Monkeygod's Untitled Campaign

Game Master Monkeygod

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Alright ya crazy kids, I see some of you are as nutty as I am, and want in on these nonsense shenanigans. Here. We. Go!

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to make something that can hopefully stand up to a normal cat upon which I will stack a bunch of templates. As I said in the interest check, I will do my best to avoid giving it any spellcasting or magical abilities.

That said, the Cataclysmic Creature was my primary inspiration for this tomfoolery, and it does have some supernatural abilities.

Also, as again noted in the interest check, Catzilla will *not* be Lawful Evil as per the above template. Instead, it will likely lack an alignment entirely(or just be neutral).

Without further ado, your CC rules!!

Level: 30th gestalt. For level 21+ you may either use PrCs or the epic pathfinder rules.

Ability Scores: For normal/created ancestries, start at base of 20 for each score. Pick a primary score(most likely the one that matters most for your class) and raise that to 30. Pick two stats, and add +6. Increase the last three scores by +4. Finally, you may lower any stat(aside from your primary) to add that much to a different score, but no score can be higher than your primary(which can’t be increased this way).

Monsters will keep their base stats, but can be modified case by case basis. I know this is a lot of work for both player and myself, but there’s just too many variables for anything else.

Ancestry: Players may choose one of the following: 1) Create a brand new ancestry, up to 41 RP. All traits are allowed, except Advanced Ability Scores. 2) Modify an existing ancestry again up to 41 RP. 3) Monsters are allowed, but each one needs to be approved. The monster’s CR will be deducted from your total CR, as it’s too difficult to mess around with it only costing half your gestalt or something.

Classes: All classes, unchained or not, 3pp allowed if it’s online for me to check out.

Hit Points: Max HP.

Traits: Pick one from each of the major categories(combat, faith, magic, social, ancestry, religion). Ancestry traits have no restrictions. If there’s another trait or two that you really want to make your concept work (from the above list or any of the other categories) run it by me. They don’t add that much at this power level.

Alignment: Any, even CE, just don’t attack your fellow PCs.

Starting Wealth: 14,000,000

House Rules: Mythic tier 10. Mythic Rules from Legendary Games are allowed as well. As are the Mythic Spheres rules.

Feat at every level, including each mythic tier(30 normal feats, 10 mythic). Epic feats are in use as well(from the above pdf), which come out of your 30 normal allotment(10 total epic feats). Ancestry feats may be taken without restriction, assuming it makes sense for your build.

Templates are allowed, again on a case by case basis. The one primary caveat is that you can’t take one that adds more than +6 to a given ability score. So, no Dread Wraith Sovereign, since that gives a +20 to Dex, lol. Much like monsters, a template will reduce your total CR.

Instead of the normal +1 to an ability score every 4 levels, you’ll get +2 per 4. They may be applied to one or two stats(ie, at 4th level, you could add +2 to Int or +1 to Int and +1 to Dex).

Background/History/Personality: As much or as little as ya want. This is a one shot, combat/arena game, so no need to write me paragraphs(unless you really feel like it, lol).


Just to make this game more interesting, we’re gonna use ABP to cover the basics, with the following adjustments:

You’ll get 30 total legendary gifts.

Magic weapons and armor will gain an automatic +1. Aside from that, you buy them as normal, with the cost of the +1 taken out. So if you want a +5 sword, you pay 48,000 instead of 50k. However, you may use your Legendary Gifts to apply bonuses via the L. Armor and L. Weapon straight up, but only after the base item is +5. Ie, if you take L. Armor, you can apply +2 to your AC or +2 in armor enchantments. There is no cap for these, but after your item is a +10(regardless of how ya got there), you need to spend two L. Gifts per +2.

Tech level: Commonplace guns. Aside from that, general steampunk(ish) type tech. If you're worried something is too high tech, it probably is. I wanna keep things as simple as possible here, just cuz there's so much going on otherwise, and too high a level of technology could throw things too far outta whack.

Recruitment will be open for at least two weeks(June 15th), though if people need more time, just let me know. There’s definitely no hurry.

I believe that covers everything! As always, feel free to ask questions, give me suggestions/critiques, etc.

Finally, I'm unsure how many players I'm gonna pick. Likely at least four, but I may go below or above that, depending how any submissions I get that I like.

