with PF1?" a little less when I know it's gonna turn into an argument I didn't sign up for. Sometimes people like different games, or find different games boring, and those emotional preferences really can't be "wrong". It's not any kind of indictment of your love of the system for Kryzbyn to want a change of pace.

I have my own reasons for moving on to PF2, but they're not really important here.

I hope I didn't come across as trying to claim people are wrong for thinking PF1(or any system for that matter) is boring, as that wasn't my intention. Though, I realize it might have sounded that way.

Rather, I'm curious what makes it boring for them, as to me, it's anything but.

I do apologize if it seemed like I was telling ya'll it's wrong to find PF1 boring or to have switched to PF2.

Maybe it's cuz I have so many friends whose livelihood's are rooted in PF1 that it hurts a lil whenever I see people disparage the system, or have switched over to PF2.

Which, incidentally, also makes me angry and mad beyond belief over what WotC is trying to do via their new OGL....

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Male Human Rogue(Phantom Thief)/Inquisitor(Urban Infiltrator) 1

Hey all, just checking in! I know Jan can be a crazy month for people, so I hope everybody is doin alright. Miss this game, but am patient for it's return.

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Male Weremonkey Rogue/Ranger/Trickster

Hi friends!

I'm running a rather interesting game semi akin to Avalon. It's set in the world famous World Serpent Inn and it's my hope that it becomes a sort of living world kinda like Avalon.

What's neat(if you know nothing about the Inn) is that doors to it can be found anywhere, even Avalon! Well, okay, probably not in the school itself, as I feel like Ryo and others likely prevent weird, random interdimensional doors from suddenly popping up, but definitely one could be found in the nearby town(can't remember the name, lol).

Anyways, you could totes bring an Avalon character(lower level for some of us) over there, or make a brand new one who could come from literally **anywhere!** (No really, we have one PC from an alt Earth that has no humans, only fantasy races, and another from the Star Wars universe).

Would love to see some of you over there!

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Male Weremonkey Rogue/Ranger/Trickster

It's been well over three years since the last meaningful post in gameplay. I've probably played in over a dozen games, easily, since.

This is still one of the absolute best games I've ever played. Seriously miss ya'll and our characters/stories so very much!!

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Happy New Year!!

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What’s your favorite setting? Greyhawk? The Forgotten Realms? Paizo’s own Golarion? Maybe it’s Star Wars, Warhammer 40k, or Warcraft’s Azeroth?(That’s a lot of ‘War’ lol) Perhaps it’s Middle Earth, The Wheel of Time’s Randland, or the Dark Tower’s Mid World? It could even be your own homebrew that you’ve spent countless hours on.

Have you ever wondered what it might be like to play in a game where characters from all of those myriad worlds came together, went on adventures, battled it out against one another, or just hung out eating, drinking, and being merry? Well, wonder no more! Welcome to the World Serpent Inn, where worlds collide!!

This is a game that’s going to be set within the World Serpent Inn as its primary location. Canonically the WSI has doors to Faerun, Athas, Eberron, Oreth, and Krynn. There’s also at least one door to Sigil(the Planescape setting) aka the City of Doors.

As such, your PC can come from literally anywhere, though obviously we are using the PF rules, so if you come from a setting like Star Wars, you need to adjust your build accordingly.

While a lot of the game will take place within the Inn’s common room, there’s also a near *infinite* number of backrooms, that can be anything from a shop to a vast library or a massive ‘mansion’.

There’s also going to be your standard adventures, which thanks to the nature of the Inn, can take place pretty much anywhere. I have at least one idea in mind, and if other players want to go on some mission or adventure in mind, they are free to either run it themselves, or I can oversee it myself.

Finally, there’s also the Brawling Pit, which is located in the common room. I believe it’s officially a rather small-ish arena, but for the purposes of our game, it will be as big as necessary. It might also be in a different plane, or possesses any sort of traits, hazards, and dangers we might want.

The general idea is for this to be a sandbox-y, living world-esque game where I will serve as the primary GM, but others can run encounters, battles, duels, missions, or whole adventures, should they so desire.

Level: 8th level/HD

Ability Scores: 28 point buy, with the standard limit of max 18 and minimum of 7. You may fully max out(via race/ancestry, levels, etc) *one* stat at about 22-24.

Ancestry/Race Any, including monsters. For your race, you may either apply up to 20 RP to the base ancestry(using the alternate traits available to it) or you can create your own, up to 20 RP. However, should you decide to make your own race, I would like it if you came up with some sort of history/backstory for them, as opposed to your PC being the only example in existence.

