
GM TOP's page

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Spell Templates | Citadel Core | Forts GM Torch |

Once Recruitment is complete, an intro will be posted here.

Spell Templates | Citadel Core | Forts GM Torch |

Once Recruitment is completed and you have been invited, a link will be posted here to the slides for signup purposes.

After that it will just be a basic discussion thread.

Hello Applicants!

This recruitment is for a CORE Pathfinder Society game. I will be running The Many Fortunes of Grandmaster Torch, #0-14. Tiers available are 1-2, 3-4 or 6-7. Group will be decided by me, determined as to the best available group that fits into one of those tiers.

When applying, please indicate what CORE characters you would like to bring, including their class(es) and current level. If you have a really odd build or multiclass, try to indicate their purpose as well. I will do my best to get everyone who applies into the game, but if there is enough interest some cuts will be made.

Edit to Answer a Question

This is not part of outpost. It will start when we have a group selected and will not be guaranteed to end before Outpost starts.

Spell Templates | Citadel Core | Forts GM Torch |

This be where ya ghost dot in, if'n ya already done everything else in discussion and signed up on the spreadsheet.

Spell Templates | Citadel Core | Forts GM Torch |

Hello all, if you haven't signed up on the Gameday XIII Event Listing (Currently Line #6 of the FCFS tab), please head there and do so first. More details about timing and the event are on the first page.

Gameday XIII Signup Spreadsheet

If you have signed up, welcome! Please fill in your information on the slides pages 1 and 2.

Spell Templates | Citadel Core | Forts GM Torch |

Hello all, as an introduction here (just to start), please post your basic personal experience with pathfinder. How much have you played and gm'd. How much of that is Core. Etc... You can put as much or as little personal stuff as you feel comfortable doing. I'll get us started.

My name is Pete. My name, GM TOP, is short for GM The Original Pete. My best bud's name is Pete and I'm older so...

Anyway, I've been playing pathfinder since about season six. I started Face to Face and have drifted to Play by Post mostly, with rare convention appearances. I have a PFS1 home group but am lucky to meet via zoom twice a month, usually less. We are running an AP at the moment. I still haven't played even half the scenarios and less than that Core. I've done a lot of playing and GMing of Core stuff so am familiar with the limitations/simplifications it puts on the game.

I'm married with two kids. We travel a fair bit, taking short trips to my parents and my wife's parents for visits mostly. My work schedule is consistent, but odd. I work 12 hr night shifts on a 2-2-3 pattern. Two on, two off and so on.

My posting is sorta random. Sometimes I'm too busy at home to post. And sometimes at work I'm slow so I can post. My games don't go super fast, but that also depends on everyone's posting rates too. These games' speed will depend a lot on if most of the group is all posting at similar times. But we can talk about posting rates in discussion.

Anyway, good to be getting to know you all.


Also put what character you are interested in building, if you have an idea. I strongly recommend we have at least some overlap on character types though, since at least one PC will sit out every session so we will need backup(s) in various roles (tank, disabler, healer, etc...).

I am currently working on an Elf Eldritch Knight. Fighter/Wizard frontliner.

Spell Templates | Citadel Core | Forts GM Torch |

So here we will figure out our gameplan.

My suggestions are Core, Level 1 PCs, and pick 2-3 factions to focus our missions around. I think we may also want to stick with one thread and change up the links to new slide decks each mission. We can debate it all though and I'm sure other decisions need made.

We can also discuss specific ways to GM and do things and whatnot as well, but let's try to figure out the basics first.

Hello all, welcome to my recruitment thread for a GM Rotation Group running Pathfinder Version 1 Society Games.

I want to thank you for clicking the link, it means you have at least the tiniest bit of interest. What exactly might you be interested in? Joining up for a long haul, that's what!

I want to propose that a group of GM's, myself included, rotate through a selection of scenarios for the purpose of fun, roleplay, character development and whatever* else it is we get out of this game. We will go as long as we can go, level wise.



You need not be a current GM to apply. HOWEVER, you must be willing to begin GM'ing for the group. You wouldn't have to go first. You could ask a ton of questions and get a ton of help. But if you want to make this your first time GM'ing (PbP or ever), it would be a good opportunity.

I would strongly prefer this to be a Core Group. Several reasons. Most importantly is simply the availability of scenarios to be played. A lot of people have only played or GM'd a few scenarios in Core, so that means a lot fewer replays needed. Secondly, if we have some new GM's, Core simplifies some of the rules overload a GM faces in these kind of games. Core also has some really cool Prestige Classes that almost never get played. It might be really fun to explore a few of those in the group. We may not decide to go Core, but I recommend keeping an open mind.


Now, all that basic boring stuff out of the way. Here is the cool stuff that I want to pursue with this opportunity. Faction Focus! I would like our group to pick two or three factions for the PCs and try to only play scenarios that focus on those factions. Combine that with Faction Journal Card pursuit and we could get some pretty cool boons racked up and explore a bit more into pathfinder society stuff.

