Voice of Awesomeness |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, epic adventurers of all ages, welcome to the most legendary game of truly legendary proportions!!
This is the official recruitment for my Sentence of the Sinlord game, officially!!
Without further ado, to character creation!!
Level: 20th level, gestalt.
Ability Scores: 30 point buy, but stats start at 10, and it’s a 1-to-1(Ie, to get a stat to 12, it costs you 2 points, to get to 14 only 4, etc)
Species: Species are gonna be a little different, as I’m not allowing monsters or templates(too complicated). However, any other species can be chosen(including 3pp ones, however, no custom species). To play up the ‘legendary’ feel of the game, all species have their ability score penalties eliminated, and you may double one stat they get a bonus to(Ie, an Elf does not have a -2 Con, and you can double it’s Dex bonus to +4).
You may then increase the power of the species up to 30 RP. You also get two of your species specific feats for free. If your species lack feats, you can take two bonus general feats instead.
Classes: Legendary classes (Also, here. Sadly, the L. Druid is *not* available online, but if somebody *really* wanted to play, I have the PDF) are preferred, but you may take their non legendary version, if you so desire. Classes from Orphaned Bookwork(Except for Knight of the Round and Ostgosh Rider) and Accession Games are allowed as well. You may also take any Spheres of Power/Might(no Guile, as I don’t know those rules), Psionic, Path of War, or Akashic classes.
Hit Points: Max. I might boost this to max + 1.5 if the encounters prove too hard
Traits: One trait from each of the standard categories, plus one from some of the more unusual ones. Any restrictions are waived.
Alignment: Any, so long as you can get along with the other players, and play the adventure.
Starting Wealth: We’ll be using ABP, but you’ll also be getting 1,018,710gp. Mythic magic items are allowed.
You may partake in pre-game crafting(if you possess the feats), but your fellow PCs can not be the crafter. Ie, you gotta make your own gear. Also, please be reasonable and don’t abuse this.
I *might* switch to the Oath Boons that mimic ABP, as they are a bit more flexible.
House Rules: Background Skills, Elephant in the Room, Combat Stamina(Fighters or a close approximation if you’re playing a 3pp class, get it for free, others need to take a feat), Skill Unlocks(Rogues, and similar classes, also get it for free, even if they aren’t unchained. Everybody else needs the feat), all classes get +2 skills(even rogues, and even if you take an archetype that also increases your skills per level. If you take one that reduces your skills per level, the minimum reduction is 4/level), you may take Oaths from the Spheres wiki, and if you take Poverty, we might need to work something out to make sure you’re not gimped. The alternate capstones are allowed as well.
I'll add to this, in case there’s anything I forgot.
Background/History/Personality: You don’t need a novel for a background, but at least a paragraph or two explaining how you got to level twenty, and some of your legendary accomplishments.
Other Free Player Gifts: Feats every level, +2 to an ability score every four levels, background feat(ie, a non combat, non metamagic feat that helps your concept).
Again, may add to this if there’s anything I forgot.
Mythic PCs will start at Mythic tier one. We’ll be using Legendary Games' expanded mythic rules(in addition to all the Paizo stuff), as they have added several new paths, tons of new spells and feats, etc.
You’ll also get the mythic versions of your bonus species feats(or your bonus general feats). Additionally, at each even tier, you get +4 to an ability score, which you may split between two stats.
Finally, each PC gets a bonus tier 1 universal mythic power.
At the onset, we'll be using mythic RAW. *However* should things spiral out of hand(for either the PCs or your foes), I will potentially consider some of the 'mythic fixes' from Legendary Games.
Companions: All class granted companions function as if they were both familiars and animal companions. They also get all the bonuses their master gains via ABP, as well as a free archetype(meaning you don’t give up anything when taking it). Finally, they get a free mythic template.
I will not go out of my way to kill a companion, since they are class features, and that’s kinda messed up. However, I won’t otherwise pull punches. Should it turn out that the above rules aren’t enough, and your critter is still kinda useless, we’ll revisit them and see about powering them up some more. I don’t wanna penalize a group of classes that way.
Equipment: All non magical equipment is not tracked, but you still need to pay for alchemical items.
Also, masterwork costs are waived.
Party: You’re free to tie your backstories together, and if you all want to be survivors of a given AP, that’s cool too. In fact, if ya want, we can maybe play out the final few encounters of a specific AP before the actual game starts.
I’ll be taking at least 5 players, with the intent of 4 filling in the rough classic roles, and a 5th ‘wild card.’ I might take a 6th or even a 7th, if there’s a slew of great submissions.
Post Rate: Let’s try for about 1/day, I’m fully okay with PCs getting into a convo(with each other or an NPC) and posting more. Just realize I might not reply that day, depending. I will try my best to post as frequently as possible.
Applying: I generally prefer a format similar to the official Paizo bestiary ones for character sheets. The most important aspect, however, is to make sure all the different sections are either spoiled or bold(if not both) so it’s easy for me to look up a given stat.
Combat: There are a bunch of maps in the PDF, but 1) I have no idea how to extract them, and 2) According to reviews, they apparently aren’t drawn to scale, and you need to redo them. So, uh, heck that, we’ll get by as best we can without em. If it becomes too problematic, we’ll try to figure something out.
Start Date: Not until after the New Year. Unsure exactly when, but I’ll make sure I give everyone a heads up. If we get a lot of submissions beforehand, I’ll close recruitment itself to new people, but otherwise allow everybody plenty of time to finish their characters.
Major World Events: Aside from Tyrant’s Grasp, assume all 1e APs have been successfully completed. Unless you specifically need one to not be for the sake of your backstory(no clue why this might be the case, but let’s keep things open).