One change: Every Race uses the 'Standard' Ability Score racial modifier of +2/+2/-2 -- so even Aasimars and Humans get a +2 to one Physical, a +2 to one Mental, and a -2 to one of the other four Ability Scores. Player's choice.

For monsters, they will take up the highest of their HD, CR, or caster level of that above 8 levels/HD. Should you decide to play a gestalt or tristalt character, your monster takes up all ‘sides’. You may choose between the monster stats and a 10 point buy to play around or they start with everything at 10, get +2 to two stats and -2 to one, but they get the normal point buy. I reserve the right to reject anything too powerful, though anything with a large amount of immunities is likely not going to be allowed.

You may also play one of the monster ‘races’ that have classes from Rite Publishing or I think Dreamscarred Press.

Finally, I’m going to allow Starfinder species, within reason and the above guidelines. I know they are little different from standard PF ancestries, so should you decide to play such, you might need to work with me to make it ‘fit’.

Classes: All Paizo classes, chained or unchained(except Summoner, which must be Unchained). For 3pp, Spheres(including playtesting Guile, which could require a rework once the final version is out), Path of War, Psionics, Akashic, are all approved, as are the Legendary version of classes from Legendary Games, the Godling(any of them) from RGG, and the monster classes(see above). Aside from these, most others will not be allowed, but feel free to ask for a specific exception, just in case. Please keep such requests to classes found online on one of the various SRDs.

You may play a single class character, or a gestalt or tristalt one. I will try to balance things out as best I can, should people apply with a wide variety of these builds. We’ll see how it goes once the game begins.

I am **considering** allowing Owen KC Stephens(he who was lead design/developer on Starfinder) PF conversions of SF classes, but haven’t decided for sure just yet.

Hit Points: Max HP per level, minimum 4/level even if you would otherwise have less.

Traits: 3, with a drawback for one more. If you take a drawback, please **roleplay** it out. If it requires an npc, that character should be present within the Inn, or wherever an adventure might take you.

Also, feel free to take more than trait per category, but if you take a campaign trait, you *must* include ‘playing’ in that AP as part of your backstory.

Alignment: Any, but do *not* be a truly jerky evil. Don’t go tryin to kill other PCs or destroy what they’ve created, **unless** we(me, you, and the other PC[s]) have spoken about it beforehand and all are on board for good RP. Combat within the Brawling Pit is the one exception, as killing blows will only ever resort to a knockout. Also, if you’re going to be some form of evil, make sure you’re not ruining other people’s fun, and are actually contributing to the game/story. PCs do not all have to get along, but us players should. If you’re making the game unfun for somebody(ies) else, I will kindly(or not so kindly, depending) ask you to leave.

Starting Wealth: 40,000g, limit of 18k on any one item.

House Rules: 3/level Background Skills. Elephant in the Room. Combat Stamina. Backgrounds and Occupations. Unchained disease/poison rules. Occult, Psionics, Path of War, Spheres, Akashic. One feat per level. Oath points instead of ABP(7 free points that must be spent on the equivalent bonuses). The Oath system itself is also in effect, however, you are not limited to 10 boon points. If you wanna stack Absolute Poverty and Oath of Offerings, and can come up with a reasonable explanation, go for it. Much like with other rules, if you grab several oaths, expect to not only RP them, but have them negatively affect your PC.

No Advanced or Legendary talents, even if you would otherwise meet the pre-reqs. We'll see about coming up with a way to acquire them in game.

If there’s something I’ve forgotten, or if I remember something later on, I’ll make sure to let everybody know.

Some changes to skills(Unlike most of the character creation rules, these are open to discussion, as I don’t wanna upset players who are used to the norm):

Investigate (CHA): Gathering information, whether openly or secretly, typically 1d4 hours for the attempt.

I’m going to allow any class to take Investigate as a class skill, as any of them could be good at gathering info.

Linguistics Is no longer a background skill, but to compensate, you get 2 languages per rank.

Lore of Humanoids (INT): Tactical knowledge of Race and Class abilities for Humanoids (if the Hobgoblin or Gnoll has Evasion or Rage powers or Vital Strike, etc). You obviously need to see the target use the ability in order to identify it, or it must be a common attribute(Ie, an Orc’s ferocity)

Lore of Society (INT): Catch-all for history, society, culture, laws, norms, geography, legends, nobility, etc

Because of how much Society covers, it too will be an adventure skill.