So, how do you apply? Simply reply here. Easy peasy. Say anything. If you are willing to put the effort into typing a reply and clicking 'submit post' then you are submitting your willingness to play and gm. If you say 'I'm interested but...' I am assuming you are submitting your application. If you say 'I don't want to play' I am assuming you are submitting your application. If you say 'butter toast waffles' I may question if you are having a stroke, but still will assume you are submitting an application.

I won't prioritize anyone and this is not FCFS. The game also won't start unless we have four of us. It may never start. I will be sad, but then get over it. The max is seven (six players and one gm each session). If there are more than seven we will do a lottery. I will roll 1d100 for every application in order and the lowest numbers will be out. One week for everyone to get applications in. Once the group is complete we will hash out details and figure out characters over in discussion.

TLDR: Wanna join a Core PFS1 GM Rotation focusing on a couple factions, submit a reply.

Spell Templates | Citadel Core | Forts GM Torch |

Post a reply here after being selected in recruitment, or ghost dot if you don't have time right now.

Venture-Captain Ambrus Valsin paces in front of a small table in this meeting room in the Grand Lodge. In front of him on the table is a packet of parchments.

“Pathfinders, a rather concerning development has come to light. I have received a summons requesting Pathfinder presence at a meeting of the Shoanti quahs. The impetus for this request is troubling, to say the least."

“About one year ago, a Pathfinder named Lumketul Simset returned to the Grand Lodge with notes on a rather exciting discovery: a Thassilonian ruin, tucked in a remote area in the Iron Peaks in Varisia. He also returned with several artifacts, which we took in for further study. Lumketul’s notes were the basis of a tale published in the Pathfinder Chronicles shortly thereafter, which has become rather popular among those endeavoring to uncover new Thassilonian discoveries."

“However, I recently received a message from Cousin to All, an ally from the Shriikirri-Quah. Shadde-Quah traders came across a copy of the Pathfinder Chronicles. Upon reading Lumketul’s entry, they realized that he was speaking not of a Thassilonian ruin, but of a sacred Shoanti burial site known as the Muschkal Sepulcher. Shadde-Quah leadership contacted the Skoan-Quah, which sent out their boneslayers to confirm the reports. Turns out—unfortunately for all parties—Lumketul did in fact damage and plunder the sepulcher.”

Ambrus rubs his temples with one hand, then continues. “Our relations with the quahs have already been somewhat strained, although friendlier than their other connections with outsiders. Fortunately for us, we have some history of goodwill with the Shoanti, so Cousin to All was able to convince the other quahs to send representatives to hear our side of the story. Unfortunately for us, our side of the story is still bad. Lumketul showed no regard or respect in his blind pursuit of discovery, and frankly, the Society doesn’t have much grounds to deserve forgiveness. The Muschkal Sepulcher is an important location for all the quahs, and Lumketul’s disregard has cast the Society as a whole in a bad light. We’ve tried contacting Lumketul, but he has cut contact with the Society, and no one in the Society has heard from him in over a year. This is where you come in. I would like for all of you to travel to the meeting of the councilmembers and represent the Society. I believe excuses will not be received well; rather, please petition the council with utmost earnestness and sincerity.”

Ambrus pushes the packet of parchments across the table. “I’ve had Lumketul’s notes on his expedition dug up in the hopes they’d be of some use. I’ve also included a copy of his Chronicle publication, although his embellishments and obfuscation of truth may have rendered it useless; nevertheless, maybe you’ll glean some helpful information from it.” Ambrus then reaches down beside him and pulls up a large satchel and an egg-shaped rock that emits a warm, red glow. “The bag contains the items Lumketul plundered from the burial site. At the very least, we must return the items to the Shoanti, and I request you try to convince the council to allow you to restore the sepulcher to its proper state. As for the stone, if you touch it to a broken object, it will gradually repair it. It won’t last forever, but it should have enough magic left in it for this mission.” The venture-captain pauses for emphasis. “It’s important to the Society to develop further relations with the quahs, so this could be an opportunity to show that we can be trusted.”

Hello all!

This is a recruitment thread for #10-14: Debt to the Quah, Core Version. This is a level 3-7 PFS1 scenario. I'd prefer tier 6-7 as I have GM'd tier 3-4 already in standard, but if we go low we go low, no issues.

As Core and PFS1 are relatively uncommon, this will simply be first come first served. However, if a majority of players are in one tier and one or two are in the other tier, you may be asked to play a pregen or alternate PC. That'll all depend on how things shake out.

To apply simply respond here with your Character Name and their Level (or post with said character, if they are currently leveled up). You are welcome to add flavor or post something interesting, but it is not necessary.

Spell Templates | Citadel Core | Forts GM Torch |

Welcome all, this be where discussion occurs.