Seth86 |

I have an idea that basically covers the history background.
Ruler of the Stolen Lands. Married to Nyrissa. It's now like a stopping point between the material plane and the Fey Wilds.
Leadership with Nyrissa as my Cohort?
Just need to see what race/species I'll be playing. But I am looking at another fey type. Will make a list and see which one you okay ;)
Centaur magus/cavalier/fey-bound knight
Flavouring that he's now more fey/stag than human/horse

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Wow, that was embarrassing! Big apologies!
For some reason I TOTALLY misread what you've meant about "I’ll close recruitment itself to new people". I re-read it and there is no way how to misunderstand it lol. I was probably more than half-asleep when I wrote the above. Sorry again!
Now, a couple questions:
Ability Scores: Are we still allowed to go negative to get a couple more points? Lets say to 8 and get +2 points as an example.
Species: I take human-like races get +4 to any ability, but with the -2 from other races gone, they effectively get +4 and +2 to abilities, putting human-like races in a "disadvantage". Was that intended? I understand the rules are more than generous as they are, but to make things even, should not they get +4 to any ability and another +2 to another ability?
Unrelated to the above, do Half-elves' multitalented racial trait allows them to get FCB from both of the gestalt halves?
Classes: On the Interest Check thread you mentioned you'd be banning Leadership. Is this ban still in place? If it is, what about some pseudo-leadership abilities some classes gain (like there is a wizard archetype that gives you a cohort that is an apprentice and thus can only be a wizard as well). If these are allowed, are they also gestalt? Do they also get the ABP treatment?
Traits: Are we allowed to pick Campaign traits from other Paizo APs? Since mythic is involved, if we pick WotR traits, do they get "boosted" for taking the appropriate Mythic Path?
Starting Wealth: Are we allowed to pick "custom itens"? Talking about the more common situation of having two of the same slotted itens meshed together with the core rule of costing (1.5 the more expensive plus the others, etc).
Companions: Familiars and Animal companions have some contradicting rules in terms of HD, BAB and Saves. Depending on how we want to use them, it might be more interesting to use one or the other. Considering this is kind-off "gestalt" for them, do we get to pick the bigger numbers?
If our choice of classes would give us both a familiar and an animal companion, do we still get two critters using these rules? One being picked from each list of options?
And what about this free archetype? If we have an AC we chose from the AC list and so on, or are we free to choose whatever?

TheWaskally |

Well, first things first. He's my 30RP Human. For your consideration and authorization.
Humanoid (human) 0 RP
Medium 0 RP
Base Speed
Normal 0 RP
Ability Score Modifiers
Human 0 RP
Linguist 1 RP
Racial Traits
Ability Score Racial Traits
Advanced Charisma (+2) 4 RP
Advanced Constitution (+2) 4 RP
Defense Racial Traits
Healthy 2 RP
Defensive Training, Greater 4 RP
Feat and Racial Traits
Gregarious (1 RP)
Flexible bonus feat 4 RP
Silver Tongued 3 RP
Skilled 4 RP
Sociable 1 RP
Advanced Traits
Quick Reactions 2 RP
Total 30 RP
If approved, would you like me to knock up an origin story about this particular branch of humanity. I don't particularly have one in mind.

