GM Allegro |

Hi there! I'm running a small version of the Wrath of the Righteous adventure path for four players, though one of the slots is precast. The goal is to make it feel extra mythic, so the characters are pretty crazy to start, and I'll add some surprises and power-scaling to the monsters on my end. Initially, I'm opening recruitment to those who applied for Voice of Awesomeness's Sentence of the Sinlord campaign, though if we don't get enough players from there I will open it up to others.
Character Creation Starting at level 1. Gestalt, feat every level, 30-point buy, background skills, Elephant in the Room (no feat tax) rules, some third-party stuff allowed (Legendary classes, Spheres of Might/Spheres of Power, oaths), ABP. Fighters and fighter-like classes get Combat Stamina for free. For races, I prefer Core races (or those that look like core races like aasimar and tiefling), but I might be convinced to let you play something else if you've got a good reason for it. You get 15 race points, so if you go Human (9 RP) you have 6 points to buy more racial traits with. These can be Advanced but not Monstrous. Three traits plus a fourth for a drawback and one campaign trait. (I'd like to have no more than one character with each campaign trait, but we may have to negotiate that after I make my selections.) Hit points are maximum. I prefer all alignments are good, so if you need to be neutral for some reason you need to convince me. Evil is probably right out-- I doubt you can convince me of that. (Sorry if that ruins anyone's super-cool evil character ideas! I guess you can try if you really really want to play it.) Max starting wealth. You can craft yourself things pre-game if you can make the rolls by taking 10. Leadership is okay, but note that cohorts and other companions aren't gestalt and don't get double feats, don't have any money of their own though they do get ABP, use the standard stat array, and don't get any traits.
Applications Besides your stats, give me a short description (appearance and personality) and at least a couple of paragraphs about the character's background-- try to unambiguously mention all your traits, and it's okay if you revise them a little to match your vision. I'd also really love a few notes about how you envision the character growing over time, with a personal goal or two I can use to better involve your character in the story. If you have a plan for the character's build I wouldn't mind reading that too, and I'd also like it if you included a few words about who you are as a player, so we can get to know each other a little better. Designing your characters so that they know each other from the start is fine, but it won't influence my selections so you might have to revise afterward. ;) There will be a brief period where you can revise them to better fit with the other players, and briefly play out a few events before the game starts. I will probably review all the applications as you post and finish them, but my schedule for the rest of the month is pretty packed. If I have a good number of applications by Friday, January 17 at 17:00 PST, I'll close the recruitment then and make my choices that evening. Otherwise, I'll probably open it up to a wider audience and extend it until February.
Play Expectations I haven't run a lot of games on the boards, so there might be a bit of a learning curve for me. I'd like everyone to post at least 4x a week, which might be a little slow at first but we'll see how we do. We'll want to move at a pretty good clip because the early encounters will feel pretty weak, but I think it's valuable for building character dynamics between everyone as well as a shared backstory from the beginning of the campaign. I'll probably use Google Slides to do the maps, and I'll occasionally roll things like initiative and saves for you so we don't have to wait for each other to post to move along. I might even roll Knowledge checks to speed up the back and forth a bit. I'll try to use block initiative where possible, so that we don't have to post in order. Leveling will be by milestones rather than by tracking experience points. Oh, and a few notes about crafting: Even though it's unrealistic, I am treating the Golarion economy as static, so that all items always cost their full price to buy and always sell for half that value (that means that if you craft stuff for the party, you can't charge your teammates more than it cost you to make). :) All items that ABP replaces still exist, but the bonuses don't stack, so there's a slight benefit if you make something ahead of the ABP progression, but eventually it will get replaced.

Anapa Scion of Anubis |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Anapa was, WAS, a happy kid where he grew up, even with his strange physique. Canine like head, fur covered, but happy. Till, well, he was orphaned. A Osirian cult of Set murdered his parents and stole him away at night. They made the mistake of thinking he was a blessed Hound of Set, or something a kin to it. They were going to offer him to Set in some odd ritual. Unbeknownst to them, he wasnt, he was a scion of Anubis. This little fact made the ritual go in the opposite direction they intended. Instead, the magics was absorbed into him, and in the chaos, he managed to escape
The following few years he lived out on the street, like much of the street dogs, he got food were he could, and slept where he could. Often with the strays.
Till one day, one of the temples that still followed the old gods, took him in. Cared for him, nursed him back to health. His life seemed to have taken another turn, this time for the better. He learned their ways, even learned their language and their history. Fascinated by all of this, he eventually picked up a sword and shield, committing himself to them and to the god he now knew, Anubis. And vowed to fight the followers and minions of Set where ever he could
Osirionologist (Regional)
Orphaned (Social)
Demon Slayer (Combat)
Stolen Fury (Campaign)
Anapa is an Ydlkin aasimar, with very pronounced dogl/jackal-like features
Plan to go Paladin (other side not decided yet)
And a goal is to perhaps gain the favour of Anubis and be granted to become a Hound Archon. Actually. Maybe Rogue to emphasize how he had live on the street for so long...
(Seth86 here)