Spell Templates | Citadel Core | Forts GM Torch |

You all meet in such a non-descript room for the mission briefing, you can't even tell what color the walls are! It's like a brown, or a tope. Or maybe salmon or cream? Is that a hint of pink? Or orange? Ugh, so bland. AND NO CUCUMBERS OR LIME IN THE WATER!?! WHAT KIND OF BACKWARDS ORGANIZATION IS THIS???

But hey, teammates are showing up! Better talk to them.

You all are welcome to make in character introductions and chat among yourselves, if you wish. This scenario isn't allowed to 'start' until the beginning of Outpost (March 6th, 2023), but a pre-briefing chat is perfectly admissible.

Spell Templates | Citadel Core | Forts GM Torch |

This be where discussion happens. Generally if it is just a quick rules question or short topic, use OOC in gameplay. If it becomes off-topic or a longer discussion, we can bring it here. Off topic game or unrelated conversations are welcome here too.

Welcome all!

This is recruitment for the Pathfinder Society First Edition CORE version of #7-12: The Twisted Circle for the Outpost VI online convention. If that sounds complicated, just send me a PM and I can explain. Beyond that, it is just a fun little romp into the Mana Wastes!

This game has two spots reserved, but the remaining four will be FCFS (first come first served.

All I literally need is your character to post their level and class(es). I'll have a form to fill out with your specific society details later. The two reserved spots are for Kuikka (1) and Corba Nana (2).

I strongly prefer if we end up in the lower tier, but that doesn't mean a level 3-5 player can't join, just that we probably shouldn't have too many of them. Once you apply, go ahead and post in gameplay!

Spell Templates | Citadel Core | Forts GM Torch |

Ghost Dot here please. A ghost dot is when you make a post, submit it, then delete it before it is locked in. This puts the game on your campaigns tab so you can track posts a ton better.

Spell Templates | Citadel Core | Forts GM Torch |

Hello all,

Here is a good place to discuss party composition and eventually OOC stuff. I'll also have the GM assistant introduce themselves as the Seventh Dwarf (played by TriShadow).

There is no requirement that you play the exact PC you applied with, though I'd suggest at least giving it a go for the first mission. But since one can easily tweak a PC before they hit level 2 in PFS play, it wouldn't surprise me if you all did some of that.

My gut feeling is we have a lot of divine stuff rolling and minimal arcane/rogue/charisma stuff. But I don't know enough about your builds to make any strong judgements there. I also strongly believe that most groups can get away with missing a LOT of things in PFS1 Play, so if certain stuff isn't there, don't fret too much. At least at low levels. And at high levels there are a ton more workarounds.

Also, ghost dot into gameplay. I'll get an intro up for our first repeatable in the next couple days so proper introductions can occur, but for now a ghost dot works.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Hello all PFS1'ers!

Have you ever wanted to join a multi-game group?

Have you ever wanted that group to be all dwarves?

Or are you just bored and interested in seeing where this all goes!?!

Do I have a deal for you? (I do)


I am beginning a three-game set of repeatable scenarios for Pathfinder Society 1st Edition Characters. To join you simply need to make a new* Dwarf Character and apply here!

*New may also refer to any existing PC that has 1.5 or less XP and is rebuilt for free into a Dwarf PC. Slow play would be necessary if you start with XP.

So what would I like from your application?

Your Dwarf's Name:
Your Dwarf's Class:
A Joke an actual Dwarf would use in game (self-depreciating allowed):


Additional Notes

I do have one spot reserved for a GM assistant who may also GM a game or two later. However I am willing to take the max allowed, so there are still six slots available.

I am planning to run THREE repeatable scenarios and get everyone to level two. Wounded Wisp, The Confirmation and Fallen Fortress are the likely options.

After those three, we will decide if we wish to continue as a group or go our separate ways.

This will not be a GM rotation (beyond a rare run from the GM assistant). If you discover you don't like my style, just bow out after the session, no hard feelings at all.

The two things I love from players is Roleplay and Push Posts. The ability to combine those two things is even better. I post solidly through the week and rarely on the weekends. A basic scenario takes me about 2-4 months to GM, though long and complicated ones obviously take longer (and simple ones less).

Spell Templates | Citadel Core | Forts GM Torch |

Ensconced in a private meeting room at the famous Farseer Tower in exotic Katapesh, Venture-Captain Wulessa Yuul wastes no time commencing her briefing. “This has all the makings of a magnificent embarrassment,” she begins sourly. “The Grand Lodge recently sent a delegation to the mansion house of Temel Passad in Kerse. Passad is an enormously wealthy devotee of the Prophecies of Kalistrade, and he happens to possess the only known copy of the Mutani Manual of Martial Mastery in the Inner Sea region. The delegates were tasked with obtaining this rare tome, by either purchasing or leasing it."

