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The Hybrid World is a mix of some DC and some Marvel content, but without mysticism, magic, extreme levels of high tech, gods, cosmic entities, or an overwhelming amount of super-powered beings.
While some of the big names exist in altered forms, the huge swath of superhumans or metahumans do not exist. The Speed Force does not exist. The "Quantum Realm" does not exist. There is no sorcery, no magic, no supernatural, and no returning from the dead.
Inhumans are closer to the Agents of Shield version than any comic book or other cinematic version. Deviants were similarly exposed to experimentation by the Kree, but their appearance and abilities widely vary and are quite often disturbing. Mutants are more in line with the first X-Men movie, more of an urban myth than accepted reality at this point.
While there are alien races out there, so far, a lone Kryptonian, several Kree, and Martians in Exile are the only known visitors to Earth.
See the Campaign tab for a timeline.
Looking for mutants, inhumans, deviants, super soldiers, mutates, and other freaks to form the world's greatest heroes.
Looking to do a PL 12 campaign.
Something is coming from the stars and Earth will need defenders.

DeathQuaker RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8 |

Reckless, do you want versions of DC/Marvel characters or OCs? I shouldn't take up many more games, but I liked your Amalgam game idea and this could be fun.
One option I'm thinking of is an android version of DC's Wendy Cutler (Calculator's daughter) that I have in my alias list (Proxy 2.0) whose background I'd need to rework. The hybrid verse could make her something more like a female Vision.
Another option I'm thinking of is a version of the Dryad or another member of the Daughters of Liberty (introduced in Ta-Nehisi Coates run--a covert organization of female freedom fighters in operation since the American Revolution. While in Marvel Comics 616 (f#&+ Kevin Feige and the MCU for taking the same number, it makes these conversations so f@+&ing confusing) the organization has some higher powered/magic members like Agatha Harkness, most of the characters are more skilled/suited-up/cyber-augmented members which means it should probably work in your world? This character would probably not be Cosmic-Cube resurrected Peggy but probably an OC former SHIELD agent pulling from a few sources of inspiration.
Final questions: Are the Amazons in any form in this hybrid world?

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So really great questions, folks.
You do have several options and everything mentioned so far seems like fair game. Also, you could make up your own completely new character rather than a Marvel, DC, Amalgam, or Hybrid-style character. Mind, I like the Hybrid Style ones coming, they really seem to capture the spirit here, I just don't want to limit anyone's imaginings beyond the already posted restrictions about magic, coming back from the dead, supernatural, etc....
Yes, PL 12 is 180 PP.
Amazons? Potentially, but if they are they've been hidden up to this point (no WW II Wonder Woman), and they would need a rework around for their issues with the Greek Gods and immortality. Maybe something to do with Vandal Savage's meteor?
Global with some possibility of heading out into the cosmos and then returning to global, Philo, but primarily focuses global.

Johawn the Adventurer |
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How "Newbie Friendly" is Mutants & Masterminds? While I'm not new to roleplaying, d20, 5e, or Pathfinder, and I'm a total Comic Book geek, I've never played that system. (Do I get points for having played Marvel Super Heroes / FASERIP?)
As an aside, I really dig the history rewrite you've got for this game. Very cool stuff with lots of nerdy easter eggs.

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How "Newbie Friendly" is Mutants & Masterminds? While I'm not new to roleplaying, d20, 5e, or Pathfinder, and I'm a total Comic Book geek, I've never played that system. (Do I get points for having played Marvel Super Heroes / FASERIP?)
Mutants and Masterminds is pretty newbie friendly if you stick with the Archetypes and don't try to drive yourself crazy with the minutia of power creation.
I recommend the Basic Hero's Handbook both because it's currently on sale and is newbie friendly while allowing you to adapt the Archetypes in several different ways for customization.
The basics of M&M is still roll a d20 and add your modifiers against a target number. There are degrees of success with each 5 points over the TN generating an additional degree of success. The most "radical" change from other d20 systems is Toughness instead of Hit Points, where your damage on a successful hit is resisted by the target's toughness comparing success levels to determine the outcome (from nothing all the way to KO'd/killed)
As an aside, I really dig the history rewrite you've got for this game. Very cool stuff with lots of nerdy easter eggs.
Thanks, I'm an eighties/nineties X-Men fan and a pretty big fan of what Marvel's done in bringing stuff to life with the MCU and some of the TV shows, as willing to gloss over the flaws as I was when reading the comics. My DC knowledge is a bit more limited, having been a Legion fan back in the early eighties and a huge fan of World's Greatest Detective Batman who has some dislike for the movies for not ever really showing that side of him. I've enjoyed the Batman cartoons way more than the movies.
You get a No Prize for being a FASERIP fan, best I can do :)