Anapa Scion of Anubis |

Male agathion-blooded aasimar (idyllkin) paladin (oath against fiends) 1/unchained rogue (scout) 1/gestalt 1 (Pathfinder Player Companion: Blood of Angels 21, Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 134, Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 7, Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 60, Pathfinder Unchained 20)
LG Medium outsider (native)
Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +5
AC 20, touch 11, flat-footed 19 (+7 armor, +1 Dex, +2 shield)
hp 13 (1d10+3)
Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +3
Resist acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor)
Melee longsword +5 (1d8+3/19-20)
Ranged javelin +2 (1d6+3)
Special Attacks smite evil 1/day (+4 attack and AC, +1 damage), sneak attack (unchained) +1d6
Paladin Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration +5)
. . At will—detect evil
Str 16, Dex 12, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 18
Base Atk +1; CMB +4; CMD 15
Feats Combat Expertise, Deadly Aim, Power Attack, Weapon Focus
Traits demon slayer, fiend blood, orphaned, osirionologist (osirion), stolen fury
Skills Acrobatics -7 (-11 to jump), Diplomacy +8, Handle Animal +10, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +4, Knowledge (history) +5, Knowledge (local) +4, Knowledge (planes) +5, Knowledge (religion) +4, Linguistics +4, Perception +5, Survival +8, Swim -1; Racial Modifiers +2 Handle Animal, +2 Survival
Languages Ancient Osiriani, Celestial, Common, Osiriani
SQ finesse weapon attack attribute, paranoid, trapfinding +1
Other Gear banded mail, heavy steel shield, javelin (5), longsword, backpack, bedroll, canteen[UE], wooden holy symbol of Anubis, 5 gp
Special Abilities
Combat Expertise +/-1 Bonus to AC in exchange for an equal penalty to attack.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Deadly Aim -1/+2 Trade a penalty to ranged attacks for a bonus to ranged damage.
Detect Evil (At will) (Sp) You can use detect evil at will (as the spell).
Energy Resistance, Acid (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Acid attacks.
Energy Resistance, Cold (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Cold attacks.
Energy Resistance, Electricity (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Electricity attacks.
Finesse Weapon Attack Attribute Finesse weapons use Strength on attack rolls.
Paranoid Aid Another DC 15 for attempts to help you.
Power Attack -1/+2 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Smite Evil (1/day) (Su) +4 to hit, +1 to damage, +4 deflection bonus to AC when used.
Sneak Attack (Unchained) +1d6 Attacks deal extra dam if flank foe or if foe is flat-footed.
Trapfinding +1 Gain a bonus to find or disable traps, including magical ones.
Weapon Focus (Heavy Blades) Choose one weapon group. You become better at using that type of weapon.
Prerequisites: base attack bonus +1.
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus on all attack rolls you make using weapons from the selected group. The bonus only applies
I took the ability of Speak with Horses, i was hoping we can reflavour it to speak to canids?

GM Allegro |

I don't know if I count as I only voiced initial interest and not a character as too many pieces were shifting when I last looked at it... then life got in the way.
Still, a level 1 character is much easier to approach and opens up options for much more complex character ideas.
Sure, go ahead!