EDIT: One more thing!: While it's okay to go full on crazy pants with your builds, please try not to make anything too broken or OP. Not only do I want this to hopefully be an interesting combat that lasts a few rounds, but I also don't want one PC to solo Catzilla while the other players sit around, lamenting all the time they wasted on their builds.

Are you using Elephant in the room?

trawets71 wrote:
Are you using Elephant in the room?

Yes, sorry! It's so automatic for me, I often forget to include it.

Do we get Gestalt Mythic paths or just one regular one?

Fun!! I love that you're doing this.

Voice of Awesomeness wrote:
EDIT: One more thing!: While it's okay to go full on crazy pants with your builds, please try not to make anything too broken or OP. Not only do I want this to hopefully be an interesting combat that lasts a few rounds, but I also don't want one PC to solo Catzilla while the other players sit around, lamenting all the time they wasted on their builds

I think figuring out what's "too broken" is non obvious with L30 gestalt mythic 3pp friendly builds. Do you want to establish benchmarks for things like (after all advancement, items, etc): max ability score, DCs, high saves / low saves, AC, Etc? (Personally, I find that valuable)

- - - EDIT - - -

Level: 30th gestalt. For level 21+ you may either use PrCs or the epic pathfinder rules.

The epic rules you linked make certain changes, like BAB (and saves) start increasing slowly after L20. PrCs on the other hand keep normal progressions. (e.g. a Fighter 20 + Sentinel (prestige class) 10 would have a 30 BAB. A Fighter 30 (using the epic rules) would have a 24 BAB. Is that right?

And if PrCs are available, how about multiclassing into a new non-PrC class to fill those last levels, e.g. could one side of a gestalt be Figher 20 / Ranger 10?


Just an FYI, I'll be gone most of today, and may not get around to answering anything till tomorrow:

@Andreww, still unsure about gestalt mythic paths. Let me get back to you on that.

@Gyrfalcon, hey buddy! Thanks, I'm hoping this will be fun!

Regarding 'too broken', I'm honestly not sure what sort of benchmarks would be appropriate here. I worry that if I say, 'cap your AC at X and your damage at Y' they could be far too low or way too high.

I guess my best advice here is just be considerate of both your fellow players and myself. Remember that we're all putting in some serious time and effort into our creations, and nobody wants to be on the sidelines while one PC does literally everything and the fight is over in one round.

If you find yourself cackling madly while you end up with a massive AC, able to deal thousands of points of damage, automatically go first, take 10 turns in a row, cast 5 spells every round, etc, you should probably scale things back a bit.

As for your other question, that reminded me of an experiment I would like to try(as this is a dang good place to attempt it):

Epic progression of BAB will allow additional iterative attacks like normal. Ie, at +25 you'll get a 5th attack, and at +30 a sixth, at the usual -5 for each.

Multiclassing is allowed for levels 20+. That was a bit of a derp on my part to not consider that, lol

The recruitment says we are using ABP but also that we have 14M GP to spend. Can we buy stat boost type items above what ABP grants?

Also, how do you feel about items in the epic rules that grant templates.

Ok, submitting an ancestry that i created based on the half-dragon template and gold dragons.

Half Gold Dragon (41RP):

10 RP Type = Dragon (darkvision 60ft, low-light vision, immune sleep and paralysis)
0 RP Size = medium
0 RP Speed = 30ft.
1 RP Abilities = Paragon (+4 int, -2 all physical)
0 RP Language = Standard (common, draconic...)
2 RP Defence = Lucky, Lesser (+1 all saves)
2 RP Defence = Natural Armour (+1 bonus)
3 RP Defense = Spell Resistance, Greater (11 + level)
4 RP Monstrous Defense = Elemental Immunity (fire)
3 RP Magical = Change Shape, Lesser (as alter self to appear human)
2 RP Magical = Spell-Like Ability, At-Will (detect evil)
4 RP Magical = Spell-Like Ability, At-Will (cure moderate wounds)
2 RP Movement = Swim (30ft.)
4 RP Movement = Flight (30ft. clumsy)
1 RP Offense = Bite (1d3)
1 RP Offense = Breath Weapon (1d6 fire, 15ft. cone)
2 RP Offense = Claws (1d4)

Total 41

The character is going to be a Wizard(Exploiter/Pact) 20/Archwizard 10|Alchemist(Mindchemist) 30. The patron theme for the pact archetype will be Boundaries who the character believes is Apsu or a servant of Apsu. Character will have a theme of gathering knowledge and fighting evil and will only fight Catzilla out of curiosity. Unfortunately we all know what curiosity does to cats.