Johawn the Adventurer |

I like what I'm seeing. Pretty straight-forward and relatable game to anyone who's played D20 games.
While it might change, my first thought was to play as Richard Jones, a teenager living in Central City who had snuck into a scientific research center on a dare...when cyber-terrorists from A.I.M. showed up and attacked the lab of Dr. David Bruce Banner, world reknowned expert in gamma radiation.
In the ensuing battle with ( insert SuperHero name tbd that will be helpful to the DM's storyline ), a massive gamma explosion was set off, but was somehow instantaneously absorbed, miraculously bonding Rick and Dr. Banner into the gamma-energy fuelled Powerstorm! (Kind of a Hulk/Firestorm mash-up)
...or something like that.
Thinking that he'd be an energy controller with the elementalist power suite.

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Might alter it to be the bastard daughter of Oliver Queen and a woman known as the Chuckles ( A female-inspired Joker, who grew up in a s=circus thinking an unknown mutant with powers similar to the super soldier serum, plus some enhanced movement.) She grows up in the Circus of Crime, her family was Chuckles (Now the Ring Master) and various other lesser villains, who go around the country committing crimes. She learned she was similar to her mother (Enhanced Jumping, Hand-Eye Coordination, reflexes) and the skills of her family( THe rest of the Circus) She leaves the circus for college and becomes a costumed hero after her family was arrested. She takes the name of her father (Step-Father) Oddball.

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a speculation they considered confirmed when Castle kills Jack Napier, aka the Joker
Hey, does anyone know how I can favorite a Campaign Tab, because that is AMAZING!
Also, someone needs to shut up and take my money so I can get a movie showing a fight between Legion and Superman!
I was just going to throw something together, but with so sweet a setting as that, this calls for something special.
Hey Reckless, can my character start with a friendly-ish relationship with Tony Stark?

Nathan "Cable" Grey |
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Reckless wrote:a speculation they considered confirmed when Castle kills Jack Napier, aka the JokerHey, does anyone know how I can favorite a Campaign Tab, because that is AMAZING!
Also, someone needs to shut up and take my money so I can get a movie showing a fight between Legion and Superman!
I was just going to throw something together, but with so sweet a setting as that, this calls for something special.
Hey Reckless, can my character start with a friendly-ish relationship with Tony Stark?
Don't we need to ask if it's TOny Stark or Ted Kord first!?!?
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Hey Reckless, I've got this conversation (and character idea) in my head that will just -not- leave me alone. I'll just throw this out there and...well let's see how it strikes us. =}
"Not a great plan," he said. He was right.
"There are risks involved," I conceded, poring myself a glass of his good stuff. Tony didn't drink like he had, but he still kept a fine board, and I respected a man strong enough to keep his demons in their cage. "And we are out of time."
He stayed silent. That meant I had to press the attack.
"With Sinister on one side and mutants on the other, what choice does Humanity have? You've made progress in your Man Of Steel program, and the Mark I is ready for human trials. All we need is a candidate with the intelligence to respect it for what it is."
I finished my drink and put the glass down with a little bow. He hadn't stopped me. That was that.
"So you are Tony Stark and the program is Man Of Steel, but then what am I? I. I? I...."

Philo Pharynx |

Blinx isn't working out so well. But a new inspiration has come up.
Kurt Wagner was orphaned twice. Once when he was abandoned, and once when his circus family was killed. The Batman was investigating the massacre at the circus when he found the child. Adopting him and raising him as his ward and as a vigilante, Raven. Now that he is an adult, he is stepping away from the Bat's shadow to fight crime on his own terms. He is Nightwing.