GM Allegro |

Star Light, CG, Elan, Psion Telepth/Legendary Investigator/Mythic Overmind.
Hi Panic! I don't want to limit your character too much, but I'm afraid I don't know Dreamscarred Press stuff at all, so I don't feel like I can GM it. Is there an occult Paizo class or maybe one of the Spheres classes that would work for your concept?

trawets71 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Here is the genesis of my submission Kevin Hurly. He is set for marshal now as that fits his background best but I may switch to champion. I am trying to decide on fighter or cleric for second class. These characters are going to do a TON of damage and I need to decide how much to lean into that or go for more versatility. I need to pick another trait and fix gear as well. He is made with the original ages of the tiefling so he is older than the current version.
Future build will have Eldritch Heritage demon. The longer he spends in the worldwound the more he will come to resemble a demon. He will also be a crit fisher with the scimitar. His goal would be to close the worldwound and try and undo some of the damage it has done, to him and others.
I recently shut down the Wrath game I was running at the end of book 2. I am currently too exhausted to run a game. I've been on the boards here for many years and started gaming in the early 90's with AD&D 2E.

GM Allegro |

@ GM Allegro, are we using the additional mythic rules from spheres of Power ?
None of the new paths, because there aren’t campaign traits for those and I don’t want to try to make up additional ones. :) Maybe path abilities?

Ouachitonian |

Dot. I've played some of Wrath before, but as a paladin. And as much as I like paladins, and as fun as a paladin is in that AP, I'm doing something very different this time. I'm just not sure what. Maybe a Sorc->Dragon Disciple/...something, maybe a Magus/...something, maybe something else. I'll figure it out.

pad300 |
pad300 wrote:@ GM Allegro, are we using the additional mythic rules from spheres of Power ?None of the new paths, because there aren’t campaign traits for those and I don’t want to try to make up additional ones. :) Maybe path abilities?
Ok, I'm working on a legendary medium... What regular path would you put spirit versatility under (it's a first tier path ability from path of the boundJ)?

GM Allegro |

Ok, I'm working on a legendary medium... What regular path would you put spirit versatility under (it's a first tier path ability from path of the boundJ)?
You can treat it like a universal path ability for now, so you can choose your path based on whatever makes the most sense to your character's background and other abilities.

GM_Panic |

Star Light wrote:Star Light, CG, Elan, Psion Telepth/Legendary Investigator/Mythic Overmind.Hi Panic! I don't want to limit your character too much, but I'm afraid I don't know Dreamscarred Press stuff at all, so I don't feel like I can GM it. Is there an occult Paizo class or maybe one of the Spheres classes that would work for your concept?
Hi Allegro, Not a problem, Im thinking now of a Half-Drow or aasimar Legendary cleric, Legendary Monk now, something that is an angle like being, who has taken the oath or Offering, giving away to the poor. They would have magic tattoos in place of items and use only hand to hand combat, Wisdom based PC.
We start at Level 1,
Whats our starting cash?

Master Han Del of the Web |

@GM Allegro
I've been playing around with a concept for a Numerian addition to the Crusades since it always struck me as odd that more Numerian stuff did not end up washing over into the Worldwound despite it being right on their borders. A couple of versions feel like they might need a bit of input from you first though.
Cyborg: Built around a Cyber-soldier Legendary Fighter. Needs some latitude around acquiring technological items and installing cybernetics since those aren't freely available in most places. It also doesn't play entirely nice with ABP since one of the primary advantages of Cybertech is that they provide various enhancement bonuses without taking up the usual magic item slots.
Mook Squad: Built around the Collective archetype for Wraith and the leadership sphere. The idea is a small squad of useful cohorts controlled by a bodiless hive mind. Mostly the problem is whether you want to deal with the tactical complexity involved.
Killer Machine: Machine Cultist Reaper/Technician. Needs the least input and mostly just listed to demonstrate that I have a back-up plan if my more oddball ideas don't fly.

Seth86 |

GM Allegro wrote:Star Light wrote:Star Light, CG, Elan, Psion Telepth/Legendary Investigator/Mythic Overmind.Hi Panic! I don't want to limit your character too much, but I'm afraid I don't know Dreamscarred Press stuff at all, so I don't feel like I can GM it. Is there an occult Paizo class or maybe one of the Spheres classes that would work for your concept?Hi Allegro, Not a problem, Im thinking now of a Half-Drow or aasimar Legendary cleric, Legendary Monk now, something that is an angle like being, who has taken the oath or Offering, giving away to the poor. They would have magic tattoos in place of items and use only hand to hand combat, Wisdom based PC.
We start at Level 1,
Whats our starting cash?
GM said max for your class (so I guess pick the class with highest GP and that's your starting gold)