This sounds completely insane. I love it. Will actually give it some thought…

The Demiurge is a being as old as the Universe itself. Ancient, unknowable, it is so old t has forgotten its own name and origins. It exists within its own timeless demi-plane, outside the flow of normal reality. There it studies the infinite complexity of the Universe, examining the threads of fate, lines of destiny and the interweaving pattern of multiple timelines. Occasionally it is dispatched by the Gods to face some threat. Occasionally it will identify some issue of truly Cosmic proportions and move to deal with it. Wherever it appears it is certain that absolute destruction is likely to follow.

The demiurge is a simple Sorcerer 30|Oracle 30|Heirophant 10 dual pathed into Archmage. Its numbers may well be a bit obscene but its hard to avoid with this much stuff to work with.

Ghost Rider Cavalier

Template: Skeleton Knight
* Human (9RP)
* Undead (16 RP)
* Skeletal Damage Reduction (2 RP) DR 5/bludgeoning.
* Fast Healing 1 (6 RP)
* Spell Like Ability At-Will See Invisibility (4 RP)
* Shadow Resistance (2 RP)
* Natural Armor 1 (2 RP)

A Skeleton Knight with a ghostly horse.

Does this work?

So…Achaekek is CR 30….(just kidding, I do not want to play an actual deity for this. Or even the Tarrasque.)

With a thunderous crack the chamber which hosts those gathering to face this threat fills with smoke, As it clears it reveals a figure standing within a ring of glowing magical runes which have been burnt into the stone floor. The figure swirls with shadows, its face indistinct. It is, superficially, human, save for the tattered wings of shadow sprouting from its back and the utter pits of nothingness for eyes. It carries a simple disc of silvery metal and a gleaming starknife hangs from its belt.

Why have you summoned me? What cataclysm faces the Cosmos that I must intervene. Have the Lords of the Nine Heals broken the Seven Seals? Do Demorgorgon, Orcus and Jubilex mass their armies to invade the Heavens? Have the inner planes fallen out of alignment and threaten to plunge the Prime into the Negative Material Plane?

A small clerk pokes his head out and says, Err, no Sir, there's this cat, he gets no further. A Cat! A Cat! You realise that I exist to oppose Cosmic level threats to all of existence that few others can even begin to comprehend. A Cat! Is it at least trying to undermine the basis of time and space or is it just stuck up a tree. Because if its the latter no-one can help, cats are bloody stubborn buggers.

If chosen I will need to work out details of his Cataclysmic Spells and seven different Contingencies

I might build a second entrant which is slightly less silly.

I'm not sure if having a +100 on all knowledge checks is necessarily broken but it sure has me cackling as I theory out this wizard.

Because I love the challenge of putting together a character, I started with this guy. Nothing is set in stone, as it's a work in progress.

Here... So Rosa was going to be a 256' tall

Living Colossal Pathfinder Jaeger:

But the GM said no :( Sad face.

BUT NOW WORKING ON, A PSIONIC DEMI-GOD for &£^%(s and Giggles.


Elan, Psion-Telepath L30/clever-godling L30 Mythic Overmind T10/genius T10

Elan-Ascendant LN
Psion-Ascendant L30/Mythic Overmind T10
Mighty CR5 - Clever-Godling L25 / Mythic Genius T10
Still working on the Demi-God side.

The idea is she has a psionic load of followers, [humm..meat shields]

GM I would advise breaking my PC and Banning leadership feat or the same, in any templates and CR critters used a races and so one.
PCs familiars, mounts, summoned not permanents only and case by case.


Cus this will get mad very soon when all the PCs show up with a leadership-added small army , of say undead, followers, or constructs, or all three. I think I can get my PC to around + others


Level=12 - 1
Level=11 - 2
Level=10 - 3
Level=9 - 7
Level=8 - 15
Level=7 - 30
Level=6 - 60
Level=5 - 100
Level=4 - 200
Level=3 - 500
Level=2 - 800
Level=1 - 1400

And we would have to go into mass combat mode.