GM SuperTumbler |

I am working on a super clone submission. I am currently dealing with the complication that I don’t have electricity, so I’m not sure what the timeline is for submissions, but I might miss it.
Am I understanding the background correctly that there wasn’t really a Superman, Clark died before being established? Just trying to figure out backstory.

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I am working on a super clone submission. I am currently dealing with the complication that I don’t have electricity, so I’m not sure what the timeline is for submissions, but I might miss it.
Am I understanding the background correctly that there wasn’t really a Superman, Clark died before being established? Just trying to figure out backstory.
Oof. No electricity is tough.
I think I can field that question though. (I can neither confirm nor deny that I've memorized the Campaign tab. ^_^)
2008 Phoenix's bloodlust overtakes his already unstable mind as he seeks to eradicate the last of the Kree, consuming the city of Metropolis in the process. A young Clark Kent races from his relatively nearby home to face off against the older mutant. Their battle wipes out a good portion of the midwest and ends with both dead.

FluidSynchronicity |

Hey! I'm new to the forms but a long-term RPG player and DM and comic book fan and this really got my gears turning! I have a bit of familiarity with M&M, but it’s been a couple years since I used the system.
initial idea for me is Amelia DuBose an opera singer in Sterling City who is Oliver Queen’s much younger occasional mistress.
Recently during her premier performance in the title role of Stravinsky’s The Nightingale her spotlight started acting strangely, changing its size and color seemingly without anyone manning it. the changes did, however, seem to follow changes in her voice, as it rose in pitch the light became brighter and tighter around her as it lowered they dimmed and stretched to wash out the entire stage. By the end of the first song, she sang she almost seemed to be creating her own light. A fact which proved true when she walked off stage. After seeing this the rest of the show was cancelled and Amelia’s management team came into the theatre to examine the spotlight, they found that the lens on it was imbued with radioactive particles of color filter.
Amelia herself found that she now produced light whenever she sang, by altering the sound she could change the intensity, color, and placement of that light. She vowed to try to keep this as secret as she could but wanted to start testing what she could do and keep preforming. She began attempting to incorporate this newfound ability into her performances and formed a partnership with a lighting designer who took credit for the new “technology” as they called it. Well she trained herself in her shows she also began doing what she could in secret to help Starling City initially working as a hidden aid to the police who billed her the Dazzling Canary.
If there's anything I need to rewrite or change please let me know, the goal was a hybrid of Black Canary and Dazzler and I expect that within the next couple of days I'll make a couple changes and add to this but I'm going to try to get some mechanics together for now!