Specialized Skills: These are background skills with a narrow focus. They allow you to make a second roll tied to their adventure skill. Ie, if you have disable device, and a specialty in Drow made traps, you could roll twice(taking the better result) if you were attempting to disarm a trap created by the Drow. All specialized skills need to be GM approved.

Spellcraft/Psicraft (via Class): Identifying spells, SP, SU, using magic items, studying magical properties. The biggest difference here is that your ability score bonus is whatever your primary casting/manifesting bonus is. Should you have more than one such bonus, you may choose which to apply to this skill.

Background/History/Personality: At the very least, a ten-minute background.

Other Free Player Gifts: All players get 2 background feats, which must be non combat, non metamagic. Examples include weapon/armor proficiency, skill focus, the +2 to a pair of skills, etc. You also get one Story Feat for free.

All classes get +2 skill points/level.

Again, if there’s something I’ve forgotten, I will address it later.

Equipment: All players get 1 class kit for free. If your class doesn’t have one, use the nearest adjacent class’. Completely mundane ammo will not be tracked, nor will mundane food or drink(within reason, especially cuz the Inn provides free food, but charges for drinks).

Carrying capacity will also not be strictly enforced, again within reason. Your Str 7 character can maybe stuff a few extra items in their pockets/bags beyond the normal, but no trying to load up 10+ extra pounds of treasure/gear, lol.

Beyond these, you can have as much of a reasonably decent amount of non-magical, non combat equipment as you want. If you want 4 outfits, a half dozen journals, and 3 ferrets, go for it! Lol

Signature Item: Each PC needs to have some sort of signature item, be it a magic item, an heirloom, a precious keepsake, etc. This does *not* have to be magical, but it can be. If it's a totally mundane item, you get it for free.

It also needs to play at least a decently significant part in your backstory.

Game/Player Expectations:
Post Rate: If we're in combat, I would like a post every day or so. If you don't post after like 3 days, we'll either bot or skip you. For RP scenes, this can be a bit more relaxed, though obviously if there's another player, try not to be AFK too long.
Applying: I generally prefer character sheets that are similar to the PF bestiary entries. Please format your sheet like mine.
Game Style: RP Heavy, sandbox-y, downtime, adventures, arena/PVP
Combat: I’ll roll initiative, and then players can reply in roughly the right order. If you want to post ahead of another PC(if you are close to their initiative), I can always retcon things. Just don’t get too crazy with this.
Start Date: I’m actually not sure about the start date, however, this is a game where PCs can easily arrive after the game officially begins. Let’s just see how it goes.

Important note I would *like* it if players would be willing to utilize a discord server for this game. It will make the idea of the backrooms far more easy to manage, plus we can have a channel specifically for ‘real time’ out of character discussion, which I have found tends to *vastly* improve the length and health of a game.

I will not force this on people, but it is a strong preference of mine.

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Before I post recruitment, what are people's thoughts on this suggestion:

If you don't want to stalt, they can be 12 level/hd. If somebody is basic and focused, then they get a little benefit. If people want monsters or archetypes, this is here. They'll usually drop a couple hd for this option, but get things otherwise unavailable.

Gestalt is at 10 level/HD.

Tristalt is a at 9 HD.

You are behind a little, but the synergy or flexibility of 'talt will hopefully make up for it.

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The Lobster wrote:
Oh man, I have a handful of characters from niche homebrew settings on here that I would love to just throw at an interdimensional portal and play again. Most interested in my tooth fairy seeing a return to the world of play probably.

Paizo/PF tooth fairy? Those things are kinda terrifying. I love it! lol

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Aye, glad to hear you're all okay, also big grats on the new baby as well!

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I'm super interested as well! Love me some gestalt, and the opportunity to play in such a unique game is too good to pass up.

I'm not positive if a starting location has been chosen yet, but I have what I believe is really good suggestion: Diobel also known as the 'Backdoor of Absalom'.

It's a port town, so that satisfies the desire for possible watery adventures. Pirates and sea monsters are apparently somewhat common. It's also got a fair amount of illegal activity, including the smuggling of goods into Absalom. There's a powerful criminal org known as the Kortous Consortium which wield a lot of power in the city. The ruler of the town has a bitter rival with his former childhood friend, the old Primarch of Absalom Lord Gyr.

Aside from all of that, not too far away is the Immenwood which is filled with all sort of dangerous creatures.