GM Allegro |

@GM Allegro
I've been playing around with a concept for a Numerian addition to the Crusades since it always struck me as odd that more Numerian stuff did not end up washing over into the Worldwound despite it being right on their borders. A couple of versions feel like they might need a bit of input from you first though.
I hate to yuck your yum, but none of those options really appeal to me for this campaign-- the tone of Wrath is much more high fantasy than sci-fi, so cyber-soldiers and technicians seem kind of out of place to me. And while a collective could feel appropriate depending on how you build it, the technical challenges of GMing five characters at once does give me pause. That said, I've played Leadership-based characters before, and as long as they moved and fought as a unit it wasn't that difficult to manage. If you're really set on one of these concepts, that's the direction I'd suggest you focus. :)

![]() |

I didn't more than take a look at Sentence, making something for it was clearly going to be beyond what I could do. But this I can handle for sure.
On the chance you're not full up with Sentence applications, I'll throw my hat in the ring as very interested. I have 3 ideas I'm in the process of pairing down to one for submission.
1. A human ex-Gray Maiden who is looking to make up for past misdeeds (either Sister in Arms Cavalier or Vanilla Fighter / Bard. Might go into Heritor Knight later).
2. An aasimar from Qadira who's mother is revered as practically a saint in the Sarenite church. She's trying to live up to her mother's legacy. (Whirling Dervish Swashbuckler / Divine Paragon Cleric).
3. A human Kellid worshipper of Pulura fighting to drive out the World Wound's demons and restore her homeland. (Transporter & Tanglebriar Demon Slayer archetypes archer Ranger / Inquisitor of Pulura).

Master Han Del of the Web |

Master Han Del of the Web wrote:I hate to yuck your yum, but none of those options really appeal to me for this campaign-- the tone of Wrath is much more high fantasy than sci-fi, so cyber-soldiers and technicians seem kind of out of place to me. And while a collective could feel appropriate depending on how you build it, the technical challenges of GMing five characters at once does give me pause. That said, I've played Leadership-based characters before, and as long as they moved and fought as a unit it wasn't that difficult to manage. If you're really set on one of these concepts, that's the direction I'd suggest you focus. :)@GM Allegro
I've been playing around with a concept for a Numerian addition to the Crusades since it always struck me as odd that more Numerian stuff did not end up washing over into the Worldwound despite it being right on their borders. A couple of versions feel like they might need a bit of input from you first though.
I've always found the greatest strength of Pathfinder's setting was the option to blend a lot of interesting genres but I get it if I'm not adding the flavor you're looking for.I'll probably withdraw.

Amarilis Whitewolf |

Sir Longears here and I'll be applying with this character, a barbarian/samurai.
Will be working on the background to justify/explain this seemingly out of place combination.
She is supposed to be a very mobile striker and should be pretty fun to play with. Going for the Exposed to Awfulness background, of you guys want to coordinate.

Silver Starlight |

Aasimars Variant Abilities 1d100 ⇒ 50 +2 Wis
Aasimars Physical Features
1: Skin: metallic {Silver Grey} sheen
Hi GM Panic here, GM, This is the updated ALt I will
Silver Starlight, is my PC offering, LG Legendary Cleric/Monk/Mythic Bonded
Mythic because she is the reincarnation of a mythic monk from antiquity, who after reaching the height of discipline and enlightenment entered the cycle of reincarnation. Being Reborn into a new age, and this time into a female body.
Silvers, Elf/Human Parents were shocked at her unusual outsider appearance. Her silver Grey Metallic skin and bright purple eyes. Naming her Silver with the family name Starlight {translation form Elvish to Common} soon showed she had a knack for acrobatics and physical arts,
Her wealthy parents please with her talents bright in teachers to school her. Growing up on a large estate she had three elder brothers and a younger sister to play with. She was a happy child, and thoughtful to others. It was when her young sister fell from a tree that Silver ponsteusily used Healing magic to mend a twisted arm. Her father insisted that Silver be trained in the healing ways. But age came and took her parents and then her brothers and sisters. Yet even as an elf she did not seem to age. So on the passing of her younger sister she throw herself into study. Viewing to Explore the world. For the last 300 years that is what she has been doing. Seeing the world, helping others where she can and working to perfect herself. She is at heart a pacifist, but knows at times one must fight to save the greater good.
Mythic - Incarnation (Ex)
You carry within you the essence of an ancient soul, an eldritch shard of some entity lingering from the distant past that is now arisen again in an unsuspecting host. You bear an uncanny resemblance to that past hero or villain and may in fact be that being reborn in the flesh.
You continue to age normally but never take penalties for aging, as if using greater age resistance, and cannot die of old age. In addition, your insights into the past and present allow you to use legend lore as a spell-like ability once per week by expending one use of mythic power. If you are at least 3rd tier, you can instead use vision as a spell-like ability by expending two uses of mythic power. You always gain a bonus on Knowledge (history) checks equal to its mythic tier.
In addition, you can expend one use of mythic power as a swift or immediate action to exchange a feat, language, or spell you know for a different feat, language, or spell, representing some past piece of knowledge seeping through from the consciousness of your predecessor. You must meet the prerequisites for this ability, and the ability it exchanges cannot be a prerequisite for any other ability. Knowledge of this exchanged feat, language, or spell persists for a number of rounds equal to your mythic tier, though you can make the exchange permanent by meditating for one hour and expending two additional uses of mythic power.
Silver is happy go lucky, chefull even at the darkest times. And well centered, she will sit and meditate for hours. Then seeing a butterfly, jump up and run after it. She is long lived yet seems to have the heart of a child. But then at other times to she says the oddest thingsm as if alouding to a deeper wisdom within her. Kings generous and good hearted. She is not greedy nor dose she seek power.
Tall, slender, and young looking, her clothing is that of a simple monk. Her belt holds a begging bowl and no much more. There are a number of tattoos on her Silver Maticlic skin. Her Hair is while-silver as if white form old age, Purple eyes, and a smile