GM SuperTumbler |
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The Super-Soldier serum given to Steve Rogers was a miracle of its time, but there are more dangerous things out there than Hydra.
Most of the facilities of Project Cadmus were destroyed in the battle that destroyed Metropolis, but key scientists survived deep in the sub-levels. After the battle, Stark (and Luthor?) saw to the recovery of the remains of the Alien and the mutant known as Phoenix. And tracing the Alien to his origins turned up a bio-pod that gave them access to technology that took years to reverse engineer. But now they are ready to reveal to the world the guardian they have created.
The Sentry is a fusion of Kryptonian and human genetic material.
This character can riff on a lot of past stories and has lots of potential for development, as he is essentially a blank slate. He could be like the version of Bizarro that starts off as a clone of Superman and then goes weird/wrong. We could kill him off and just roll out another one. He could have some Ben Reilley or Connor Kent path.
Build wise, I tried to give him all of that Kryptonian craziness.
The Sentry - PL 12
Strength 18, Stamina 13, Agility 3, Dexterity 2, Fighting 4, Intellect 0, Awareness 3, Presence 2
Accurate Attack, All-out Attack, Close Attack 2, Extraordinary Effort, Fast Grab, Interpose, Luck, Power Attack, Ultimate Effort: Ultimate Strength Check, Untapped Potential
Perception 13 (+16)
Flight: Flight 1 (Speed: 4 miles/hour, 60 feet/round)
Kryptonian Powers: Enhanced Strength 16 ([16 active, 32/32 PP, 2/r], +16 STR)
Flight: Flight 14 (Alternate; [0 active, 32/32 PP, 2/r], Speed: 32000 miles/hour, 60 miles/round)
Heat Vision: Damage 12 (Alternate; [0 active, 32/32 PP, 2/r+8], DC 27; Increased Range: ranged, Penetrating 8)
Melting Heat: Weaken 12 (Alternate; [0 active, 32/32 PP, 2/r+5], melting, Affects: Toughness, Resisted by: Fortitude, DC 22; Accurate 5: +10, Increased Range: ranged)
Power-Lifting: Enhanced Strength 28 (Alternate; [0 active, 32/32 PP, 1/r], +28 STR; Limited to Lifting)
Quickness: Quickness 8 (Alternate; [0 active, 32/32 PP, 1/r], Perform routine tasks in -8 time ranks)
Shockwave: Burst Area Affliction 12 (Alternate; [0 active, 32/32 PP, 2/r], 1st degree: Dazed and Vulnerable, 2nd degree: Stunned and Prone, Resisted by: Dodge, Overcome by Fortitude, DC 22; Burst Area: 30 feet radius sphere, DC 22, Extra Condition; Limited Degree)
Space Travel: Movement 2 (Alternate; Space Travel 2: other solar systems)
Speed: Speed 20 (Alternate; [0 active, 32/32 PP, 1/r], Speed: 2 million miles/hour, 4000 miles/round)
Life Support: Immunity 10 (Life Support)
Super Senses: Senses 13 (Acute (Type): Hearing, Extended: Hearing 3: x1k, Extended: Vision 1: x10, Infravision, Microscopic Vision 1: dust-size, Penetrates Concealment: Hearing, Ultra-hearing)
Super-Toughness: Protection 7 (+7 Toughness; Impervious [9 extra ranks])
Initiative +3
Grab, +6 (DC Spec 28)
Heat Vision: Damage 12, +2 (DC 27)
Melting Heat: Weaken 12, +12 (DC Fort 22)
Shockwave: Burst Area Affliction 12 (DC Fort/Will 22)
Throw, +2 (DC 33)
Unarmed, +6 (DC 33)
Born Yesterday: As a recently decanted clone, The Sentry understands very little about the world.
Experimental Clone: The Sentry is a clone using Kryptonian DNA from the fallen Clark Kent, filled in with mutant DNA. Sometimes that special brew doesn't come together perfectly.
Legacy: The Sentry is intended to play up the hearts of those who remember the valiant sacrifice of his predecessor. Sometimes this puts in him in difficult situations.
Dodge 3, Parry 4, Fortitude 15, Toughness 20 (Impervious 18), Will 9
Power Points
Abilities 58 + Powers 96 + Advantages 11 + Skills 7 (13 ranks) + Defenses 8 = 180

Powerstorm |

I can almost hear the 1978 Christopher Reeves soundtrack echoing in the background... :D
And I'll try to have my submission for this character done sometime tomorrow. But for coherence, here's the idea for him, that I posted above under another alias:
I'll play as Richard Jones, a teenager living in Central City who had snuck into a scientific research center on a dare...when cyber-terrorists from A.I.M. showed up and attacked the lab of Dr. David Bruce Banner, world reknowned expert in gamma radiation.
In the ensuing battle with ( insert SuperHero name tbd that will be helpful to the DM's storyline ), a massive gamma explosion was set off, but was somehow instantaneously absorbed, miraculously bonding Rick and Dr. Banner into the gamma-energy fuelled Powerstorm! (Kind of a Hulk/Firestorm mash-up)
...or something like that.
Thinking that he'd be an energy controller with the elementalist power suite.

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** spoiler omitted **...
Looking good, GMST!
Hey, you know that I know that you know that I'm not as good at this system as you are (well, as most people are, but who's counting? =) so I just have a few honest questions that I'm sure are obvious to a person so august as thyself:
1) It looks like you have Flight twice? Once at rank 1?
2) What is the purpose of having Flight 12 and Speed 20? Wouldn't taking the 20 points from Speed and putting them into Flight get you to Flight 20 with 2 points left over?
3) What is untapped potential? That a different sourcebook, yeah?
Oh man this has a very guy-with-the-Big-S feel!
Thank you!