“By all accounts Passad is a difficult man, but the delegation proved… stupendously inadequate to the task. Not only did they fail to secure the manual, but they also managed to grossly insult the merchant. Two of the representatives were manhandled off the property and taunted by Passad that under no circumstances would he part with the Mutani Manual unless the Society could earn it, challenging us to take it from a hidden location among his many holdings throughout the region. The third delegate, who happens to be one of the foremost experts on all things Tian, was detained by Passad for what he termed ‘an extended conversation on the finer points of ambassadorial etiquette.’ He’s invoked an obscure Druman statute involving foreign embassies, making this kidnapping perfectly legal in his government’s eyes."

She is pissed, obviously at the ineptitude of the prior group, but adds a bit of background detail, "If you don't know, the Mutani Manual holds information essential to the society's goals. And naturally we would also like our agent, Harmidio Besai, rescued as well. But frankly this whole Charlie Foxtrot is a mess and we are just stabbing at the dark. We don't know with certainly which of Passad's holdings has the tome or Besai, nor if they are even in the same place. But of the twelve estates likely, one is near here so that is where I am sending you all. Ghenett Manor, fifty miles west."

She continues, "Do as little damage to the property as possible—we’re not vandals, after all. Also, take nothing else of worth from the place. We’re not common thieves. I cannot stress this strongly enough. Given our already ample embarrassment with Passad, please don’t add to that dishonor by making off with the man’s silverware or his grandmother’s brooch, for Abadar’s bloody sake. No doubt the villa is a sumptuous and tempting target, but you must keep this in the forefront of your minds: The tome and the scholar are all that matter. Everything else is a distraction. The Decemvirate will take a special interest in your conduct on this assignment."

“Lastly, we have reason to believe that others are in pursuit of the Mutani Manual, including agents of the Aspis Consortium. Be wary! Under no circumstances can the book fall into the hands of a rival organization. Now, do you have any questions?"

There don't seem to be any knowledge checks yet, but there are definitely questions that can be answered by her. Make your introductions and ask any questions you want. You can also purchase anything available to your character as you leave the briefing, you are in a major city.

Spell Templates | Citadel Core | Forts GM Torch |

Discussion stuff here. I have players fill their info into the Slides for the game, so no need to add it here. You are welcome to make dayjob rolls here or in gameplay during your introductions. You can also wait till the end of the session to make them. Go ahead and fill out pages 1 and 2 on the slides.

I tend to prefer in game questions to just use the OOC tags in the gameplay thread so everything is kept in the same place, unless it becomes a major distraction and then we'll switch over to here.

You all are welcome to use this for non-game related discourse or general chat!

Once you have filled out your details on the slides, please head over to gameplay and make a post!

Now recruiting for a PFS Core Run of #3-03: The Ghenett Manor Gauntlet.

Spots will be given out on a First Come, First Served basis.

I don't need crazy complicated character details for your application, just character name and level.

My scenarios tend to take between 5-10 weeks, so keep that in mind when applying. Details about how I try to GM and handle some things are in my profile if you want to look before applying. Thanks and good luck!

Spell Templates | Citadel Core | Forts GM Torch |

Please Ghost Dot* here IF you have already signed up on the spreadsheet. Details about this game can be found in Discussion.

*Ghost Dotting means you submit a one or two word post and then delete it. This puts the game on your campaign tab and prevents this thread from being cluttered.

Spell Templates | Citadel Core | Forts GM Torch |

Hello all, this is a game being run for the online PbP convention Gameday X, #2-11: The Penumbral Accords (Core).

It is recruited via spreadsheet, so head over here FIRST*, sign up on the line for this game (it was line 3 as of the time of this post) and then come on back to dot into gameplay.

*One further note, the earliest you can sign up is August 9th if you are GM'ing something for the convention or August 16th if you are a general player.


That said, discussion stuff is posted in this thread. I have players fill their info into the slides for the game, so no need to add it here. You are welcome to make dayjob rolls here or in gameplay during your introductions. You can also wait till the end of the session to make them.

I tend to prefer in game questions to just use the OOC tags in the gameplay thread so everything is kept in the same place. The only exception is if there is a lengthy discussion about a rule or rules.

But you all are welcome to use this for non-game related discourse or general chat!

Spell Templates | Citadel Core | Forts GM Torch |

Discussing the forthcoming mission over a light breakfast of pastries and fruit is a welcome change of routine from Venture Captain Drandle Dreng’s usual midnight requests.

“As you well know, the Society has a need for discreet ways of moving goods into and out of Absalom. Over the last year we’ve developed some reliable routes through the sewers and caverns underneath the city and this has worked well for us until recently."

“Over the last few months, a tribe of kobolds calling themselves the Sewer Dragons started disrupting our supply with traps and ambushes. We know of several tribes of kobolds beneath Absalom, and generally, they are only a nuisance, but these have proved particularly troubling. They have blocked a few vital deliveries of late and some Pathfinders have disappeared. The Decemvirate is starting to get concerned.”

“I need you to track down these Sewer Dragons and resolve this problem. I would prefer you make an effort to negotiate a truce of some sort with these pests. While I have little respect for the reptilian creatures who plague our sewers, I suspect if we exterminate them, some other threat will fill in the void they leave behind.”