Silver Starlight |

Mythic path Bound
Draw power from forces beyond the ken of peers, understand the symbiotic nature of the planes and their inhabitants, and enhance yourself with power derived from a mysterious source. Characters who derive power from outside sources and seek to quickly gain access to power that may not fully understand find themselves drawn to the bound path. The mythic power of these heroes allows them to bend not only themselves but reality to their will, all the while moving to the machinations of their benefactor.
Fits with the idea of a reincarnated Master Monk

Amarilis Whitewolf |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

@Silver Starlight: We do not start as mythic. We'll become mythic during the gameplay. Also, the GM stated above the only mythic paths allowed are the ones from Paizo.
Also, here is the IMAGE of Amarilis.

GM Allegro |

If anyone's unfamiliar with the adventure path premise, it's worth downloading and reading the Player's Guide from Paizo. That lists the six campaign traits available and also briefly describes where the campaign starts. (It takes place on the first day of the Armasse festival in the city of Kenabres. The inhabitants are aware of the dangers of the Worldwound, but are relatively protected from it by one of several magical artifacts called wardstones, and also by its legendary guardian Terendelev, an ancient silver dragon who the people occasionally see flying over the banners atop the city walls.)
When I make characters, I usually start with the campaign traits to try to figure out what it is about the adventure path that I really want to explore. You all may have different ways of doing it, which is certainly cool, but if you're unsure I recommend picking one of the traits and then letting that guide you toward the character's strengths. :)

Lady Sabella Arvanxi |

I **think** I've settled on my concept/build:
L. Arcanist with the Theurge archetype and L. Sorcerer with the Angelic bloodline and the Arcane Seeker archetype.
She'll be taking the Touched by Divinity(as this makes the most sense for her) trait, however, she's an arcane caster, so I'm unsure if she'll take the Hierophant mythic path as a lot of the path abilities apply to divine spells.
GM, would you be okay with allowing any mythic path ability that normally would only affect divine spells to also/instead apply to any spells from her Theurgic affinity and any spells gained from her bloodline, including any from Bloodline Gifts?

GM Allegro |

GM, would you be okay with allowing any mythic path ability that normally would only affect divine spells to also/instead apply to any spells from her Theurgic affinity and any spells gained from her bloodline, including any from Bloodline Gifts?
@Monkeygod, I'll send you a PM.

Amarilis Whitewolf |

Are you opening recruitment?
Hi friend! The GM mentioned he'd keep recruitment closed until the 17th. I believe this is still the plan.
At the moment, we have 7 players in the "closed recruitment" working on characters and while the GM did not mention how many players he'll choose, it seems right now unlikely for the recruitment to open to a wider audience.

GM Allegro |

Hi friend! The GM mentioned he'd keep recruitment closed until the 17th. I believe this is still the plan.
At the moment, we have 7 players in the "closed recruitment" working on characters and while the GM did not mention how many players he'll choose, it seems right now unlikely for the recruitment to open to a wider audience.
Thanks for your help, Amarilis! Yes, it's still closed until the 17th. I'm choosing four characters.