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"Roxxon Oil, How Technology Moves"- Roxxon Oil Ad Slogan
"My esteemed opponent is a lot like Roxxon Oil, or a 1953 Cadillac in pristine condition. He's reliable. He can get the job done, and even look good doing it. But he can't keep up with traffic today. Ok, I'll just say it, he's old." -Tony Stark's first Presidential debate answer.
My power was out most of yesterday, so I've a bit of catching up to do. I'll try to get through as many of the questions as I can and try to do them in order of posting. If I miss your question, please re-post it as I intend to answer everything.

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"In other news, Gotham is facing a new crisis. Over the last few days, a series of violent crimes have swept the lower west side. Committed by members of a new gang, styling themselves the PUN-ishers, these lunatics paint their faces as smiling skulls and commit random acts of violence against citizens for minor acts breaking laws against jaywalking, littering, or even, in one case, murdering a whole crowd of people at the local YMCA swimming pool for 'indecent exposure'. You know, Gotham never had these kinds of trouble before The Batman started his glory-hogging spectacle of a 'crime fighting' career. That's right, Batman is to blame for all your worries, Gothamites." J. Jonah Jameson on Morning Jonah
Hey Reckless, can my character start with a friendly-ish relationship with Tony Stark?
It is, but please do keep in mind this version is a mutant-hating/fearing guy and the relationship may not play well with other submissions, making it more difficult to be selected without a really good way to fit in the balance of getting along with both parties (this could easily be worked into a Complication.)

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Sinister-"You are going to experience a small amount of discomfort, Mr. McCoy."
Henry McCoy, aka Man-Beast "That's Doctor McCoyyyyaaaaaaaaaaaa!"
I’m not sure what the timeline is for submissions, but I might miss it.
Am I understanding the background correctly that there wasn’t really a Superman, Clark died before being established?
Lots of interest, so I'm planning on giving until the end of Sunday March 12th for people to have their submissions in. I will plan to announce acceptances on Monday the 13th.
Closer to Smallville, like you surmised. He had some teenage activities, but fighting the Phoenix was the first and last appearance of the "S"; the first time he wore his costume and the world never got to know him as Superman, except perhaps posthumously.

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Benjamin "Ben" Grimm aka Clayface "Go back to Crime Alley, ya yahoo!"
1) It looks like you have Flight twice? Once at rank 1?
2) What is the purpose of having Flight 12 and Speed 20? Wouldn't taking the 20 points from Speed and putting them into Flight get you to Flight 20 with 2 points left over?
3) What is untapped potential? That a different sourcebook, yeah?
Oh man this has a very guy-with-the-Big-S feel!
Thank you!
1) So, the bigger Flight is an "Alternate" variable power, meaning there are several other "switches" that have to be turned off or "dials" that have to be dimmed for each rank in Flight he takes. The 1 Rank separate means he can hover, float, or fly separately even if one of the other dials is turned up to maximum. Each rank he dials into flight from the variable power adds to that 1 for a total of 2-13 total.
2) I'm guessing because Superman can beat the flash in a foot race, or at least tie? The idea here is he can run faster than he can fly. Point wise it may make more sense to just fly that fast, but Superman just has to have all the stuff.
3) Untapped potential is an Advantage where you're young enough to not have realized your full potential, so when you push your powers you get a little extra oomph. It is from the Hero High sourcebook.

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"There are wars you can win, and wars you cannot win. Recognizing the former is just as important as recognizing the later. This is a war we can win, so let's Get This Done!" Erik Leshner, leading the Secret Brotherhood against the People’s Army of Vietnam.
Is the Bat Family around or is it just Bruce?
Currently, the "Bat Family" Consists of The Batman, Daredevil, and Hawkeye, with the potential addition of Philo's Raven/Nightwing (Kurt Wagner). This Bruce still has a penchant for taking in strays.