Dreng pauses a moment to finish eating a peach, then continues. “You could wander around the sewers for days and not find one of these Sewer Dragons. Fortunately, I have found a resource for you. A few years ago they hired a Taldan scholar by the name of Emral Xarcious to tutor the tribal leader’s children. I suspect Xarcious can lead you to the Dragons."

“The Decemvirate has a shipment of antiquities coming next week and I expect this situation to be resolved by then. It’s up to you to ensure the shipment goes off with no hitches. There is no time to fool around—you need to get moving.”

Once you have introduced yourselves and asked any questions of Drandle, there will be some knowledge checks. We'll wait on those just a bit to keep the continuity clean. Drandle's Image is on the slides.

Spell Templates | Citadel Core | Forts GM Torch |

Discussion stuff here. I have players fill their info into the slides for the game, so no need to add it here. You are welcome to make dayjob rolls here or in gameplay during your introductions. You can also wait till the end of the session to make them. Go ahead and fill out pages 1 and 2 on the slides.

I tend to prefer in game questions to just use the OOC tags in the gameplay thread so everything is kept in the same place, unless it becomes a major distraction and then we'll switch over to here.

You all are welcome to use this for non-game related discourse or general chat!

Now recruiting for a PFS (Standard) run of 3-02: Sewer Dragons of Absalom (3-7).

I have one spot reserved for a level three melee class (Thyste), so this will be tier 3-4, though a couple out of tier would be welcome as long as it doesn't push us too high.

The remainder of the (up to) five spots will be given out on a First Come, First Served basis.

I don't need crazy complicated character details for your application, just character name and level.

My scenarios tend to take between 5-8 weeks, so keep that in mind when applying. Details about how I try to GM and handle some things are in my profile if you want to look before applying. Thanks and good luck!

Spell Templates | Citadel Core | Forts GM Torch |

The invitation delivered last night was remarkably simple, especially given the importance of the occasion: “Start where it all began. Meet us at the Pig’s Paunch one hour before dawn.”

The Pig’s Paunch is a run-down building with a faded sign of a large pig standing on its hind legs, arms folded above a corpulent belly. Inside, the air is thick with the scents of human sweat, stale tobacco, and leftover food. In the center of the room, surrounded by inebriates sleeping off their revelries, a familiar elven man stands high upon top of a large round table.

“Welcome! Welcome, my students! Please, have a seat!” With that, Kreighton Shaine, the Pathfinder Society’s Master of Scrolls, nimbly drops down to sit cross-legged on the table before looking about the tavern with a sense of reverent wonder. “Can you believe it? It all started here years ago—well, over four hundred of them at least. Under this very roof the Pathfinder Society was born."

“But today! Today you will begin your Confirmation! Master Farabellus, Master Zey, and I all agree you each have shown your worth and dedication to the Society, so there’s no better time to see if you can handle becoming full field operatives. Allow me to introduce you to Janira Gavix,” he says as he motions for an excitable halfling woman to approach. She wears a large backpack and carries all manner of tools, pouches, and scroll cases around her waist. Shaine continues, saying, “Janira here will be going with you on your Confirmation. She was one of my brightest pupils and will no doubt be an invaluable resource on your journey, for she discovered the caves you are about to explore during her own Confirmation.”

Janira speaks up in an enthusiastic and cheerful voice, “Greetings, aspiring Pathfinders! Six months ago, while I was mapping cave entrances in the foothills of the Kortos Mounts, I witnessed a lone gillman entering a concealed cave. I thought little of it at the time, but I saw another one enter the cave again a month later as my Confirmation stretched on. A few days later, after I completed my assigned task, I entered the cave system, but was unable to find the gillmen.” Master Shaine hops to his feet. “Initiates, for your Confirmation, you will travel to these caves to explore and document its many
passages. Additionally, and most importantly, you are to learn what the gillmen are up to in there. Oh, and you need to come back alive as well.”
With these parting words, the Master of Scrolls jumps off the table and strolls out of the building while humming to himself.

Janira cringers when he says the words 'come back alive', but doesn't add anything. Her cheerful smile returns as Kreighton leaves. She appears to be waiting to see if any of you have questions or comments.


Everyone knows that at the center of the Isle of Kortos stand the Kortos Mounts, the points on the island.

A Trained Knowledge Geography roll might grant a little more information though.

Also, a trained Knowledge History roll might glean some additional information about Gilmen.

Spell Templates | Citadel Core | Forts GM Torch |

Discussion stuff here. I have players fill their info into the slides for the game, so no need to add it here. I also tend to prefer in game questions to just use the OOC tags in the gameplay thread so everything is kept in the same place.

But you all are welcome to use this for non-game related discourse or general chat!

Please fill in your information on pages 1 and 2 of the slides. I believe we may be at APL 1.5, which actually means you all get to choose to play tier 1 or tier 2. Majority chooses.