Kaouse |

Funnily enough, I already have a character that's mostly already built for this.
It's a Mystic/Striker. Two classes built off of the ever-replenishing resources of Animus and Tension respectively. I actually got to play it once, a few years back, and it preformed swimmingly well. Shouldn't take much to update it.
Only question now is, do I want to dust off and polish this old build, or perhaps try something new? A few days ago, I made a very promising level 1 gestalt build of a Warder/Voyager that I definitely wouldn't mind seeing preform at higher level...

Grumbaki |

I hate to say this, but alot of effort went into making epic level characters for your other campaign. The god-tier combat never occurred and the campaign just died.
You have really interesting ideas for campaigns. And as making characters legitimately a fun experience for me, I don't begrudge the time put into the thought experiences. But this campaign you are throwing out now has build rules that will take *alot* of time to make a proper character. Level 20 by itself is alot. But add in gestalt, custom races, custom rules (with enhanced familiars), etc...actually putting something together will not be straightforward.
Can you assure that this campaign will get off the ground?

TheWaskally |

Quote:Other Free Player Gifts: Feats every level, +2 to an ability score every four levels, background feat(ie, a non combat, non metamagic feat that helps your concept).How many background feats do we get?
One Background feat free. Or another feat that helps nail down your character's concept.

Voice of Awesomeness |

I hate to say this, but alot of effort went into making epic level characters for your other campaign. The god-tier combat never occurred and the campaign just died.
You have really interesting ideas for campaigns. And as making characters legitimately a fun experience for me, I don't begrudge the time put into the thought experiences. But this campaign you are throwing out now has build rules that will take *alot* of time to make a proper character. Level 20 by itself is alot. But add in gestalt, custom races, custom rules (with enhanced familiars), etc...actually putting something together will not be straightforward.
Can you assure that this campaign will get off the ground?
If you look over the last few in game posts, I made one on Aug 29th, directing the PCs to go through the door.
Only 3 players ever replied: Johnny Panic, about an hour later. Kaouse, the next day, and Degnax well over a month later.
There were six total players, yourself included. In fact, your last post was Jul 3rd.
Now, granted, there was a month or so where I wasn't able to make a post, but I explained how it was rough going there for me during that time on Aug 12th.
It's very hard to keep a game moving forward when only half the players respond. I do realize that maybe the 3 of you who did not didn't feel the need to post what amounts to 'I walk through the door and look around', but that's a good way to know ya'll are still around...
All that said, yes, I have every intention of running this. IRL can always catch you flat-footed and hit ya with a vicious sneak attack, but I've wanted to run(or play in) Sentence of the Sinlord since I first heard about(which was before it was actually released).
My hope is that with this being a structured adventure, it will help keep all parties both invested and focused. Will that actually happen? Idk, if I could predict the future, I would be a billionaire, and we would all be gaming in person in a giant castle/mega mansion, LOL
Let's hope for the best, yeah? If that's not good enough for you, and you're uncomfortable making a PC for a game that might never go past the first encounter, that's completely understandable and there will be no hard feelings.

andreww |
Another question. As we are using ABP does that then prevent us from purchasing stat increasing effects. I am thinking in particular of inherent bonuses from tomes. As we only get legendary gifts it means buying them from the pool of cash we have. I am fine with that, I just want to check that its OK to do so.

Almonihah |

Hmmm... maybe I'll rebuild Rahlmaat as a Prodigy/Legendary Wizard, using my tried-and-true "With Transformation and Improved Transformation you can play any monster you can fit into a few Alteration traits" hack. :D

Bolvar Gemforged |

Class 1: Blacksmith
Class 2: Legendary Sanctified Rogue
* Standard Action Focused Strike (roll twice take highest). 2-handed weapon with single attack. Causes extra 60+5d6 precision damage and causes bleed at 10+strength. Dispel magic cast on hit.
* Without Flank - Move action Feint (Fencing Sphere)
* With Flank - Move action Shove (Brute Sphere)
* Free trip attempt with shove and with feint
* Actually have some! Cantrips (mending, detect magic, stabilize) and SLAs (divine favor, cure moderate wounds, lessor restoration. Each 9x per day)
Out of Combat:
* Took the heal skill feats.
* Blacksmith class gives party wide buffs