While not complete by any means, the skeleton is there. And this was ALOT of fun to make. So even if the campaign doesn’t start, I enjoyed the process. :D Made a giant without even a hint of magic to him. Nothing fancy. Just a huge bruiser who can throw rocks, shatter the ground, and who can stand toe to toe with just about anything. And while I haven’t done the math, he should punch people extremely hard. (Strength 60, dragon ferocity, mythic power attack, +1/2 level to damage, +1/2 mythic tier to damage, mythic weapon specialization, 10d4 sneak attack). Yeah, that’s getting punched by a truck.

Character inspiration


Bolvar is a fortunate soul, in that he is the survivor of experiments done by his father, a Storm Giant and powerful cleric of Minderhal. Through the use of magic of dubious morality, his father spawned a score of progeny without the distasteful need of a partner. He chose to create his children of hill giant stock, knowing that most would perish from his experiments and believing the diminutive kin to thus be the best choice. His goal was to lift up the hill giant species, so that they might be worthy of the name giants. The vast majority of his children died, as he attempted to tie their souls to various planes of existence. But the experiment worked, in that Bolvar, and a handful of siblings survived the process. Sadly, only he inherited any of the intended mental faculties, though others received the strength. By the time he grew to adulthood, his father had died at the hands of one of his brothers, for his cruelty in raising them did not account for the power imbalance that he had made, and his brothers and sisters had all died at each other’s hands (or Bolvar’s).

He now lives alone in the temple of his father, tending to it as he was taught. As well as defending it against the monsters that seemed to be drawn to it, given the portals created by his father in his experimented that weakened the barrier between the planes at that spot. He is worshiped as a God by the humans who live in his shadow, and they bring him food and supplies as is needed. In return he protects them from any threats that might arise, and once in a generation will travel out to hunt any monsters that require his strength to slay….

You've got questions! I've got answers!

1) Unsure about epic stat boosters. Bolvar above already has a 60 Str, though idk if he bought an epic Str item or not.

2) Template granting items are fine, but you're also just allowed a template.

3) Obviously, I'm nowhere near being ready to pick players, but I'm gonna be hard pressed not to choose The Demiurge based on that little RP snippet! LOL

4) Not overly worried about leadership and followers, though I appreciate the concern.

5) Bolvar is *Awesome!* Well done Grumbaki!

Rosa did bring up a good point about minions.

Minion creation rules!

If you take Leadership(of any sort), your cohort can also be epic, **however** it is otherwise build using normal rules, with a 25 point buy. No increased stats, templates, extra feats, etc.

Followers or similar 'lesser' minions should use the standard stats for their level find in any of the various NPC charts/books.

Class based companions: They make take a companion archetype for free(ie, they don't trade anything out), plus a +2 template(following the above guidelines for the PCs), and one of the non spellcasting mythic templates. Templates do not reduce their CR/HD. As with PCs, run the template by me for approval.

If I need to further boost a companion, I'll do my best. I'm not a fan of screwing over a player's build/class features.

Ok so I have a suli fighter/sorceror/dragon disciple gestalt character I have been wanting to try out. Fighter 20/Sor 20/Horizon Walker 10/Dragon Disciple 10. Was hoping to use Astral or Sovereign bloodlines but their damage types where changed for that bloodline to bludgeoning from force or sonic. Don't know a lot of spells that deal bludgeoning. The form of dragon spells for those dragons keep their damage type but reduce the dice size. With the template on the cat any elemental damage it immune so was thinking force specialized. I'll have to give it more thought.

I did have another idea come to me though, what about a cat and a mouse or rat person. FIghter/Wizard (Force) or maybe Fighter/Thief if it isn't immune to backstab. I would expect this concept to be the focus of the cat. :)

Voice of Awesomeness wrote:

You've got questions! I've got answers!

3) Obviously, I'm nowhere near being ready to pick players, but I'm gonna be hard pressed not to choose The Demiurge based on that little RP snippet! LOL

Thanks for that. Just to note, the stat block for Demiurge is on his profile. He is ridiculous. There are likely to be errors!

We probably also need to deal with how you are going to interpret Mythic Vital strike. Its gets ridiculous very fast if you read as being based on each dice rolled, rather than each set of "weapon damage".

andreww wrote:
We probably also need to deal with how you are going to interpret Mythic Vital strike. Its gets ridiculous very fast if you read as being based on each dice rolled, rather than each set of "weapon damage".