Hello all,

This is a recruitment thread for a run of 5-08: The Confirmation. It is a scenario for level 1 or level 2 PFS1 Standard PC's. Level 1's can replay it for free once per character. Level 2's can play it once.

FCFS, but I'd like to save a spot or two for new PbP players and the game will be capped at six.

I've played the Confirmation a ton of times, but never run it. Other than that, I don't need any character information posted here, just what character you are bringing (name/class). All those nitty gritty details I'll have you fill in later. We will start pretty quickly.

Good luck!

Spell Templates | Citadel Core | Forts GM Torch |

This one is an easy start. We pick up right after Kenta's Story: Chapter 1 and will eventually (once everyone has checked in) drift into the next mission! The setting is the bar in the story. You may react to anything before, during or after the story.

Kenta's Story

Spell Templates | Citadel Core | Forts GM Torch |

Hello Skulk, discussion stuff is posted in this thread. I have players fill their info into the slides for the game (pending), so no need to add it here. You are welcome to make dayjob rolls here or in gameplay during your introductions though. You can also wait till the end of the session to make them.

I tend to prefer in game questions to just use the OOC tags in the gameplay thread so everything is kept in the same place.

But you all are welcome to use this for non-game related discourse or general pathfinder chat!

Spell Templates | Citadel Core | Forts GM Torch |

Onna/Hiiragi/Utara/Phidoe, Ghost Dot in here as whatever alt id you wish to use.

Spell Templates | Citadel Core | Forts GM Torch |

Welcome my four foxes to an extravagant wondrous playing of... SUNDERED WAAAAAAVES!!!.

Anyway, the scenario hasn't dropped yet so I don't have slides up or anything else. But go ahead and pop in here and ghost dot with whatever ALT ID you wish to use in gameplay. No need for character information yet either. I'll have a form on the slides to fill in when those go up.

Spell Templates | Citadel Core | Forts GM Torch |

Hello all, this is a game being run for the online PbP convention Outpost IV, #4-02: In Wrath's Shadow (Standard).

It is recruited via spreadsheet, so head over here FIRST, sign up on the line for this game (it was line 29 as of the time of this post) and then come on back to dot into gameplay.

One further note, the earliest you can sign up is January 26th if you are GM'ing something for the convention or January 29th if you are a general player.


The port is bustling and all you know is the name of the sloop where your mission will start. After asking for directions (the scamp charged a dang silver) you make your way to the proper dock. The ship is being loaded and the quartermaster eyes your approach, "Pathfinder Passenger?"

Go ahead and post your intro and character description (this will make this campaign show on your tabs). This is also a pre-mission-briefing opportunity to RP with the other players. Enjoy!

Spell Templates | Citadel Core | Forts GM Torch |

Hello all, this is a game being run for the online PbP convention Outpost IV, #4-02: In Wrath's Shadow (Core).

It is recruited via spreadsheet, so head over here FIRST, sign up on the line for this game (it was line 13 as of the time of this post) and then come on back to dot into gameplay.

One further note, the earliest you can sign up is January 26th if you are GM'ing something for the convention or January 29th if you are a general player.


The port is bustling and all you know is the name of the sloop where your mission will start. After asking for directions (the scamp charged a dang silver) you make your way to the proper dock. The ship is being loaded and the quartermaster eyes your approach, "Pathfinder Passenger?"

Go ahead and post your intro and character description (this will make this campaign show on your tabs). This is also a pre-mission-briefing opportunity to RP with the other players. Enjoy!

Spell Templates | Citadel Core | Forts GM Torch |

Hello all, this is a game being run for the online PbP convention Outpost IV, #3-06: Song of the Sea Witch (Standard).

It is recruited via spreadsheet, so head over here FIRST, sign up on the line for this game (it was line 29 as of the time of this post) and then come on back to dot into gameplay.

One further note, the earliest you can sign up is January 26th if you are GM'ing something for the convention or January 29th if you are a general player.


That said, discussion stuff is posted in this thread. I have players fill their info into the slides for the game, so no need to add it here. You are welcome to make dayjob rolls here or in gameplay during your introductions. You can also wait till the end of the session to make them.

I tend to prefer in game questions to just use the OOC tags in the gameplay thread so everything is kept in the same place.

But you all are welcome to use this for non-game related discourse or general chat!

I'll start...

My favorite food is pretty much all foods, but I really dislike coconut.

Spell Templates | Citadel Core | Forts GM Torch |

Hello all, this is a game being run for the online PbP convention Outpost IV, #4-02: In Wrath's Shadow (Core).

It is recruited via spreadsheet, so head over here FIRST, sign up on the line for this game (it was line 13 as of the time of this post) and then come on back to dot into gameplay.

One further note, the earliest you can sign up is January 26th if you are GM'ing something for the convention or January 29th if you are a general player.


That said, discussion stuff is posted in this thread. I have players fill their info into the slides for the game, so no need to add it here. You are welcome to make dayjob rolls here or in gameplay during your introductions. You can also wait till the end of the session to make them.