Voice of Awesomeness |

Let me do my best to answer some questions and provide some rules updates/clarifications:
1) While there are a handful of archetypes that grant multiple companions, the rules for them will only apply to your 'primary' companion. If they are all equal, ya gotta pick one to get the benefits.
2) While this is **primarily** a dungeon crawl, I've already come across several opportunities for RP on my read through. I might also adjust some of the 'fights to the death' encounters to potentially allow for other means of resolution, depending on the PCs/their actions.
3) You can reduce an ability score into negatives, but I wouldn't recommend it. The lower your stat, the easier it is for you to fall victim to ability damage/drain...
4) Sure, humans and their half kin can get +4/+2.
4a) All characters get the favored class bonuses for both of halves of their gestalt. Half-elves(and any other species) can get either +1 skill or +1 HP, as well.
5) The ban on Leadership is tentatively still in place, and it would apply to apprentices and other pseudo-cohorts.
6) Campaign traits are definitely allowed as your 'other' trait, though you had best weave that AP into your backstory! lol
And yes, if you pick a Wrath trait, it will get it's appropriate boost(though, if you could let me know where the info is on what said boost does, I would appreciate it).
7) Custom are indeed allowed, following the normal rules for them. You can both combine multiple items, and create your own unique ones.
8) You can 'gestalt' the rules for companions, taking the better options. As I said above, if you have more than one companion, ya gotta pick one to be your primary critter to get the special benefits.
As for the free archetype, pick whatever fits the companion best.
9) You get one mythic path for the whole character. I was considering gestalt mythic paths(ie, pick two gaining all the benefits of both), but I thought that might be too much.
10) Yeah, you get one bonus background feat to help flesh out your concept. For example, if your whole concept was based around the scorpion whip, you need EWP before you even began building your character. There's no need to spend one of your normal feats just to make your concept work, so the background feat covers that.
11) Yes, SotSL is a premade adventure. I linked to it's entry on Drivethru in my interest check, which is also linked in my initial post here.
12) Atm, I'm gonna say no to buying tomes for stats, as I think you should be okay there. I'll revisit this once people have fully completed their characters.
13) Yeah, let's cap ability scores via point buy at 18, prior to any bonuses.
Alrighty, I think that's all the questions answered! Let me know if I missed any!

pad300 |
Upgrading 1/2 elves to 30 RP, for VoA's approval:
Baseline (10 RP) 1/2 Elf
Type: Humanoid (elf, human) 0 RP
Size: Medium 0 RP
Base Speed: Normal (30’) 0 RP
Ability Scores: Human Heritage (+4,+2) 0 RP
Languages: Linguist, 1 RP
Racial Traits
Defense: Elven Immunities 2 RP
Feats and Skills: Skill Bonus (Perception) 2 RP, Static Bonus Feat (Skill Focus) 2 RP
Senses: Low Light Vision 1 RP
Other: Multitalented 2 RP
Upgrading to 30 RP
Ability Scores: Advanced (mental) 4 RP; +4 Dex +2 Int +2 Wis +4 (+2 and +2 bonus) Cha -2 Con
Defensive Training (greater) 4 RP; +2 Dodge to AC
Lucky (Lesser) 2 RP; +1 racial on all saves
Skilled 4 RP; +1 skill ranks/level
Quick Reactions 2 RP; Improved Initiative Feat
Elven Magic 3 RP; +2 bonus on caster level checks vs SR, +2 racial to spellcraft to ID items
Fast 1 RP; +10 ft base speed

TheWaskally |

Class 1: Legendary Bard
Class 2: Legendary Sorcerer (Angelic)
Race: Aasimar
I'm buffing his resistances and giving him more angelic features. Along with the Bonus Feat and Skilled human racial features, I've given him an additional +2 to Perform checks.
Tenative Backstory:
After he and his fellow adventures destroyed the Eye of Avarice, dealing Karzoug the Claimer a devasting defeat; the aasimar decides he wants to leave Sandpoint and explore Avistan and the larger Golarion. This aasimar helps other people when he can, or as Shelyn directs him.