Silver Starlight |

Silver Starlight, basic outline.
Went with Snow Elf in the end, seemed more fitting.
CG Legendary Cleric L1 / Legendary Ninja L1
Silver Starlight [Common name]
Is an Ice elf from the great northern white, living half the year in the long night the rest in the all day sun. She was born out in the snow fields and there grow up hunting and gathering with her Ice Elf tribe.
At an early age she showed a talent for the healing art. But she was plagued with dream of a past life. Seeing the tribe shaman they dream walked and there she meet a Polar Bear spirit who offered to train her in the ways of stealth. The Shaman told her to tell no one, that is was the way of the sprites. So when her family sent her to the Elf Ice city where she would learn the ways of healing, She did by day and by night leaned the ways of walking without trice.
A tall slender female Ice elf with white skin, white hair and piercing blue eyes. She has on simple clothing of a monk healer. She is skilled in hand to hand fighting, and tends to only carry a healing kit when traveling.
Bright, happy, with a lust for life. She makes friends easily and has a strange sense of what is right and wrong. She will help others if she can, and will heal anyone if asked.
I wanted her to be CG, as I have not played CG in ages. took Ninja with the open hand option to cleric so she fights with her fists. She is also a cleric healer, with the skills and spells to keep a party going.

trawets71 |

I have finished Kevin Hurly. I decided to go Tempered Champion Paladin and Cleric of Sarenrae. I've taken, Scholar of the Great Beyond, Envoy of Healing, Unscathed, and Child of the Crusade as my traits as I think these fit him best. With the generous feats I am probably going to pick up a number of the tiefling race ones as well as the eldritch heritage abyss to represent his body turning more demon like. His body and spirit are going in opposite directions. He starts out with hooves, horns, tale and sharp teeth. Based on my math he is 11 race points which leaves 4. Do we have to meet prerequisites for traits? I'd like to pick up Fey Damage Resistance which gives DR 5/Cold Iron which demons have as well. If not I can always throw it into Wisdom.
Kevin has great nephews and nieces all over the crusade due to his late start. His sibling and their kids have long retired from the fighting. He carves items out of wood constantly, usually small figurines, sometimes more useful things like forks or spoons. He loves his morning coffee and carries a supply with him.

Othniel Laurentius |

This is Ouachitonian's submission. Othniel is an augmented elf Magus/unMonk, a learned warrior who needs no weapon but his spellbook and his fists, and needs no armor but his speed and keen mind. It's a build I've had in the back of my mind for a while: he can add Dex, Wis, and Int(1 point per magus level) to his AC, not to mention Dodge, Shield, etc, and should have an absolutely ridiculous AC by AP's end.
Offense-wise, well, Unarmed Strike isn't an ideal magus weapon, but the best finesseable monk weapons are weird exotic things that might be hard to replace if one gets stolen/broken, so I decided to just go with a weapon I can't lose (even if you cut his hands off, he still has feet!). It'll be an odd combat style, given that unarmed strikes aren't ideal magus weapons (neither an expanded threat range nor higher multiplier), and the noninteraction of Spell Combat and Flurry, but basically I can use multi-touch spells like Frostbite & Chill Touch, or just use flurry as a backup if I run out of magic. But it's very gear-independent; he needs neither armor nor weapon, just his book. I'll take Deadly Agility next level to bring his damage up (and make this crazy build less MAD).
The Perfect Scholar Monk archetype, combined with the Breadth of Experience feat means that he knows basically all the things, and will provide much of his out-of combat utility. (But also help in combat: "Random obscure monster? Yes, I once read a book on those. Use silver weapons and avoid cold spells.")
I should probably note that I took the Condescending drawback and he will play it up. Poor humans, such short lives. Imagine what their race could accomplish, if they weren't such mayflys! I'm reminded a bit of the "We are like elves to dogs" meme, only from the elf's perspective. Humans are basically really clever dogs to him, albeit ones that you befriend, rather than own.
In addition to aping the standard traits I might have taken with him, these added traits reflect his intense physical training, magical study, and who knows? Maybe his mom was exposed to some strange magical energies that mutated him in the womb. She was a wizard who regularly made forays into the Worldwound after all.