I tend to prefer in game questions to just use the OOC tags in the gameplay thread so everything is kept in the same place.

But you all are welcome to use this for non-game related discourse or general chat!

I'll start...

My favorite color is Purple, but my favorite book or movie is not "The Color Purple".

Spell Templates | Citadel Core | Forts GM Torch |

As you may have guessed, this is where the magic happens! Anything here prior to our official start date of January 4th is literally just character intro, chatter and prep. If some of you can't go on the 4th, you are still welcome to participate here until then. Enjoy!


You receive urgent summons for your next mission to meet at the Absalom Lantern Lodge for your briefing.

Upon arrival (it is early morning) at the very heavily Tian Xia influenced facility, a friendly host asks, "Yōkoso, anata wa koko ni tabemono ka nani ka hoka no monodesu ka?"

"Welcome, are you here food or something else?"

If you give a blank look of misunderstanding, she repeats herself with the same cheery smile, "Welcome, are you here food or something else?"

Spell Templates | Citadel Core | Forts GM Torch |

Discussion stuff here. I have players fill their info into the slides for the game, so no need to add it here. You are welcome to make dayjob rolls here or in gameplay during your introductions. You can also wait till the end of the session to make them. Go ahead and fill out pages 1 and 2 on the slides with as much info as you know. Things may change between now and the start date, that is totally fine!

I tend to prefer in game questions to just use the OOC tags in the gameplay thread so everything is kept in the same place.

But you all are welcome to use this for non-game related discourse or general chat!

I'll start...

My favorite color is Purple, food is Cheese Rarebit and I'm a bit of a cinephile (but not a cine-snob).

Hello all,

I am recruiting for a PFS Core run of 3-06: Song of the Sea Witch. One spot is reserved for the patron of this adventure (a lvl 6 or 7 Bard).

This will very likely be a high tier run of this scenario, so if you don't have a lvl 5-7 Core PC, please consider running a pregen.

Recruitment will be accepted in the following priority, though I will take who I have to take to get this session off the ground.
*Core PC's lvl 5-7
*Core PC's lvl 5-7 from players who played in my last game (School of Spirits)
*Level 7 Core Pregens for lower level Core PC's (preferably not brand new ones)

There is no need to fill in the usual character submission things (name/lvl/faction/dayjob/etc...), that step will be handled at a later point. Just list Class and Level in your application post, Thanks!

Once we have our group set I'll open up the threads and get this mission going! Estimated mission start date is January 4th, 2021 though mustering will be well prior to that. Recruitment is planned to be open for 24-48 hours.

Spell Templates | Citadel Core | Forts GM Torch |

Welcome all! Check out slide one to fill in your character information. You are welcome to use this thread for dayjob rolls (now or at the end of the session). Any RP related to those would also add a nice bit of RP flavor to your character introduction. A couple of you have already rolled over in recruitment and added your info there, which is fine. I transferred it over to the document. Also, fill out your marching order and the other stuff on slide two. Now, without further ado, Here We Go!


The fall rains have come early this year, and a chill wind blows off the waters of Absalom’s harbor, bringing with it the smell of a storm somewhere far off at sea. Venture-Captain Drandle Dreng (Image on Slides Page 3) hurries down the street in a most unusual outfit for the aging Venture-Captain: some sort of blue military uniform complete with a green sash displaying a pair of ornate medals and a black umbrella.

“Ah, there you all are,” he half-mutters to himself. “Is everyone here?”

Without waiting for an answer, he turns on his heels and heads off at a brisk pace, occasionally turning around to make sure everyone is keeping up.

This is a perfect opportunity for introductions. In addition, a trained K: Nobility or Local check is allowed to learn more about Dreng's uniform.

Spell Templates | Citadel Core | Forts GM Torch |

Discussion stuff here. I have players fill their info into the slides for the game, so no need to add it here. I also tend to prefer in game questions to just use the OOC tags in the gameplay thread so everything is kept in the same place.

But you all are welcome to use this for non-game related discourse or general chat!

I'll start...

How is everyone doing mentally during the current pandemic? Making enough time for self-care to keep yourself squared away?

Hello all,

I am recruiting for a PFS Core run of 7-05: School of Spirits. One spot is reserved for the patron of this adventure (a lvl 3 Monk).

I would prefer a high tier run of this scenario, so if you don't have a lvl 3-5 Core PC, please consider running a pregen. However, if no one joins at high tier it will be run low.

Recruitment will be accepted in the following priority, though I will take who I have to take to get this session off the ground.
*Core PC's lvl 3-5
*Core Pregens for Core PC's lvl 1-2
*Core PC's lvl 1-2

Once we have our group set I'll open up the threads and get this mission going!

Spell Templates | Citadel Core | Forts GM Torch |

Ghost dot here for now, a mustering post will be up soon.

