Baba Yaga

Griffid's page

Goblin Squad Member. RPG Superstar 7 Season Star Voter, 8 Season Star Voter. Organized Play Member. 65 posts (111 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 5 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


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This has so many fun and inspiring spells.

It was a blast to work on and to get a sneak peek of the other spells.

Thanks Diego!


I tried to order a couple of pdfs this afternoon and wasn't able to. It sounds similar to the problem described here:

I also tried to add a payment independent of the ordering process, but even though it said "payment added", it wasn't.

(Also, there's a UI issue: when I tried to add the payment on my MacBook, the address selecting popup didn't scroll down, so I could only choose my default address as the payment address -- which is the right address, modulo preferred vs real name)

Thanks for you help!

Thanks Sharaya!

Please cancel my comics subscription, but keep everything else intact.


Interesting brainteaser.....

I'm mainly just thinking out loud here, so take what's useful, and ignore the rest (IAALBJST*). I hope it helps you come up with a cool name.

"Belenus" is (unfortunately in this context) about the opposite of "harsh and guttural",

* l and n are practically vowels (sonorant consonants), so the first thing I'd do is swap them for a "t" or "d": Betedus or Betetus, for example. (That's a pretty standard linguistic change. It might be where the "t" in Beltane comes from, but I don't actually know)

* people are lazy and like to rush speech, and Kellid names (as above) are usually only 2 syllables, so I'd swquash the middle syllables together, because they're so similar: Betus

* that final "s" is pretty anti-climactic, so I'd swap that out too. It "should" also shift to a "t" or "d", but we already have too many, so I'd shift to "g" or "k", for variety: Betuk I chose "k", because it's "harsher" than "g" (voiceless vs voiced stops)

"Betuk" doesn't really sound like "Belenus" any more, but you'd know the origin.

HTH and thanks for giving me a Wednesday morning brainteaser!

* I AM a linguist**, but just spitballing this.
** sort of

Grats R!

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Mythic Evil Lincoln wrote:
You know, against certain backdrops, her cloak reads as white and gold.

Actually to me, in the PDF it reads blue and the in the hardcover it reads purple. They're probably more similar than I can perceive, but happen fall on different sides of my blue/purple line.

My heart jumped into my throat when I saw the book version and I was surrounded by blue fabric. :)

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*blush* *stammer* *boggle* *squee*

Um... Thank you Mr Reynolds, sir.

Also, thank for the insight on the cloak, there are some things that need to be rebuild before I wear it again. So now I can do the attachment better next time around.

Adam Daigle wrote:
What's even better is that she sent me this later!

awwwwwww. So cute.

Lucas Servideo wrote:
Griffid wrote:

Thanks Lucas!

I had a blast (as always!) playing PFS with your guys.

Hope to see you this afternoon for so more Goblin Fun

Try and keep me away! I'll be stealthily disguised as a human being today.

Thanks Lucas!

I had a blast (as always!) playing PFS with your guys.

Yay! Is it March yet?
I had so much fun playing last year!

The first computer I ever played or programmed.

There isn't.

You can pull some information out of this thread, about trade goods: It has some of what you're looking for (if you extrapolate grapes from wine, for example) and some suggestions of where to find the information.

Sorry I couldn't point you to a more concrete source.

If you're still looking for an official, published, timeline, there's one in the Inner Sea World Guide: a-World-Guide

But you may not need it with the awesome info you're getting in this thread. :)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I blame Cosmo for "Inner Sea BBQ Recipes" not being out yet

Fayries wrote:

I'm a bit confused. Could someone confirm that the image with the red gem in the center is the front of the medallion and the "Additional Product Image" is the back?

At the moment, "back" is only apparent in the .jpg file URL and for a second (actually a minute) I thought the "Additional Product Image" was really a photo of the front of the product.

To be short, is there a side with a red gem?

Yes. One side has a red gem and the other doesn't. The 2 images are the front and back.


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The necklace..... calls......

*fails will save*
*sidecart updated*

So much awesomeness.... Such a hard choice....
Great costumes everyone!