We could also take our adventures to not only Absalom proper, but also Shadow Absalom, the dark mirror of the city on the Shadow Plane.

As for some of the above questions/considerations:

Point Buy: Anywhere between 25-32 is a good 'heroic array'.

Material allowed: I don't mind all Paizo, but if Spheres and/or the Legendary classes from L. Games were also allowed, I would be most happy.

Posting rate: Around 1/day is good, though leeway for weekends, and holidays(of which there are many upcoming) should be acceptable.

Deadliness level: Fairly, but not 'go out your way to kill at least one PC/get a TPK.' After all, we're all players, and it's no fun having your character killed on even a semi-regular basis.

Starting level: While 1st isn't bad, I would say at least 2nd or 3rd, since that's where a lot of class abilities 'come online' that allow for customization. Ie, talents(not Spheres, lol), powers, arcana, discoveries, etc.

Party formation: I think the best way would be stated interest. If too many people *really* wanna play one specific adventure, maybe get a second GM to run another group through. Which can also be a player in group 1. I kinda doubt we're all gonna be interested in playing every single adventure. For example, I'm likely to not want to go on any sort of underwater quest. Just not a fan of them.

I feel like any sort of voting system could lead to hurt feelings, or discontent. I'm not a super sensitive sort, *especially* with what amounts to a group of 'internet strangers' but on the off chance I got passed over several times in a row, I might start thinking I wasn't welcome.

Types of encounters: I'm up for anything and everything. If we chose Diobel as the starting location, we have 'mundane' enemies(ie, fellow humanoids), sea monsters(which is pretty heckin broad), fae, minotaurs, harpies, and I'm sure a heck ton more. And that's just where we might begin.

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Male Weremonkey Rogue/Ranger/Trickster
GM PaleDim wrote:

Reporting for duty (via taskmaster Voice of Awesomeness).

What Unchained alternate rules do you usually like? (just out of curiosity)

Ray is the GM I got the Knowledge: Society from for our game :)

Another question, which maybe got missed in our back n forth PMs:

Are you okay with material from the Campaign Setting and Player Companion line of books?

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I've seen a few GMs post about running 'speed run APs', where they skip a lot of the minor/unimportant/useless battles & encounters, and only focus on the ones that matter for moving the plot along.

I would dearly love to play, and hopefully complete, at least a few APs, and would have no problem with speed runs. **Especially** if meant the possibility of 'continuing the adventure' for some of them, as there's some really cool post AP ideas for a lot of them.

As there a *lot* of PF1 APs, I made a tiered list of which ones I want to play in the most to the least. There's no real order within a given tier:

RotRL, CoCT, CC, Wrath, II.

SD, LoF, JR, SS, Serpent's Skull.

KM, RoW, MM, GS, HR, HV, War, RotR, TG.

S&S, IG, SA, RoA.

Hopefully I can at least one GM willing to help me out!

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Male Weremonkey Rogue/Ranger/Trickster

My dad, who was my best friend growing up, passed away from cancer in 98 when I was 17

I found out on a Sun, and even though I could have skipped school that Mon, I went cuz I needed my after school gaming club.

It's 100% understandable what you're goin through, and how important it is to have a game like this as an escape.

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Female Catfolk U. Rogue 2 (Cat Burglar, Poisoner, Underground Chemist)

Okay, seriously, what's with our barbarian's obsession with me?

I didn't eat your stupid food, and I most certainly didn't see in your lap! You're gross and smell bad!!

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Female Catfolk U. Rogue 2 (Cat Burglar, Poisoner, Underground Chemist)
Aggghhh the Unclean wrote:
Unfortunately, that cursed cat was there again and was smugly sitting there amongst the empty dishes and licking it's paws when he entered.

Excuse me sir, I did no such thing!

While normal cats usually detested water and bathing, Talia was rather fond of the pampering a good bath could provide. She indulged in the warm, soapy water, soaking for quite some time. If any servants offered to help wash or comb her fur, she gladly allowed them, and would start purring contentedly over such attention.

After the nice, long bath, she lounged around her room while occasionally grabbing a bite of food. Truly, she was reveling in the luxury provided.

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Female Catfolk U. Rogue 2 (Cat Burglar, Poisoner, Underground Chemist)

OOC: Thus making Agghh the biggest coward! Isn't brave enough to go fight Blackery on his own! :P lol

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GMFallingDarkness aka Edelsmirge has asked me to create a recruitment for his WotW campaign, in which he'll allow monster races:

Character Creation:

Paizo only. The GM isn’t overly familiar with 3pp, so please don’t ask.