Well aware! We'll be using some of LG's mythic solutions, including one of the ones for MVS. I just haven't had the time to sit down and read through them to figure out what I'm gonna use.

I'll add my additional rules/changes/rulings/etc to the campaign info tab in the next day or two.

Thanks for the outline GM, she will have a lot of followers but working on making them not too crazy. Filling out Rosa nicely.

The old bard sat in the burning man Inn, and to a wide-eyed group of marchaned new to the realm of gates. He started his tail.

In Sigil, the Lady of Pain always knows.

"I hear all the lies whispered into all the tepid ears in the dark bedchambers of all the great manors. I see every hand that slips into an open pocket on every bustling street, and I feel the dagger that burns in the belly of every trusting fool whoever followed a glitter girl into a dark alley. No longer can I tell where Sigil begins and I end; no longer can I separate what I perceive from what the city is. I am Sigil.”
Said the Lady of Pain.

In the heart of the cosmos, at the pinnacle of an infinite spike, there stands a ringed city of doors, the nexus around which all of time and creation revolve. Here, the planes and demi-planes intersect, where gods, demons, angels, and devils converge. All the myriad settings and stories of existence spin their trails around this city. Within its ancient walls, let me tell you the tale of Rosa Luminass and how she came to experience much like our Lady.

Long ago, as you may know, before time and space there existed the First World. A realm where the fae told the first story of all. In this realm, there was no past or future, only the eternal NOW. Amidst this timeless existence, a singular thought emerged, a question: "What is Experience?"

This question came into being amid endless tales. To find the answer, a blue rose from the endless garden was plucked. Onto it was bestowed a name, infused with a purpose: Rosa Luminass the name, part from whence it came and part for what it was made for, to illuminate a question. For its purpose that was simple. 'Go an Experience in as many ways as you can' Then it was fragmented, shattered! its essence strewn across time and space, past present, and future. A scattering across time and space. Each splinter each fragment of Rosa Luminass a being in and of itself. Ment to live, experience, and die. and ultimately to return, to share its knowledge with the whole.

Thus, when traveling through the many realms, one might encounter a Rosa Luminass here, then another there. No two are the same they say. These encounters are precious, for each Rosa Luminass lives to feed the great tale of the First World. Should you meet one, take the time to share stories and moments, for in doing so, you contribute to the tapestry of existence.

Now, you might think this tale is the invention of a mad old bard. But you're in luck. Every hundred years, in this very inn, a table is reserved for a special group who have claimed it for as long as the inn has stood and have it booked until it closes. And this is the very night, 100 years has passed form when they last met. So fine people, If you look over there, you will see them. That group of women, as diverse in size, race, and garb, as can be. Yet unmistakably connected by looks and manners. They laugh, drink, and joke together, sisters in spirit and most of all in mind. So, my tail is done, if you find it worthy, perhaps you could spare a coin or two for a bard's effort. After all, the story of Rosa Luminass is one that spans all of existence, a tale worth telling and retelling.

He held up is cap to take donations.


This Rosa Luminass you here has come to understand her true nature and origin. Her awakening to being part of a greater hole has elevated her to the status of a demigod. For each of her followers is a lesser Rosa, a copy of one of her sisters' minds. There are as many Rosa's as there are realities, each living its own unique life, be it big or small, short or long. This particular Rosa is the keeper of many of her sister's memories, hence the Psionic Demi-God part. Also, I think she may have been the 1st Elan, the 1st one of it type back at the start of it all. She does not trigger the lady of pain becouse she is not a true god, just many who make up a demi one.

The Demiurge wrote:
Voice of Awesomeness wrote:

You've got questions! I've got answers!

3) Obviously, I'm nowhere near being ready to pick players, but I'm gonna be hard pressed not to choose The Demiurge based on that little RP snippet! LOL
Thanks for that. Just to note, the stat block for Demiurge is on his profile. He is ridiculous. There are likely to be errors!

I feel ya, Rosa is shaping up to be very hard mentally just tracking things, so many things overlap but don't add. Just the same thing from another root. I have just decided to focus on the idea of who and what she is, go tone of the PC over munchkin silliness.

I suppose I can always level up Krynn here 15 more levels :) It sounds as if the same mythic rules were used as when we played that campaign so long ago, just at a higher level.