Spell Templates | Citadel Core | Forts GM Torch |

Discussion for GM TOP's run of PFS2 #1-05, Trailblazer's Bounty for Gameday IX.

If you have already signed up for this on my recruitment form, go ahead and check in here and ghost dot into gameplay. If not, there is currently one spot available. If you want to join, go to the slides and fill in your info on the recruitment page.

Further stuff will develop here and in gameplay as we ramp up to our start date of September 1st, thanks!

Spell Templates | Citadel Core | Forts GM Torch |

After a period of R & R, each pathfinder receives a missive to report to the Grand Lodge in Absalom for a mission of high importance. Kenta regretfully declines, saying that his divine skills are needed in Lastwall right now. "They are just so understaffed, when I can spare a moment, I'll catch up with you all."

He wishes you all well, hoping to be free for your next mission.

Go ahead and narrate your travels and/or arrival to the Grand Lodge in Absalom.

Spell Templates | Citadel Core | Forts GM Torch |

Welcome my friends, please hop on over to the slides (in my header or at the top of the campaign) and fill in your information on pages one and two. I really need the stuff on page one soon, as it is information for gameplay. The page two stuff is for reporting purposes, so that can be done now or later. Rolls for dayjobs can come at any point during the session as well, just do them in the discussion thread and note the results on the slides.

Other than that, this is a discussion thread so... discuss things?

Spell Templates | Citadel Core | Forts GM Torch |

The morning starts as most do nowadays. Getting yourself out of bed, doing the normal routine and heading over to the pathfinder lodge. Once there you are saddened to find that no mission is on the que for the day which means... more team-building exercises. SO MANY MEETINGS! Couldn't today's business just have been handled by a nicely worded letter or message spell?

Anyway, you are assigned to a group and find yourself ushered into a cramped room with a table and six seats. A small plate of pastries with a cold pitcher of fresh milk and six cups appear to be available as snacks. A single note is placed on the tray which reads, Help yourself to the food. Please introduce yourself to everyone else in the room and explain why you chose to become a pathfinder. Thanks!

Spell Templates | Citadel Core | Forts GM Torch |

Welcome one and all to the discussion section of my Outpost III game. This game is currently full but there are plenty of other games available over on the Outpost III signup sheet.

If you are signed up for this game or have come here via my mustering request, go ahead and fill out the information on page one and two of the Slides for the scenario.

Outpost III begins March 30th. The gameplay thread is now open for character introduction and pre-scenario mustering, hop on over there once you fill out your discussion info.

Spell Templates | Citadel Core | Forts GM Torch |

Astingaire Morrington:
During an intense and likely drug or alcohol induced session of vision seeking, you have learned that your God wishes you to travel to Absalom. There is a holy relic there hidden in a recently revealed tower outside the city. He suggests you bring friends to help as meatshields against the tower's inhabitants.

While meditating about the nature of your gifts, you receive a small vision of a crumbling tower in the easily recognizable planes around Absalom. At the top of the tower is a gorgeous golden dragon. You know not more, but the urge to search for this dragon is strong.

Ispen Ironblood:
Hooking up with the pathfinder organization was a valuable call. Or at least it seems like it is going to be valuable. So far, you've only been given free transport to the Grand Lodge in Absalom and enough food for the trip. Once all your paperwork was filled out (why is there always so much paperwork!) you are given a bed in a bunkhouse at the lodge and told a mission will come your way soon. Itching to actually do SOMETHING you spend most of the night awake, restlessly waiting for morning and the hope of a mission.

You are in Absalom, the mighty City at the Center of the World and you’ve always longed to explore one of the countless ruins of failed conquerors that litter the plains outside the city’s walls.

You’ve heard rumors that one of the sealed siege castles has been laid open by a minor earthquake. Word on the street is that no one has yet entered the tower, which folks are calling the “Fallen Fortress.” What better way to start a life of excitement and adventure than by exploring its long-abandoned, dusty halls and perhaps claiming its ancient treasures?

Your pathfinder lodge sends you a note that reads, Meet at six am at the 'Fancy Duds & Suds' tavern on the corner of Oak St. and Cayden Ave.

Upon arrival, the tavern is quite fancy... and mostly empty. Four halflings are sitting in one corner eating a very hearty breakfast muttering about a ring they lost.

Other than those four and a host/waitress/bartender, there is a single half-orc sitting at a large round table who waves you over. "Have a seat and welcome, pathfinders. The lodge has provided an allowance for breakfast, though it is a bit small and can only cover the basic porridge, fruit & milk meal combo served here. But still, not a bad deal. Then we can talk about your mission with a full belly."

Spell Templates | Citadel Core | Forts GM Torch |

Howdy all, please head on over to the slides and fill in your information on pages 1 and 2.

Once that is complete you are more than welcome to hop onto the gameplay thread to post your character introduction.

You may roll your dayjob check now in discussion or wait until the end of the session, just indicate either the result or that you are waiting to roll on the slide. Thanks!