Bolvar Gemforged |

@TheWaskally: Bard/Sorcerer? That sounds like it is going to be interesting. I look forward to see what spells/abilities you take and how they come together.
Bolvar will grant the party:
* +5 AC
* +10 Melee Damage
* +5 Reflex Saves
* +5 Will Saves
This should all stack with bard songs.
Bolvar is mechanically just about done. As a quick overview:
Move Action: Feint
Free Action: Trip (If feint works)
Swift Action: Bonus Attack (If trip works)
Standard Action: Vital Strike (roll twice pick highest)
- Damage comes from Str38 with greater mythic vital strike (2d6+52 before vital strike), with 10d6 sneak attack (1s and 2s become 3), 5d6 extra precision damage, and 2d6 holy damage (+10d6 vs constructs and objects)
Feint: +52 (+23 skills, +8 wisdom, +10 legendary rogue, +5 Deceptive, +6 skill focus) (can always take 10)
Trip: +54 (counts as being gargantuan sized for determining what he can trip)
To Hit: +41 (+43 when sneak attacking, extra +6 for flanking)
Carry Capacity is nearly limitless for weight. Str 38 with x10 multiple from titan. What matters is what he can carry by size, not weight.
420 HP / 66 AC / 31 Fort / 21 Ref / 35 Will (+4 hardy) / 6x times per day can re-roll failed fort/ref/will save separately / Fast Healing (5) / Fire, Electricity, Acid Resist (30) / Cold Resist (20) / Immune (Poison and undead energy drain) / Truesight / Tongues (with animals/plants too) / Always rolls 26 for initiative / Can always act as normal in a surprise round / No food or water required / Spell Resistance 31 / Can take 10 on most-used skills
Armor is part of him, Hammer and Shield can be summoned. Ghost touch on both armor and weapons.
For the party, he gives everyone
* +5 AC
* +10 Melee Damage
* +5 Reflex Saves
* +5 Will Saves
Appearance and brief bio
Bolvar is a very heavily muscled dwarf, who is most often seen wearing his blacksmith's apron and a pair of goggles. What stands out the most, though, are his hair, skin and eyes, which are all as white as opals. For any who look at him carefully enough, they will see that his body is covered in intricate tattoos, which due to the tattoos being white, are barely visible. When seen, a shimmering suit of plate armor can be seen around him, but only when in one's peripheral vision. This armor both exists and doesn't exist, for it has been bound directly to his soul. Likewise, he has a hammer and shield, both of which are masterpieces beyond what should be possible for mortal hands to make. With but a thought both can be summoned to him, meaning that he is exceedingly hard to catch unawares.
Obviously, Bolvar is not a normal dwarf. Though, he once was. Long ago, he was but a simple smith, living in Jernashall. Obsessed with his craft, he sought nothing less than perfection with religious zeal. When Droskar's Crag erupted and destroyed the city, Bolvar was lost with it. In the last moments before death, the smith devoutly prayed for salvation. Perhaps Torag answered, or perhaps his obsession was so great that it unlocked a sorcerous power within him. Regardless, when the city was destroyed, Bolvar was left, encased in soot and ash, still working away at his anvil, refusing to abandon his project even in the last moments of life.
Centuries went by before he was taken from the ruins. For treasure hunters found him, and brushing away the soot, found what they thought to be a statue under it made from pure opal. He was taken from the ruins and was sold. From there, he changed hands time and time again, until in Absalon he was purchased by a Pathfinder and a wizard. A wizard, who upon inspecting the 'statue', found that what he had actually bought was a petrified dwarf. The wizard broke the 'curse', freeing Bolvar from his timeless tomb. Though the mage could do naught to reverse the physical changes wrought.
After spending decades earning his freedom by repaying his debt, Bolvar is finally free. Being let loose into an unfamiliar world, he joined the Pathfinders, as they were at least an organization that was familiar to him. That, and because the organization was more than happy to support him on his continued quest.
He now explores the world, looking for ever more rare materials and resources for which he can practice his trade. Be it the scales of a dragon, or the blood of a demon lord, he will jump at any opportunity to collect what might well be of use to him. Having recently returned from a successful foray into the World Wound, he has been drawn to rumors involving a 'Sinlord.' Unable to pass up the opportunity, he has come to learn more...
(Mythic power comes from whatever force petrified him and made him Gemforged. He does not know, and the Pathfinder society would really like to find out[/ooc]

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Quote:All class granted companions function as if they were both familiars and animal companions.I am a little unclear on this. I will have an animal companion. Is it also treated a as familiar with the various boosts to Int, natural armour etc?
Natural armor probably does not stack I believe, otherwise it becomes insane.

Seth86 |

andreww wrote:Natural armor probably does not stack I believe, otherwise it becomes insane.Quote:All class granted companions function as if they were both familiars and animal companions.I am a little unclear on this. I will have an animal companion. Is it also treated a as familiar with the various boosts to Int, natural armour etc?
Perhaps it's like gestalt. Take the best if both give you the same?

andreww |
Exactly. Natural armor does not stack unless it explicitly says so (such as with dragon disciple). Otherwise, you choose the highest.
Natural armor does not stack but things which give a bonus to natural armour do (providing they arent o the same type), such as the effects of multiple templates.

Giant Halfling |

My head is swimming with options. Are prestige classes allowed? One of my ideas is for a dragony guy who would probably want levels in dragon disciple. (If they are allowed) Any restrictions on which ones or how to qualify (like, will you outlaw ones that sort of combine classes--like eldritch knight or arcane trickster--or require that you give up caster levels for the other class you need to qualify)?