Thanks :)

So, given that this is 30/30….does that mean lvl 20 with 10 epic levels? Or does that mean 30 levels of classes? Put another way:

Fighter 20/Rogue 20 with 10 epic levels
Fighter 20/Rogue 20 + Slayer 10/Warpriest 10

I assume the former but just want to check. There are a lot of rules present

I have assumed it is 30 class levels on each side. Thats how I built the demiurge. As he took two single classes he gets the full epic progression on each side, although I assume things like epic attack or damage bonuses dont stack, you just take the highest like regular gestalt.

As much as I’d like to play this, I think it’s just too much for me. That much power, that much money, that many feats, I just don’t even know what to do with it all.

@Ouachitonian, it can be crazy, but so much fun doing.

Levels and stuff, this is my understanding of build, and I'm with @Andreww on my understanding.

On the other thread, the GM said its players ger,

With, really it's 20+10Epic/20+10Epic/T10Mythic

Other build notes:

With feats from each side being
20 feats [Noraml Levels]
10 feats [Epic levels]
10 Feats [Mythic]
+ any class feats etc

States starting block for a listed normal class with RP41 or below.
Place at level 1
You can move points around at that time as well, from stat to stat, I know I have.
Then 7x2=14 leveling stat bust, place as you see fit.

Monsters are allowed up to CR30 on one side of the Gshtolt and you take their stats over the starting ones above for normal races, you still get a level bust of +2 every 4 levels. [+14 in all]

You can use templates but not any that bust any one stat more than +6

Epic stat bust is still to be agreed on.
We are seeing some main stats hitting 70ish.

This is the stat block for


If your build can take him on, CR39 then you may be on the right track to fight a cute Kiten who has a CR of 50

Sorry, I was wrong about monsters, GM says

Ancestry: Players may choose one of the following: 1) Create a brand new ancestry, up to 41 RP. All traits are allowed, except Advanced Ability Scores. 2) Modify an existing ancestry again up to 41 RP. 3) Monsters are allowed, but each one needs to be approved. The monster’s CR will be deducted from your total CR, as it’s too difficult to mess around with it only costing half your gestalt or something.

Templates are allowed, again on a case by case basis. The one primary caveat is that you can’t take one that adds more than +6 to a given ability score. So, no Dread Wraith Sovereign, since that gives a +20 to Dex, lol. Much like monsters, a template will reduce your total CR.

So going to have to work out what that dose to the Mighty template

So this can be simple if you just pick and monster with CR30 or below.
Take its stat block and add 10 Mythic levels,
See what feats /traits you have left over once you deduct the ones your monster has. In this case you keep its stats and not get the normal or RP41 bust as outlined by the GM.

I hope I am right in this.

Haha, am I allowed to not go for RP41?

The idea of a (very overpowered) normal human is enticing

I like that Idea,
Just worked out Rosa has 62,500 ish followers.
I am not! working out their stats.
But it was fun working out how many I could get her, I think I can get a few 1000 more with some of the godling stuff.

I like that Idea,
Just worked out Rosa has 62,500 ish followers.
I am not! working out their stats.
But it was fun working out how many I could get her, I think I can get a few 1000 more with some of the godling stuff.

BAB doesn't increase according yo the rules you linked, so I'm likely to go with Assassin 10 after Rogue to get full BAB.

But yeah, going to go with a normal human, probably Alchemically Enhanced. Rogue 20 / Assassin 10 on one end, Gunchemist 30 on the other, and undecided on the mythic side. 30d6 bullet.

I'll have it drafted up within a few days.

Monsters & templates work thusly:

Take their CR(not HD, cuz they vary wildly and widely) and subtract it from your total CR of 30. What you have left is then your normal class levels.


A storm giant is CR 13, which would leave you with 17 gestalt levels. They have pretty solid stats, but since I said their ability scores could be modified, lets do this:

Str 40, Dex 18, Con 26, Int 20, Wis 22, Cha 20

Firstly, I **despise** odd numbers for ability scores. I would rather drop down a point than have an odd stat, lol. That said, I boosted them all.

Second, this is just an example of how a potential monster *could have their ability scores increased. Do *not* take this as a guarantee that I will a) increase a monster's scores at all or b) they will get a decent boost like this.