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"These humans' DNA seems very pliable. They will make excellent test subjects for Project Rebirth." Grodd aka The High Evolutionary, in his laboratory hidden in the Savage Land.
How free are we to create our own hybrid backstories? I have what I think is a pretty neat concept in mind, but it takes some decent liberties with combining characters, beyond what you've already written up.
Inspire me :)

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Oh my goodness this character will not get out of my head. Every little thing has him yacking away. Like this thing? We've got a solution to that.
It is, but please do keep in mind this version is a mutant-hating/fearing guy and the relationship may not play well with other submissions, making it more difficult to be selected without a really good way to fit in the balance of getting along with both parties (this could easily be worked into a Complication.)
"No, not at all my dear. I wrote about this in the New Gotham Medical Journal. There are two kinds of mutants in the current human genome. The first kind is Homo Superior, a new breed that is actually the next step in human evolution. And no, a Neanderthal such as myself need not fear them. Homo Sapiens was not aggressive towards the inferior races, they simply bred better than them. So extinction, if it comes, will be a most pleasurable experience. Indeed, you yourself are proof of this!
The second kind are Homo Inferior, and they are the death throws of a malignant strain, soon to be wiped out. We need not get into the arcane minutiae of the difference between the two, since we can so easily tell one from the other by their actions. The Superior, being of a greater intellect and emotional stability, will feel brotherhood with the Sapiens and will show this externally. The Inferior strain will of course show nothing but hostility, and can be dealt with accordingly. It's all really quite simple."
My companion nodded her beautiful head as she got up and got me another drink.
"Thank you, my daughter. I can't Imagine what I would do without you."

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At Reckless
For Oddball coming from a rogues gallery of the Batfamily, thinking similar to Spoiler Stephanie Brown is the daughter of the Cluemaster. Mixed with the spunky flare of Spider-Girl
I am not familiar with M&M 3rd edition but played 1st. So making a character is a bit taxing. Still I think my preliminary backstory will be interesting along side going into more detail as I figured the Circus of Crime would tie in with Bat Man's lore as well as Oliver Queen.

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Most of the facilities of Project Cadmus were destroyed in the battle that destroyed Metropolis, but key scientists survived deep in the sub-levels. After the battle, Stark (and Luthor?) saw to the recovery of the remains of the Alien and the mutant known as Phoenix. And tracing the Alien to his origins turned up a bio-pod that gave them access to technology that took years to reverse engineer. But now they are ready to reveal to the world the guardian they have created.
This shared backstory is ABSOLUTELY approved!
The whole thing started when Tony asked me to try and duplicate the Super Soldier serum. All things considered it was a reasonable request. Of course it would intertwine with my research on the Kryptonian DNA, but that came later.
In my pragmatic thinking my first issue was the delivery system. How could one get what one needed into a body in a form that could do what we needed it to do?
All manner of conventional, syringe-based delivery was too far off in our current technological base. I'd need something natural. And then, when I'd hit on something, I realized the method of delivery could -also- be the base for "cooking" the cocktail of DNA-manipulating material we'd need.
I quickly realized that a normally virulent poison would be an _excellent_ vehicle for cellular manipulation.
Things went quickly then, so when we were ready for human trials, of COURSE I selected my wonderful bride, Mrs. Mary Jane Luthor, as the test subject. I told her the spider bite would be painless. I lied.
It was only after, during the medical observation of the effects, that she told me she was pregnant.
When Kara was born blue, the doctors thought she was hypoxic. No, this was just one her...gifts.

GM SuperTumbler |

The formatting isn't great, but Reckless got it right. I kept a rank of flight outside the dynamic array so if I do something dumb and put all of the power into heat vision or something I won't crash to the ground. And stuff in the array stacks with stuff not in the array. So if I put all of the array into flight it is flight 15.
Also, I didn't even use all of the points I had available for that ground movement. Probably will add an affects others so he can move people.
As for backstory, I had assumed Stark was pulling us together to fight something, but I'm good with being created by Stark and rebelling against him when I meet other heroes with better info.
"I always say, when you know better, do better."