Thanks for the good advice, Paris.

One more WoW question:

One of the NPCs I'm using is a level 8 commoner. The guidelines say level 7th or lower. Since a level 8 NPC class is CR 6, I'm hoping that makes the cut. (Sadly, I can't just lower their level, since they show up in a product).

Is a level 8 common ok to use?


Timitius wrote:
Griffid wrote:
Is a Weal or Woe allowed to be built from NPCs who are named in a Paizo product, but not fleshed out? The NPCs who are just described as "Bob, the level 3 commoner who owns the tavern in Sothis", but don't have anything more than that. Or are they 'off-limits' because Paizo might have something planned for them down the line?

Wow. Missed this one....

A Weal or Woe can be built from named NPCs, yes. But, the key to writing a successful WoW article is the underlying story between the two NPCs. I like to think of the Weal or Woe articles as a way to stick the PCs into the middle of an ongoing conflict...caught in the crossfire, so to speak.

There have been many WoW submissions that fail to "connect" the two NPCs, and those aren't usually picked. So, consider that, as well.


Thanks Tim. That all makes sense.

Is a Weal or Woe allowed to be built from NPCs who are named in a Paizo product, but not fleshed out? The NPCs who are just described as "Bob, the level 3 commoner who owns the tavern in Sothis", but don't have anything more than that. Or are they 'off-limits' because Paizo might have something planned for them down the line?

Grats Lucas!

Mikaze, you're my hero!

Thanks for posting the updates!!!!

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I blame Cosmo for the end of my vacation. Back to work. *sigh*

Baba Yaga FTW!

or Shelyn! :)

There's nothing wrong with changing the costume slightly, so you're comfortable with it. If you left off the slit in the top, it'll still look like her, and make you more comfortable. Same with the leg slits and the decolletage, only make them as deep as you want.

And since you mentioned budget/yardage constraints, nothing's cheaper than muslin or thrift store sheets.

'Shifting Sands' has Muminofrah, but she wears less than Shelyn.

Good Luck and Have Fun!

That's so cool!

So.... I haven't read it yet... but the book itself is Gorgeous!

I love the background image and the borders and heading fonts. So evocative, like the "Russian-y" ones in Reign of Winter.

And the map is unbelievable.

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Yay! My downloads are up too.

Cookies and whiskey for everyone!!!

Awesome as usual!

Neongelion wrote:
Griffid wrote:

I can't take the suspense anymore... Someone please spoil me....

Is there plastic?

** spoiler omitted **


I can't take the suspense anymore... Someone please spoil me....

Is there plastic?


I got the email and everything looks good.

You guys rock. :)

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I blame Cosmo for the Emerald Spire and Orange is the New Black coming out on the same day. And the weekend only having 2 days.


My June shipment spawned and the DVD isn't included. Is it possible to get it added?

The June order is: 3113291.


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Paris Crenshaw wrote:
It took me a second, but the item hanging from the chain at Quinn's belt MUST be a nod to Diogenes. The image and Quinn's motivations are just too perfect for that to be coincidental.

I thought the same thing. Obviously, we can't both be wrong. :)

Great! Thanks.


I backed the KS and did the print pack add on. I thought I had gone through the pledge claiming and account transfer to Goblinworks. But I may have missed a step or a deadline.

This morning the Emerald Spire print edition is showing up (I didn't add it) in my shopping cart with a $30 charge.

Did I mess up with the pledge somehow?


1 person marked this as a favorite.

She looks awesome.

Thanks for checking on it. :)

Yes. Yes they are!

I just put The Gamers DVD in my side cart, and it has the ominous looking description "This item will ship with a future subscription shipment:".

My other side cart item says it'll ship with my next subscription.

Is it likely to go out with my June sub? It's a gift, so I want to make sure I get it in time.


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I like the "Kids Menu" sign behind Jason.

Stout + Gauntlet. Just like Mom used to make.

The Harrow Deck is now in my order. Thanks Robots. And robot creators/overseers. You guys rock!

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