Let's also add a template. We'll go with the Jotunblood Giant cuz it's thematic and kinda badass. It's a +4 template, so that would give our Storm Giant a CR of 17. That means it now has 13 levels of normal gestalt levels left, plus 10 mythic tiers.

One extra change for monsters:

You may trade out any or all of their racial feats for new ones. That means our Storm Giant here could be given 10 brand new feats or maybe you wanna keep the 'sword ones', but get rid Combat Reflexes, Improved Bull Rush, and Iron Will for three totally different 'fightery' feats.

Monsters do get *not* feats for every HD. I feel that's a solid trade off for what they do gain for being a monster.

Violant wrote:
Haha, am I allowed to not go for RP41?

You definitely don't have to. That said, you could boost a human anywhere from it's normal RP of 9 all the way up to 41. If ya wanted to just give a 1RP ability to make it a RP 10 race, go right ahead. I will point out that increasing a race's RP even all the way up to 41 has absolutely zero impact on your final CR. That's only for actual monsters and templates.

@Rosa, you won't really be stating out all of your followers. As I said above, they use the standard NPC stats for their level/race/class.

Thus, if you have 20,000 first level Human Fighters you would use the first stat block in that link.

Another *huge* change!

Ya know what? Heck it! This is supposed to be an over the top, epic level, nonsense game of tomfoolery!! After all, you're fighting Catzilla!

Scrap the epic handbook rules for BAB & Saves. They continue as normal for your class.

Thus, if you're a fighter 30, your final BAB will be 30/25/20/15/10/5.

Yes, I realize that might make things extra crazy(with two extra attacks) but that's kinda the point of this game, LOL

How much HP will the cat have, in a ballpark range?

Violant wrote:
How much HP will the cat have, in a ballpark range?

I have absolutely no idea, but an awful lot for sure. The Cataclysmic template alone gives it 360, without any con modifier. I will not be divulging any more templates, nor any more stats beyond this post.

Just wanted to know what a reasonable threshold of damage is. There's literally an epic feat that adds a d6 to bomb damage (and thus, presumably, ordnance damage), so I figured it's very possible to go overboard. If we're adding to BAB, then delete the Assassin and make it all uRogue 30//Gunchemist 30/Trickster 10.

Alright! Found a new class that fits Bolvar better. Would like to make sure that I am doing this right before putting any more time into this.

Level: 30th gestalt. For level 21+ you may either use PrCs or the epic pathfinder rules.

Class 1
* Jotun Paragon Class Lvls 1-20
Class 1 Prestige Class
* Godling

Class 2
* Vigilante Lvls 1-30

(Class 1: Full blooded Giant. As large as can possibly be, towering over everyone and everything)
(Class 2: Social - Worshipped by local humans / Vigilante - Hunter of monsters)

Mythic 10 Champion

Is this right?

I almost want to see if I can make something with no class levels. Advanced Half-Fiendish Ravener Great Wyrm Umbral Dragon or something (I think that’s still a couple CR short). I still have *no* idea what I’d spend 14,000,000 GP, especially with ABP.

On a completely different note, do we know anything about the battlefield? Are we fighting this cat in a forest, a China shop, the Sahara Desert?

@Bolvar Gemforged, Right on, Right on, Right on, another Godling, Coool..

Rosa.Luminass. wrote:
@Bolvar Gemforged, Right on, Right on, Right on, another Godling, Coool..

At this level, does anything else really make sense? Plus, a mighty godling and a clever godling make for a good team.

Bolvar Gemforged wrote:
Rosa.Luminass. wrote:
@Bolvar Gemforged, Right on, Right on, Right on, another Godling, Coool..
At this level, does anything else really make sense? Plus, a mighty godling and a clever godling make for a good team.

I like your thinking, I found this cool image of ROSA IMAGE HERE

If you are going for the massive hard hitter TITAN. Then Rosa would be flying at his head height, as a mote of pour power, ripping the world apart with force shockwaves and telekinetics effects. If anyone is linked to her Hivemind, [Callective] she can bust, protect and heal you.

Bolvar Gemforged wrote:

Is this right?

Please note, I am currently running on only 3hrs of sleep, but yes, this looks right.

The battlefield will be an arena 2 miles on all sides. I haven't decided yet if there will be terrain hazards or not, but possibly!

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