Races are limited to up to 30 RP.

Level one.

Focus/Foible: Choose a Focus, an ability score at which you excel. You receive an 18 in that score. Choose a Foible, an ability score that is your weakness. You receive an 8 in that score.
The other four, roll 1d10+7. You may place these four as you desire.

Classes that get 2 skill points per level now get four. All other classes’ skills are unchanged. Background skills are also in use.

2 traits, one of which must be from the player's guide.

Unchained Summoner, other unchained okay as well.

Every character must be lawful neutral, lawful evil, neutral or neutral evil. Of those four alignments, lawful evil is definitely the preferred choice.

The AP will be set in Golarion, with Talengrade being inside the Eye of Abendego. Remember that you have committed a vile, evil, crime that you are 100% guilty of. You did this willingly, and you are condemned to either death or hard labor in the salt mines(till you die).

Finally, the GM really wants to make sure there’s strong loyalty among the players(not necessarily their characters, lol) so preference is going to be given to those in my discord servers or to those who I’ve played with before. People I know and can vouch for as being committed.

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Male Weremonkey Rogue/Ranger/Trickster

I feel I need to explain, and put into some context my incredible frustration regarding my above aggravation:

Over the last little while, almost every single game I've been in, or was making a character for has imploded, been cancelled or otherwise is no longer active:

A badass tristalt game a buddy of mine was going to run had to be shelved cuz he suddenly got a job offer(that he was initially turned down for) that requires him to move out of the US.

A GM had some sort of personal issue with me, and kicked me out of his game. He refused to really explain what the problem was, aside from I was 'treating him like garbage', which nobody else understood either.

Another GM kicked out a friend from a game I was also playing due to a clash of styles. There's some more to it, but suffice to say, I pretty much quit that game due to how the GM treated my fellow player.

That same GM also cancelled a recruitment/planned game I was really looking forward to, and had done a ton of research for.

This was basically the only game that was still going good, that was sort of a chill, 'safe haven'. Thus, my recent issues with the GM and K'Tak ignoring Sabella, and rendering her attempts to do anything worthwhile moot, have come across(unknowingly to the them) as kicking me while I'm already down.

As I said above, I'm not quitting, as I really like this game a lot, and I love my PC concept. I just needed to vent, and explain a little, so hopefully you all understand where some of my frustration and aggravation is coming from.

And now, I shall nap, as my tinnitus is bothering the heck outta me right now.

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Female Tiefling Arcanist(Occultist) 8

Relax ladies, I've got us covered. Valeira is far too stuck up for her own good :P

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Male Human L. Sorcerer 2

Just a general heads up,

I am usually not very active, posting wise, on the boards until about 8pm(now) Eastern Standard Time. I check my games upon first waking up, but unless there's some imminent need, I don't really reply till the evening. However, I also stay awake till anywhere between 4:30-6:30am(est), as I 'monitor' my 98 yr grandmother in case she needs anything during the night so my mom can get good sleeps.

So, if I haven't posted anything in 10+ hours, it's not that I'm ignoring the game, it's that I am either asleep(due to the above, I get up around 12-1pm est), or busy helping around the house.

Also, with the weather getting nicer, I'll be spending time outside setting up our yard, helping my mom with our gardens, etc. Which will cut my ability to post during the day down even more.

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Male Human L. Sorcerer 2

Davin bends his considerable memory to try and recall anything he might have heard about the 'Banshee of the North' Spending an Inspiration point to get a 20, for a total of 28 K:Nature. He's specifically hoping to learn if she has any weaknesses they might exploit, or if it's possible for them to defend themselves against her blindness ability.

Davin moves to stand away from the group, making it clear he is not going with them, at least at the moment. "Jon brings up a good point. Are any of us capable of somehow counteracting going blind? If it's like the Medusa's gaze, we might stand a chance. However, if it's more akin to a Nymph or Shining Child, who create an aura of blindness, we're pretty screwed. And not proper."

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andreww wrote:
Are Paizo base classes available? The initial post suggested not.

We're gonna be using the Legendary Classes from Legendary Games, as they are just better, and more fun!

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Female Tiefling Arcanist(Occultist) 8

Heh, I'm a prepared spell caster. Those are the spells I prepared for an investigation.

I'll have more combat oriented spells when necessary.

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